Create Supplier Trade Profiles

You can create supplier trade profiles from the Manage Supplier Trade Profiles page.

A supplier trade profile is optional for a supplier site. If the trade profile is available for a supplier site, actions of the supplier programs and claims for that supplier site is based on the profile setup.

How to Create Supplier Trade Profile

  1. From the Navigator, click Supplier Channel Management under Order Management or Procurement.
  2. On the Manage Supplier Programs page, from the Tasks panel, click Manage Supplier Trade Profiles. The Manage Supplier Trade Profiles page opens as a new tab.
  3. Click the Add Row icon to create a new trade profile for your supplier.
  4. From the Business Unit drop-down list, select your business unit.
  5. From the Supplier list, select the supplier for which you're setting up the trade profile.
  6. From the Site list, select the supplier's site for which you're setting up the trade profile.
  7. From the Default Claim Owner list, select the user who should be assigned by default to claims created for this supplier's site.
  8. For supplier annual programs:

    To use categories defined in Product Information Management in your volume rules, you must add the catalog to which they belong in the supplier's trade profile. From the Catalog list, select the catalog.

    Note: Catalogs can be added only at the supplier level, not at the site level.
  9. For supplier ship and debit programs:
    • If you're using a grace period, enter the number of days in the Grace Period in Days field.
    • To process RMA orders, select the Process Accruals for Returns checkbox.
  10. Click Save.
Note: You can create, view, and update a supplier trade profile. You can disable, but not delete them.