Costing Revenue Details

The Costing Revenue Details view object contains the revenue information related to invoices and contracts that are interfaced to Costing from external source systems like Receivables, Supply Chain Financial Orchestration, and Revenue Management. This information is used in gross margin calculations.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.CstBiccExtractAM.CstRevenueDetailsExtractPVO

Primary Keys : CstRevenueDetailsPEORevenueDetailId

Initial Extract Date : CstRevenueDetailsPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : CstRevenueDetailsPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
CstRevenueDetailsPEOAcctdRecognizedRev The recognized revenue amount that's accounted.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOConfigInventoryItemId The unique identifier of the configured item associated with the details.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOCostBookId The unique identifier of the cost book associated with the cost organization.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOCostOrgId The unique identifier of the cost organization associated with the inventory organization.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOCreatedBy The user who created the revenue detail row.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOCreationDate The date when the revenue detail row was created.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOCtDooFullfillLineId The unique identifier of the fulfillment line associated to the costing transaction. In the case of complex flows involving KIT, PTO, or ATO, this can be different from the one used in gross margin calculation.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOCustomerId The unique identifier of the bill to customer.
CstRevenueDetailsPEODistributionId The unique identifier of the costing distribution.
CstRevenueDetailsPEODistributionLineId The unique identifier of the costing distribution line.
CstRevenueDetailsPEODooFullfillLineId The unique identifier of the fulfillment line associated with the details. This is used in gross margin calculation.
CstRevenueDetailsPEODooOrderNumber The order number associated with the details.
CstRevenueDetailsPEODooOrderType The type of the order associated to the details. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_CST_DOC_FLOW_TYPES.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOEventId The identifier of the event created in the SLA for the costing distribution.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOExternalSystemReference Identifier of the external source system. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_CST_REV_RECOGNITION_SRC.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOFlowInstanceId The unique identifier of the trade events for the financial orchestration flow.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOGlDate The accounting date of the revenue distribution in the general ledger.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOInventoryItemId The unique identifier of the item associated with the details. This is used in gross margin calculation.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOInventoryOrgId The unique identifier of the inventory organization associated with the details.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOInvoiceCurrency The currency code of the invoice or performance obligation associated with the details.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOInvoiceDate The date of the invoice or customer contract associated with the details.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOInvoiceId The unique identifier of the invoice or the customer contract header.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOInvoiceLineId The unique identifier of the invoice or the performance obligation line.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOInvoiceNumber The invoice or contract number associated with the details.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOInvoiceSource The source of the invoice or contract associated with the details. Applicable values are: DOO - Distributed Order Orchestration, FOS or SFO - Supply Chain Financial Orchestration, and CST - Costing.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOItemOrganizationId The unique identifier of the inventory organization associated with the item.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOLastUpdateDate The date when the revenue detail row was last updated.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the revenue detail row.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the revenue detail row.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOLedgerCurrency The ledger currency code associated with the details.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOLedgerId The unique identifier of the ledger where the revenue distribution is recorded.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOLegalEntityId The unique identifier of the legal entity associated with the cost organization.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOLineNo The invoice number or the performance obligation line number.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOMarginCalcFlag The applicable values are N, X, and NULL. If NULL, then the gross margin is calculated for the row. If N, then the gross margin isn't calculated for the row. If X, then the row is excluded from the gross margin calculation.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOProfitCenterBuId The unique identifier of the profit center business unit associated with the cost organization.
CstRevenueDetailsPEORecognizedRev The recognized revenue amount.
CstRevenueDetailsPEORevenueDetailId The unique identifier of the revenue detail. This is the primary key of the Revenue Details view object.
CstRevenueDetailsPEORevenueLineId The unique identifier of the revenue distribution auto-created within costing.
CstRevenueDetailsPEORevenueType The revenue type for the details. If the invoice or contract is expected from the external systems like Receivables and Revenue Management, then the value is Invoice. If the invoice is expected from the external system Supply Chain Financial Orchestration, then the value is Intercompany. If the invoice isn't expected from the external system, then the value is Due To or From.
CstRevenueDetailsPEORootInventoryItemId The unique identifier of the root or model item in the case of complex flows involving KIT, PTO, or ATO.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOSalesOrderShipmentNumber The number of the source document associated with the details.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOSalesOrderShipmentType The type of the source document associated with the details. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_CST_DOC_FLOW_TYPES.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOShipToCustomerId The unique identifier of the ship to customer.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOSuccessorBuId The unique identifier of the successor business unit for the financial orchestration flow.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOTotalRev The total revenue amount.
CstRevenueDetailsPEOTxnInventoryItemId The unique identifier of the item associated with the costing transaction. In the case of complex flows involving KIT, PTO, or ATO, this can be different from the one used in gross margin calculation.