Costing Transactions

The Costing Transactions view object contains information about the costing transactions. The imported inventory transactions are converted to costing transaction type, exploded for Cost Org - Book and stamped with suitable costing setup like item cost profile, valuation unit and costing method and so on.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.CstBiccExtractAM.CstTransactionsExtractPVO

Primary Keys : CstTransactionsPEOTransactionId

Initial Extract Date : CstTransactionsPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : CstTransactionsPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
CstTransactionsPEOAccountingStatus Value that identifies the current accounting status of the transaction for display. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type CST_ACCOUNTING_STATUS.
CstTransactionsPEOAdditionalProcessingCode Value that identifies what kind of processing needs to be done. The value is defined in CST_TXN_SOURCE_ACTIONS for the transaction type and is used by cost processors for additional processing.
CstTransactionsPEOBaseTxnActionId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory transaction action. For origin as INV, a list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type INV_TRANSACTION_ACTIONS. For origin as CST. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type CST_BASE_TXN_ACTIONS.
CstTransactionsPEOBaseTxnSourceTypeId Value that identifies the inventory transaction source type identifier. This is a part of the primary key of the Costing Internal Transaction Types view object.
CstTransactionsPEOBaseTxnTypeId Value that identifies the inventory transaction type identifier. This is a part of the primary key of the Costing Internal Transaction Types view object.
CstTransactionsPEOBusinessUnitId Value that uniquely identifies the business unit of the inventory organization.
CstTransactionsPEOCodeCombinationId Value that uniquely identifies the code combination for the referenced account.
CstTransactionsPEOCogsPostedFlag Value that identifies whether or not cogs has been recognized for the transaction or not yet.
CstTransactionsPEOConsignedAcctDistBasis Value that identifies the Consigned Accounting Distribution basis for the cost profile.
CstTransactionsPEOConsignedFlag Value that identifies whether the transaction is consigned or owned.
CstTransactionsPEOCostBookId Value that uniquely identifies the cost book assigned to the Cost Organization. This is the primary key of the Cost Books view object.
CstTransactionsPEOCostDate Date to be used for transaction sequencing.
CstTransactionsPEOCostMethodCode Value that identifies the cost method code used for processing the transaction. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type CST_COST_METHODS.
CstTransactionsPEOCostOrgId Value that uniquely identifies the cost organization associated with the inventory organization.
CstTransactionsPEOCostProfileId Value that uniquely identifies the cost profile. This is the primary key of the Cost Profiles view object.
CstTransactionsPEOCostStatus Value that identifies the current costing status of the transaction for display. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type CST_COST_STATUS.
CstTransactionsPEOCostTransactionType Value that identifies the costing transaction type. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type CST_QUANTITY_FLOW.
CstTransactionsPEOCostedQty Value that identifies quantity that has been processed in costing.
CstTransactionsPEOCostingStatus Value that identifies the status of the transaction which denotes whether a transaction has been preprocessed, processed by cost processors, distributions have been created or processed by subledger accounting.
CstTransactionsPEOCostingUomCode Value that identifies the unit of measure for the costed quantity.
CstTransactionsPEOCreateAcctForConsTxns Value that identifies the creating accounting for consigned transactions. Possible values are Y or N.
CstTransactionsPEOCreatedBy User who created the costing transaction.
CstTransactionsPEOCreationDate Date and time when the costing transaction was created.
CstTransactionsPEOCstInvTransactionDtlId Value that identifies the source inventory transaction detail that references costings inventory transaction details table.
CstTransactionsPEOCstInvTransactionId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory transaction that references costings inventory transaction table. This is the primary key of the Costing Inventory Transactions view object.
CstTransactionsPEOCstTransferOrderDistId Value that uniquely identifies the transfer order distribution.
CstTransactionsPEOCstTransferOrderLineId Value that uniquely identifies the transfer order line.
CstTransactionsPEOCstWoOperationTxnId Value that uniquely identifies the work order operation transaction. This is the primary key of the Costing Work Order Operation Transactions view object.
CstTransactionsPEOCstWorkOrderId Value that uniquely identifies the work order associated with the transaction. This is the primary key of the Costing Work Orders view object.
CstTransactionsPEOCstWorkOrderOperationId Value that uniquely identifies the work order operation associated with the transaction. This is the primary key of the Costing Work Order Operations view object.
CstTransactionsPEODooFullfillLineId Value that uniquely identifies the source fulfillment line in distributed order orchestration.
CstTransactionsPEODooSplitFulfillLineId Value that uniquely identifies the distributed order orchestration fulfillment line identifier.
CstTransactionsPEODsSourceLineId Value that identifies the flow type, ASN OR INVOICE, either Shipment Line ID or Transaction Event ID will be stored.
CstTransactionsPEOEnforceTxnDateOrderFlag Value that identifies the profile option to have cost dates in the same order as the transaction date. Possible values are Yes and No.
CstTransactionsPEOErrorCode Value that identifies the error code for transaction.
CstTransactionsPEOExpenseTransactionFlag Value that identifies whether a transaction is an asset or expense transaction.
CstTransactionsPEOFobPoint Value that identifies the Free on board point and determines the point of transfer of liability or ownership. It's 1 for SHIPMENT and 2 for RECEIPT.
CstTransactionsPEOIntercompanyInvoicingFlag Value that identifies whether the transaction is eligible for intercompany invoicing or not.
CstTransactionsPEOInternalProfitTracking Value that identifies whether profit in inventory is to be tracked or not. This column is used by Costing and the values it can hold are Y and N.
CstTransactionsPEOIntransitFlag Value that identifies whether the transaction is a issue or receipt into in transit.
CstTransactionsPEOInvTxnSourceTypeId Value that identifies transaction source type identifier including custom source types.
CstTransactionsPEOInventoryItemId Value that identifies the inventory Item associated to the transaction.
CstTransactionsPEOInventoryOrgId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory organization to which the item belongs.
CstTransactionsPEOItemCostProfileId Value that uniquely identifies the item cost profile. This is the primary key of the Item Cost Profiles view object.
CstTransactionsPEOLastUpdateDate Date when the costing transaction row was last updated.
CstTransactionsPEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who last updated the costing transaction row.
CstTransactionsPEOLastUpdatedBy User who last updated the costing transaction row.
CstTransactionsPEOLeTimezoneCode Value that identifies the legal entity time zone. If NULL, then LE time zone isn't enabled for the data in the row and the dates are assumed to be in database time zone.
CstTransactionsPEOLogicalFlag Value that identifies whether this transaction type is logical. Such transactions have no on-hand quantity impact and don't trigger reaveraging. These transaction show the financial flow.
CstTransactionsPEOManualReceiptReqdFlag Value that identifies if the manual receipt is created or not for transfer to expense destination.
CstTransactionsPEOMatchedToAddlTaxFlag Value that identifies if additional taxes are required and available for the transaction. Expected values are: X indicates not expected, N indicates expected but missing, Y indicates expected and present.
CstTransactionsPEOMatchedToCostFlag Value that identifies transactions that have an associated cost in the Transaction Costs view object. Valid values are N, Y, or X. Transactions for which this doesn't apply are marked with X. N means waiting for the incoming acquisition cost, transfer cost, or current item cost to be stamped in Transaction Costs.
CstTransactionsPEONegativeQtyCode Value that identifies the negative quantity code defines the action of cost method processors when the inventory quantity becomes negative. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type CST_NEGATIVE_QUANTITY_CODES
CstTransactionsPEOOperationScrapCostType Value that identifies the work order valuation option for including scrap costs as a part of inventory or expense out. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_CST_OPERATION_SCRAP.
CstTransactionsPEOOwningCostOrgId Value that uniquely identifies the cost organization that owns the transaction. Owning Cost Org is different from Cost Org for consignment transactions.
CstTransactionsPEOPartialCompletionFlag Value that identifies if a product completion transaction is processed as partial completion. Valid values are NULL, N and Y.
CstTransactionsPEOPeriodName Value that identifies the period in which the transaction is processed. This value is populated for transactions of items using the periodic average cost method.
CstTransactionsPEOPoDistributionId Value that identifies the purchase order distribution.
CstTransactionsPEOPoItemDescription Value that identifies the item description for purchase orders where purchase is made for noninventory items
CstTransactionsPEOPoItemDescriptionType Value that identifies the type of purchase in case purchase is made for noninventory item based on description. Valid values are GOODS or SERVICES.
CstTransactionsPEOPostedFlag Value that identifies whether or not the transaction has been posted to quantity layers. It gets updated by Review Cost Accounting Distributions process
CstTransactionsPEOPreprocessingStatus Value that identifies the cost preprocessing status for transaction.
CstTransactionsPEOPricingOption Value that identifies the pricing option identifier. It signifies whether the option is to use the PO price, transfer price, or the cost markup as the transfer cost.
CstTransactionsPEOProcessDate Date at which the average cost processor processed this transaction. It gives the sequence of transaction processing.
CstTransactionsPEOProjectFlag Option for identifying if projects is enabled. Will be populated as Y for project enabled sales order issue transaction for now and later extended to all transactions types where projects is enabled.
CstTransactionsPEOPropagateCostAdjFlag The values can be Y or N, Default, and dictates whether or not cost adjustments will be propagated.
CstTransactionsPEOProvisionalCompletionType Value that identifies the work order valuation option for valuing work order partial completions into inventory. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_CST_PARTIAL_COMPLETION.
CstTransactionsPEOQuantity Value that identifies the transaction quantity.
CstTransactionsPEOQuantityDepleted Value that identifies the total quantity that has been depleted for an issue transaction. This doesn't include the negative depletions or reversals.
CstTransactionsPEOQuantityFlowCode Value that identifies the quantity flow code, FIFO or LIFO. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type CST_QUANTITY_FLOW_CODES
CstTransactionsPEORcvTransactionId Value that uniquely identifies the receiving transaction.
CstTransactionsPEORecOnhandAvailFlag Value that identifies the record on hand available option.
CstTransactionsPEOReceiptWithoutCostCode Value that identifies which receipt cost will be used for a receipt without any cost. The default value is CURRENT. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type CST_RECEIPT_WITHOUT_COST.
CstTransactionsPEOReferenceDeliveryId Value that uniquely identifies the delivery identifier of the forward flow.
CstTransactionsPEOReferenceDooFullfillLineId Value that uniquely identifies the referenced fulfillment line.
CstTransactionsPEOReferencedReturnFlag Value that identifies the referenced RMA. Possible values are : Y, N, and NULL. Y indicates the return is a referenced return N indicates it's unreferenced. NULL indicates it's a prerelease 13 return flow or this column isn't applicable for the flow.
CstTransactionsPEOReferencedRmaCostCode Value that identifies the cost to be used for referenced RMA transactions. The default value is SO_COST. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type CST_REFERENCED_RMA_COST.
CstTransactionsPEORunMode Value that identifies the mode in which this transaction is created and is used to specify whether it can be reprocessed.
CstTransactionsPEOSimpleProcFlag Value that identifies whether the drop ship delivery is for Simple Procurement or for Global Procurement flow.
CstTransactionsPEOStagedForTxfrCostFlag Value that identifies if the physical transfer transaction has the cost staged in the cst_transfer_txn_costs tables for transfer cost preprocessing.
CstTransactionsPEOStructureInstanceNumber Value that identifies the valuation structure instance number for transaction.
CstTransactionsPEOSupplyType Value that identifies the supply type on WIP transactions. The various supply types are Assembly Pull, Operation Pull, Push and Phantom.
CstTransactionsPEOTransactionAmount Value that identifies the transaction Amount in purchase order currency. Applicable for fixed price lines.
CstTransactionsPEOTransactionCurrencyCode Value that identifies the purchase order currency for the amount column. Applicable for fixed price lines.
CstTransactionsPEOTransactionDate Date when this transaction happened.
CstTransactionsPEOTransactionFlowType Value that identifies the transaction flow. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_CST_TRANSACTION_FLOW_TYPES.
CstTransactionsPEOTransactionGroupId Value that's used to group related transactions together.
CstTransactionsPEOTransactionId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction in costing. This is the primary key of the Costing Transactions view object.
CstTransactionsPEOTransactionQty Value that identifies the transaction quantity of the inventory transaction.
CstTransactionsPEOTransactionUomCode Value that identifies the unit of measure code in which transaction quantity is specified.
CstTransactionsPEOTransferBookId Value that uniquely identifies the cost book to be used for processing transfer transaction.
CstTransactionsPEOTransferCostOrgId Value that uniquely identifies the cost organization associated with inventory organization of the other leg of transfer transaction.
CstTransactionsPEOTransferCstInvTxnDtlId Value that uniquely identifies source inventory transaction detail, such as lot or serial, identifying the other leg of transfer transaction. This is populated only if the item is lot or serial controlled in both source and destination organizations.
CstTransactionsPEOTransferCstInvTxnId Identifier of the source inventory transaction indicating the other leg of transfer transaction.
CstTransactionsPEOTransferPercentage Percentage of value to attribute to transfer costs in an interorganization transfer.
CstTransactionsPEOTransferTransactionGroupId Value that identifies the transaction group whose average cost is required to process this transaction.
CstTransactionsPEOTransferUomConversionFactor Value that identifies the conversion factor between primary UOM code of the issue transaction and the primary UOM code of the receipt transaction.
CstTransactionsPEOTransferValUnitId Value that uniquely identifies the valuation unit associated with the other leg of transfer transaction.
CstTransactionsPEOTxnSourceDocNumber Value that identifies the transactions Source Document Number.
CstTransactionsPEOTxnSourceDocType Value that identifies the transactions source documents reference document type. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_CST_TRANSACTION_FLOW_TYPES.
CstTransactionsPEOTxnSourceRefDocNumber Value that identifies the transactions Source Documents Reference Document Number.
CstTransactionsPEOTxnSourceRefDocType Value that identifies the transactions Source Documents Reference Document Type. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_CST_TRANSACTION_FLOW_TYPES.
CstTransactionsPEOUomCode Value that identifies unit of measure code of the transaction quantity.
CstTransactionsPEOUomConversionFactor Value that identifies the UOM conversion factor from primary UOM to costing UOM, because the incoming cost is always in the primary UOM.
CstTransactionsPEOUseItemCostFlag Value that identifies the receipt transactions that didn't come with its own cost and are to use an existing item cost in the application, current perpetual average, a specific layer cost, or the current standard cost. Valid values are Y or N. Doesn't apply to transfer transactions.
CstTransactionsPEOValOnhandFlag Value that identifies if the on hand calculations have been done for the layer. Possible values are N not processed, NULL indicates processed for on hand calculations
CstTransactionsPEOValStructureId Value that uniquely identifies the valuation structure. This is the primary key of the Valuation Structures view object.
CstTransactionsPEOValUnitCombinationId Value that uniquely identifies the Valuation Unit Code Combination. This is the primary key of the Valuation Unit Combinations view object.
CstTransactionsPEOValUnitDetailId Value that uniquely identifies the valuation unit detail line.
CstTransactionsPEOValUnitId Value that uniquely identifies the valuation unit for the transaction. This is the primary key of the Valuation Units view object.
CstTransactionsPEOWoCostAllocationBasis Value that identifies the basis for cost allocation for output items in a process manufacturing work order. It can be either percentage or fixed value. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_WIS_COST_ALLOC_BASIS.
CstTransactionsPEOWoLayerPostedFlag Value that identifies whether the transaction has been created in the WIP layer table. Possible values are: N indicates layer not created, Y indicates Layer created, X indicates excluded from layer creation.
CstTransactionsPEOWoUpdateEventTxnId Value that uniquely identifies the work order close transaction. This reference is used to identify if a product transaction was available in the application during work order close. If this reference is missing and the work order is closed, a reclose of the work order is performed. This is the primary key of the Costing Work Order Update Event Transactions view object.
CstTransactionsPEOWorkCenterId Value that uniquely identifies the work center where the operation is executed.
CstTransactionsPEOWshDeliveryDetailId Value that uniquely identifies the Shipping delivery detail.