

    Files and Folders

      File Name

      Distinctive file names facilitate the management of various integration points.

      • Import

        An import touchpoint corresponds to an available Taleo product service offering as defined in the data dictionary. The services have the same name as the business entity for which they offer specific import operations. For example, in the SmartOrg Data dictionary, the Group service offers create, delete, merge, and update operations. Other services may offer different operations.

      • Export

        An export touchpoint corresponds to the information to be extracted from a particular Taleo product business model.


      The import actions correspond to the specific operations offered by the service. There is only one export action, and that is an export.

      File Name Standards
      • Import

        Load file: <touchpoint>_<action>_ld.xml

        Configuration file: <touchpoint>_<action>cfg.xml

        Data file: <touchpoint>_<action>.csv

        Result file: <touchpoint>_<action>_result_<date_time>.csv

      • Export

        Query file: <touchpoint>_<action>_sq.xml

        Configuration file: <touchpoint>_<action>_cfg.xml

        Result file: <touchpoint>_<action>_result_<date_time>.csv

      • Import

        Load file: user_merge_ld.xml

        Configuration file: user_merge_cfg.xml

        Data file: user_merge.csv

        Result file: user_merge_result_20080715T084011.csv

      • Export

        Query file: newhire_export_sq.xml

        Configuration file: newhire_export_cfg.xml

        Result file: newhire_export_result_20080715T090517.csv

        Folder Structure

        A well organized folder structure facilitates the management, development, testing, and migration from staging to production of the various integration point files.

        The image illustrates a well organized folder structure.

        Image showing a well organized folder structure. Level 0 is for zone. Level 1 is blank export. Level 2 is outbound.

        Level 0

        This is the root folder for Taleo integrations. It contains the following:

        • Zones

          A folder for each zone that is available such as production, staging, development.

        Level 1

        This is the Zones folder level. It contains the following:

        • touchpoint_action

          A folder for each import and export integration point.

        Level 2

        This is the integration point folder level. It contains the following:

        • For import integration points:

          The inbound folder for data files to import.

          The outbound folder for result files.

        • For export integration points:

          The outbound folder for result files.

        Level 3

        This is the import integration inbound folder level. It contains the following:

        • archives

          The archives folder to save imported data files.


            Installing TCC in Windows

            One of the following operating systems pre-installed:

            • Windows Server 2008

            • Windows Server 2012

            • Windows Server 2016

            • Linux


            • Design and development workstation, ~1GHz, 256 MB RAM

            • Large volume production workstation, ~1 GHz, 512MB RAM


            • Product Integration Pack (PIP) setup program

            • Taleo Connect Client setup program

            Security approval from your information security department to install TCC.

            TCC installation packages come bundled with a 32 bit version of Java Runtime Environment.

            • 17.0 - JRE 1.8

            TaleoConnectClient.exe always uses the information in the jre folder created during installation, no matter what value is specified in JAVA_HOME. If the jre folder is deleted or renamed, making it impossible to find, the value set in JAVA_HOME is used. If JAVA_HOME is set to a 32 bit version everything works. If JAVA_HOME is set to a 64 bit version the "Can't load IA 32-bit .dll on a AMD 64-bit platform" error is displayed.

            TaleoConnectClient.bat will work with 32 or 64 bit versions because there is no UI to display. The presence or absence of the jre folder, or the value set in JAVA_HOME have no impact.

            1. Create an [INSTALL FOLDER] in which to install the PIP and TCC folders.

            2. Double click the Product Integration Pack setup program. The Welcome to the Taleo Connect Client Product Integration Pack Setup Wizard window opens.

            3. Follow the installation instructions. The ProductIntegrationPack folder containing the pip and fp type files is created in the [INSTALL FOLDER].

            4. Double click the Taleo Connect Client setup program. The Welcome to the Taleo Connect Client Setup Wizard window opens.

            5. Follow the installation instructions.

            6. In the Completing the Taleo Connect Client Setup Wizard window, deselect the Launch Taleo Connect Client and View README file check boxes before you click Finish.

              Taleo Connect Client is installed in the [INSTALL FOLDER].

              Testing TCC in Windows

              Testing TCC in Windows validates the endpoints, the user names and passwords, and communication between TCC and the Taleo products.

              • TCC is installed in Windows.

              • Production and staging zones are up and running.

              • Integrator user name and password for production and staging zones.

              On successful completion of the test the TCC graphic user interface opens. On test failure a Ping Error is displayed. To troubleshoot, refer to the TCC Errors list in Appendix B.

              1. Launch Taleo Connect Client.

                If you have selected a folder containing at least one valid PIP file during installation, the Ping the Taleo Product window opens. Otherwise, the No product integration pack file configured window opens. Navigate to the ProductIntegrationPack folder and select it. The Ping the Taleo Product window opens.
              2. Select the product to connect to from the pull down menu.

              3. Configure the connectivity information.

                1. Select protocol from pull down menu.

                2. Enter host name.

                3. Enter port number.

                Production or staging zone host name, for example acme.taleo.net or stgacme.taleo.net. Taleo zones uses HTTPS protocol with port 443.

              4. Configure the authentication information.

                1. Select authentication.

                2. Enter user name.

                3. Enter password.

              5. Click Ping. The Ping the Taleo product window closes. An information window indicating the creation of a new endpoint opens.

              6. Click OK.

              The TCC graphic user interface opens or a Ping Error message appears.

                Upgrading TCC in Windows

                Upgrading to the latest version of TCC allows users to take advantage of the latest fixes, enhancements, and new features. Oracle recommends following the upgrade process described below to ensure smooth transition and minimal impact on existing integration scripts.

                An [INSTALL FOLDER] for the new version of TCC, different from the current installation location.

                1. Download and install the latest TCC version.

                2. Download and install the latest product integration packs.

                  To install a product integration pack, unzip the downloaded file into the [INSTALL DIRECTORY]/productintegrationpacks directory.

                3. Create the configuration board, in order to run existing integration scripts that use configuration board symbols or endpoints.

                4. Synchronize the custom dictionaries in order to have custom fields.

                5. Set the last run date to the actual value in export configurations that use a LRD pre-processing step.

                6. Test the existing integration scripts with the new TCC version.

                  If using Net Change, TCC users MUST run the “Net Change Setup” to create the Net Change database for the new TCC version.

                7. Modify any existing reference to the TCC installation location to point to the new location.


                    Installing TCC in Linux

                    Installing TCC in Linux enables users to run import and export configuration files, in a command line environment.

                    • Operating system:


                    • Hardware:

                      Large volume production workstation, ~1 GHz, 512MB RAM

                    • Software:

                      JRE 1.8.0 or JRE 8.0

                      TaleoConnectClient-X.Y.Z.tar.gz file

                    • Security approval from your information security department to install TCC.

                    1. Copy the TaleoConnectClient-[version].tar.gz file to your Linux environment.

                    2. Unzip the file with this instruction, gunzip TaleoConnectClient-[version].tar.gz. The following file is generated, TaleoConnectClient-[version].tar.

                    3. Untar the file with this instruction, tar –xf TaleoConnectClient-[version].tar.

                    The Taleo Connect Client is installed in the tcc-[version] directory.

                      Testing TCC in Linux

                      Testing TCC in Linux validates the conformity of the integration workflow between TCC and the Taleo products.

                      • TCC is installed in Linux.

                      • Production and staging zones are up and running.

                      • Linux system has access to zones.

                      • Valid import specification and data file, and associated configuration file.

                      • Valid export specification and associated configuration file.

                      1. Invoke import configuration execution.

                      2. Invoke export configuration execution.

                      3. Verify monitoring files.

                      4. Verify result files.

                        Upgrading TCC in Linux

                        Upgrading to the latest version of TCC allows users to take advantage of the latest fixes, enhancements, and new features. Oracle recommends following the upgrade process described below to ensure smooth transition and minimal impact on existing integration scripts.

                        An [INSTALL FOLDER] for the new version of TCC, different from the current installation location.

                        1. Download and install the latest TCC version.

                        2. Download and install the latest feature packs

                          To install a feature pack, unzip the downloaded file into the [INSTALL DIRECTORY]/featurepacks directory.

                        3. Copy the configuration board from [OLD INSTALL DIRECTORY]/system/default.configuration_brd.xml to [NEW INSTALL DIRECTORY]/system directory, in order to run existing integration scripts that use configuration board symbols or endpoints.

                        4. Copy the last run date files from [OLD INSTALL DIRECTORY]/lastrundates/*.xml to [NEW INSTALL DIRECTORY]/lastrundates directory.

                        5. Test the existing integration scripts with the new TCC version.

                          If using Net Change, TCC users MUST run the “Net Change Setup” to create the Net Change database for the new TCC version.

                        6. Modify any existing reference to the TCC installation location to point to the new location.