Layer Inventory Valuations

The Layer Inventory Valuations view object contains layer valuations with quantities at the inventory attribute level and the costs as total costs.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.CstBiccExtractAM.CstLayerInventoryValuationExtractPVO

Primary Keys : CstLayerInventoryValuationPEOValuationId

Initial Extract Date : CstLayerInventoryValuationPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : CstLayerInventoryValuationPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
CstLayerInventoryValuationPEOCostBookId Value that identifies the cost book assigned to the cost organization.
CstLayerInventoryValuationPEOCostMethodCode Value that identifies the cost method code. Valid values include PERPETUAL AVERAGE and FIFO.
CstLayerInventoryValuationPEOCostOrgId Value that identifies the cost organization associated with the inventory organization.
CstLayerInventoryValuationPEOCountryOfOriginCode Value that identifies the country of the origin associated with the valuation.
CstLayerInventoryValuationPEOCreatedBy User who created the row.
CstLayerInventoryValuationPEOCreationDate Date and time the row was created.
CstLayerInventoryValuationPEOCurrencyCode Value that identifies the currency of the transaction.
CstLayerInventoryValuationPEOEndDate Value that identifies the date effectivity. The information in the row is valid up to this date.
CstLayerInventoryValuationPEOInventoryItemId Value that identifies the inventory Item associated with the transaction.
CstLayerInventoryValuationPEOInventoryOrgId Value that identifies the inventory organization associated with the item.
CstLayerInventoryValuationPEOLastUpdateDate Date and time the row was last updated.
CstLayerInventoryValuationPEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
CstLayerInventoryValuationPEOLastUpdatedBy User who last updated the row.
CstLayerInventoryValuationPEOLocatorId Value that identifies the transaction's inventory locator.
CstLayerInventoryValuationPEOPeriodName Value that identifies the period in which the valuation exists.
CstLayerInventoryValuationPEOPerpAverageCost Value that identifies the perpetual average cost, if the valuation is for a perpetual average costed item.
CstLayerInventoryValuationPEOPriorValuationId Value that identifies the prior period valuation record.
CstLayerInventoryValuationPEOProjectId Value that identifies the project associated with the valuation.
CstLayerInventoryValuationPEOQuantityOnhand Value that identifies the on hand quantity of the item in the current period.
CstLayerInventoryValuationPEORecTrxnId Value that identifies the receipt transaction identifier for which the layer on hand is displayed. This can also contain the issue transaction identifier if the information is for a negative inventory depletion layer.
CstLayerInventoryValuationPEOStandardCost Value that identifies the standard cost if the valuation is for a standard costed item.
CstLayerInventoryValuationPEOStartDate Value that identifies the date of the snapshot of on hand inventory and cost taken for reporting in OTBI analysis.
CstLayerInventoryValuationPEOSubinventoryCode Value that identifies the subinventory code where the item is stored.
CstLayerInventoryValuationPEOTaskId Value that identifies the project task associated with the valuation.
CstLayerInventoryValuationPEOUnitCost Value that identifies the actual cost if the valuation is for an actual costed item.
CstLayerInventoryValuationPEOUomCode Value that identifies the unit of measure of the quantities.
CstLayerInventoryValuationPEOValUnitId Value that identifies the valuation unit identifier for the transaction.
CstLayerInventoryValuationPEOValuationId Value that identifies the database generated number used to identify a unique record.