Layer Costs

The Layer Costs view object contains the current transactions and overhead Costs.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.CstBiccExtractAM.CstLayerCostsExtractPVO

Primary Keys : CstLayerCostsPEOLayerCostId

Initial Extract Date : CstLayerCostsPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : CstLayerCostsPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
CstLayerCostsPEOAbsorptionType Overhead Absorption Rule. Possible values are: 1 or 2. 1 indicates include in Inventory value. 2 indicates expense.
CstLayerCostsPEOAdditionalProcessingCode Additional Processing Code is an optional further definition of the Cost Transaction type. It's used on adjustment transactions Cost Transaction Type is set to ADJUST and is set to USER when the adjustment was done by the user. Otherwise, it's set to null.
CstLayerCostsPEOAdjPostedFlag Indicates if the status of adjustment propagation. Possible values are: X, N, or Y. X indicates not applicable. N indicates adjustment not propagated. Y indicates adjustment propagated.
CstLayerCostsPEOBaseTxnTypeId Transaction type identifier. For operation transactions, this value comes from CST_INTERNAL_TXN_TYPES_VL.
CstLayerCostsPEOCostBookId Unique identifier of the cost book associated to the cost organization. This is the primary key of the Cost Books view object.
CstLayerCostsPEOCostDate Transaction cost date.
CstLayerCostsPEOCostElementId Unique identifier of the cost element corresponding to the cost of the transaction. This is the primary key of the Cost Elements view object.
CstLayerCostsPEOCostOrgId Unique identifier of the cost organization associated with the inventory organization.
CstLayerCostsPEOCostReference Indicates the cost reference for the layer costs transaction.
CstLayerCostsPEOCostSource Identifies the source of the cost, such as Work Order. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type CST_COST_SOURCES.
CstLayerCostsPEOCostTransactionType Cost Transaction Type is used by the costing engine to categorize group processing. Set to ADJUST for adjustments, null otherwise.
CstLayerCostsPEOCreatedBy User who created the layer cost.
CstLayerCostsPEOCreationDate Date and time when the cost layer was created.
CstLayerCostsPEOCurrencyCode Unique identifier of currency of the transaction or cost.
CstLayerCostsPEODepTrxnId The unique identifier of the deplete transaction.
CstLayerCostsPEODistributionId The unique identifier of the cost distribution header record. This is the primary key of the Cost Distributions view object.
CstLayerCostsPEODistributionType Indicates the distribution type. Useful if the same event type may go into different accounting line types, depending on some attribute on the cost.
CstLayerCostsPEOEffDate Effective date of this cost.
CstLayerCostsPEOExpensePoolId Unique identifier of the expense pool. This is the primary key of the Overhead Expense Pools view object.
CstLayerCostsPEOInventoryItemId Unique identifier of the Inventory Item.
CstLayerCostsPEOLastUpdateDate Date when the cost layer row was last updated.
CstLayerCostsPEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who last updated the layer costs row.
CstLayerCostsPEOLastUpdatedBy User who last updated the layer costs row.
CstLayerCostsPEOLayerCostId The unique identifier of the layer cost.
CstLayerCostsPEOOnhandQuantity Contains the on hand quantity of the inventory at the time this layer was costed.
CstLayerCostsPEOOnhandValue Contains the on hand value for the inventory at the time this layer was costed. The value is stored at the item and or cost element level.
CstLayerCostsPEOOnhandValueStatusFlag Indicates on hand value status. Possible values include: U, P, X, or L. U indicates unprocessed. P indicates processed. X indicates exclude. L indicates latest.
CstLayerCostsPEOPeriodName Value that identifies the period in which the transaction is processed. This value is populated for transactions of items using the periodic average cost method.
CstLayerCostsPEOPerpavgCostId Unique identifier of the perpetual average cost used for this row.
CstLayerCostsPEOPostedFlag Indicates if distributions have been created for this row or not. Possible values are: Y or N. Y indicates yes. N indicates no.
CstLayerCostsPEOQuantity Indicates the current on-hand quantity.
CstLayerCostsPEORecTrxnId Unique identifier of the receipt transaction.
CstLayerCostsPEOStdCostId Unique identifier of the standard cost used for this row.
CstLayerCostsPEOTransactionCostId Unique identifier of the transaction cost. This is the primary key of the Transaction Costs view object
CstLayerCostsPEOTransactionId Unique identifier of the costing transaction. This is the primary key of the Costing Transactions view object
CstLayerCostsPEOUnitCost Unit cost derived at cost element and expense pool level.
CstLayerCostsPEOUomCode Code that identifies the unit of measure for the operation transaction. Currently, it's only primary unit of measure.
CstLayerCostsPEOValOnhandFlag Indicates if the on hand calculations have been done for the layer. Values are: N or NULL. N indicates not processed. NULL indicates processed for on hand calculations
CstLayerCostsPEOValUnitId Unique identifier of the Valuation unit. This is the primary key of the Valuation Units view object.
CstLayerCostsPEOWoCostPostedFlag Indicates if costs related to WIP have been transferred to CST_WORK_ORDER_COSTS. Possible values: N, Y, or X. N indicates no. Y indicates yes. X indicates not required.