How You Create an Assemble to Order (ATO) Model Work Definition

Oracle Fusion Cloud Manufacturing supports configured item fulfillment flow for a make-to-order configured product. The customer order is created with the Assemble to Order (ATO) model as the ordered item. When an ATO model is ordered, the customer has the ability to configure the model and select the options. The selected options result in a configuration and for each unique configuration, the application creates a configured item. Then, the work order to fulfill the customer order is created against the configured item.


Assemble to Order work definitions are currently supported for only discrete manufacturing.

To create a work order for a configured item, a primary work definition for the ATO model must be defined first. There are a few traits about an ATO model work definition that are different from a standard item work definition. The specifics are highlighted and discussed here in more detail.

ATO Model Work Definition Operations

In an ATO model work definition, the Create Operation, Assign Operation, and Edit Operation dialog boxes display the Option Dependent Details region.

The following table lists all the fields and their corresponding descriptions which helps you to choose or select values in order to create an ATO model work definition:



Option dependent

Indicates that an operation is an option dependent operation. An option dependent operation is included in the configured item work order in case of either of the following:

  • The optional components that are assigned to the operation are selected in the configuration.

  • The criteria, as defined in the applicability rule, are met.

If the option dependent check box isn't selected, then the operation is considered a mandatory operation. A mandatory operation is always included in the configured item work order.

Applicability Rule

Defines the criteria to include an option dependent operation in the configured item work order. There can be only one applicability rule for an option dependent operation.

Planning Percentage

The percentage of the nominal resource usage that's applied when planning the resource capacity requirements to satisfy a demand forecast of the parent model item.

ATO Model Work Definition Operation Items

You can create an ATO model work definition only for the ATO model item structure with the structure name as Primary. The item structure visualization displays the multilevel ATO model item structure. You can expand option classes to view the options. You can also expand standard item phantoms to view the components that make up the phantoms. However, you can't expand child ATO models.


The supply type of option classes and standard item phantoms must be set to Phantom at the item structure component level. This setup is required to expand option classes and standard item phantoms to see options and lower level components respectively, when viewing the item structure in the work definition.

The count badge that you see against an item structure component card indicates the number of components for a single parent node. The count badge, shown only for a leaf node, indicates the assigned quantity over the component total quantity. The count badge turns into a check mark after the component is assigned to an operation. If you hover over the check mark icon, you can view the operation sequence to which the component is assigned to.

You can assign any component from any level to an operation. The rules governing this feature:

  • If the parent is assigned, the children can't be assigned.

  • If the children are assigned, assigning the parent automatically deletes the children's assignments.

This means for an option class, you can choose whether to assign the option class or the options. Similarly for a standard item phantom, you can choose whether to assign the parent phantom or the components. Assigning an option class to an option-dependent operation means that the operation is included in the configured item work order if any of the options of the specific option class is selected.


There are no enforcements between the type of operations, that's, mandatory or option dependent, and the type of the component that can be assigned, that's, mandatory or optional. If you assign an optional component to a mandatory operation, then the operation is always included in the configured item work order. But the optional component isn't included if it'sn't selected in the configuration.

There are two operation item attributes that are specific to ATO model work definitions. These attributes are referenced from Oracle Product Hub and hence, can't be updated. The operation item attributes specific to ATO model work definitions are:

  • Planning Percentage: The percentage that's used by Planning in forecast explosions. A planning percent can be greater than 100 to plan for a component in excess.

  • Optional: Indicator that a component is an optional component. If the Optional check box isn't selected, then the component is considered as a mandatory component.


In an ATO model work definition, you must assign the entire component quantity to an operation. You can't update the quantity, inverse quantity, unit of measure, and yield. You also can't assign ad hoc items, which are existing items that aren't components of the ATO model item structure.


The item structure visualization displays a multilevel ATO model item structure with a maximum of 10,000 components. If you have a large ATO model item structure that exceeds 10,000 components, and the operation item assignments are done at the first level components of the ATO model, then it's recommended that you model the first level option classes as child ATO models. Else, you can also create a child ATO model, and make the child ATO model as the parent of the first level option class. You must set the supply type of the child ATO model to phantom. A child ATO model isn't exploded in the work definition user interface.

For more information, refer to the How You Process Item Structure Changes to Work Definitions topic in this chapter.

Applicability Rule

An applicability rule can be assigned to an option dependent operation. The rule defines the criteria to include the operation in the configured item work order. The operation is included in the work order only if the criteria are met. You can define an applicability rule using optional components, option classes, transactional item attributes (TIA), or any of the combinations.

Consider an example, in which, there are two types of performance tests as a part of building tablets. Depending on the selected CPU option, one of the performance test operation is executed. You can model this by doing the following:

  • Create two option dependent operations for the two types of performance tests.

  • Assign an applicability rule defining the criteria to select the performance test based on which CPU option is selected.

If you want to use the TIAs in the applicability rule to determine when to include the option dependent operations, then while defining the TIAs, the TIAs must be assigned to application scope Configuration Matching. The TIAs are used in the configuration matching process to determine if a configuration already exists. The TIAs are also leveraged by Manufacturing to determine the operations that are to be executed to build a configured item.

Transactional item attributes are defined in Product Hub. Because TIA is associated with an item class, all items that belong to the item class will inherit the TIA. Based on the item class setup, you can define TIA for the top-level ATO model, optional components, or child ATO models. You can define an applicability rule using transactional item attributes with either numeric or string data type, as long as the associated value sets have a validation type of either independent or subset.


Assign either the optional components or an applicability rule to an option-dependent operation. If you assign both, then the applicability rule isn't evaluated.

Create an Applicability Rule

To create an applicability rule, you must select the Option dependent check box in the Option Dependent Details region. This enables the Add icon. Click the Add icon to open the Add Applicability Rule dialog box. Unlike the Edit Work Definition Details page, the item structure visualization in the Add Applicability Rule dialog box shows the multilevel item structure of an ATO model. However, only the optional components are displayed. The current and future effective components and TIAs are shown based on the date selected in the Date list on the Edit Work Definition Details page. From the first-level components, you can expand the option classes to view the lower-level optional components. You can't expand a child ATO model. If you have defined the transactional item attributes, then they appear as the child nodes of a component. And expanding the transactional item attribute node shows the attribute values.

In the item structure, once you locate the item or TIA value that you need for defining the rule, you can do either of the following:

  • Drag and drop the item or TIA card to the Rule Text region.

  • Right-click the item or TIA card, from Actions menu, select: Insert into Rule Text.

After you drag and drop or insert the rule text, the Rule Text region shows the component hierarchy of the item or transactional item attribute. A component hierarchy is the relative path of the item node to the top-level ATO model node.

The following example shows the item structure and component hierarchy of ATO MODEL 1:







The Rule Text region has various operators that can be used to define an applicability rule. You can have a combination of items and TIAs in a rule, and build a complex expression using AND and OR conditions. Click the Validate button to validate the rule you're defining. If the rule fails to meet the valid syntax, an appropriate error message is shown. You have to correct the error before you can save the rule.

For numeric attributes, the valid operators are:

  • Equal to

  • Not equal to

  • Less than

  • Less than or equal to

  • Greater Than

  • Greater than or equal to

For string attributes, the valid operators are:

  • Equal to

  • Not equal to





Valid rule syntax:

  • Keyword ITEM is used to specify an item, that's, ITEM is equal to 'ATO MODEL 1'.'OPTION CLASS 1'

  • Keyword TRANSACTIONALATTRIBUTE is used to specify a transactional item attribute, that's, 'ATO MODEL 1'.'OPTION CLASS 1'.'OPTION 11'. TRANSACTIONALATTRIBUTE ["Finish"] is equal to "Matte"

  • Item numbers are wrapped within single quotes

  • Transactional item attribute name and value are wrapped within double quotes

  • Dot is used as a separator in the component hierarchy

  • Operators are in upper case and aren't translatable

The Add Applicability Rule dialog box shows the display name of a transactional item attribute, which is translatable. If the value set used by a TIA is translatable, then the item structure visualization shows the internal name of the value and the translated value next to it in parenthesis. The applicability rule is evaluated against the value of the internal name and not the translated value.


Using drag and drop or selecting Insert into Rule Text from the Actions menu ensures that the rule syntax is valid. However, you can also create or edit a rule in the Rule Text region by entering the syntax manually.

Export Operation Item Assignments

The Export Operation Item Assignments action is available in the Actions menu in the Edit Work Definition page. It enables you to export the complete multilevel ATO model item structure to Excel in an indented view. The Excel captures the following information:

  • Displays the operations to which components are assigned.

  • Indicates if there is pending work in the Assignment Status column.

  • Lists other relevant item and item structure attributes such as User Item Type, Item Revision, and Structure Item Type.

Assignment status can be Complete, Incomplete, Explicit, or Implicit. An Explicit assignment status shows to which operation a component is directly assigned to. An Implicit assignment status applies to the children when their parent is directly assigned to an operation. Incomplete and Complete assignment status is derived by the application. In a parent-child scenario, if you have assigned all the children, then the assignment status for the parent is Complete, but if you haven't assigned all the children, then the assignment status for the parent is Incomplete.

You can quickly find out whether or not there is pending work by looking at the assignment status of the top level ATO model. If it's Incomplete, then it means you still have pending work in terms of operation item assignments. If it's Complete, then it means you have fully completed operation item assignments.