Overview of Supplier Trade Profiles

A distributor deals with multiple suppliers. Each supplier site can optionally have their own preferences in how distributors want to process the supplier's programs and claims. Supplier trade profiles enable distributors to capture the preference of a supplier site and process the programs accordingly.

A supplier trade profile can be created for a unique combination of supplier, supplier site, and business unit.

The following sections explain the preferences available for each flow.

Supplier Rebate

You can set preferences for these attributes for your supplier rebate program:

  • Default Claim Owner: This field captures the name of the claim owner.

  • Default Program Owner: This field captures the name of the program owner and is applicable only for programs created by suppliers to aid the transition from supplier draft to draft status.

Supplier Annual Program

You can set preferences for these attributes for your supplier annual rebate programs:

  • Catalog: This field captures the catalog created in Oracle Fusion Product Information Management, which is assigned to the supplier and used in the Supplier Annual Program.


    Catalogs can be added only at the supplier level, not at the site level.

    Hierarchical categories aren't supported. An item can only belong to a single category.


    Date effectivity is supported for the Item-Category association for annual programs.

  • Default Claim Owner: This field captures the name of the claim owner.

  • Default Program Owner: This field captures the name of the program owner and is applicable only for programs created by suppliers to aid the transition from supplier draft to draft status.

Supplier Ship and Debit

You can set your preferences for these attributes for your supplier ship and debit programs:

  • Grace Period in Days: This field captures the number of days for which the program can be applied beyond the program end date. Grace days apply only to active programs (programs in the Active status). If a program is terminated prior to the end date or the extended end date (with grace period), then the program doesn't apply beyond the termination date. The maximum number of days for grace period is 9999.

    When a channel program is created for a supplier site having a supplier trade profile, the application considers the grace period value. Once this program is activated, the end date is extended after considering the grace period. For example, if the program end date is 30-Sept-2019, and the grace period in days for the supplier site in the trade profile is 10 days, the channel program becomes eligible till 10-Oct-2019.


    Grace period isn't applicable to end dates specified in market rules or product rules.

  • Process Accruals for Returns: Return Material Authorization (RMA) orders provide permission from the supplier for the customer to return inventory for credit, replacement, or repair. If this attribute is selected as Yes, then accruals are generated and processed for RMA orders. The default value is No. This is applicable only to supplier ship and debit.

    When channel programs for supplier sites with trade profiles set for processing accruals for returns are applied on RMA orders, accruals can be generated and processed for these orders using the Create Accruals scheduled process.

    • If the attribute Process Accruals for Returns is set to yes, then negative accruals are processed by the Create Accruals scheduled process, and are included in the next claim.

    • If set to no, then the Create Accruals scheduled process doesn't generate accruals for the RMA order.

  • Default Claim Owner: This field captures the name of the claim owner.

  • Default Program Owner: This field captures the name of the program owner and is applicable only for programs created by suppliers to aid the transition from supplier draft to draft status.