Costing Revenue Lines

The Costing Revenue Lines view object contains the revenue line details for the invoice or credit memo lines specific to the business unit level,transferred by the Cost of Goods Sold Processor and to be utilized for the COGS or RMA Recognition.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.CstBiccExtractAM.CstRevenueLinesExtractPVO

Primary Keys : RevenueLinesPEORevenueLineId

Initial Extract Date : RevenueLinesPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : RevenueLinesPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
RevenueLinesPEOAcctdAmount Accounted amount in the functional currency.
RevenueLinesPEOAtoTopModelFlineId Value that uniquely identifies the ATO model fulfillment line. In the case of a nested ATO, it identifies the top-level ATO model fulfillment line.
RevenueLinesPEOAtoTopModelItemId Value that uniquely identifies the ATO model item. In the case of a nested ATO, it identifies the top-level ATO model item.
RevenueLinesPEOBillToCustomerId Value that uniquely identifies the bill to customer.
RevenueLinesPEOBillToSiteUseId Value that uniquely identifies the bill to site.
RevenueLinesPEOBusinessUnitId Value that uniquely identifies the billing or selling business unit.
RevenueLinesPEOConfigInventoryItemId Value that uniquely identifies the configured item in the shippable ATO.
RevenueLinesPEOCreatedBy User who created the cost revenue line.
RevenueLinesPEOCreationDate Date and time when the revenue line was created.
RevenueLinesPEOCustomerTrxId Value that uniquely identifies the customer transaction.
RevenueLinesPEOCustomerTrxLineId Value that uniquely identifies the invoice transaction line.
RevenueLinesPEODeliveryId Value that's used to store the associated delivery or RMA receipt transaction.
RevenueLinesPEODocumentType Value that identifies the invoice and credit memo.
RevenueLinesPEODooFlinePriceAdjustmentId Value that uniquely identifies the discount value for the item or manual price adjustment.
RevenueLinesPEODooFulfillLineId Value that uniquely identifies the distributed order orchestration fulfillment key.
RevenueLinesPEODooOrderNumber Distributed order orchestration order number.
RevenueLinesPEODooOrderType Distributed order orchestration order type.
RevenueLinesPEODooReferenceFulfillLineId Value that uniquely identifies the distributed order orchestration reference fulfillment line.
RevenueLinesPEOExtendedAmount The transaction line extended amount.
RevenueLinesPEOExternalSystemRefId Value that uniquely identifies the unique transaction in the source system.
RevenueLinesPEOExternalSystemReference Value that uniquely identifies the external source system.
RevenueLinesPEOGlDate General ledger date.
RevenueLinesPEOGrossMarginFlag Indicates if the gross margin calculations have been done for the revenue line. Values are: N and R indicates Not processed, NULL indicates processed for gross margin calculations, U indicates that the inventory organization identifier is updated on already processed revenue line by the Create Cost Accounting Distributions process, P indicates that the inventory organization identifier isn't available on the costing revenue line and inventory organization identifier in Distributed Order Orchestration isn't associated to any cost organization.
RevenueLinesPEOInventoryItemId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory item.
RevenueLinesPEOInventoryOrgId Value that uniquely identifies the organization for the revenue line.
RevenueLinesPEOInvoiceCurrencyCode Currency code for the invoice.
RevenueLinesPEOInvoiceDate Creation date for the invoice.
RevenueLinesPEOInvoiceLineAmount Invoice line amount for this record in the invoice currency.
RevenueLinesPEOInvoiceNumber Line number of the invoice.
RevenueLinesPEOInvoiceSource Source of the invoice.
RevenueLinesPEOLastUpdateDate Date and time when the revenue line was last updated.
RevenueLinesPEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who last updated the cost revenue line.
RevenueLinesPEOLastUpdatedBy User who last updated the cost revenue line.
RevenueLinesPEOLedgerId Value that uniquely identifies the distinct ledger values corresponding to the receivables ledger lines.
RevenueLinesPEOLegalEntityId Value that uniquely identifies the distinct legal entity values corresponding to the receivables revenue lines.
RevenueLinesPEOLoadRequestId Value that uniquely identifies the load request used by file based data import process.
RevenueLinesPEOParentFulfillLineId Value that uniquely identifies the parent fulfillment line for the model.
RevenueLinesPEOPostedFlag The option that indicates if the revenue lines were posted. Possible values: Y-Yes, N-No
RevenueLinesPEOPreviousCustomerTrxId Value that uniquely identifies the previous customer transaction.
RevenueLinesPEOPreviousCustomerTrxLineId Value that uniquely identifies the previous invoice transaction line.
RevenueLinesPEOQuantityInvoiced Quantity that was invoiced.
RevenueLinesPEOReferenceLineId Value that uniquely identifies the reference line.
RevenueLinesPEORevenueAccount Value that uniquely identifies the sales representative related code combination.
RevenueLinesPEORevenueAmount Transaction line revenue amount.
RevenueLinesPEORevenueLineId Value that uniquely identifies the revenue distribution auto created within costing. This is the primary key for the Costing Revenue Lines view object.
RevenueLinesPEORevenuePercentage Transaction line revenue percentage.
RevenueLinesPEORootParentFulfillLineId Value that uniquely identifies the root parent fulfillment line for the model.
RevenueLinesPEOTxnProcessingGroupId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction processing group.
RevenueLinesPEOUnitSellingPrice Selling price per unit for the transaction line.
RevenueLinesPEOUomCode Code for the unit of measure.
RevenueLinesPEOWarehouseId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory organization for the ship-from location.