26Exportable Statuses

Exportable Statuses

    Integration Service to Export Candidate Submissions

    An integration service allows customers to only export candidate submissions having reached a specific step and status in the candidate selection workflow (CSW).

    This integration service is configurable via a feature called Exportable Statuses which is available in the Recruiting Administration menu, under Integration. The integration service is used only in the standard Fusion-Taleo Integration.

    Taleo customers have different points in time where they need to export candidate submissions to an external system (such as an HRIS). For example, when candidates have reached the Offer step or when candidates are hired. With the Exportable Statuses feature, system administrators have the ability to specify at which workflow/step/status combination candidate submissions are ready to be exported. When the external system makes an export query to Taleo, only candidate submissions having reached the specified combination within the given timeframe will be exported. Combinations are assigned to an external system, making it possible to export candidate submissions to different systems, at a different workflow/step/status combination. Multiple combinations can be set for the same external system.

    Recommended Practices

    • Because the integration service queries the candidate submissions' History table (which can be demanding for the system), it is recommended not to configure an exportable status on a step/status combination that could define huge volumes of candidates as ready to be exported. For example, it is recommended not to set up an exportable status for the New-New step/status combination.

    • Step/status combinations defined as exportable statuses should be set as mandatory in the CSW configuration to increase their usage by recruiters.

      Creating an Exportable Status

      To configure exportable statuses, the system administrator must have the Access Administration permission (Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Administration).

      Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Integration > Exportable Statuses
      1. Click Create.

      2. Provide a name for the external system.

        The external system name can contain alpha characters (a to z, A to Z), numeric characters (0 to 9), underscores, and hyphens. It cannot contain spaces. This name will need to be specified in the integration script when asking for an export.
      3. Select a workflow, a step and a status.

      4. Click Save.

      The exportable status appears in the list. When candidate submissions reach the specified combination, the external system makes an export query to Taleo, which will only export candidate submissions having reached the specified combination.

      In the list of exportable statuses, invalid combinations are identified in red. For example, if an exportable status is defined on a status that no longer exists, this exportable status will be displayed in red.

      The integration service looks in the candidate submissions history and only exports submissions having reached the configured workflow/step/status combination within the given time frame. Submissions are exported even if they are not currently at the workflow/step/status; they only need to have reached it at some point in the given time frame.

      Every change to an exportable status is recorded in the History section, making it possible to determine what was the configuration at a given point in time.

        Deleting an Exportable Status

        To configure exportable statuses, the system administrator must have the Access Administration permission (Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Administration).

        Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Integration > Exportable Statuses

        Click Remove next to an exportable status.

        As soon as an exportable status is removed from the list, the export service will no longer export candidate submissions having reached the workflow/step/status combination.

        Every change to an exportable status is recorded in the History section, making it possible to determine what was the configuration at a given point in time.