Costing Trade Events

The Costing Trade Events view object contains the trade events from the supply chain financial orchestration flow.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.CstBiccExtractAM.CstTradeEventsExtractPVO

Primary Keys : CstTradeEventsPEOTradeEventId

Initial Extract Date : CstTradeEventsPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : CstTradeEventsPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
CstTradeEventsPEOAccrualTradeEventId Unique identifier of the accrual trade event.
CstTradeEventsPEOAccrualTransactionId Unique identifier of the accrual transaction event associated to an in-transit receipt.
CstTradeEventsPEOAgreementHeaderId Unique identifier of the financial orchestration agreement header.
CstTradeEventsPEOAgreementNumber Unique identifier of the financial orchestration agreement number.
CstTradeEventsPEOAgreementType Indicates the type of trade agreement.
CstTradeEventsPEOAssessableValue Indicates the total assessable value for the event which should be used for tax calculation.
CstTradeEventsPEOBillToBuId Unique identifier of the bill to AP business unit for the accrual events.
CstTradeEventsPEOBillToCustomerId Unique identifier of the bill to customer.
CstTradeEventsPEOBusinessUnitId Unique identifier of the profit center business unit of the trade events
CstTradeEventsPEOCallbackStatus Indicates the call back status sent to supply chain financial orchestration after cost processing of the row. Possible values are SUCCESS, or FAILURE.
CstTradeEventsPEOCmrTransactionTypeCode Indicates the type of receipt accounting transaction.
CstTradeEventsPEOCodeCombinationId Unique identifier of the code combination.
CstTradeEventsPEOConsignedFlag Indicates whether the transaction is consigned or owned.
CstTradeEventsPEOCountryOfOriginCode Identifies the code for the country of manufacture used to stripe inventory transactions.
CstTradeEventsPEOCreatedBy User who created the trade event row.
CstTradeEventsPEOCreationDate Date and time when the trade event row was created.
CstTradeEventsPEOCurrencyConversionType Identifies the type of currency conversion that should be used during conversion.
CstTradeEventsPEOCustodyInventoryOrgId Identifies the inventory organization where the goods are physically present. This attribute would have a value for scenarios when purchased goods are transferred without an ownership change and an ownership change happens in transferee org.
CstTradeEventsPEODefaultTaxCountry Tax identifier attribute. Taxation country.
CstTradeEventsPEODocumentSubType Tax identifier attribute. Document fiscal classification.
CstTradeEventsPEODooFullfillLineId Unique identifier of distributed order orchestration fulfillment line.
CstTradeEventsPEODooSplitFulfillLineId Unique identifier of the distributed order orchestration fulfillment line in case of split scenario.
CstTradeEventsPEOErrorCode Identifies the error code associated with the transaction.
CstTradeEventsPEOExpenseTransactionFlag Identifies whether a transaction is an asset or expense transaction.
CstTradeEventsPEOExternalSystemRefId Unique identifier of a certain instance of an object within the external system.
CstTradeEventsPEOExternalSystemReference Reference Information from an external system, external to Cost Management.
CstTradeEventsPEOFirstPtyRegId Tax identifier attributes. First party tax registration.
CstTradeEventsPEOFtrId Identifies the financial trade relationship of this trade event.
CstTradeEventsPEOIntendUseClassifId Tax identifier attribute. Intended use.
CstTradeEventsPEOIntercompanyInvoicingFlag Indicates whether the transaction is eligible for intercompany invoicing or not.
CstTradeEventsPEOInvStripingCategory Identifies the descriptive flexfield application context for Inventory striping attributes.
CstTradeEventsPEOInvTransactionId Unique identifier for interorganization Issue transaction for interorganization transfer flows.
CstTradeEventsPEOInventoryItemId Unique identifier of the item.
CstTradeEventsPEOInventoryOrgId Unique identifier of the inventory organization of the trade event.
CstTradeEventsPEOInvoiceCurrencyCode Identifies the intercompany accrual invoice currency.
CstTradeEventsPEOLastUpdateDate Date when the trade event row was last updated.
CstTradeEventsPEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who last updated the trade event row.
CstTradeEventsPEOLastUpdatedBy User who last updated the trade event row.
CstTradeEventsPEOLeTimezoneCode Identifies the legal entity time zone.
CstTradeEventsPEOLegalEntityId Unique identifier of the legal entity.
CstTradeEventsPEOManualReceiptReqdFlag Indicates whether manual receipt is created or not for transfer order expense destination flow.
CstTradeEventsPEOOwnershipChangeDocNumber Identifies the number of ownership change document for the event.
CstTradeEventsPEOOwnershipChangeDocType Identifies the type of ownership change document.
CstTradeEventsPEOOwnershipChangeEventType Identifies the type of event associated to the ownership change transaction.
CstTradeEventsPEOOwnershipChangeSystemRef Identifies the source system that created the ownership change transaction.
CstTradeEventsPEOOwnershipChangeTxnId The unique identifier of the transaction that triggered the ownership change.
CstTradeEventsPEOParentOwnerChangeEventType Identifies the type of the event associated to the parent ownership change transaction.
CstTradeEventsPEOParentOwnerChangeSystemRef Identifies the source system that created the parent ownership change transaction.
CstTradeEventsPEOParentOwnershipChangeTxnId Unique identifier of the parent ownership change transaction which will be used in costing the correction and return flows.
CstTradeEventsPEOPjcBillableFlag Indicates whether a project-related item is available to be billed to customers. Possible values are Y and N.
CstTradeEventsPEOPjcCapitalizableFlag Indicates whether a project-related item is eligible for capitalization. Possible values are Y and N.
CstTradeEventsPEOPjcContextCategory Identifies the descriptive flexfield application context for project-related standardized cost collection.
CstTradeEventsPEOPjcContractId Unique identifier of the contract. This attribute is used when Oracle Contract Billing or Oracle Grants Accounting is installed.
CstTradeEventsPEOPjcContractLineId Unique identifier of the contract line. This attribute is used when Oracle Contract Billing or Oracle Grants Accounting is installed.
CstTradeEventsPEOPjcExpenditureItemDate Date on which a project-related transaction is incurred.
CstTradeEventsPEOPjcExpenditureTypeId Unique identifier of the expenditure type used to build the transaction descriptive flexfield for project-related transaction distributions.
CstTradeEventsPEOPjcFundingAllocationId Identifies the name of the project funding override. This attribute is used when Oracle Contract Billing or Oracle Grants Accounting is installed.
CstTradeEventsPEOPjcOrganizationId Unique identifier of the expenditure organization used to build the transaction descriptive flexfield for project-related transaction distributions.
CstTradeEventsPEOPjcProjectId Unique identifier of the project used to stripe Inventory transactions.
CstTradeEventsPEOPjcReservedAttribute1 Reserved for future project-related functionality.
CstTradeEventsPEOPjcReservedAttribute10 Reserved for future project-related functionality.
CstTradeEventsPEOPjcReservedAttribute2 Reserved for future project-related functionality.
CstTradeEventsPEOPjcReservedAttribute3 Reserved for future project-related functionality.
CstTradeEventsPEOPjcReservedAttribute4 Reserved for future project-related functionality.
CstTradeEventsPEOPjcReservedAttribute5 Reserved for future project-related functionality.
CstTradeEventsPEOPjcReservedAttribute6 Reserved for future project-related functionality.
CstTradeEventsPEOPjcReservedAttribute7 Reserved for future project-related functionality.
CstTradeEventsPEOPjcReservedAttribute8 Reserved for future project-related functionality.
CstTradeEventsPEOPjcReservedAttribute9 Reserved for future project-related functionality.
CstTradeEventsPEOPjcTaskId Unique identifier of the task used to stripe Inventory transactions.
CstTradeEventsPEOPjcUserDefAttribute1 Reserved for user-definable project information.
CstTradeEventsPEOPjcUserDefAttribute10 Reserved for user-definable project information.
CstTradeEventsPEOPjcUserDefAttribute2 Reserved for user-definable project information.
CstTradeEventsPEOPjcUserDefAttribute3 Reserved for user-definable project information.
CstTradeEventsPEOPjcUserDefAttribute4 Reserved for user-definable project information.
CstTradeEventsPEOPjcUserDefAttribute5 Reserved for user-definable project information.
CstTradeEventsPEOPjcUserDefAttribute6 Reserved for user-definable project information.
CstTradeEventsPEOPjcUserDefAttribute7 Reserved for user-definable project information.
CstTradeEventsPEOPjcUserDefAttribute8 Reserved for user-definable project information.
CstTradeEventsPEOPjcUserDefAttribute9 Reserved for user-definable project information.
CstTradeEventsPEOPjcWorkTypeId Unique identifier of project-related classification of the work performed.
CstTradeEventsPEOPoLineLocationId Unique identifier of purchase order line location.
CstTradeEventsPEOPricingOption Unique identifier of the pricing option.
CstTradeEventsPEOPrimaryQty Identifies the transaction quantity in primary unit of measure
CstTradeEventsPEOPrimaryUomCode Identifies the code of primary unit of measure.
CstTradeEventsPEOPriorBuId The unique identifier of the prior profit center business unit.
CstTradeEventsPEOPriorInventoryOrgId Unique identifier of the prior inventory organization for trade event.
CstTradeEventsPEOPriorTradeEventId Unique identifier of the prior trade event.
CstTradeEventsPEOPriorTransactionId Unique identifier of the prior event that's the source of the cost for this event.
CstTradeEventsPEOProcessByCaFlag Indicates whether trade events are error, nonprocessed or processed.
CstTradeEventsPEOProcessByRaFlag Indicates whether CMR process rows are error, nonprocessed or processed.
CstTradeEventsPEOProductCategory Tax identifier attribute. Product category.
CstTradeEventsPEOProductFiscClassif Tax identifier attribute. Product fiscal classification.
CstTradeEventsPEOProjectId Unique identifier of the project used to stripe Inventory transactions.
CstTradeEventsPEOPtrId Unique identifier of the of primary trade relationship of this trade event.
CstTradeEventsPEOPtrInstanceId Unique identifier of the instance of primary trade relationship of this trade event.
CstTradeEventsPEOQppTxnGroupsUpdatedFlag Indicates whether TRANSACTION_GROUP_ID and TRANSFER_TRANSACTION_GROUP_ID columns are updated or not. Possible values are Y and N.
CstTradeEventsPEORcvTransactionId Unique identifier of the receiving transaction for trade event.
CstTradeEventsPEOReturnBuId Unique identifier of the profit center business unit of inventory organization for the return receipt.
CstTradeEventsPEOReturnInvOrgId Unique identifier of the inventory organization of return receipt.
CstTradeEventsPEORootOwnershipChangeTxnId Unique identifier of the ownership change event corresponding to this trade event.
CstTradeEventsPEOSecondaryTransactionQty Identifies the transaction quantity in secondary unit of measure.
CstTradeEventsPEOSecondaryUomCode Identifies the code of secondary unit of measure.
CstTradeEventsPEOShippingBuId Unique identifier of the profit center business unit of original shipping inventory org.
CstTradeEventsPEOShippingInvOrgId Unique identifier of the original shipping inventory org.
CstTradeEventsPEOSoNeededFlag Indicates whether sales order details need to be pulled in for these trade events. Possible values are Y and NULL.
CstTradeEventsPEOSourceDocQuantity Identifies the quantity in source document.
CstTradeEventsPEOSourceDocUomCode Identifies the unit of measure code in source document.
CstTradeEventsPEOSourceDocumentId Unique identifier of the source document.
CstTradeEventsPEOSuccessorBuId Unique identifier of the successor profit center business unit.
CstTradeEventsPEOSuccessorInvOrgId Unique identifier of the successor inventory organization ID.
CstTradeEventsPEOTaskId Unique identifier of the task used to stripe Inventory transactions.
CstTradeEventsPEOTaxCalculatedFlag Indicates whether the tax is calculated for the trade event.
CstTradeEventsPEOThirdPtyRegId Tax identifier attributes. Third party tax registration.
CstTradeEventsPEOTrackProfitFlag Indicates tracking of internal profit in costing.
CstTradeEventsPEOTradeEventId Unique identifier of the trade event. This is the primary key of the Costing Trade Events view object.
CstTradeEventsPEOTransactionAmount Transaction amount for service line type purchase orders.
CstTradeEventsPEOTransactionCreationDate Date when this trade event transaction is created.
CstTradeEventsPEOTransactionDate Date when this trade event transaction happened.
CstTradeEventsPEOTransactionEventId Unique identifier of payables invoice match events from financial orchestration flows.
CstTradeEventsPEOTransactionQty Identifies the transaction quantity of the trade event transaction.
CstTradeEventsPEOTransactionType Identifies the type of trade event.
CstTradeEventsPEOTransactionUomCode Identifies the transaction unit of measure of trade event.
CstTradeEventsPEOTransferOrderDistId Unique identifier of the transfer order distribution for trade event.
CstTradeEventsPEOTransferOrderLineId Unique identifier of the transfer order line for trade event.
CstTradeEventsPEOTrxBusinessCategory Tax identifier attribute. Transaction business category.
CstTradeEventsPEOTxnAmountCurrencyCode Identifies the currency code of transaction amount for service line type purchase order.
CstTradeEventsPEOTxnDocumentSourceSystem Identifies the application from which the document is originated.
CstTradeEventsPEOTxnSourceDocLine Identifies the transaction source document line.
CstTradeEventsPEOTxnSourceDocLineDetail Identifies the transaction source document line detail.
CstTradeEventsPEOTxnSourceDocNumber Identifies the transaction source document number.
CstTradeEventsPEOTxnSourceDocType Identifies the transaction source document type.
CstTradeEventsPEOTxnSourceRefDocLine Identifies the transaction source reference document line.
CstTradeEventsPEOTxnSourceRefDocLineDetail Identifies the transaction source reference document line detail.
CstTradeEventsPEOTxnSourceRefDocNumber Identifies the transaction source reference document number.
CstTradeEventsPEOTxnSourceRefDocType Identifies the transaction source reference document type.
CstTradeEventsPEOUserDefinedFiscClass Tax identifier attribute.- User-defined fiscal classification.
CstTradeEventsPEOWshDeliveryDetailId Unique identifier of the shipping delivery detail for trade event.