How You Create Work Definitions

You can create a work definition using the Manage Work Definitions page in the Work Definition work area. You can create a work definition in two ways: by creating a new work definition, or by copying from an existing work definition. You can create a discrete work definition or a process work definition based on the work method you choose.

Here's how you can create a discrete work definition:

  1. Enter the discrete work definition header details.

  2. Create the operations.

  3. Assign items to the operations.

  4. Assign resources to the operations.

Here's how you can create a process work definition:

  1. Enter the process work definition header details.

  2. Create the operations.

  3. Assign outputs to the operations.

  4. Assign items to the operations.

  5. Assign resources to the operations.

Enter Discrete Work Definition Header Details

On the Manage Work Definitions page, click the Add icon or from the Actions menu, select: Add. This opens the Create Work Definition dialog box. Retain the option as New work definition.

Here are a list of the work definition header related fields and their descriptions:



Work Method

If an organization is enabled for process manufacturing, then both Process Manufacturing and Discrete Manufacturing work methods are available The value in the Work Method drop-down list is defaulted from what's specified in the plant parameter Default Work Method. If an organization isn't enabled for process manufacturing, then only work method Discrete Manufacturing is available.

Product section:

The product area.


The product for which you're creating the work definition.


The description of an item. The item description is automatically populated after you enter an item.

Structure Name

This is an optional field. If the item has a primary item structure, then that item structure is referenced. If you don't enter an item structure, then the item structure isn't shown on the Edit Work Definition Details page.

Structure Item Type

The value is automatically populated after you enter an item structure. The item structure type is Standard for a standard item and Model for an assemble-to-order model item.

Preassign Lots

You can enable preassign lots for work definition if the product is lot controlled, or lot and serial controlled.


The preassign lots attribute is applicable only for standard and transform work definitions, but not applicable for rework work definition.

Serial Tracked

You can create a serial tracked work definition if the item's serial generation is set up as Predefined serial number.

Completion Subinventory

The value is derived from the plant parameter and can be overridden.

Completion Locator

The value is derived from the plant parameter and can be overridden.

Minimum Transfer Quantity The minimum transfer quantity is defined for an item to schedule overlapping and sequential operations of work orders. You can start the next operation or work order when the minimum transfer quantity is completed in the prior operation of the work order.

You can specify minimum transfer quantity when creating a work definition using file-based data import (FBDI), Application Development Framework desktop integration spreadsheet (ADFdi) and using a REST service.

If Scheduling Method is Default Scheduler and minimum transfer quantity is specified in work definition, then forward, backward, and midpoint scheduling must consider the MTQ value for overlapping the operations and operation resources.

Note: You can't define a minimum transfer quantity for a standard operation.
Note: The minimum transfer quantity isn't work definition version specific, it’s applicable for all versions.

Work Definition section

The work definition area.


Select a work definition name that hasn't been used in an existing work definition for the item. A work definition name is either predefined or defined prior to creating a work definition.


Based on the selected work definition name, the work definition type is displayed.


If the work definition type is Transform, then you must specify the Transform-from Item. This is the item being transformed to the work definition item.


The value is set to 1 and can be overridden.

Start Date

The value is set to the application date and can be overridden.

Production Priority

The production priority value for the first work definition of an item, that uses a work definition name for which the Used in Planning check box is selected, is enforced as 1. The value for subsequent work definition for the same item is derived sequentially.

Costing Priority

This is an optional field. The value is used in costing planning scenario to determine which work definition to use when rolling up costs.

Costing Batch Output Size

This is an optional field. The value is the assumed batch size for the purposes of computing a standard cost. For discrete manufacturing, it's defaulted from the Standard Lot Size, if defined for the work definition item. If not, Costing considers the value of 1.


Attachments of type file, text, or URL in the work definition. The attachments are automatically carried over to the work order header.

You can perform a mass upload of attachments for work definition headers and operations if your enterprise has implemented the needed SOAP service, the ERP Object Attachment service. For more information about this SOAP service, refer to the How You Upload Work Definition and Work Definition Operation Attachments Using a SOAP Service chapter in the Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management guide.

Enter Process Work Definition Header Details

On the Manage Work Definitions page, click the Add icon or from the Actions menu, select: Add. This opens the Create Work Definition dialog box. Retain the option as New work definition.



Work Method

If an organization is enabled for process manufacturing, then both Process Manufacturing and Discrete Manufacturing work methods are available. The value in the Work Method drop-down list is defaulted from what's specified in the plant parameter Default Work Method. If an organization isn't enabled for process manufacturing, then only work method Discrete Manufacturing is available.

Process section

The process work method area.


A unique identifier of a process work definition. Name must be unique within the manufacturing plant.

Primary Output

The intended product to be produced.


The description of the primary output. It's automatically populated after you enter a primary output.

Structure Name This is an optional field. If the item has a primary item structure, then Primary is defaulted. If you don't enter a structure name, then an item structure isn't shown on the Edit Work Definition Details page.
Structure Item Type The value is automatically populated after you enter a structure name. The structure item type is Standard for a standard item.

Preassign Lots

You can enable preassign lots in process work definition only if the primary output is lot controlled. This attribute enables preassigning of lot numbers to products and by-products.

Batch Quantity

The quantity of the production batch used for batch sizing and scaling, where all input and output quantities are defined in terms of the batch quantity.


The UOM of batch quantity. It's defaulted to the primary output item's primary UOM.

Work Definition section

The work definition area.


Select a work definition name that hasn't been used in an existing work definition for the item. A work definition name is either predefined or defined prior to creating a work definition.


Based on the selected work definition name, the work definition type is displayed.


The value is set to 1 and can be overridden.

Start Date

The value is set to the application date and can be overridden.

Production Priority

The production priority for the first work definition of an item that uses a work definition name for which the Used in Planning check box is selected, is enforced as 1. The value for subsequent work definition for the same item is derived sequentially.

Costing Priority

This is an optional field. The value is used in costing planning scenario to determine which work definition to use when rolling up costs.

Costing Batch Output Size

This is an optional field. The value is the assumed batch size for the purposes of computing a standard cost. For process manufacturing, it's defaulted from Batch Quantity. If not defined, Costing considers the value as 1.

Minimum Transfer Quantity The minimum transfer quantity is defined for an item to schedule overlapping and sequential operations of work orders. You can start the next operation or work order when the minimum transfer quantity is completed in the prior operation of the work order.

You can specify minimum transfer quantity when creating a work definition using file-based data import (FBDI), Application Development Framework desktop integration spreadsheet (ADFdi) and using a REST service.

If Scheduling Method is Default Scheduler and minimum transfer quantity is specified in work definition, then forward, backward, and midpoint scheduling must consider the MTQ value for overlapping the operations and operation resources.

Note: You can't define a minimum transfer quantity for a standard operation.
Note: The minimum transfer quantity isn't work definition version specific, it’s applicable for all versions.


Attachments of type file, text, or URL in the work definition. The attachments are automatically carried over to the work order header.

You can perform a mass upload of attachments for work definition headers and operations if your enterprise has implemented the needed SOAP service, the ERP Object Attachment service. For more information about this SOAP service, refer to the How You Upload Work Definition and Work Definition Operation Attachments Using a SOAP Service chapter in the Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management guide.

Create Operations

After specifying the details of the work definition header, click Next to create the work definition operations.

There are three ways to create a work definition operation:

  • Reference a standard operation: You can reference a standard operation by selecting the code of the standard operation and retaining the Referenced check box as selected. You can't edit any attributes in this case.


    When you reference a standard operation, you can't edit the resources assigned to the standard operation in the work definition. Referencing also ensures that any future changes to the standard operation are reflected in the work definition operation.

  • Copy a standard operation: You can copy a standard operation by selecting the code of the standard operation and deselecting the Referenced check box. You can edit and update the attributes. After you remove the reference to a standard operation, you can't reference it again.


    When you remove the reference to a standard operation, you can add or delete the resources assigned to the standard operation in the work definition. Any future changes to the standard operation aren't reflected in the work definition operation.

  • Manually enter an operation: You can create an operation by manually entering the name, work center, and specifying whether it's a count point or automatically transact operation. To enter a description and add attachments, expand the operation row.

The following are the operation related fields:




The value is derived from the plant parameters Starting Operating Sequence and Operation Sequence Increment. The value can be overridden but must be unique.

Standard Operation Code

The code of the standard operation when you choose to reference or copy a standard operation.

Standard Operation Referenced

Indicates that the standard operation definition is referenced in the work definition operation. Any future changes to the standard operation are reflected in the work definition operation. Once you deselect the Referenced check box, you can't select it again.

Operation Type

Indicates if an operation is executed in-house or outsourced to suppliers.


The name of the operation.


The description of the operation.

Work Center

The work center that's associated to the operation.

Work Center Inactive Date

The inactive date of the work center that's associated to the operation.

Start Date

The start date of the operation, which is aligned to the work definition version start date.

End Date

The end date of the operation, which is null initially.

Count Point

Indicates that the operation completion needs to be explicitly reported. The last operation in a work definition has to be a count point operation. The Count Point and Automatically Transact attributes are mutually exclusive.

Operation Yield

Indicates the yield factor of an operation which represents the percentage of the starting quantity that's yielded at the completion of the operation.

Note: It’s supported only for discrete manufacturing. You can specify operation yield values for the work definition operation using the workDefinitionRequests REST API, FBDI, and ADFDi.
Cumulative Yield

The cumulative yield is calculated by taking the product of the yields at each operation starting from the first operation. It’s calculated by the application and displayed.

Reverse Cumulative Yield Indicates the reverse of cumulative yield and is calculated by taking the product of the yields at each operation starting from the last operation. It’s calculated by the application and displayed.

Automatically Transact

Indicates that the operation is automatically completed, the pull components are backflushed, and the resources are automatically charged when the next count point operation is completed. The Count Point and Automatically Transact attributes are mutually exclusive.


Indicates that the operation is a serialization start operation. It can be selected only if the work definition item is set up as serial-tracked. Serialization is applicable to only discrete work definitions.


Currently supported for only discrete manufacturing.

Allow Resequencing Indicates that the operation can be resequenced during work execution. Here are the rules to consider:
  • Only count point operations can be defined as resequenceable operations.
  • Resequenceable operations can’t be the first and last operations of a work definition.
  • A resequenceable operation can’t be a serialization start operation.
  • A set of resequenceable operations must be preceded and succeeded by count point operations. In other words, an automatically transact or optional operation can’t be defined next to a resequenceable operation.
  • You can define multiple sets of resequenceable operations within a work definition, and any number of resequenceable operations within a given set.
Note: You can’t use ADFdi to create, update, or delete resequenceable operations, or search for work definitions with resequenceable operations.

Lead Time Percent

The offset of a given operation as a percentage of the manufacturing lead time considering all operations of the work definition. These lead time percent values are used as an input in the calculation of cumulative lead times.


Attachments of type file, text, or URL for the work definition operation. The attachments are automatically carried over to the work order operation.

You can perform a mass upload of attachments for work definition headers and operations if your enterprise has implemented the needed SOAP service, the ERP Object Attachment service. For more information about this SOAP service, refer to the How You Upload Work Definition and Work Definition Operation Attachments Using a SOAP Service chapter in the Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management guide.

Additional Manual Material Issue

Specifies if operators can manually issue additional materials that aren't defined in the work order with push supply type, or manually issue quantities greater than those specified in the work order. The possible values are Allow and Don't allow.

Completions with Under Issues

Specifies if operators can report operation completions when materials with push supply type haven't been issued. The possible values are Allow, Allow with warning, and Don't allow.

Completions with Open Exceptions

Specifies if operators can report operation completions when there are open exceptions. The possible values are Allow, Allow with warning, and Don't allow.

Supplier Operation Details

The defining characteristics of a supplier operation is that it's always a count point operation, and it can't have resources. You can define one or more supplier operations and they can be consecutive. A supplier operation can be the last operation sequence in a work definition. Supplier operations can’t be defined as resequenceable operations in a work definition.

In an assemble-to-order model work definition, a supplier operation can be defined either as a mandatory or option-dependent operation. If it's defined as a mandatory operation, then the supplier operation will always be included in the resulting configured item work definition and work order. If it's defined as an option-dependent operation, then the supplier operation will be included in the resulting configured item work definition and work order if the option associated to the operation is selected by you. This is the same behavior as an in-house operation.

The following are the supplier operation related fields:



Outside Processing Item

An item that represents the value-added service being performed on the assembly in outside processing. The item is defined in the Product Information Management work area. For discrete manufacturing, the primary UOM of the outside processing item must be the same as the primary UOM of the work definition item. For process manufacturing, the primary UOM of the outside processing item must be the same as the unit of measure of the batch quantity.

If the finished goods item is a dual units of measure item, which means the Tracking Unit of Measure is set to primary and secondary, then the outside processing item should be defined as a dual units of measure item as well.


For more information about setting up items for outside processing, refer to the Implementing Outside Processing chapter in the Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management Guide.

Item Description

The description of the outside processing item.


The recommended supplier used in creating the requisition. The supplier is an external party who provides specialized manufacturing services to manufacture a product. The field is mandatory if the prior operation is also a supplier operation.

Supplier Site

The recommended supplier site. The field is mandatory if the prior operation is also a supplier operation.

Generate Shipment

This is used to indicate if shipment needs to be created to print the shipping documents for the outside processing item. The default value is based on the outside processing item's Shippable attribute. It's unchecked if the prior operation is a supplier operation or if the supplier operation is the first operation in sequence.


If you check the Generate Shipment check box, Manufacturing sends a request to Supply Chain Orchestration, to create a shipment line to ship the goods to the supplier once the goods are reported as completed at the operation prior to the supplier operation. Supply Chain Orchestration creates a supply order line based on the request sent by manufacturing and orchestrates the automatic creation of a shipment line in Shipping.

Lead Time UOM

The unit of measure for the lead time of a supplier operation.

Fixed Lead Time

The fixed lead time for the operation and is independent of the order quantity.

Variable Lead Time

The variable lead time for the operation and is dependent on the quantity.

Assign Outputs to Operations

After creating operations, click Save and Edit. The Edit Work Definition Details page opens. The operations are shown in the work definition region. If you're creating a process work definition, the Outputs vertical tab will be shown where the primary output item card is displayed. After you assign the primary output to an operation, a check mark is shown on the primary output item card. The primary output must be assigned to an operation in order to have a valid process work definition. For discrete work definitions, primary output is always automatically yielded at the last operation but its not displayed in the work definition outputs user interface.

You can assign multiple outputs to an operation. To assign an output to an operation, perform a search for the item in the Outputs vertical tab. An item card for the output that you search is displayed in the search results. You can assign an output to an operation either by performing drag and drop or right-click Assign action. The Assign Operation Output dialog box opens, where you can enter the output attributes, and then click the OK button.

You can’t assign outputs to resequenceable operations in a work definition.

Assign Items to Operations

After creating operations, click Save and Edit. The Edit Work Definition Details page opens. The operations are shown in the work definition region. The item structure is shown in the Item Structure vertical tab. A count badge is shown against the components indicating their assigned quantity out of total quantity.

There are multiple ways to assign an item structure component to an operation:

  • Drag and drop: You can drag and drop an item structure component to an operation for which the component is required. The entire quantity of the component is assigned. After a successful assignment, the component is shown in the work definition region under the operation. After assigning a component, a check mark is shown against the component in the item structure region. In discrete manufacturing, this indicates that the quantity assigned in the work definition is equal to the item structure component quantity. In process manufacturing, this indicates that the component has been assigned in the work definition, regardless whether the operation item quantity is less than, equal to, or greater than the item structure component quantity.

  • Right-click Assign action: You can right-click an item structure component and from the Actions menu, select Assign. The Assign Operation Item dialog box opens. You can edit the operation item attributes if needed, and then click the OK button.

  • Multiselect item structure components: You can click the Collect icon in the Item Structure vertical tab. The Not Collected icon is shown against the item structure components. The component is now collected as indicated by the count against the Collected Items icon. Select the other components that you want to assign. You can do this by either dragging and dropping the Collected Items to an operation for which they're required or by right-clicking the Collected Items and from the Actions menu, select Assign. The Assign Operation Items dialog box opens. You can edit the operation item attributes if needed and then click the OK button.

To assign an ad hoc item to an operation, click the Items vertical tab. Perform a search for the item. Then, from the search results, either drag and drop the item card to an operation or right-click the item and from the Actions menu, select Assign.


The Items vertical tab isn't shown if you don't have the Override Item Structure Components in Work Definition privilege.

Automatically Assign Items to Operations Using Redwood Experience

Using the Redwood user experience, you can create or copy a discrete or process manufacturing work definition for a standard item with its components automatically assigned to operations based on the suggested operation sequence in the item structure.

The Operation Items page displays the item structure components that are automatically assigned to work operations based on the suggested operation sequence defined in the item structure. The Assigned Items view in the Operation Items page displays the item structure components automatically assigned to work order operations, The Item Structure view in the Operation Items page displays the suggested operation sequence that's used as a basis to automatically assign item structure components. It also provides a means to identify mismatched operations and manually assign the components to the intended operation sequence.
Note: You can't view the substitutes for item structure components that are automatically assigned to work definition.
You can't automatically assign item structure components when creating or copying manufacturing work definitions for standard items in the following scenarios:
  • The existing work definition user interface
  • Application Development Framework Desktop Integration (ADFdi)
  • File-Based Data Import (FBDI) REST API

Assign Resources to Operations

The resource tree hierarchy is shown in the Resources vertical tab. It shows the work center and the resources available in the work center.

There are multiple ways to assign a resource to an operation:

  • Drag and drop: You can drag and drop a resource to an operation for which it's required. The Assign Operation Resource dialog box opens. You can edit the operation resource attributes if needed and then click the OK button. After a successful assignment, the resource is shown in the work definition region against the operation.

  • Right-click Assign action: You can right-click a resource and from the Actions menu, select: Assign. The Assign Operation Resource dialog box opens. You can edit the operation resource attributes if needed and then click the OK button.

  • Multiselect resources: You can click Collect in the Resources vertical tab. The Not Collected icon is shown against the resources. When you click the Not Collected icon to select a resource, the icon is activated. The resource is now collected as indicated by the count against the Collected Items icon. Select the other resources that you want to assign. Drag and drop the basket icon to an operation for which they're required. Or right-click the basket icon and from the Actions menu, select: Assign. The Assign Operation Resources dialog box opens. You can edit the operation resource attributes if needed and then click the OK button.

Copy an Existing Discrete Work Definition

On the Manage Work Definitions page, click on the Add icon or from the Actions menu, select: Add. The Create Work Definition dialog box opens. Select the Existing work definition option. The Create Work Definition dialog box opens with Existing Work Definition region and New Work Definition region. Select Discrete Manufacturing as the Work Method. Enter the Item and Work Definition Name of the existing work definition. Enter the Item, Structure Name, and Work Definition Name of the new work definition.

Rules for creating a new discrete work definition from an existing discrete work definition:

  • Operations, operation resources, and operation outputs are copied.

  • If the item and structure name are the same, then the operation items are copied.

  • If the item is changed in the new work definition, then the operation items aren't copied.

  • If the item is the same, but the structure name is changed in the new work definition, then the operation items aren't copied.

  • Based on the work definition type selected for the existing work definition, only the work definition names of the same type can be selected for the new work definition.

Copy an Existing Process Work Definition

On the Manage Work Definitions page, click on the Add icon or from the Actions menu, select: Add. The Create Work Definition dialog box opens. Select the Existing work definition option. The Create Work Definition dialog box opens with Existing Work Definition region and New Work Definition region. Select Process Manufacturing as the Work Method. Enter the Process Name of the existing work definition. Enter the Process Name, Primary Output, Batch Quantity, UOM, and Work Definition Name of the new work definition. Determine whether you want to copy operation items and operation outputs from the existing work definition to the new work definition.

Rules for creating a new process work definition from an existing process work definition:

  • Operations and operation resources are copied.
  • If the primary output and structure name are the same, then the operation items are copied. Copy items can't be unchecked.
  • If the primary output is the same but the structure name is different, then the operation items aren't copied. Copy items can't be checked.
  • If the primary output is different, whether structure name is the same or different, then the operation items aren't copied. Copy items can't be checked.
  • If the primary output is the same and structure name isn't specified, then operation items are copied if Copy items is checked.
  • If the primary output is different and structure name isn't specified, then operation items are copied if Copy items is checked.
  • Operation outputs are copied if Copy outputs is checked.
  • If the primary output of the existing work definition is the same as the primary output of the new work definition, then the primary output item and the primary output indicator are copied.
  • If the primary output of the existing work definition is different from the primary output of the new work definition, then the primary output item is copied, but the primary output indicator isn't copied. You will have to assign the primary output of the new work definition explicitly.

Search for, Create, and Edit a Standard Item Work Definition Using Redwood Experience

You can efficiently create and update a work definition for a standard item in discrete and process manufacturing using the Redwood user experience. It provides spreadsheet-like interfaces, and allows to enter, access, or edit large volumes of data with high efficiency. Redwood user experience is enabled by profile option Redwood Work Definitions Enabled (code ORA_WIS_WORK_DEFINITIONS_REDWOOD_ENABLED).

On Manage Work Definitions page, you can use keywords and filters to quickly find an item's work definition to review and manage. You can copy, delete, deactivate, and reactivate on a work definition. You can also manage versions and edit priorities in change management scenarios.

To create a work definition, you enter the product information with an optional reference to its item structure. A placeholder operation gets added and it can be overwritten or deleted as you add operations in the Operations page. You can toggle between the Assigned Items and Item Structure views in the Operation Items page to review the already assigned and unassigned items. You can enable guided journeys in Work Definition user experiences and users can see a Guide Me button in the task. You can provide resources and guidance such as instructions, videos, and best practices and so on to help user to perform the task.

Navigate through work definition's operations, operation outputs, operation items, and operation resources using tabs and grids. You can add, copy, delete rows in the grid, as well as entering data using keyboard shortcuts or mouse-driven interactions including cut, copy, paste, and autofill. You can search for specific data in the grid to narrow down the dataset.

You can continue to use the existing work definition REST services, then view or edit a work definition using a Redwood page based on your privileges.

You can also enable automatic assignment of item structure components to work definition operations based on the suggested operation sequence in the item structure at the time of creating a work definition or later adding a component in the item structure. However, subsequent updates to the suggested operation sequence in the item structure aren't automated to existing work definitions.
  • You can't search for, create, or update manufacturing work definitions for Assemble To Order model items using the Redwood user experience at this time.
  • You can't navigate to the Redwood user experience when selecting the link for impacted work definitions in the item structure change notification at this time.
  • You can't use the quick action or Recently Updated Work Definitions link to navigate to the Redwood user experience for a work definition at this time.
  • You can't generate an electronic record and sign off a work definition with electronic signature using the Redwood user experience at this time.
  • You can't restrict the data security access to work definitions using the Redwood user experience at this time.