Assign Your ATP Rules

If you create more than one ATP rule for an item, and if Promising determines that more than one of them apply when it promises your item, then Promising uses the one that has the most specific assignment.

Assignment Priority According Specificity
Item and Organization 1







For example, if you assign rule x to the item and to the item's category, and you assign rule y to the item, then Promising uses rule y to promise the sales order because the item is more specific than the category.

Assume Promising determines that rules x and y both apply to your item, but you want it to use rule y. Here's how you can specify that.
  1. Go to the Global Order Promising work area, then click Tasks > Manage ATP Rules.
  2. On the Manage ATP Rules page, search for and open rule y for editing.
  3. On the Edit ATP Rule page, click ATP Assignment Rule, set the value, then click Save and Close.
    Attribute Value
    Assignment Basis Item
  4. On the Manage ATP Rules page, search for and open rule x for editing.
  5. On the Edit ATP Rule page, click ATP Assignment Rule, set the value, then click Save and Close.
    Attribute Value
    Assignment Basis Organization