Starting an Implementation

Identify the channel revenue flows and the offering(s) your user communities will access flows from. This decision determines how you should opt in. Unlike other Fusion apps, some channel flows can be accessed from the Order Management or Procurement offering.

Opt In To Channel Revenue Management

Modify the Predefined Offering

Channel Revenue Management requires opt in. You must first enable it as a functional area under Order Management or Procurement to access its setup tasks.

Access from Order Management

  1. From the Navigator, select Setup and Maintenance.

  2. On the Setup: page, select Order Management from the drop-down list.

  3. Click Change Feature Opt In.

  4. On the Opt In: Order Management page, select the checkbox in the Enable column for the functional area: Channel Revenue Management.

  5. Click the Features icon.

  6. In the Edit Features page, enable the following based on your business flow:

    • Deductions and Settlement
    • Supplier Channel Management
    • Customer Channel Management
    • Manage Deduction Claims Using Redwood Pages
      Note: This opt in is mandatory.
    • Approve Customer Claims with BPM Workflow
      Note: Opt into this feature only if you choose to use BPM workflow-based approvals to process and route the approval to the designated approvers.
  7. Click Done.

  8. From the roadmap check list, finish each setup task as necessary, depending on your business requirements.

Access from Procurement

  1. From the Navigator, select Setup and Maintenance.

  2. On the Setup: page, select Procurement from the drop-down list.

  3. Click Change Feature Opt In.

  4. On the Opt In: Procurement page, select the checkbox in the Enable column for the functional area: Supplier Incentives, which is under Purchasing.

  5. Click the Features icon for Supplier Incentives.

  6. In the Edit Features page, enable Supplier Channel Management.

  7. Click Done.

  8. From the roadmap check list, finish each setup task as necessary, depending on your business requirements.

If you find that modifying the predefined offering doesn't meet your business requirements, then create a new implementation.

Create a New Implementation Project

If the predefined offering doesn't meet your business requirements for some reason, then create a new implementation project.

  1. From the Navigator, select Setup and Maintenance.

  2. On the Setup page, open the Tasks panel and select Manage Implementation Projects.

  3. On the Implementation Projects page, click the Create icon, or select Create from the Actions drop-down list to create a new project.

  4. On the Create Implementation Project: Enter Basic Information page, modify the values as necessary, and then click Next.

  5. On the Create Implementation Project: Select Offerings to Implement page, in the Name list:

    • Order Management

      Expand Order Management. Enable the Include option for Order Management and Channel Revenue Management.

    • Procurement

      Expand Procurement > Purchasing. Enable the Include option for Procurement, Purchasing, and Supplier Incentives.

  6. Click Save and Open Project.

    You can create one or more implementation projects for the offerings and options. Each Oracle application creates the task list you must finish for each project you create. An Application Implementation Manager can set up these task lists, and assign and track each task that these lists contain.

  7. On the Implementation Project page, in the Task list, expand and perform the tasks that your business flow requires.

Export Setup Data

This procedure shows you how to export setup data using offering or functional area. You need appropriate roles assigned to export setup data.

  1. Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance.

  2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, select the offering you want to export from the Offering menu.

  3. To export setup data:

    • For an entire offering, select and open the Actions menu in the page header, and then select Export.

    • For a specific functional area, select and open the Actions menu corresponding to the functional area, and then select Export.

  4. Select Create New to create a new export process.

  5. Optionally, specify appropriate scope values to filter exported setup data. By default, all existing setup data is exported for each business object processed during export. However, if scope is supported by any of those business objects, you can select scope values to filter the exported setup data. To specify scope values for one or more of the business objects:

    1. Select the applicable business object from the Business Objects table and then click Add. If no related business object supports scope, then the table remains empty.

    2. Search and select the value you want to use as scope for the business object and click Apply.

    3. Repeat the previous step to add more scope values if needed. Click Done when finished.

  6. Click Submit to start the export process.

  7. Monitor the status of the export process until it completes by selecting Export from the Actions menu. Up to three most recent processes are listed, and are ordered from newest to oldest. Each process indicates its status at the time, and if it was completed already, then the time stamp when it was processed.

  8. While the process is still in progress, you may select the status to view how much progress the process has made at the time. A message shows you how many business objects were already processed out of the total number of objects to be processed. Click View Progress to review the details on the business objects that were already processed. Click the Refresh button to get the most recent information. Refer to the topic Review of Export and Import Process Results for detailed description of the process results.

  9. When the export process completes, select the status link to go to the Export Offering Data Results page.

    • If the process completes successfully, the status is set to Ready to download.

      1. Click Download File to download the configuration package .zip file and save it at an appropriate location. Use this file to import setup data in the target environment.

      2. In addition, review the list of post export tasks. If any tasks are listed, then those tasks aren't migrated by export and import process. You must migrate that data manually in the target environment.

    • On the other hand, if the process completes with errors, the status displays Ready for error review.

      1. The Business Objects table shows all business objects that had errors during processing. Refer to the topic Review of Export and Import Process Results for detailed description of the process results.

      2. Click Download Log File from the page header, which includes the error log of all business objects that experienced error. Alternatively, you can also click Actions > Download Log File corresponding to a specific business object to download error log specific to that business object.

      3. After correcting the cause of the errors, create a new export process.


You can export the Order Management or Procurement Offering or the Channel Revenue Management Functional Area.

Import Setup Data

This procedure shows you how to import setup data using an offering or functional area. You need appropriate roles assigned to import setup data.

  1. Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance.

  2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, select the offering you want to import from the Offering menu.

  3. If the configuration package you want to import was created by exporting:

    • An offering, select Import from the Actions menu in the page header.

    • A functional area, select Import from the Actions menu corresponding to that functional area.

  4. Select Create New to create a new import process.

  5. Browse and select the configuration package file that contains the setup data you want to import. View the Configuration Package Details to verify that you selected the correct file.

    • If the offering or functional area selected during export doesn't match the offering or functional area you chose for the import process, an error message appears. Click the Update button to browse and select the correct file.

  6. Expand the Import Options section.

    • Best practice is to select the Compare setup data prior to import option. If you select this option, the import process automatically runs a comparison of the setup data in the configuration package file with that in the target environment before importing the setup data.


      Comparing setup data prior to import requires additional time. You may skip this step by not selecting the Compare setup data prior to import option. However, if you skip this step, you can't review how the setup data is similar or different in the source and target, and how the import process changes setup data in the target environment.

    • Optionally, select the Import feature selection option to import the opt-in configuration of the offering or functional area you're importing. This imports the enabled dependent functional areas and features of the offering or functional area.

    • The Pause process each time an error occurs option is selected by default. If an error occurs, the import process pauses so that you can take corrective action and resume the import. If you don't want the import process to be interrupted even if there are errors, deselect the option. However, note that if any prerequisite data fails, additional dependent data might not be imported correctly.

    • The Pause process each time manual import setup data is required option is selected by default. The import process pauses each time there's some data that you must manually import. You can deselect this option if the data to be imported manually already exists in your target environment.

  7. Click Submit to start the import process.

  8. If any setup data requires manual entry before the import can start, a warning message appears. This message shows you the tasks you must perform before submitting the process.

    • If you verified that the setup data for those tasks are already entered in the target environment, click Submit.

    • Otherwise, click Cancel. Create a new import process after you ensure that the setup data is entered in the target environment.

  9. Monitor the import process by clicking Actions > Import. Up to three most recent processes are listed and ordered from newest to oldest. Each process indicates its status at the time and, if the process is completed, the time stamp when it was processed.

  10. While the process is in progress, you can select the status to view how much progress the process made at the time. A message shows you how many business objects were already processed out of the total number of the objects to be processed. Click View Progress to review the details of the business objects that finished processing. Click the Refresh button to view the most recent information. Refer to the topic Review of Export and Import Process Results for detailed information about the process results.

  11. If you selected the Compare setup data prior to import option, once the comparison completes, the status reads Waiting for comparison review. Select the status to go to the Import Offering Data Results page to review the comparison results. Refer to the topic Compare Setup Data Using Offering or Functional Area for a detailed description of the comparison results.

  12. Click Continue to Import from the Import Offering Data Results page to start the import process if you're satisfied with the comparison results.

  13. Alternatively, if you didn't select the Compare setup data prior to import option, the import process starts automatically.

  14. Monitor the process as before, until it completes.

  15. If any setup data requires manual data entry during import, the process pauses, and the status reads Waiting for manual import.

    1. Select the status to go to the Import Offering Data Results page and review the details.

    2. A list displays the business objects that require manual data entry before import.

    3. For each of the listed business objects, click Go to task. This displays a list of related tasks. Select each task to enter the required data.

    4. After you enter the setup data for all the listed business objects, click Resume from the Import Offering Data Results page to restart the import process.

    5. Click Confirm in the confirmation message that appears to resume the import process.

  16. Continue to monitor the process until it completes.

  17. If the import process completes successfully:

    1. Review the results to verify successful completion.

    2. If any post import tasks are listed, ensure that their setup data is entered. Otherwise, the setup data remains incomplete, and you experience errors when processing transactions.

  18. If the import process completes with errors:

    1. The Business Objects table displays all business objects which encountered errors while processing. Refer to the topic Review of Export and Import Process Results for a detailed description of the process results.

    2. Click the Download Log File from the page header level. This includes the error log of all business objects that encountered errors. Alternatively, click Actions > Download Log File corresponding to a specific business object to download the error log specific to that business object.

    3. Create a new import process after correcting the errors.

Export Setup Data to a CSV File

To export setup data to a CSV file, follow these steps:

  1. Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance.

  2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, select the offering whose task requires setup data entry using CSV file.

  3. Identify the setup data as appropriate:

    • For all tasks associated with the offering, click Actions > Export to CSV File.

    • For all tasks associated with a functional area, select the functional area and click Actions > Export to CSV File.

    • For specific tasks:

      1. Select the appropriate functional area and go to the Tasks table.

      2. Select Columns > View > Actions to make the applicable task actions visible.

      3. Select the task, and from the corresponding Actions menu, select Export to CSV File.


        The Export to CSV file option is disabled if the task doesn't support export.

  4. Select Create New. You can export all existing setup data represented by the task.

    • If Scope is supported for any of the selected setup tasks, you can select appropriate scope values to filter the setup data you want to export.

    • You can also download the template for managing setup data without exporting the existing setup data in the environment. To do so, select the Export only template files checkbox.

  5. Click Submit to start the export process.

  6. Select Export to CSV file for the offering, or functional area, or task as appropriate, to see the latest process. Monitor the process at any level until it completes.

  7. Select the process after it's complete and review the results. Verify that the process completed without any error before you download the CSV file package.

    If there are more than one business objects associated with the task, you may find more than one CSV files.

Modify Setup Data in a CSV File

To enter or modify setup data before importing it into the target environment, you must edit the CSV file. While editing, ensure that you maintain the exact format for dates, numbers, and any other value that's present in the original exported CSV file.


Never delete any CSV file from the downloaded CSV package. Deleting a CSV file will cause errors during import. If you don't want to include setup data from a particular CSV file, remove all records (rows) from the CSV file except the heading row. Even if that CSV file is empty, you must include it in the CSV package to be imported.

If your file contains setup data with Date attributes, you must specify the correct date format that appears in the exported setup data file.

  1. Open the original exported file using a CSV editor such as WordPad and review the date format attribute (for example, 2015/10/25).

  2. Open the CSV file using Microsoft Excel.

  3. Select the Date attribute and click Format Cells. Change the Category to Custom and provide the same format that appeared in the original file. In the same way, provide the format for all date columns.


    Depending on the setup data, you must use the custom format to match the correct data format in columns as suggested in the following table.


    Data in CSV

    Custom Format Cells




    Date and Time

    2018/02/28 12:07:48:48

    yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.SSS

    Long Number


    Custom > 0

  4. Modify the remaining setup data as per your requirement.


    If you require further information to understand how to fill up the CSV file, refer to the Help associated with the task.

  5. Save the file in CSV format and immediately close it to prevent any other change. Ensure that the CSV file size doesn't exceed 10MB. The CSV file is ready for import.

If your file contains setup data with special characters for other languages such as Chinese, you might need to specify Text as the column format to represent such information.

  1. Open Microsoft Excel and click the Data tab.

  2. In the Get External Data group, click From Text.

  3. Navigate to and select the CSV file you downloaded. .

  4. Select Delimited as Data Type and click Next.

  5. Select Comma as delimiter and click Next.

  6. Select Text as column data format for all columns and click Finish. You can now edit the file.

  7. Save the file as file type Unicode Text (.txt) and close it.

  8. Open the file again using Notepad++:

    1. Find and replace all tab characters with commas.

    2. Change the encoding to Encode in UTF-8.

  9. Save and close the file.

  10. Change the file extension from .txt to .csv.

  11. Save the CSV into a .zip file. Ensure that the CSV file size doesn't exceed 10MB. You can now import the file.

Import Setup Data from a CSV File

To upload the new or modified setup data, follow these steps:

  1. Select Import from CSV file from the Actions menu of an offering, a functional area, or a task as appropriate.

  2. Select Create New.

  3. Select the appropriate .zip file. The application validates that the file corresponds to the selected offering, functional area, or task before you can submit the process.

  4. Click Submit.

  5. Select Import from CSV file to see the latest processes. Monitor the process until it completes.

  6. Select the process once it completes to review the results. If any error occurs, review the details listed in Status Details in the Business Objects section. Fix the issues and import again, if necessary.

  7. After you import the setup data successfully, you can verify the loaded data by selecting the task from the Setup page.