This table has records of Set Headers for BM


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: MSC

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: Default

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Not-null Comments
SET_HEADER_NAME VARCHAR2 280 Yes This value indicates the records belongs to a set. Will hold combination of Order Number and Set Name
SET_NAME VARCHAR2 50 Yes Name of the lines that are part of a ship_set or arrival_set.
SET_TYPE NUMBER Yes For sales Order if type is Ship or Arrival
SALES_ORDER_NUMBER VARCHAR2 240 Yes This value indicates the order number of a Sales Order.
ORCH_ORDER_HEADER_ID NUMBER This value indicates Order orchestration header id for a set
ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER Field indicates identifier for organization
DEMAND_ID NUMBER Field indicates identifier of Demand
CUSTOMER_ID NUMBER Unique Partner identifier generated by the collection program
CUSTOMER_SITE_ID NUMBER Customer site unique identifier
SUPPLIER_ID NUMBER ship from supplier id in case of drop ship
SUPPLIER_SITE_ID NUMBER Ship from supplier site id in case of drop ship
REQUEST_DATE DATE Request date of the demand record.
SCHEDULE_DATE DATE Schedule date of the demand record.
ORDER_TYPE VARCHAR2 4000 Origination type of the demands being collected over.
DEMAND_SOURCE_TYPE NUMBER Forecast billing address identifier
SOURCE_DOCUMENT_LINE_NUMBER VARCHAR2 150 Source side value of the document line, like PO/PR, that is linked to the set.
SOURCE_DOCUMENT_NUMBER VARCHAR2 240 Source side value of the document, like PO/PR, that is linked to the set.
ORDERED_DATE DATE This value indicates the ordered date on the set.
ORDER_REVENUE NUMBER Field contains value of revenue for the set
ORDER_MARGIN NUMBER Field contains value of margin for the set
PROMISED_SHIP_DATE DATE Promised Ship Date of the set record.
PROMISED_ARRIVAL_DATE DATE Promised Ship Date of the set record.
SCHEDULED_SHIP_FROM_ORG_ID NUMBER Field indicates identifier for Scheduled Ship From organization
SCHEDULE_ARRIVAL_DATE DATE Scheduled Arrival Date of the set record.
SCHEDULE_SHIP_DATE DATE Scheduled Ship Date of the set record.
RELEASE_STATUS NUMBER This value indicates the release error description.
ORDER_DATE_TYPE_CODE NUMBER For sales Order if type is Ship or Arrival
CARRIER_ID NUMBER Field indicates identifier for carrier
MODE_OF_TRANSPORT NUMBER Field indicates value of mode of transport for bm demand
SERVICE_LEVEL NUMBER Field contains value of service level of bm demand
USING_ASSEMBLY_DEMAND_DATE DATE Using assembly demand date (due date) of the demand.
ORDER_TYPE_CODE NUMBER For an Order if type is Ship or Arrival
PROMISE_DATE DATE Promised Date of the set record.
FULFILLMENT_COST NUMBER The estimated cost it will take to deliver a fulfillment line to a customer. The figure includes item cost as well as shipping cost.
REQUESTED_ARRIVAL_DATE DATE Requested Arrival Date of the set record.
REQUEST_SHIP_DATE DATE Requested Ship Date of the set record.
SCHEDULED_DAYS_OF_DELAYS NUMBER Scheduled Days of Delays of the set
DAYS_LATE NUMBER Number of days the demand is delayed by.
DEMAND_LEAD_TIME_DATE DATE Field indicates the lead time date value calculated using ordered date and demand lead time
REASON_CODE NUMBER Field indicates Reason Code for bm run demand
DEMAND_PRIORITY NUMBER Field indicates priority of the demand
ECC_FLAG NUMBER This column contains value of Enforce Current Commit Flag
PULL_IN_FLAG NUMBER Field indicates flag whether pullin enabled
MANUAL_OVERRIDE_FLAG NUMBER Field indicates status manual override flag
SOURCE_ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER Field indicates identifier for the source organization
EXPECTED_SHIP_DATE DATE This column contains value of Planned Ship Date associated with the set
EXPECTED_ARRIVAL_DATE DATE This column contains value of Planned Arrival Date associated with the set
EXPECTED_SHIP_METHOD_ID VARCHAR2 30 This column contains value of Planned Shipping Method associated with the set
EXPECTED_CARRIER_ID NUMBER This column contains value of Planned Carrier associated with the set
EXPECTED_SERVICE_LEVEL_ID NUMBER This column contains value of Planned Service Level associated with the set
EXPECTED_MODE_OF_TRANSPORT_ID NUMBER This column contains value of Planned Mode of Transport associated with the set
EXPECTED_SUPPLIER_ID NUMBER Field indicates identifier of expected supplier for bm run demand
EXPECTED_SUPPLIER_SITE_ID NUMBER Field indicates identifier of expected supplier Site for bm run demand
FIRM_SALES_ORDER NUMBER Indicates Locked Status associated with the set
SCHEDULING_STATUS_CODE NUMBER Indicates whether the order is scheduled or unscheduled
SCHEDULED_SUPPLIER_ID NUMBER Indicates Scheduled Supplier of the set
SCHEDULED_SUPPLIER_SITE_ID NUMBER Indicates Scheduled Supplier Site of the set
SALES_ORDER_HEADER_ID VARCHAR2 50 Indicates the Sales Order Header Id of the set
BM_RUN_ID NUMBER Field indicates unique identifier for a BM Run
RELEASE_STATUS_ORIG NUMBER Indicates the Original Release Status of the Set
OVERRIDE_PRIORITY NUMBER Field indicates overriden priority value for bm run demand
INQUIRY_DEMAND NUMBER Field indicates if a demand is Simulation Demand or not
DEMAND_FULFILLMENT_LEAD_TIME NUMBER Field indicates Fullfillment Lead Time of an order
DEMAND_CLASS VARCHAR2 34 Field indicates demand class of an order
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns