How You Edit Work Definitions

When a work definition is created, certain header information, operations, operation outputs, operation items, and operation resource attributes can be updated. However, you can't add or delete an operation in the current effective work definition version. You will have to create a new version in order to add or delete an operation. The start date of a work definition is set to the application date. While creating the work definition, you can update the start date to a future date so that you can continue adding or deleting operations while designing the work definition.

Edit Discrete Work Definition Header Details

You can update Completion Subinventory, Completion Locator, Costing Batch Output Size, and Attachments in the Edit Work Definition Details dialog box. You can also update the production priority and costing priority on Edit Priorities dialog box, which can be accessed either from the Search Results region on the Manage Work Definitions page or in the Edit Work Definition Details dialog box from the Edit Work Definition Details page.

Edit Process Work Definition Header Details

You can update Process Name, Batch Quantity, UOM, Costing Batch Output Size, and Attachments in the Edit Work Definition Details dialog box. You can also update the production priority and costing priority on Edit Priorities dialog box, which can be accessed either from the Search Results region on the Manage Work Definitions page or in the Edit Work Definition Details dialog box from the Edit Work Definition Details page.

Edit Operations

You can rename an operation and associate it to a different work center. You can rearrange the operations by updating the operation sequence. If you use a referenced standard operation whose definition no longer reflects how the operation is performed, you can deselect the Referenced check box. Now, the Count Point and Automatically Transact attributes can be edited. For example, a count point operation can now be made an automatically transact operation by deselecting the Count Point check box and selecting the Automatically Transact check box. You can edit a count point operation to select or deselect the allow resequencing attribute.

To add a new operation, click the Operations vertical tab, and drag and drop the new operation card into the work definition region. You can also right-click on the work definition region and select Assign to add a new operation. The Add Operation dialog box opens. Enter the details of the operation. You can also search for a standard operation, then drag and drop the standard operation card into the work definition region.

To copy an operation, right-click the operation card in the work definition region, and then from Actions menu, select: Duplicate. The Create Operation dialog box opens. The operation items and operation resources from the existing operation are copied to the new operation.

To delete an operation, right-click the operation card in the work definition region, and then from the Actions menu, select: Delete.

When the standard operation is referenced in the operations user interface, the operation yield value is defaulted. If you add a nonstandard in-house count point operation in the work definition, the operation yield value is defaulted to 1. However, you can update the operation yield value. The cumulative yield and reverse cumulative yield values are calculated by the application and displayed.


You can't add or delete an operation in the current effective work definition version. You have to create a new version to add or delete an operation.

Edit Operation Outputs

Most of work definition operation output attributes can be updated, with the exception of Primary output indicator and Costing Priority of the primary output.

The following are the operation outputs related fields:




The operation to which the output is assigned.


The material sequence of the operation output. The value must be unique in an operation.


The item which you're producing in the production process.


The description of the output.

Output Type

The possible values are Product and By-product. A product is a material that's intentionally produced in the production process and it can be a primary or a co-product. Co-products are produced in the production process due to product or process similarities. Both are defined with an output type of Product. A by-product is a material that's produced as a residual of, or incidental to, the production process. It is defined with an output type of By-product.

Primary Output

The indicator that an output is the primary product, produced in the production process. This is a Read-Only field. It's enabled only for the primary output identified on the work definition header and disabled for a co-product. For discrete work definitions, primary output is always automatically yielded at the last operation but its not displayed in the work definition outputs user interface.


The quantity of the output produced in an operation.


The unit of measure of the operation output quantity. It's defaulted to the item's primary unit of measure, and can be updated to a convertible UOM.

Secondary Quantity

The secondary quantity of the output produced in an operation.

The field is displayed only when the item is set up as a dual unit of measure item. You can enter either the primary/transactional quantity or secondary quantity, and the application will automatically calculate the other based on the predefined UOM conversion.

Secondary UOM

The secondary unit of measure of the operation output quantity. It's defaulted to the item's secondary unit of measure and can't be updated.

Completion Type

Completion type of an output can either be automatic or manual. Automatic is when the output completion is reported automatically when a work order operation is completed. Manual is when the output completion must be manually reported by the user independent of when a work order operation is completed.

Relationships between completion type and a count point, automatically transact, or optional operation:

  • Count point operation can have completion type Automation or Manual

  • Automatically transact operation can have completion type Automatic only

  • Optional operation can have completion type Manual only

Completion Subinventory

The completion subinventory where the output is expected to be completed to.

Completion Locator

The completion locator where the output is expected to be completed to.

Cost Allocation

This field specifies whether the cost of an output is rolled up or manually entered. The possible values are Percentage and Fixed value. Cost allocation percentage represents the percentage of costs that will be allocated to the output up through the operation where it's being produced. Total cost allocation percentage can't exceed 100 percent for all outputs in an operation. If the cost of an output is manually entered, then select fixed value.

Costing Priority

This is an optional field. The value is used to identify a priority for cost rollup of an output when the output can be produced by multiple work definitions. For a primary output, the field is disabled, because its costing priority is the costing priority on the work definition header.


Attachments of type file, text, or URL for the work definition operation output. The attachments are automatically carried over to the work order operation output.

Edit Operation Items

The value for several of the work definition operation item attributes is derived from the item structure. Certain attributes require the Override Item Structure Components in Work Definition privilege to update the value that's derived from the item structure.

The following are the operation item related fields:




The operation to which the item is assigned.


The material sequence of the operation item. The value must be unique in an operation.


The name of the item.

Item Description

The description of the item.

Find Number The find number of the component in the item structure. It uniquely identifies a specific instance of a component in a standard item structure, and therefore allows the same component to be repeated in an item structure. For example, a desktop computer is built with a left speaker and right speaker. The speaker appears twice in the item structure, with a unique find number for each instance.
Note: Find number is always referenced from the item structure and hence, can’t be updated.


Determines whether the quantity of the component that's used, is a fixed amount or varies linearly with the quantity produced. The value is either Fixed or Variable.


Basis is always referenced from the item structure and hence, can't be updated.


The quantity of the operation item required in an operation. In a standard item work definition, you can split the quantity of an item structure component to multiple operations. For example, if component A123 has quantity of 10, you can assign quantity of 6 to one operation and the remaining quantity of 4 to another operation.

The quantity can be negative if the work definition type is Rework or Transform.


You need the Override Item Structure Components in Work Definition privilege to update the total quantity of an operation item to exceed the quantity on the item structure.

Inverse Quantity

Inverse Quantity is equal to 1 divided by quantity. If a value for the Quantity attribute is entered, then value for the Inverse Quantity attribute is calculated automatically. If a value for the Inverse Quantity attribute is entered, then value for the Quantity attribute is calculated automatically.


Inverse quantity is typically used in situations where the component quantity per assembly is a large fractional number that's difficult to enter and maintain while it's easy to enter the inverse of the fractional number. After you enter the inverse of fractional quantity in the Inverse Quantity field, the application automatically calculates and stores the desired component quantity per assembly. Storing the exact fractional quantity per assembly prevents any undesirable material usage variances that might occur in work orders with large build quantities.


The unit of measure of the operation item quantity. The value is derived from the item structure.


You need the Override Item Structure Components in Work Definition privilege to update the unit of measure. The UOM drop-down list shows all the units of measure that have the standard UOM conversions and the item specific UOM conversions, including the inter-class and intra-class UOM conversions.

Secondary Quantity The secondary quantity of the operation item required in an operation. The field is displayed only when the item is set up as a dual unit of measure item. You can enter either the primary/transactional quantity or secondary quantity, and the application will automatically calculate the other based on the predefined UOM conversion.
Note: Secondary Quantity is applicable only to process work definitions.
Secondary UOM The secondary unit of measure of the operation item quantity. It's defaulted to the item's secondary unit of measure and can't be updated.
Note: Secondary UOM is applicable only to process work definitions.

Item Yield

The amount of good or acceptable material available after the completion of a process. A yield factor of 0.90 means that only 90% of the usage quantity of the component is acceptable to be included into the finished good. The value is derived from the item structure.

Note: You need the Override Item Structure Components in Work Definition privilege to update the item yield.

Supply Type

Controls how the materials are consumed in the work orders. The hierarchy to default the supply type is in the following order: item structure, item master. If the supply type isn't defined in the item master, then it's set to Push. You can update the default value. A list of supply types and their uses:

  • Assembly pull: The material is backflushed when the product is completed into inventory.

  • Operation pull: The material is backflushed when a subsequent count point operation is completed.

  • Push: The material is manually issued.

  • Phantom: The components under a phantom are exploded and added to a work order.

  • Bulk: Bulk materials requirement can be viewed. These materials aren't automatically backflushed or defaulted while manually issuing the materials.

  • Supplier: Represents the materials supplied by supplier. These materials aren't automatically backflushed or defaulted while manually issuing the materials.

Supply Subinventory

The supply subinventory from which the material is supplied. The hierarchy to default the supply subinventory is in the following order: work center, item structure, item master, plant parameter. You can update the default value.

Supply Locator

The supply locator from which the material is supplied from. The hierarchy to default the supply locator is in the following order: work center, item structure, item master, plant parameter. You can update the default value.

Include in planning The Include in planning indicator is deselected for the operation item with supply type as Supplier, based on the plant parameter, Supply Types to Include in Planning by Default for Operation Items.

Start Date

The start date of the component in the item structure. This field is read only and the start date is referenced from the Product Information Management work area.

End Date

The end date of the component in the item structure. This field is read only and the end date is referenced from the Product Information Management work area.

Ad hoc item

The indicator that an operation item is an ad hoc item, which means that the item doesn't come from the item structure.


Attachments of type file, text, or URL for the work definition operation item. The attachments are automatically carried over to the work order operation item.


If an item structure component has substitutes defined in Product Information Management, then the substitutes are automatically pulled to the work definition. You can't add, delete, or edit substitutes in the work definition. If the primary component quantity is split across multiple operations, the substitute quantity is proportionally distributed among the operations.


For more information about how changes in item structure affect the work definition operation items including substitutes, refer to the Process Item Structure Changes to Work Definitions: Explained topic in this guide.

Edit Operation Resources

You can edit operation resource attributes if the work definition operation is manually entered or created by removing the reference to a standard operation. You can only view operation resource attributes if the work definition operation is created by referencing a standard operation.

The following are the operation resource related fields:




The operation to which the resource is assigned.


The resource sequence of the operation resource.


The name of the resource.

Resource Code

The code of the resource.

Units Assigned

The assigned units can't exceed the available units for the resource as defined in the resource definition.


The valid values are: Fixed and Variable. Select Fixed if the resource usage is fixed per product quantity produced. Select Variable if the resource usage varies with the product quantity produced.


The usage amount of the operation resource.

Inverse Usage

Inverse Usage is equal to 1 divided by Usage. If the Usage attribute is entered, then the Inverse Usage attribute is calculated automatically. If the Inverse Usage attribute is entered, then the Usage attribute is calculated automatically.


The usage unit of measure as defined in the resource definition.


The indicator that the resource is a scheduled resource. A resource can be scheduled if the Usage UOM belongs to the UOM class defined in the profile option RCS_DEFAULT_UOM_SRVICE_DURATION_CLASS.


The indicator that a resource is the principal resource within a group of simultaneous resources (resources sharing the same resource sequence number).

Charge Type

The valid values are: Automatic and Manual. Select Manual if it's an optional operation.

Job Profile The job profile for a labor resource. Indicates a profile in HCM that's comprised of a set of qualifications that are required for a job. Applicable only to an in-house operation. When a job profile is specified for an operation resource, then only resource instances that meet the qualifications can be reported for resource transactions.
Equipment Profile

The equipment profile for an equipment resource.

Indicates a profile defined in Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance that specifies the set of qualification requirements that an equipment must possess when performing operations in manufacturing. When it's specified for an operation resource, then only those resource instances that meet the qualifications can perform the operation.


The predefined values are: Setup, Run, and Tear Down. The lookup can be extended by adding new values.

Costing enabled

The indicator that the resource cost is charged to the work order.

Inactive On

The date on which the resource becomes inactive.


Attachments of type file, text, or URL for the work definition operation resource. The attachments are automatically carried over to the work order operation resource.


Alternate resources are ranked by priority. Basis, Scheduled, and Charge Type are inherited from the primary resource and can't be updated. Usage, Inverse Usage and Units Assigned are defaulted from the primary resource definition and can be updated.

Program File Name Indicates the program file associated to the work definition operation resource from the list of program files associated to the resource in it's definition.
Note: This is applicable to resources that are set up as automation equipment.
Current Version The current version of the program file associated to to the work definition operation resource.
Note: This is applicable to resources that are set up as automation equipment.
Equipment Parameters File
Indicates the comma separated value file associated to the work definition operation resource that contains the equipment control attribute values and names of inspection characteristics.
Note: The inspection characteristic names in the equipment parameters file must be entered in the local language of the user that's configured in Production Monitoring for Manufacturing Cloud integration.
Note: This is applicable to resources that are set up as automation equipment.

Item Revision and Date

On the Edit Work Definition Details page, the Item Revision list displays the item revisions that fall within the date range of the work definition version being viewed or edited. If an item structure isn't referenced, the Date list shows either the version start date or the item revision effective date. If an item structure is referenced, the Date list shows the distinct component effective start dates that correspond to the item revision selected in the Item Revision list. In an ATO model work definition, the Date list includes the distinct component effective start dates of the lower level components also. If the date was introduced through an Engineering Change Order, the Change Order Number, and the Change Order Line Number will be appended to the Date.

Selecting an item revision in the Item Revision drop-down list and a date in the Date drop-down list does the following:

  • Updates the item structure view and shows the effective components as of that date.

  • Updates the work definition region and shows the effective work definition as of that date.

Consider the following example:

The following table lists the fields and their respective values for Item A123 Revision A dated 1/1/16.



Start Date

End Date

Change Order Number

Change Order Line Number

























The following table lists the fields and their respective values for Item A123 Revision B dated 6/1/16.



Start Date

End Date

Change Order Number

Change Order Line Number





































The following table shows the work definition Version 1 of the item A123. The start date of the version is 1/15/16. The end date of the version is 5/31/16.



Item Revision

Revision A


  • 1/15/16

  • 3/1/16

The following table shows the details of work definition Version 2 of the item A123. The start date of the version is 6/1/16. The end date of the version isn't specified.



Item Revision

Revision B


  • 6/1/16 MFG-1040.10

  • 8/1/16


If the work definition version start date is later than the item revision date, then the work definition version start date is shown in the Date drop-down list.

Search Within a Work Definition

On the Edit Work Definition Details page, expand the Search: Work Definition region to access the search functionality within a work definition. The Contains search is conducted across the operations, operation outputs (applicable for only process work definitions), operation items, and operation resources based on the keywords, such as item name, output name, item description, output description, and supply type. The search result cards for the matching entities are displayed in the search results pane and they're also highlighted in the work definition region. You can then drag and drop the same type of objects to the Collected Items icon for updating. You can also right-click the search result card to perform an action, such as edit.