Update Attributes on Split Order Lines for Partial Shipments

Update attributes on a split order line for a partial shipment.

Realize these benefits:

  • Update attributes on an order line after you ship part of that line.
  • Avoid having to cancel split lines and manually recreate new ones when all you want to do is update attributes on the split line.
  • Reduce the number of steps and the time you need to process change on an order line after you ship part of that line.
  • Improve efficiency and accuracy of change processing on the line after you ship part of the line.
  • Improve tracking and reporting for lines that you fulfill in more than one shipment.
  • Increase customer satisfaction.

Consider a scenario.

  • You partially ship an order line because some items in the warehouse were damaged.
  • You update the Requested Date attribute or the warehouse attribute on the split line and submit your change.
  • Oracle Order Management sends your change to Oracle Global Order Promising, and Promising reschedules the line it so it ships on a different date or from a different warehouse.
  • Order Management also sends an update to Oracle Inventory Management, and Inventory Management updates the reservation and shipment details.
  • Oracle Shipping ships the split line according to the updated schedule date or from the updated warehouse.

Shipping can ship part of a fulfillment line to help meet customer demand. If only some of the quantity on an order line is currently available on the requested date, then Shipping ships the quantity that it can ship, and Order Management creates a split order line for the remaining quantity. We now have a new fulfillment line in Order Management that has the remaining quantity that Shipping still needs to ship.

You might need to update attributes on the split line in Order Management after Shipping ships part of the order line. For example, you know the Denver warehouse has enough supply to fulfill the line that hasn't shipped, so you update the warehouse attribute on that line to Denver, submit your change, and Order Management will send these details to your downstream fulfillment system so it can fulfill the request.

Use this feature so you can:

  • Update attributes on a split order line that Order Management creates when Shipping ships part of an order line in a standard or a back-to-back flow.
  • Update attributes on a split line in the Order Management work area, through REST API, or in some other way, such as through Backlog Management in Oracle Supply Planning, Global Order Promising, or an update to a work order, purchase order, or transfer order in a back-to-back flow.
  • Orchestrate and send change on the split line to your downstream fulfillment system. For example, to Global Order Promising to reschedule the line, to Inventory Management to update reservation and shipment details, to Global Trade Management to screen for trade compliance, to Transportation Management to plan transportation, and so on.
  • Examine reservation and shipment details for the split lines in Inventory Management after you update an attribute on the line in Order Management.
  • Send the fulfillment line for the split line in a shipping service to some other application, such as Transportation Management, Global Trade Management, and so on.

Update the value of an attribute on a split line in Order Management, and then use that value to:

  • Reprice and recalculate tax.
  • Reauthorize the credit card transaction when your customer uses a credit card to pay for the item, or when you update the ordered quantity, price, credit card, and so on.
  • Fulfill, recognize revenue, and bill the split lines.
  • Cost the transaction and recognize the cost of goods sold for the split lines in Oracle Cost Management.
  • Orchestrate financial details and process the transaction in Oracle Supply Chain Financial Orchestration for the split lines.

For more, including helpful screen prints, see Demonstration of the Update Attributes on Split Order Lines for Partial Shipments Feature.

For details and examples, go to REST API for Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud, expand Order Management, then click Sales Orders for Order Hub.

Revise a Sales Order

You can update one or more attributes on a split line. You can update line attributes just like you do when you update attributes on a line that isn't split and that's awaiting shipping.

You can update an attribute on the order header, and Order Management will cascade your update to all the split lines that you haven't overridden. You can also use the Override Order Line action to update an attribute on the split line.

As an option, you can use the Update Lines action to update attributes on all the lines that you select at the same time. If you opt into this feature, then you can use this action for the split lines and for the order lines that you backorder in Shipping.

You can also use an order management extension or posttransformation rule to update an attribute on a split line.

Here's an example of what you can do on the Create Order Revision page.

  • Make changes to more than one line. For details, see Update More Than One Order Line.
  • Revise the requested date. Order Management will cascade the date to each split order line.
  • Update the quantity.
  • Manually adjust the price.
  • Use an override action to update the warehouse.

You can do an action just like you do on a line that isn't split and that's awaiting shipping. For example:

  • Edit Line Details
  • Manage Attachments
  • Edit Additional Information
  • Edit Tax Determinants
  • Manage Incentives
  • Cancel Line
  • Override Order Line
  • Manage Sales Credit

What You Can't Do

You can’t update an attribute on a split line if:

  • It’s a line that Order Management created while partially fulfilling a drop shipment.
  • It’s a remnant line of a configured item. For more about remnants, see Fulfill Configured Items.
  • It’s a line that Order Management created when Oracle Receiving partially received a return line.
  • It’s on a sales order that you submitted before you opted into the Update Attributes on Split Order Lines for Partial Shipments feature. You can update attributes on a split line only on a sales order that you submit after you opt into the feature.
  • You can’t update the Unit of Measure, Shipment Set, Supplier and Supplier Site attributes on a split line.
  • You can’t update the configuration of a configured item on a split line.
  • If you update an attribute on a split line through REST API, or through some way, such as through Backlog Management, Global Order Promising, or Supply Planning, but it’s a split line that Order Management doesn't allow you to update, then you will receive an error. However, if it’s an update from a supply order in a back-to-back flow, then Order Management will ignore the update. It will update the work order, purchase order, or transfer order and the supply order for the split line, but Order Management won't update the split line.

Use Fulfillment Views

You can use actions in the fulfillment views to update split lines just like you do when you use actions on a line that isn't split and that's awaiting shipping.

If you use an unschedule or an unreserve action for one or more split lines, and if the fulfillment tolerance on at least one of the lines that you select isn’t 0, then Order Management will ask you to confirm the action.

If you use an action in a fulfillment view to update the split lines, and if your selection includes:

  • Only the split lines that Order Management can’t update, then Order Management will display the same error it displays when you don't use this feature.
  • Split lines that Order Management can update, then Order Management updates them, and doesn't update the split lines that it can't update.

How Order Management Processes Change on Split Lines

Order Management processes change on a split line similar to how it processes change on a line that isn't split and that's awaiting shipping. You can use different compensation patterns according to the attributes that you update or according to the fulfillment task that Order Management is compensating.

If you update an attribute on a split line, and if the orchestration process uses that attribute to identify change for a fulfillment task, then the orchestration process sends the updated attribute value on the split line to that fulfillment system. For example, if you update attributes such as the ordered quantity, shipping method, requested date, scheduled ship date and so on a split line, then Order Management compensates the shipping task and sends the updated attribute value to Shipping. If this is the first update on the split line, then:

  • The orchestration process compensates all of its fulfillment tasks, then sends the split line to the fulfillment system. This helps to make sure that the split line is available in the fulfillment system after the first update.
  • If your orchestration process uses a trade compliance task, transportation planning task, template task, or fulfillment task to integrate with an application that isn't an Oracle application, then the orchestration process also sends the parent fulfillment line of the split line to that application, such as Oracle Global Trade Management, Oracle Transportation Management, and so on. That application then updates the quantity of the parent fulfillment line so it’s the same as the ordered quantity in Order Management. This logic helps to make sure the fulfillment application has the same ordered quantity that Order Management has for the parent fulfillment line of the split order line.

If you substitute an item or update the warehouse on a split line, then Order Management will send a request to cancel the current request to the fulfillment system, creates a new request for the updated line, then send the new request to the fulfillment system. For example, if your orchestration process has schedule, supply, and shipping tasks, then:

  • Global Order Promising will cancel the old demand and create a new one.
  • Supply Chain Orchestration will cancel the old supply order and create a new one.
  • Inventory Management will cancel the old reservation and shipment line and create a new reservation and shipment line.


  • Order Management applies this same logic when you unschedule or unreserve a split line, and then schedule or reserve the split line.
  • If you enable the Use Flexfield Attributes option on your orchestration process, and if you update an extensible flexfield on a split line, then the orchestration process compensates it's fulfillment tasks. If you use a service mapping to send the extensible flexfield to Shipping, then Order Management sends the updated values in the extensible flexfield to Shipping.
  • You can cancel a split line or fulfill it without updating any attribute just like you do when you don't use this feature. However, if you cancel now, then your cancellation request cancels the current request in all the fulfillment systems that your orchestration process references.
  • Order Management doesn't compensate the parent line of a split line when you cancel that split line for a partial shipment.

For details about compensation, see Overview of Managing Change That Happens During Order Fulfillment


You must enable the feature:

  1. Go to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
  2. Select the Order Management offering, then click Change Feature Opt In.
  3. On the Opt In page, click the pencil in the row that has Order Management in the Name column.
  4. On the Edit Features page, add a check mark to the Update Attributes on Split Order Lines for Partial Shipments feature.


  • You can't opt out of the Update Attributes on Split Order Lines for Partial Shipments feature after you opt in and submit a sales order. At this point, you're committed to using the feature.
  • Use this feature with sales orders that you revise in the Order Management work area, that you import through REST API, through file-based data import (FBDI) that uses REST API, or through an update from some other way, such as through Backlog Management, Global Order Promising, or Supply Planning.
  • Use this feature in a standard or a back-to-back flow.
  • You can’t use a web service from Application Development Framework (ADF) or a file-based data import (FBDI) that uses an ADF web service to update an attribute on a split line. You can only use an ADF web service to cancel a split line like just you do when you don't use this feature.
  • You can update an attribute on a split line that has a configured item or a kit just like you do when you update an attribute on a line that isn’t split and that’s awaiting shipping, but you can’t modify the configuration of a configured item on a split line.
  • If you update an attribute on a split line, then Oracle Pricing reprices the line just like it does when you update an attribute on a line that isn't split and that's awaiting shipping. A tier adjustment, manual price adjustment, sales agreement, or incentive might affect pricing. The tier adjustment on the original line might not apply on the split line. Make sure you have the correct set up in Pricing Administration, and make sure you set up incentives correctly in Channel Revenue Management.
  • If you ship lines in a shipment set, and if you partially ship or don't ship at least one of these lines, then Order Management removes the lines that you haven't shipped from the set. You can now update attributes on the removed lines just like you do on a line that isn't in a shipment set in a standard or a back-to-back flow.
  • You can use the Order Management Created Split Line for Partial Shipment validation rule set to constrain some updates on a split line that Order Management creates when Shipping ships part of the order line. For example, you opt into this feature so you can update attributes on split lines, but you don’t want to allow your users to update the FOB (free on board) attribute on a split line. You can set up a processing constraint that prevents you from updating the FOB attribute on a fulfillment line, and then use this validation rule set in the condition. You can also use these validation rule sets to constrain updates on a split line or on a line that isn't split according to one of these line statuses in Inventory Management:
    • Fulfillment Line is Backordered
    • Fulfillment Line is Released to Warehouse
    • Fulfillment Line is Picked or Staged

Drop Shipments and Transfers

  • If you need to drop ship a split line in a standard or in a back-to-back flow, then you must unschedule the split line, and then schedule it. As an option you can set the supplier and the supplier site before you schedule the split line. You can set the supplier or the supplier site on a split line only after you unschedule it.
  • If a line is part of an internal material transfer in Order Management, and if Shipping already shipped part of that line, then you can’t change the transfer order in Inventory Management. You can only cancel it. However, you can update a fulfillment attribute on the split line, such as the schedule date, shipping method, and so on. You can update it in a fulfillment view in the Order Management work area in some other way, such as through Backlog Management, Global Order Promising, and so on.


If you enable the Defer Online Processing of Inventory Updates shipping parameter for a warehouse, and if you partially ship an order line from this warehouse in a back-to-back flow, then Supply Chain Orchestration will close the supply order after Shipping ships the first partial shipment. So, you can’t update an attribute on the split line at this point. If you must update an attribute on the split line, then:

  1. Unschedule the split line.
  2. Update your attribute on the split line, such as the Scheduled Ship Date attribute or the Order Quantity attribute.
  3. Schedule the split line.

    Supply Chain Orchestration will create a new supply order for the split line with your updated attribute values. You can substitute an item or update a warehouse attribute on the split line without unscheduling it.

If you modify the warehouse on a split line or on a line that isn't split in a back-to-back flow, then Supply Chain Orchestration will cancel the previous supply and create the optimal supply for the new warehouse. Global Order Promising uses your sourcing rules to determine the optimal new supply. This behavior is same on the split line or on the line that isn’t split.

For more details about how you can process split order lines in a back-to-back flow, see the Improve Supply Tracking for Sales Orders in Your Back to Back Flows feature in the Supply Chain Orchestration functional area.

Fulfillment Tolerances and Substitutions

  • If you substitute the item on a split line, or unschedule or unreserve it, and if the fulfillment tolerance on the line isn’t 0, then Shipping will apply the fulfillment tolerance on the split order line, but it won't consider the cumulative quantity that you already shipped across all of the order line's fulfillment lines. Instead, Shipping will consider only the quantity on the fulfillment line that Shipping is shipping.
  • If you need to substitute the item on a split line or split the split line again according to a recommendation from Global Order Promising, then you must unschedule the split line, and then schedule it.

Warehouse Updates

  • You can update the selling profit center attribute on a split line only if you also update the warehouse attribute on that line.
  • If the new warehouse on a split line and the old warehouse on the original order line each use a different primary unit of measure for the item, and if the fulfillment tolerance on the split line isn’t 0, then you can’t update the warehouse on the split line. Order Management will reject this change even if Global Order Promising recommends it. In this situation, you must use the old warehouse on the split line, or your new warehouse must use the primary unit of measure for the item that the original warehouse uses.

Inventory Management

Inventory Management updates the reservation for a split line according to the change request that it receives from Order Management.

If you update an attribute on a split line, then the reservation displays a reference to the fulfillment line for the split line. The attribute that you update must be an attribute that identifies change for the reservation task in Order Management. For background, see Manage Order Attributes That Identify Change.

Here are some examples of how Inventory Management handles the update that you make.

What You Do on the Split Line in Order Management What Inventory Management Does
Reduce the ordered quantity. Reduces the reserved quantity on the reservation to the ordered quantity.
Increase the ordered quantity.

Increases the reserved quantity on the reservation to the ordered quantity.

If Inventory Management already staged a shipment line for the split line, then it creates a new reservation for the quantity that exceeds the original quantity.

Update the ordered quantity with no existing reservation. If there is no reservation on the split line, Inventory Management creates a new reservation. This might happen when Shipping backorders the remaining quantity of a fulfillment line that it partially ships.
Update the warehouse. Deletes the existing reservation for the split line in the original warehouse, and then creates a new reservation in the new warehouse.
Substitute the item. Deletes the reservation for the original item, and then creates a new reservation for the new item.
Do an unschedule action or an unreserve action.

Deletes the existing reservation for the split line.

If you then do a schedule or reserve action, then Inventory Management creates a new reservation. If you also update the scheduled ship date when you do this action, then Inventory Management updates the Due Date attribute on the Manage Reservations and Picks page.


Oracle Shipping updates the shipment line for a split order line according to the change request that it receives from Order Management.

Here are some examples of how Shipping handles updates that you make on an attribute that identifies change for the shipping task in Order Management.

What You Do on the Split Line in Order Management What Shipping Does
Update an attribute. If the attribute that you update identifies change for the shipping task, then Shipping also updates the shipment line. For example, if you update the requested date in Order Management, then Shipping updates the requested date on the shipment line. The same logic applies for other attributes that identify change, such as the scheduled ship date, shipping method, FOB, and so on.
Increase the ordered quantity. Creates a new shipment line for the quantity that exceeds the original quantity, and sets the line's status to Ready to Release.
Reduce the ordered quantity.

Reduces the quantity on the shipment line that's in the Staged, Released to Warehouse, or Backordered status.

Shipping doesn't reduce the picked quantity for shipment lines that are in the Released to Warehouse status.

Update the warehouse, substitute an item, or do an unschedule action or an unreserve action.

Cancels the existing shipment line for the split line, creates a new shipment line, and sets the shipment line's status to Ready to Release.

If you:

  • Update the warehouse, then Shipping creates a new shipment line with the new warehouse.
  • Substitute an item, then Shipping creates a new shipment line with the new item.
  • Unschedule and then schedule the split line, or unreserve and then reserve the split line, then Shipping creates a new shipment line with a new scheduled ship date.

If you update an attribute on a split line, then Order Management populates the Original Source Order Fulfillment Line attribute on the shipment lines of the split order line. It populates the attribute with a reference to the fulfillment line of the original order line. The attribute that you update must be an attribute that identifies change for any of the tasks in the orchestration process.

Shipping doesn't populate the Original Source Order Fulfillment Line attribute on the new shipment line that it creates. Instead, Source Order Fulfillment Line will contain a reference to fulfillment line that fulfils the split order line.

Cost Management

Cost Management uses the changes that it receives from Order Management and Shipping to cost the transactions.

If you update the warehouse on a split line in Order Management, and if that warehouse is in a different business unit than the original warehouse, then Cost Management changes the transaction flow to an Internal Drop Shipment.

Supply Chain Financial Orchestration

Supply Chain Financial Orchestration uses the attribute updates from the split line that Order Management creates to process the intercompany transaction.

  • Assume shipment 2548623 is for the original order line that Shipping partially shipped.
  • The shipping organization and the selling organization are in the same business unit, so Financial Orchestration doesn't process this shipment.
  • Shipping creates shipment 2633638 for the split line.
  • You update the shipping warehouse on the split line in Order Management.
  • Financial Orchestration will process shipment 2633638 because the shipping organization and the selling organization for 2633638 are in different business units.

The Monitor Financial Orchestration Execution page displays the quantity shipped for a split line in the ordered quantity attribute.

Supply Chain Orchestration

You can track supply for a split line in a back-to-back flow and continue to modify supply until Shipping ships the entire quantity for the line.

  • If you ship part of a split line in a back-to-back flow, then Supply Chain Orchestration makes sure that the reservation remains the same for the quantity that hasn't shipped.
  • If you modify the quantity or the scheduled ship date on a split line, then Supply Chain Orchestration updates your incoming reserved supply and the reservation for that supply.
  • If you modify the warehouse or substitute the item on a split line, then Supply Chain Orchestration will cancel the previous supply and create the optimal supply for the new warehouse or the new item. Global Order Promising uses your sourcing rule to determine the optimal new supply.
  • If the supply for your remaining, unshipped quantity gets disrupted, then Supply Chain Orchestration updates the scheduled ship date on the split line, and then searches for another source of supply.
  • If the original supply gets canceled, then Supply Chain Orchestration creates more supply. If Supply Chain Orchestration can't find more supply, then it sends a notification to Order Management that the Order Entry Specialist must manually take action, such as modifying an expected ship date.
  • If you backorder your unshipped quantity, then Supply Chain Orchestration will make sure that the previous supply is no longer reserved for your backordered line. If you reschedule your backordered line, Supply Chain Orchestration will create new supply.
