4Candidate Submission Actions

Candidate Submission Actions

    Sending Correspondence to a Candidate

    Use the Send Correspondence action in the candidate submission or submission list to create a message and send it to the candidate.

    You can send a correspondence to one candidate or several candidates (bulk action).

    You can select how the message is sent. Two options are available:

    • email

    • printed letter

    You can use a message template to create a message or create the message from scratch.

    Write Message From a Template

    The list of templates that you can use is displayed. Use filters to find the desired template. You can see a preview of the message before selecting it. If you are granted the permission, you can edit the message.

    Write Message From Scratch

    You can create a message from scratch using the text editor. Before sending the message, you can see a preview of the message and make final edits if needed.

      Changing Submission Step and Status

      Use the Change Step/Status action in the candidate submission or submission list to change the step and status of a candidate submission.

      You can change the step/status for one candidate submission or several candidate submissions (bulk action).

      Available step and status selections are based on the requisition’s candidate selection process configuration and on your user permissions.

      Use the Change Step/Status action in the candidate submission or submissions list, select the desired step and status, and enter comments. If configured, you may be required to enter disposition details about the change you are making.

        Adding Generic Comments

        Use the Add Comment action in the candidate submission or submission list to add a comment to the submission.

        You can add comments in one candidate submission or several candidate submissions (bulk action).

          Viewing Submission History – Read Only

          Click the History tab in the candidate submission to view the submission history.

          From the History tab, you can:

          • View the list of submission history entries listed with recent events at the top.

          • For each history event you can view the date, event name, details plus comments and the user who performed the event.