How You Review a Dispatch List

Use the Review Dispatch List task in the Work Execution work area to view the work order operations to be worked on for a selected work area and one or more work centers.

The dispatch list shows the in-house count point and optional operations of the released and completed work orders. It lists the quantities by the dispatch statuses in a tabular format with several visual cues highlighting the records that require attention.

The dispatch list serves as a single place for production operators to perform the following tasks:

  • Initiate execution of an operation at automation equipment through IoT Production Monitoring
  • Report operation transactions by quantity or serial number associated to the work orders

  • Report material transactions by quantity or serial number

  • Report resource transactions

  • Report output transactions

  • Resequence operations
  • Enter inspection details

  • Review work order details

  • Print work order traveler and product labels

  • Navigate to digital twin view of automation equipment in IoT Production Monitoring to review real-time operation execution status

The dispatch list doesn't display operations of the type Supplier.

You can access the Review Dispatch List page by clicking any of the following in the Overview page in Work Execution work area:

  • Review Dispatch List task in action label tab in the Work Execution work area.

  • Ready, Complete, Reject, and Scrap segments of the ring chart in the Operations Scheduled versus Actual infolet.

  • Past Due, Scrap, or Reject count in the Operations infolet.


You can access the Review Dispatch List page if a role assigned to you has the Review Dispatch List (WIP_REVIEW_DISPATCH_LIST_PRIV) privilege. For more information on privileges, refer to the Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud Security Reference for Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management guide.

Using the search feature in the review dispatch list page, you can do the following:

  • You can search for the work order operations by using the most commonly used search attributes such as work method, work area, work center, status, work order, start date, completion date, item, and serial. In contract manufacturing plant, you can also search based on the purchase order and purchase order line.


    Work method is part of the Advanced Search feature and not the basic search and is available only for process manufacturing organizations.

  • You can use the application default search that retrieves the work order operations assigned to all the work centers belonging to the first work area in an alphabetic order (ascending) and have quantities in Ready status. By default the records are sorted by the earliest completion date.

  • For process manufacturing-enabled organizations, the dispatch list supports an advanced search option. You can query work orders based on work method of Discrete Manufacturing or Process Manufacturing or both if you don't select any value from the work method drop-down list. However, there is no option as Both in the drop-down list. You can also use various search criteria for existing attributes in the advanced search.

  • When querying based on shifts for operation start or completion dates, if a single work center is specified, the application searches for operations belonging to the shifts of the override calendar of that work center. If more than one work center is specified, then the application searches for operations belonging only to the shifts of the plant calendar.
  • You can also create and use a personalized saved search.

  • You can configure the search to run automatically every time you sign into the application.

To generate the dispatch list for a specific work center every time you sign into the application, create a personalized saved search and set it as default to run automatically.


When querying the dispatch list based on start date or completion date, shift times are interpreted by the application in the plant time zone. However, named dates such as Today, Yesterday, and so on are interpreted in the user time zone.

You can query for a dispatch list using a REST API.

Using the Dispatch List:

The following table shows how the dispatch list displays work order operation records in a tabular format:




Refers to the quantity of the work order operation in a specific dispatch status.


Represents the unit of measure of the quantity being manufactured.


Represents the current dispatch status of quantities at any specific in-house operation, which are as follows:
  • Ready (that's, to be worked upon)
  • In Process (applicable to operations that are executed by automation equipment instances)
  • Completed
  • Scrapped
  • Rejected

Work Order

Refers to the work order number suffixed with the operation sequence. The work order number is shown as a link that enables you to navigate to the work order page to review the work order details.


The Attachment icon is conditionally displayed beside the work order operation or in the expanded region of the work order operations. The attachments from the following entities are displayed in separate tabs when you click the Attachments icon:

  • Work order

  • Work order operation

  • Work order operation instructions
  • Work order operation material

  • Work order operation resource

Note: Based on your opt-in, you can see attachments in the Work Order Operation Instructions tab from document items in the work order operation that displays the attachments including documents, images, pictures, 3D views or any form of visual documents. You see the active revision of the attachment from currently effective revision of the document from Master Organization.

In addition, the attachments from the following are also displayed in separate tabs for work orders which are reserved as supply to back-to-back sales orders for standard and configured items.

  • Sales order header

  • Sales order line

If you're a production operator, you can also add new work order operation attachments from the dispatch list

Resequence The resequence icon is conditionally displayed beside the work order operation for resequencing operations. The following information is presented to you in a separate dialog when you click the Resequence icon:
  • Select
  • Sequence
  • Operation Name
  • Work Center

Operations that are eligible for resequencing are displayed. You can select an operation that you want to execute next.

Execution Sequence

Represents the sequence of execution of the operation for work orders having resequenceable operations.

You can modify the execution sequence by performing the resequence action. For work orders that don’t have resequenceable operations, the execution sequence is not stamped.


The Exceptions icon is conditionally displayed beside the work order operation. The following information is presented to you in a separate tab when you click the Exceptions icon:

  • Exception Type

  • Exception Status

  • Exception Number

  • Severity

  • Operation Sequence

  • Description

  • Reported On

  • Reported By

You can close an exception by selecting a row. You can also click on a specific exception number to drill into that exception and edit the exception.


Refers to the item on the work order that needs to be manufactured.

Work Center

Refers to the work center in which the operation is processed.

Start Date

Refers to the scheduled start date and time of the work order operation.


The start date and time is displayed with a warning icon if it's past due and the corresponding quantity is in Ready dispatch status.

Completion Date

Refers to the scheduled completion date and time of the work order operation.


The completion date and time is displayed with a warning icon if it's past due and the corresponding quantity is in Ready or Reject dispatch status.

Start or stop operation

Refers to start and stop times for the work order operation.

The start and stop icons allow you to track the time spent at each work order operation. If it is enabled at the serial number level, you can collect information by serial number at the work order operation. If not, the time spent is collected at the work order operation level.

Report Material Transactions

Refers to the functional icon to navigate to the Report Material Transactions page to manually report the material used at a supplier operation. The icon is enabled if a role assigned to you has the Report Material Transactions (WIP_REPORT_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_PRIV) privilege.

Report Resource Transactions

Refers to the functional icon to navigate to the Report Resource Transactions page to manually report resources used at a supplier operation. The icon is enabled if a role assigned to you has the Report Resource Transactions (WIP_REPORT_RESOURCE_TRANSACTIONS_PRIV) privilege.


Refers to the work order execution priority.

Operation Name

Refers to the name of the operation.

Item Description

Refers to the description of the item that needs to be manufactured.


Refers to the customer name on the sales order to which the work order is reserved as a supply. If there are multiple customers, then the dispatch list displays Multiple instead of the individual customer names.

Report Output Transactions

Refers to the functional icon to navigate to the Report Output Items to manually report output items for a process manufacturing work order. The icon is enabled if a role assigned to you has the Report Operations Transactions (WIP_REPORT_OPERATION_TRANSACTIONS_PRIV) privilege.

Report Inspection Details

Refers to the functional icon to navigate to the Report Inspection Results to initiate ad hoc inspection for a work order operation. This icon for inspection is provided in all organizations, both discrete and process manufacturing.

Work Method

Refers to the value populated based on the organization you have selected. If you select a manufacturing organization, you will see a list of two work methods, Discrete Manufacturing and Process Manufacturing.

Purchase Order Header

Refers to the purchase order header number associated with the contract manufacturing work order.

Purchase Order Line

Refers to the purchase order line number.

Sales Order attachments from back-to-back sales orders for standard items and configured items are displayed in work execution. You can optionally control which attachments can be viewed by the production operator. Attachments belonging to the Miscellaneous category are always displayed by default. However, other user-defined attachment categories may be configured and displayed based on the security setup. Security can be enabled using the standard attachment security framework provided in the Setup and Maintenance work area and the Security Console.

For any specific record displayed in the dispatch list, you can do the following:

  • Print work order traveler and product labels by selecting the option from the Action menu.

  • Initiate execution of an operation that's processed by automation equipment.
  • Review the related work order details by clicking the work order link.

  • Report operation transactions by quantity or serial number at a count point operation by expanding the record and using the Quick Complete or Complete with Details action.

    Note: This isn't applicable for operations that are processed by automation equipment.
  • Operation transactions can be reported:

    • If one of the roles assigned to a user has the Report Operation transactions (WIP_REPORT_OPERATION_TRANSACTIONS_PRIV) privilege associated to it
    • If the operation is a count point operation. (For auto transact operations, operation transactions are reported automatically at the next count point operation)
  • Report material transactions by quantity or serial number by clicking the report material transactions functional icon.

    If the plant parameter Material Reporting Level for Serialization Operations is set to Item Serial, material reporting is enabled for each item serial.

  • Report resource transactions by clicking the report resource transactions functional icon.

  • Report manual or ad hoc output items by clicking the report output transactions functional icon.

  • Report inspection results by clicking the report inspection details functional icon.

  • Indicate start or pause for the operation by clicking the start or pause icon.

    If the plant parameter Capture Level for Serialization Operations is set to Item Serial, you can indicate start or pause for each item serial by clicking the start or pause icons for the respective item serial.