Costing Transaction Types

The Costing Transaction Types view object includes all the transaction types supported in costing. Every transaction processed in costing is tagged with a transaction type.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.CstBiccExtractAM.CstTransactionTypesExtractPVO

Primary Keys : CstTransactionTypesPEOBaseTxnActionId, CstTransactionTypesPEOBaseTxnSourceTypeId

Initial Extract Date : CstTransactionTypesPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : CstTransactionTypesPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
CstTransactionTypesPEOAcqCostParentFlag Value that indicates that this transaction is the level at which acquisition costs will be computed and persisted in the CST_DELIVERY_ACQ_COST table.
CstTransactionTypesPEOAdditionalProcessingCode Code specifying what kind of processing needs to be done. The value is defined in CST_INTERNAL_TXN_TYPE for the transaction type and is used by the create cost accounting distributions process for additional processing.
CstTransactionTypesPEOBaseTxnActionId Value that identifies the inventory transaction action. For inventory transactions, the value comes from lookup INV_TRANSACTION_ACTIONS. For costing transactions, the value is from lookup_type CST_BASE_TXN_ACTIONS.
CstTransactionTypesPEOBaseTxnSourceTypeId Value that identifies the inventory transaction source type. For inventory transactions, the value comes from INV_TXN_SOURCE_TYPES_TL table. For costing transactions, it comes from lookup_type CST_BASE_TXN_SOURCE_TYPES.
CstTransactionTypesPEOCheckQtySignFlag Value that indicates if the sign of the quantity needs to be checked for whether the transaction is an issue or receipt.
CstTransactionTypesPEOCheckWithSfoFlag Value that indicates if the transaction type needs to be sent to supply chain financial orchestration to check if it has a trade agreement.
CstTransactionTypesPEOCogsRecognitionFlag Value that indicates whether the transaction type needs to be picked for COGS or RMA Recognition process.
CstTransactionTypesPEOCompareVuStrLevel Value that indicates to compare the valuation structure to ignore the transaction from being processed for transfers within a cost organization. Valid values are Cost Org, Inventory Org, and NULL.
CstTransactionTypesPEOConsignedTfrToInvIndicator Value that indicates the nature of the transfer transaction. Valid values are: TFR_TO_REGULAR - Indicates the goods are being transferred from consigned inventory to regular inventory, TFR_TO_CONSIGNED - Indicates the goods are being transferred from regular inventory to consigned inventory, or NONE, the transaction is not related to transfer of goods between consigned inventory and regular inventory.
CstTransactionTypesPEOCostPreprocessingFlag Value that indicates if this transaction needs to set the cost preprocessing status as UNPROCESSED in the CST_INV_TRANSACTIONS table so that this transaction is processed by the preprocessor logic.
CstTransactionTypesPEOCostTransactionType Value that identifies the costing transaction type. Valid values are ISSUE, RECEIPT, RMA, COGS, and ACCTGONLY.
CstTransactionTypesPEOCreateIssueTxnAction Value that uniquely identifies the action type ID of the issue transaction that was created.
CstTransactionTypesPEOCreateIssueTxnSourceType Value that uniquely identifies the source type ID of the issue transaction that was created.
CstTransactionTypesPEOCreateReceiptTxnAction Value that uniquely identifies the action ID of the receipt transaction that was created.
CstTransactionTypesPEOCreateReceiptTxnSourceType Value that uniquely identifies the source type ID of the receipt transaction that was created.
CstTransactionTypesPEOCreateTxnFlag Value that indicates whether to create an additional transaction.
CstTransactionTypesPEOCreatedBy User who created the transaction.
CstTransactionTypesPEOCreationDate Date and time the transaction was created.
CstTransactionTypesPEODirectInterfaceCostFlag Value that indicates that this transaction can expect zero or more interface cost records in CST_I_INCOMING_TXN_COSTS directly tied to the external_system_ref_id in CST_I_INV_TRANSACTIONS. Valid values are N, Y, and C. The column will be populated with C for WIP material returns as the cost is computed by the cost processor using the layering algorithm.
CstTransactionTypesPEOEndDate Date that this transaction type will be disabled.
CstTransactionTypesPEOExternalTxnType Value that's used to map the transaction type that was sent by the external system to a costing transaction type with source_type and action.
CstTransactionTypesPEOGpFwdFlowInvOrgType Value that indicates the source inventory organization. Possible values are INV, XFER, and Null. If INV then the transfer transaction is the same inventory org. If XFER, then that transfer transaction is from the transfer organization specified in ORIG_TRANSFER_INV_ORG. If Null, this isn't a global procurement forward flow transaction.
CstTransactionTypesPEOGpFwdFlowRcvParent Value that specifies whether the transaction is a part of global procurement forward flow. Valid values are -1 when parent rcv_transaction_id needs to be -1 and 1 when parent rcv_transaction_id is a number other than 1.
CstTransactionTypesPEOGpMapToXferGroup Value that identifies the GP_XFER_GROUP to which a global procurement transaction type maps to.
CstTransactionTypesPEOGpXferGroup Value that identifies the transfer group for global procurement transactions. This grouping helps in deriving the transfer transaction identifier for global procurement transactions.
CstTransactionTypesPEOInactiveFlag Value that identifies the transaction type as inactive so that the preprocessors don't process such transaction types.
CstTransactionTypesPEOIntransitFlag Value that indicates whether this transaction is an in transit transaction.
CstTransactionTypesPEOLastUpdateDate Date and time the transaction type was most recently updated.
CstTransactionTypesPEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated to the user who last updated the transaction type.
CstTransactionTypesPEOLastUpdatedBy User who last updated the transaction type.
CstTransactionTypesPEOLeEnabledFlag Value that indicates if the date for the transaction is expected to be in a legal entity time zone.
CstTransactionTypesPEOLogicalAcqCostFlag Value that indicates that this transaction needs to be considered by the acquisition cost processor.
CstTransactionTypesPEOLogicalFlag Value that indicates whether this transaction type is logical. Such transactions have no on-hand quantity impact and don't trigger reaveraging. These transactions show the financial flow.
CstTransactionTypesPEOMiscInterfaceCostFlag Value that indicates that this transaction can expect zero or more interface cost records in CST_I_INCOMING_TXN_COSTS tied to the original_transaction_temp_id in CST_INV_TRANSACTIONS. This is the case for transaction costs entered through the Manage Miscellaneous Transactions page in Inventory Management.
CstTransactionTypesPEOPhysicalAcqCostFlag Value that indicates that this transaction needs to be considered by the acquisition cost processor. Further restrictions may apply, such as whether this is part of a global procurement flow.
CstTransactionTypesPEOSeedDataSource Value that identifies the source of the seed data record. A value of BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT indicates that the record was bulk loaded. Otherwise, it specifies the name of the seed data file.
CstTransactionTypesPEOSfoAcqCostFlag Value that indicates that this transaction needs to be considered by the acquisition cost processor. Further restrictions apply, such as whether the event belongs to the supplier facing node in a global procurement flow.
CstTransactionTypesPEOSfoEventCostInterfaceFlag Value that indicates that this transaction should expect one or more cost records in CST_TRADE_EVENT_COSTS. Further restrictions apply (such as whether the event belongs to the supplier facing node in a global procurement flow).
CstTransactionTypesPEOSingleLegTransferSign Value that identifies the sign of the transaction quantity that specifies whether the issue or the receipt leg is part of transfer flow for cost accounting.
CstTransactionTypesPEOStartDate Date as of which this transaction type will be activated.
CstTransactionTypesPEOTransactionFlowType Value that identifies the transaction flow identifier. Values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or Null. If 1, then it's an Internal Drop Shipment. If 2, then it's Global Procurement. If 3, then it's a Customer Drop Shipment. If 4, then it's an In transit Interorganization Transfer. If 5, then it's a Direct Interorganization Transfer. If 6, then it's an Intra org Transfer. If 7, then it's a Transfer Order In transit Interorganization Transfer. If 8, then it's a Transfer Order Direct Interorganization Transfer. If 9, then it's a Transfer Order Intra org Transfer. If 10, then the TIR or TIRR at ownership change in procuring org for consigned PO. If 11, then the TIRR of TO Return with Scrap. Null for all others.
CstTransactionTypesPEOTransferShipRcptCoeval Value that identifies whether both the shipping and receipt transactions of a transfer flow are created at the same time. Valid values are Yes, No, and NULL.
CstTransactionTypesPEOWipCostFlag Value that indicates if the cost of this transaction is derived by the work in process transaction processor. Valid values are NULL and Y.