Costing Resource Transactions

The Costing Resource Transactions view object contains the manufacturing resource transactions that are to be processed by the Create Cost Accounting Distributions process. The transactions are staged for every cost book within the cost organization associated to the plant where the resource was consumed. In addition to the resource transactions from manufacturing, this also contain the logical transaction for the WIP revaluation corresponding to the resource rate changes.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.CstBiccExtractAM.CstResourceTxnsExtractPVO

Primary Keys : CstResourceTxnsPEOResourceTransactionId

Initial Extract Date : CstResourceTxnsPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : CstResourceTxnsPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
CstResourceTxnsPEOAccountingStatus Accounting status of the transaction. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type CST_ACCOUNTED_FLAG.
CstResourceTxnsPEOAdditionalProcessingCode Additional processing code is used on adjustment transactions and is set to WIP_STD_RESOURCE when the adjustment is triggered by cost change else it's set to NULL. An adjustment transaction is a transaction where the cost transaction type is set to ADJUST. Additional processing code is optional.
CstResourceTxnsPEOBaseTxnActionId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction action.
CstResourceTxnsPEOBaseTxnSourceTypeId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction source type. The value will always be 0.
CstResourceTxnsPEOBaseTxnTypeId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction type.
CstResourceTxnsPEOComponentGroupId Value that uniquely identifies the cost component group derived from the asset cost profile.
CstResourceTxnsPEOCostBookId Value that uniquely identifies the cost book to which the transaction belongs. This is the primary key of the Cost Books view object.
CstResourceTxnsPEOCostDate Date when the resource transaction is costed. This date is used to derive the applicable rate for the resource transaction. This date can be different from the transaction date if the resource transaction is back dated. Cost date rules for resource transactions are similar to that for inventory transactions.
CstResourceTxnsPEOCostMethodCode Code that identifies the cost method associated with the asset cost profile of the primary item. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type CST_COST_METHODS.
CstResourceTxnsPEOCostOrgId Value that uniquely identifies the cost organization which is associated to the plant or inventory organization of the resource transaction.
CstResourceTxnsPEOCostProfileId Value that uniquely identifies the asset cost profile linked to the item cost profile. This cost profile is used to get the cost component mapping that's required to map the resource rate cost components to the cost elements. This is the primary key of the Cost Profiles view object.
CstResourceTxnsPEOCostTransactionType Type of cost transaction. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type CST_QUANTITY_FLOW.
CstResourceTxnsPEOCostingStatus Costing status that identifies whether a transaction has been preprocessed, processed by cost processor, distributions have been created, processed by subledger accounting, and so on. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type CST_COST_STATUS.
CstResourceTxnsPEOCreatedBy User who created the resource transaction.
CstResourceTxnsPEOCreationDate Date and time when the resource transaction was created.
CstResourceTxnsPEOCstWoResourceTxnId Value that uniquely identifies the resource transaction interfaced to costing from manufacturing. This is the primary key of the Costing Work Order Resource Transactions view object.
CstResourceTxnsPEOCstWorkOrderId Value that uniquely identifies the work order where the resource was consumed. This is the primary key of the Costing Work Orders view object.
CstResourceTxnsPEOCstWorkOrderOperationId Value that uniquely identifier the work order operation where the resource was consumed. This is the primary key of the Costing Work Order Operations view object.
CstResourceTxnsPEOEquipmentInstanceId Value that uniquely identifies the equipment instance.
CstResourceTxnsPEOErrorCode Code that identifies the error message if the transaction is in an error state.
CstResourceTxnsPEOInventoryItemId Value that uniquely identifies the primary product associated to the work order where the resource was consumed.
CstResourceTxnsPEOInventoryOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the plant where the resource was consumed.
CstResourceTxnsPEOItemCostProfileId Value that uniquely identifies the item cost profile of the primary product of the work order associated to the resource transaction. This is the primary key of the Item Cost Profiles view object.
CstResourceTxnsPEOLaborInstanceId Value that uniquely identifies the labor instance.
CstResourceTxnsPEOLastUpdateDate Date when the resource transaction was last updated.
CstResourceTxnsPEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who last updated the resource transaction.
CstResourceTxnsPEOLastUpdatedBy User who last updated the resource transaction.
CstResourceTxnsPEOLeTimezoneCode Code that identifies the legal entity time zone configured. If NULL, then legal entity time zone isn't enabled and the dates are assumed to be in the server time zone.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPeriodName Value that identifies the period in which the transaction is processed. This value is populated for transactions of items using the periodic average cost method.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPjcBillableFlag Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then the project-related item can be billed to customers. If N, then the project-related item can't be billed to customers. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPjcCapitalizableFlag Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then the project-related item is eligible for capitalization. If N, then the project-related item isn't eligible for capitalization. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPjcContextCategory Segment used to identify the descriptive flexfield application context for project-related standardized cost collection.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPjcContractId Value that uniquely identifies the contract. This is used when Oracle Contract Billing or Oracle Grants Accounting is installed.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPjcContractLineId Value that uniquely identifies the contract line information. This is used when Oracle Contract Billing or Oracle Grants Accounting is installed.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPjcExpenditureItemDate Date when a project-related transaction is incurred.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPjcExpenditureTypeId Value that uniquely identifies the expenditure type used to build the transaction descriptive flexfield for project-related transaction distributions.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPjcFundingAllocationId Value that uniquely identifies the project funding override. This attribute is used when Oracle Contract Billing or Oracle Grants Accounting is installed.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPjcOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the expenditure organization used to build the transaction descriptive flexfield for project-related transaction distributions.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPjcProjectId Value that uniquely identifies the project against which the resource transaction was performed.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPjcReservedAttribute1 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield. Reserved for functionality provided by Oracle Projects Cloud.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPjcReservedAttribute10 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield. Reserved for functionality provided by Oracle Projects Cloud.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPjcReservedAttribute2 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield. Reserved for functionality provided by Oracle Projects Cloud.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPjcReservedAttribute3 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield. Reserved for functionality provided by Oracle Projects Cloud.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPjcReservedAttribute4 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield. Reserved for functionality provided by Oracle Projects Cloud.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPjcReservedAttribute5 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield. Reserved for functionality provided by Oracle Projects Cloud.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPjcReservedAttribute6 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield. Reserved for functionality provided by Oracle Projects Cloud.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPjcReservedAttribute7 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield. Reserved for functionality provided by Oracle Projects Cloud.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPjcReservedAttribute8 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield. Reserved for functionality provided by Oracle Projects Cloud.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPjcReservedAttribute9 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield. Reserved for functionality provided by Oracle Projects Cloud.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPjcTaskId Value that uniquely identifies the task against which the resource transaction was performed.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPjcUserDefAttribute1 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPjcUserDefAttribute10 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPjcUserDefAttribute2 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPjcUserDefAttribute3 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPjcUserDefAttribute4 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPjcUserDefAttribute5 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPjcUserDefAttribute6 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPjcUserDefAttribute7 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPjcUserDefAttribute8 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPjcUserDefAttribute9 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPjcWorkTypeId Value that uniquely identifies the project-related classification of the work performed.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPostedFlag Contains one of the following values: Y, N, or E. If Y, then the transaction has been processed and costs created in the Work Order Operation Transaction Costs view object. If N, then the transaction hasn't been processed. If E, then the transaction is in an error state. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPreprocessingStatus Preprocessing status of the transactions. Contains one of the following values: SUCCESS or ERROR.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPrimaryQuantity Resource usage in the primary unit of measure.
CstResourceTxnsPEOPrimaryUomCode Code that identifies the primary unit of measure for the resource.
CstResourceTxnsPEOResourceActivityCode Code that identifies the activity associated to the resource transaction. This is used to derive the resource rates.
CstResourceTxnsPEOResourceId Value that uniquely identifies the resource that was consumed. This attribute along with the plant, cost organization, and cost book combination is used to derive the resource rate.
CstResourceTxnsPEOResourceTransactionId Value that uniquely identifies the resource transaction.
CstResourceTxnsPEOTransactionDate Date and time when the resource was consumed.
CstResourceTxnsPEOTransactionQuantity Resource usage in transaction unit of measure.
CstResourceTxnsPEOTransactionUomCode Code that identifies the transaction unit of measure.
CstResourceTxnsPEOTxnSourceDocNumber Document number of the transaction. This is the resource transaction identifier.
CstResourceTxnsPEOTxnSourceDocType Document type of the transaction. The value will always be WO indicating work order.
CstResourceTxnsPEOTxnSourceRefDocNumber Reference document number of the transaction. This is the work order reference.
CstResourceTxnsPEOTxnSourceRefDocType Reference document type of the transaction. The value will always be WO indicating work order.
CstResourceTxnsPEOWoOperationResourceId Value that uniquely identifies the resource association to a work order operation. This association can be used to derive the resource sequence.
CstResourceTxnsPEOWorkCenterId Value that uniquely identifies the work center where the resource was consumed.