27Data Archiving and Deletion

Data Archiving and Deletion

    Automated Tasks

      Automated Task

      An automated task is an action the system automatically performs to delete and archive information contained in the database.

      The Automated Tasks feature allows the deletion of the following data from the database:

      • candidates

      • submissions

      • requisitions

      • requisition templates

      • questions


      As of Feature Pack 13A, the Automated Task feature no longer supports the deletion of history events. This functionality has been replaced by similar automatic tasks defined within the system. For details, see History Events Retention Period Before Deletion.

      The Automated Task feature provides three types of deletion:

      • Permanently delete: This type of deletion removes data from the database without the possibility of restoring it. This action can be performed on candidate files, submissions, requisition files, requisition templates, and questions. System administrators, when creating a task, can limit the task's scope to files that meet specific criteria. They can also specify when the task is to start and indicate whether the task is to be run on a recurring basis.

      • Delete (all data can later be restored): This action is available for candidate files only. When using this type of deletion, candidate files deleted no longer appear in the Recruiting Center, but the files are not actually purged from the database. This type of deletion provides system administrators the ability to restore them should the need arise. System administrators can restore a particular candidate file, several candidate files, or even all candidate files deleted by an iteration of the task if necessary. System administrators, when creating a task, can limit the task's scope to files that meet specific criteria. They can also specify when the task is to start and indicate whether the task is to be run on a recurring basis. Reports can include candidate files deleted in this manner. If the candidates referred other candidates, such references are deleted and cannot be restored afterward even if the candidate files are later restored.

      • Delete (non identifying data can later be used for reporting purposes): This action is available for candidate files only. This type of deletion removes identifying data from the database with the possibility of retaining non identifying information for reporting purposes. Candidate files deleted in this manner cannot be restored afterward. If the candidates referred other candidates, such references are deleted and cannot be restored afterward.

      Several criteria are available to define which elements to delete. Criteria using UDFs are also available. Only UDFs of type Selection and Date are available. When system administrators use a UDF of type Selection, the available operator is "Is set to". When system administrators use a UDF of type Date, the available operator is "Is older than". It is possible to select several UDFs for one criterion and to select multiple values for one UDF. In each case, the AND condition is used. In the following example, the criterion "Include only submissions based on the value of the following UDFs" contains 4 UDFs, and the UDF "Afternoons Available" is selected 3 times with different values.

      Candidate file permanent deletions are performed in two phases.

      • All candidate files matching the criteria are tagged as "to be deleted". They are still in the database, but not displayed to users.

      • All candidate files tagged as "to be deleted" are permanently deleted. Note that the first and second phases cannot occur the same night. Therefore, hard-deleting a single candidate will take as long as hard-deleting 1000 files.

      When a candidate is deleted, it is as if the candidate never existed from a user's point of view. Therefore, if a candidate applies for a second time, the candidate would need to create a whole new candidate file. The old file would not be available (unless the system administrator would have reactivated it).

      Candidate deletions are done in batches of 1000 candidates per hour. This means that a maximum of 12,000 candidates are processed per evening.

      Submission permanent deletions are performed in two phases:

      • All candidate submissions matching the criteria are tagged as "to be deleted". They are still in the database, but not displayed to users.

      • All candidate submissions tagged as "to be deleted" are permanently deleted. Phase 2 typically happens 24 hours after the execution of Phase 1. During Phase 2, the system checks for special conditions that would prevent a candidate submission from being deleted, such as the existence of an Onboarding (Transitions) process. If such a condition exists, the submission is not permanently deleted and remains tagged as "to be deleted".

      The candidate submissions deletion process deletes any elements related to the submission being deleted, for example: tasks, attachments, partner's processes, interview questionnaires and answers.

      The candidate submissions deletion process does not delete submissions that have an Onboarding (Transitions) process linked to them. However, candidate submissions linked to a Legacy Onboarding process will be deleted because Legacy Onboarding processes can continue to exist independently from the submission they are linked to.


      The Onboarding (Transitions) setting "Automatically Delete Old Onboarding (Transitions) Processes" which is used to delete older processes is enabled by default for new and existing customers. Prior to 15A, this setting was not enabled by default. As of 15A, the default value of this setting will be set as indicated below. System administrators can modify the default value or to disable the automatic deletion completely by changing the value to 0.

      • For existing customers upgrading to release 15A, the default value will be set to 5 years (1825 days).

      • For new customers, the default value will be set to 2 years (730 days).

      When a candidate submission is deleted by an automated task, the last modified date for that candidate is not modified. In this way, the execution of date-sensitive deletion tasks is unaffected by candidate submission deletion tasks.

      Requisition deletions are done in batches of 100 requistions per hour. This means that a maximum of 1200 requisitions are processed per evening.

      Questions used in requisitions cannot be deleted manually nor through the Automated Task feature. Users can delete obsolete and unreferenced questions only after cleaning up the question library, that is:

      • Delete candidates (which will delete the answers associated to questions).

      • Delete requisitions and templates.

      System administrators can schedule automated tasks to be run automatically, once or on a recurring basis, or they can run them manually. Automated tasks run from 7:00 PM to 7:00 AM (Eastern Time) during the week, and full-time (24 hours a day) during the weekend.

      History events of an automated task are kept 24 months in the system (Recruiting Administration > Automated Tasks > click an automated task > View History).

      Important Information
      • When creating an automated task, it is possible to limit the task's scope to elements that meet specific criteria. It is also possible to specify when the task is to start and whether the task is to be run on a recurring basis.

      • If selecting the Permanently delete candidate files action and the With archiving while creating an automated task option, the candidate files will be deleted permanently from the Taleo system when the task is run but users will be able to "pick up" the candidate information to be deleted permanently in the Taleo databases at a Taleo FTP location for a predetermined period of time (contact Oracle Support prior to using "With archiving" so that Oracle can activate the option). The candidate information will be in the form of XML files.

      • As the number of candidate files, requisitions, templates, and questions has increased, the size of Taleo customers' databases has grown proportionally. The Permanently delete candidate files action provides a highly configurable tool that can result in significantly improved system performance: faster candidate searches, quicker report generation, pages and lists that are displayed more rapidly. All of these performance improvements will result in greater productivity with respect to users.

      • Better compliance with regulations around the world. Some countries have strict laws governing the length of time that personal information can be held in databases. Taleo customers who do business in such countries will be able to delete candidate information in a manner that complies with such legislation. Taleo customers can create tasks that use the Permanently delete candidate files action in particular to ensure that the personal information they have stored in Taleo's databases conforms to the legislation in the countries in which they do business.

      • When a candidate is deleted, his/her user name becomes available to other users.


      To access this feature, users must be granted the Access Automated Tasks permission.

      User Type Permission Location
      Access Automated Tasks Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Administration

        Default Automated Tasks (System Tasks)

        Default automated tasks are available and cannot be deleted.

        Items deleted from the candidate search results (system task)

        This task is triggered when users perform candidate searches and then delete candidate files. The task deletes the candidate files but the latter can later be restored if necessary (provided the files have not been deleted permanently in the interim by another task). To view and restore some or all of the candidate files deleted, system administrators can click the name of the task and click View History.

        Restored items not permanently deleted (system task)

        System administrators can trigger this task when they want to restore some or all of the items deleted by a task of type "Delete candidate files (all data can later be restored)" (provided the files have not been deleted permanently in the interim by another task). To do so, systems administrators click the name of the task. All items that have been deleted (as opposed to those that have been permanently deleted) are displayed.

        Permanently delete candidate files deleted in the Staffing WebTop at least 7 days ago (system task)

        This task is used to manually delete candidates from search results (candidate files can later be restored). System administrators can review who has been deleted, they can restore the candidate if the candidate decides otherwise or if the user made a mistake, they can also decide to deactivate the hard delete task and keep those candidates in the database for longer.

        Delete candidate files; all data can later be restored (system task)

        This task stores all the candidates who deactivated their Career Section account themselves by clicking the My Account Options > Deactivate (soft deleted). Candidate files can still be restored from the task history until they are permanently deleted. For candidates to be able to deactivate their account, the following elements are required:

        • The Career Portal Page > My Account Options must be displayed in the Career Section.

        • The Career Section property "Display the link allowing to deactivate the account in the My account page" must be enabled.

          Automated Tasks and OFCCP

          The purpose of the OFCCP feature, within the context of candidate searches, is to keep a record of the search results whenever a user performs a search for candidates for a specific requisition.

          When a user performs a search for candidates for a specific requisition, a log file that contains the candidates retrieved by the search is created. Once the candidate is entered in the log, the candidate entry cannot be deleted for two years. Such log files can be indispensable if the organization has to undergo an audit.

          If you create and run a task to delete ("all data can later be restored" or "nonidentifying data can later be used for reporting purposes") candidate files, future candidate searches will not retrieve the deleted candidate files even if the candidates are recorded in OFCCP logs. If you create a task to permanently delete candidate files, candidate files associated with candidates entered in OFCCP logs will be deleted but not permanently deleted (in compliance with OFCCP). Consequently, future candidate searches files will not retrieve the deleted candidate files but the data contained in the OFCCP logs will be maintained.

            Creating an Automated Task to Delete Candidates

            The Automated Task feature must be activated by Oracle Support.

            The Access Automated Tasks user type permission is required.

            Candidates included in the processing of an automated task must not be locked by the OFCCP feature.

            Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Automated Tasks
            1. Click New Task...

            2. Select the Candidates option and click Next

            3. Select the type of delete you want to perform.

              • Delete (all data can later be restored): Removes data from the database but provides the ability to restore it should the need arise.

              • Delete (non identifying data can later be used for reporting purposes): Removes identifying data from the database with the possibility of retaining non identifying information for reporting purposes. Deleted data cannot be restored afterward.

              • Permanently delete: Removes data from the database without the possibility of restoring it.

            4. Select criteria to refine the deletion process. See Deleting Candidates Criteria.

            5. Type the name and code of the task.

            6. Select the task status:

              • If you want the task to be activated when it is created, select Active.

              • If you do not want the task to run when it is created, select Inactive. A task whose status is Inactive will not run regardless of its execution date or recurrence.

            7. To indicate the day on which you want the task to start running, make a selection using the Calendar icon in the Task Execution Date section.

            8. Specify the recurrence of the task:

              • If you do not want the task to be run on a regular basis, select No.

              • If you want the task to be run regularly, select Yes then select a frequency from the list.

            9. Click Next.

            10. If the summary information is correct, click Finish.

              The Summary page displays an estimated count if the task was executed now. When you click the Count button, the system displays a list of items matching the specified criteria. However, when the system executes the deletion task, some items may actually not be deleted due to other conditions being enforced by the system. For example, requisitions having candidate submissions will not be deleted. In such cases, if you clicked the Count button, the requisitions would be displayed but the task would not delete them whenever it was run.

            The automated task appears in the Automated Tasks page.

              Deleting Candidates Criteria

              Criteria Description
              Include candidate files whose "Creation Date" is older than: Select the criterion if you want the task to process candidate files that were created earlier than a specific period immediately prior to the moment the task is executed. If you select this criterion, you must also specify the time period by making a selection from the corresponding list. Suppose, for example, that you selected 6 months and that the task was executed on August 31st. The task would process candidate files whose "Creation Date" was March 1st or earlier, and satisfied all the other criteria you might have selected.
              Include candidate files whose "Candidate File Last Update" has not changed in the last: Select the criterion if you want the task to process candidate files that were not modified during a specific period of time prior to the moment the task is executed. If you select this criterion, you must also select the time period by making a selection from the corresponding list. Suppose, for example, that you selected 6 months and that the task was executed on August 31st. The task would process candidate files whose "Candidate File Last Update" date was earlier than March 1st, and satisfied all the other criteria you might have selected. To consult the list of changes that trigger an update to the Candidate File Last Update, see Events that Trigger Updates to Candidate File Last Update and Last Activity Date.
              Include candidate files whose "Last Activity Date" has not changed in the last: Select the criterion if you want the task to process candidate files whose Last Activity Date has not changed during a specific period of time prior to the moment the task is executed. If you select this criterion, you must also select the time period by making a selection from the corresponding list. Suppose, for example, that you selected 6 months and that the task was executed on August 31st. The task would process candidate files whose Last Activity Update date was earlier than March 1st, and satisfied all the other criteria you might have selected. To consult the list of changes that trigger an update to the Last Activity Date, see Events that Trigger Updates to Candidate File Last Update and Last Activity Date.
              Include candidates who have no completed profile or application. Select the criterion if you want the task to process candidate files of candidates who have not completed any career section flow (profiler or job-specific application), and satisfy all the other criteria you might have selected. The following candidates, even if they have not completed any career section flow as such, are considered to have "completed applications" and thus will not be deleted permanently by the task:
              • Candidates who are matched to a requisition.

              • Candidates who are entered in the system by way of the Capture Resume or the import toolkit.

              • Candidates who are hired.

              Include candidate files marked as "Identification Missing". Select the criterion if you want the task to process candidate files that have been identified as "Identification Missing", and satisfy all the other criteria you might have selected. Candidates provided no identification (first name, last name, initial), and did not indicate that they wished to be anonymous.
              Include candidates who have not applied on any requisition in the last: Select the criterion if you want the task to process candidate files of candidates who have not applied on any requisition during a specific period of time prior to the moment the task is executed. If you select this criterion, you must also select the time period by making a selection from the corresponding list. Suppose, for example, that you selected 6 months and that the task was executed on August 31st. The task would process candidate files of candidates who had not applied on any requisition from March 1st to August 31st.
              Include candidates who have been referred by an agent or agency at least this long ago. Select the criterion if you want the task to process candidates who have been referred by an agent or agency at least this long ago.
              Include only candidates who have been deleted. Select the criterion if you want the task to only process candidates who have been deleted.
              Exclude candidate files that were deleted in the last: Select the criterion if you want the task to exclude candidate files that were deleted in a specific period of time.
              Exclude internal candidates. Select the criterion if you do not want the task to process candidate files of internal candidates.
              Exclude candidate files whose status is "Hired" on a requisition. Select the criterion if you want to exclude from the task candidate files of candidates whose status is "Hired" on at least one requisition. In other words, they are currently employed by the organization. To avoid deleting permanently employees who have been hired outside of the system (and who consequently do not have the "Hired" status), it is recommended that you also select the Exclude internal candidates criterion.
              Exclude candidates who are currently active in a selection process. Select the criterion if you do not want the task to process candidates who are currently active in a selection process.
              Exclude referrers. Select the criterion if you do not want the task to process referrers.
              Include candidates only if all requisitions associated to the submissions of that candidate have been closed (Filled or Canceled) or are in Deleted status and that the last one to be closed has been closed since:
              Include only candidates based on the value of the following UDFs: Select the criterion if you want the task to process candidate files that have specific UDFs. It is possible to build a condition using multiple UDFs. The candidate file must contain each UDF value to be included. Only UDFs of type Selection or Date can be selected.
              Exclude candidates based on the value of the following UDFs: Select the criterion if you want to exclude from the task candidate files that have specific UDFs. It is possible to build a condition using multiple UDFs. The candidate file must contain each UDF value to be included. Only UDFs of type Selection or Date can be selected.
              Include candidates whose "Place of Residence" is one of the following locations: Select the criterion if you want the task to process candidate files that have specific places of residence. It is possible to build a condition using multiple UDFs. The candidate file must contain each UDF value to be included. Only UDFs of type Selection or Date can be selected.
              Include candidates who have applied on a requisition whose "Primary Location" is one of the following: Select the criterion if you want the task to process candidates who have applied on a requisition that has specific locations. It is possible to build a condition using multiple UDFs. The requisition file must contain each UDF value to be included. Only UDFs of type Selection or Date can be selected.
              Exclude candidates who have applied on a requisition whose "Primary Location" is one of the following: Select the criterion if you want to exclude from the task candidates who have applied on a requisition that have specific locations. It is possible to build a condition using multiple UDFs. The requisition file must contain each UDF value to be included. Only UDFs of type Selection or Date can be selected.

                Candidate Identifying Information

                The following "identifying" information is deleted and cannot be restored when using the deletion action "Delete candidate files (nonidentifying data can later be used for reporting purposes)".

                • First name

                • Last name

                • Initial

                • Address line 1

                • Address line 2

                • City

                • Zip code

                • Phone numbers (all)

                • Email address

                • Web site

                • Employee number

                • Social security number (or Government ID)

                • Values before change, kept in the Tracking History for Contact Information Updated events

                • Date of birth

                • Place of residence (Country, State/Province and Region)

                • User-defined fields

                • Reference by an agent or another candidate

                • Cover letter

                • Pasted resume

                • Additional information

                • Career objective

                • Attached files

                  Events that Trigger Updates to "Candidate File Last Update" and "Last Activity Date"

                  Whenever certain events (actions) occur, the "Candidate File Last Update" and the "Last Activity Date" are updated. Except where otherwise noted, the following events trigger an update to both the "Candidate File Last Update" and the "Last Activity Date".

                  Career Section Actions
                  • Change Password

                  • Update Basic Profile

                  • Update Personal Information (including UDFs)

                  • Update Competency Answers

                  • Update Question Answers

                  • Update Disqualification Question Answers

                  • Update Additional Information (Pasted Resume, Pasted Cover Letter, etc.)

                  • Create, Delete or Update Education (including UDFs)

                  • Create, Delete or Update Work Experiences (including UDFs)

                  • Update Regulations Answers (USA/Canada)

                  • Attach or Remove a File

                  • Update the "Accept invitations by email…" check mark

                  Recruiting Center Actions – General Actions
                  • Attach or Delete Files

                  • Match to a Requisition – only the "Last Activity Date" is updated

                  • Generate New Password

                  • Unlock Account

                  • Add Referrer

                  • Remove Referrer

                  • Delete Candidate

                  • Restore Candidate

                  Candidate Progression is a Selection Process:
                  • Change Step/Status – only the "Last Activity Date" is updated

                  • Move – only the "Last Activity Date" is updated

                  • Bypass – only the "Last Activity Date" is updated

                  • Revert – only the "Last Activity Date" is updated

                  Edits to the Candidate File
                  • Update any value on the Submission tab

                  • Update any answer on the Regulations tab

                  • Add or Change Referring Agent on the History tab

                    Creating an Automated Task to Permanently Delete Submissions

                    The Automated Task feature must be activated by Oracle Support.

                    The Access Automated Tasks user type permission is required.

                    Candidates included in the processing of an automated task must not be locked by the OFCCP feature.

                    Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Automated Tasks
                    1. Click New Task...

                    2. Select the Submissions option and click Next

                    3. The Permanently delete option is selected, click Next.

                    4. Select criteria to refine the deletion process. See Deleting Submissions Criteria.

                    5. Type the name and code of the task.

                    6. Select the task status:

                      • If you want the task to be activated when it is created, select Active.

                      • If you do not want the task to run when it is created, select Inactive. A task whose status is Inactive will not run regardless of its execution date or recurrence.

                    7. To indicate the day on which you want the task to start running, make a selection using the Calendar icon in the Task Execution Date section.

                    8. Specify the recurrence of the task:

                      • If you do not want the task to be run on a regular basis, select No.

                      • If you want the task to be run regularly, select Yes then select a frequency from the list.

                    9. Click Next.

                    10. If the summary information is correct, click Finish.

                      The Summary page displays an estimated count if the task was executed now. When you click the Count button, the system displays a list of items matching the specified criteria. However, when the system executes the deletion task, some items may actually not be deleted due to other conditions being enforced by the system. For example, requisitions having candidate submissions will not be deleted. In such cases, if you clicked the Count button, the requisitions would be displayed but the task would not delete them whenever it was run.

                    The automated task appears in the Automated Tasks page.

                      Deleting Submissions Criteria

                      Criteria Description
                      Include only submissions on requisitions whose "Requisition Number" starts with: Select the criterion if you want the task to process submissions that have a specific requisition number.
                      Include only submissions on requisitions whose "Title" starts with: Select the criterion if you want the task to process submissions that have a specific title.
                      Include only submissions on requisitions whose "Creation Date" is older than: Select the criterion if you want the task to process submissions that were created earlier than a specific period immediately prior to the moment the task is executed. If you select this criterion, you must also specify the time period by making a selection from the corresponding list. Suppose, for example, that you selected 6 months and that the task was executed on August 31st. The task would process submissions whose "Creation Date" was March 1st or earlier, and satisfied all the other criteria you might have selected.
                      Include only submissions on requisitions whose "Last Modification Date" is older than: Select the criterion if you want the task to process submissions on requisitions that were modified during a specific period. If you select this criterion, you must also specify the time period by making a selection from the corresponding list.
                      Include only submissions on requisitions whose "Close Date" is older than: Select the criterion if you want the task to process submissions on requisitions whose close date is older than a specific period. If you select this criterion, you must also specify the time period by making a selection from the corresponding list.
                      Include only submissions on requisitions whose "Status" is: (It is preferable to select Filled, Canceled, or Deleted.) Select the criterion if you want the task to process submissions on requisitions which have a specific status. Possible statuses are: Draft, To be Approved, Approved, On Hold, Filled, Deleted, Canceled, Sourcing, Rejected.
                      Exclude internal submissions. Select the criterion if you do not want the task to process internal submissions.
                      Exclude submissions made by internal candidates. Select the criterion if you do not want the task to process submissions made by internal candidates.
                      Exclude submissions whose status is "Hired" (also excludes submissions which have been deleted). Select the criterion if you want to exclude from the task submissions whose status is "Hired" on at least one requisition.
                      Include only submissions which have been deleted before: Select the criterion if you want the task to process submissions which have been deleted before a specific period. If you select this criterion, you must also specify the time period by making a selection from the corresponding list.
                      Include only submissions based on the value of the following UDFs: Select the criterion if you want the task to process submissions that have specific UDFs. It is possible to build a condition using multiple UDFs. The submission must contain each UDF value to be included. Only UDFs of type Selection or Date can be selected.
                      Exclude submissions based on the value of the following UDFs: Select the criterion if you want to exclude from the task submissions that have specific UDFs. It is possible to build a condition using multiple UDFs. The submission must contain each UDF value to be included. Only UDFs of type Selection or Date can be selected.
                      Include only submissions on requisitions whose "Organization" is one of the following: Select the criterion if you want the task to process submissions that have specific organizations. It is possible to build a condition using multiple UDFs.
                      Include only submissions on requisitions whose "Job Field" is one of the following: Select the criterion if you want the task to process submissions that have specific job fields. It is possible to build a condition using multiple UDFs.
                      Include only submissions on requisitions whose "Primary Location" is one of the following: Select the criterion if you want the task to process submissions that have specific primary location. It is possible to build a condition using multiple UDFs.

                        Creating an Automated Task to Permanently Delete Requisitions

                        The Automated Task feature must be activated by Oracle Support.

                        The Access Automated Tasks user type permission is required.

                        Requisitions included in the processing of an automated task must not be linked to any candidates.

                        Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Automated Tasks
                        1. Click New Task...

                        2. Select the Requisitions option and click Next

                        3. The Permanently delete option is selected, click Next.

                        4. Select criteria to refine the deletion process. See Deleting Requisitions Criteria.

                        5. Type the name and code of the task.

                        6. Select the task status:

                          • If you want the task to be activated when it is created, select Active.

                          • If you do not want the task to run when it is created, select Inactive. A task whose status is Inactive will not run regardless of its execution date or recurrence.

                        7. To indicate the day on which you want the task to start running, make a selection using the Calendar icon in the Task Execution Date section.

                        8. Specify the recurrence of the task:

                          • If you do not want the task to be run on a regular basis, select No.

                          • If you want the task to be run regularly, select Yes then select a frequency from the list.

                        9. Click Next.

                        10. If the summary information is correct, click Finish.

                          The Summary page displays an estimated count if the task was executed now. When you click the Count button, the system displays a list of items matching the specified criteria. However, when the system executes the deletion task, some items may actually not be deleted due to other conditions being enforced by the system. For example, requisitions having candidate submissions will not be deleted. In such cases, if you clicked the Count button, the requisitions would be displayed but the task would not delete them whenever it was run.

                        The automated task appears in the Automated Tasks page.

                        The automated task will permanently delete requisitions, leaving no trace of their existence in the database apart from the database ID, requisition number, requisition title, and creation date of each requisition, which are displayed on the history page of each iteration of the task (see Viewing the History of an Automated Task).

                          Deleting Requisitions Criteria

                          Criteria Description
                          Include requisitions whose "Requisition Number" starts with: Select this criterion if you want the task to process requisitions whose requisition number starts with a particular series of characters and/or numbers, and satisfy all the other criteria you might have selected. Enter the beginning of the requisition number(s) in the field. For example, if you wanted to delete permanently all requisitions whose requisition number started with "REQ-Finance-001-", you would enter REQ-Finance-001- in the field.
                          Include requisitions whose "Title" starts with: Select this criterion if you want the task to process requisitions whose title starts with a particular series of characters and/or numbers, and satisfy all the other criteria you might have selected. Enter the beginning of the title(s) in the field. For example, if you wanted to delete permanently all requisitions whose title started with "FE-class II", you would enter FE-class II in the field.
                          Include requisitions whose "Creation Date" is older than: Select this criterion if you want the task to process requisitions that were created earlier than a specific period of time immediately prior to the moment the task is executed. If you select this criterion, you must also specify the time period by making a selection from the corresponding list. Suppose, for example, that you selected 6 months and that the task was executed on August 31st. The task would process requisitions whose "Creation Date" was March 1st or earlier, and satisfied all the other criteria you might have selected.
                          Include requisitions whose "Last Modification Date" is older than: Select this criterion if you want the task to process requisitions that were not modified during a specific period of time immediately prior to the moment the task is executed. If you select this criterion, you must also select the time period by making a selection from the corresponding list. Suppose, for example, that you selected 6 months and that the task was executed on August 31st. The task would process requisitions whose "Last Modification Date" was unchanged from March 1st to August 31st, and satisfied all the other criteria you might have selected.
                          Include requisitions whose "Status" is: (It is preferable to select Filled, Canceled, or Deleted.) Select this criterion if you want the task to process requisitions that have a particular status, and satisfy all the other criteria you might have selected. It is recommended that you select from the list Filled, Canceled, or Deleted (though it is possible to select one of the other statuses).
                          Exclude requisitions based on the value of the following UDFs:
                          Include requisitions whose "Organization" is one of the following: Select this criterion if you want the task to process requisitions that specify a particular Organization, and satisfy all the other criteria you might have selected. Click Add… to add organizations. If you add an organization and then wish to remove it from the list, click the Remove icon that corresponds to the organization. If you wish to remove all the organizations you added, click Remove All.
                          Include requisitions whose "Job Field" is one of the following: Select this criterion if you want the task to process requisitions that specify a particular Job Field, and satisfy all the other criteria you might have selected. Click Add… to add job fields. If you add a job field and then wish to remove it from the list, click the Remove icon that corresponds to the job field. If you wish to remove all the job fields you added, click Remove All.
                          Include requisitions whose "Primary Location" is one of the following: Select this criterion if you want the task to process requisitions that specify a particular Primary Location, and satisfy all the other criteria you might have selected. Click Add… to add locations. If you add a location and then wish to remove it from the list, click the Remove icon that corresponds to the location. If you wish to remove all the locations you added, click Remove All.

                            Creating an Automated Task to Permanently Delete Requisition Templates

                            The Automated Task feature must be activated by Oracle Support.

                            The Access Automated Tasks user type permission is required.

                            Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Automated Tasks
                            1. Click New Task...

                            2. Select the Templates option and click Next

                            3. The Permanently delete option is selected, click Next.

                            4. Select criteria to refine the deletion process. See Deleting Templates Criteria.

                            5. Type the name and code of the task.

                            6. Select the task status:

                              • If you want the task to be activated when it is created, select Active.

                              • If you do not want the task to run when it is created, select Inactive. A task whose status is Inactive will not run regardless of its execution date or recurrence.

                            7. To indicate the day on which you want the task to start running, make a selection using the Calendar icon in the Task Execution Date section.

                            8. Specify the recurrence of the task:

                              • If you do not want the task to be run on a regular basis, select No.

                              • If you want the task to be run regularly, select Yes then select a frequency from the list.

                            9. Click Next.

                            10. If the summary information is correct, click Finish.

                              The Summary page displays an estimated count if the task was executed now. When you click the Count button, the system displays a list of items matching the specified criteria. However, when the system executes the deletion task, some items may actually not be deleted due to other conditions being enforced by the system. For example, requisitions having candidate submissions will not be deleted. In such cases, if you clicked the Count button, the requisitions would be displayed but the task would not delete them whenever it was run.

                            The automated task appears in the Automated Tasks page.

                            The automated task will permanently delete requisition templates, leaving no trace of their existence in the database apart from each template's database ID, job code, template title, and creation date, which are displayed on the history page of each iteration of the task. (see Viewing the History of an Automated Task).

                              Deleting Templates Criteria

                              Criteria Description
                              Include templates whose "Job Code" starts with: Select this criterion if you want the task to process templates whose job code starts with a particular series of characters and/or numbers, and satisfy all the other criteria you might have selected. Enter the beginning of the job code(s) in the field. For example, if you wanted to delete permanently all templates whose job code started with "Templ-Finance-001-", you would enter Templ-Finance-001- in the field.
                              Include templates whose "Title" starts with: Select this criterion if you want the task to process templates whose title starts with a particular series of characters and/or numbers, and satisfy all the other criteria you might have selected. Enter the beginning of the title(s) in the field. For example, if you wanted to delete permanently all templates whose title started with "FE-class II", you would enter FE-class II in the field.
                              Include templates whose "Creation Date" is older than: Select this criterion if you want the task to process templates that were created earlier than a specific period of time immediately prior to the moment the task is executed. If you select this criterion, you must also specify the time period by making a selection from the corresponding list. Suppose, for example, that you selected 6 months and that the task was executed on August 31st. The task would process templates whose "Creation Date" was March 1st or earlier, and satisfied all the other criteria you might have selected.
                              Include templates whose "Last Modification Date" is older than: Select this criterion if you want the task to process templates that were not modified during a specific period of time immediately prior to the moment the task is executed. If you select this criterion, you must also select the time period by making a selection from the corresponding list. Suppose, for example, that you selected 6 months and that the task was executed on August 31st. The task would process templates whose "Last Modification Date" was unchanged from March 1st to August 31st, and satisfied all the other criteria you might have selected.
                              Include templates whose "Status" is: Select this criterion if you want the task to process templates that have a particular Status, and satisfy all the other criteria you might have selected.
                              Include templates whose "Organization" is one of the following: Select this criterion if you want the task to process templates that specify a particular Organization, and satisfy all the other criteria you might have selected. Click Add… to add organizations. If you add an organization and then wish to remove it from the list, click the Remove icon that corresponds to the organization. If you wish to remove all the organizations you added, click Remove All.
                              Include templates whose "Job Field" is one of the following: Select this criterion if you want the task to process templates that specify a particular Job Field, and satisfy all the other criteria you might have selected. Click Add… to add job fields. If you add a job field and then wish to remove it from the list, click the Remove icon that corresponds to the job field. If you wish to remove all the job fields you added, click Remove All.
                              Include templates whose "Primary Location" is one of the following: Select this criterion if you want the task to process templates that specify a particular Primary Location, and satisfy all the other criteria you might have selected. Click Add… to add locations. If you add a location and then wish to remove it from the list, click the Remove icon that corresponds to the location. If you wish to remove all the locations you added, click Remove All.

                                Creating an Automated Task to Permanently Delete Questions

                                The Automated Task feature must be activated by Oracle Support.

                                The Access Automated Tasks user type permission is required.

                                Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Automated Tasks
                                1. Click New Task...

                                2. Select the Questions option and click Next

                                3. The Permanently delete option is selected, click Next.

                                4. Select criteria to refine the deletion process. See Deleting Questions Criteria.

                                5. Type the name and code of the task.

                                6. Select the task status:

                                  • If you want the task to be activated when it is created, select Active.

                                  • If you do not want the task to run when it is created, select Inactive. A task whose status is Inactive will not run regardless of its execution date or recurrence.

                                7. To indicate the day on which you want the task to start running, make a selection using the Calendar icon in the Task Execution Date section.

                                8. Specify the recurrence of the task:

                                  • If you do not want the task to be run on a regular basis, select No.

                                  • If you want the task to be run regularly, select Yes then select a frequency from the list.

                                9. Click Next.

                                10. If the summary information is correct, click Finish.

                                  The Summary page displays an estimated count if the task was executed now. When you click the Count button, the system displays a list of items matching the specified criteria. However, when the system executes the deletion task, some items may actually not be deleted due to other conditions being enforced by the system. For example, requisitions having candidate submissions will not be deleted. In such cases, if you clicked the Count button, the requisitions would be displayed but the task would not delete them whenever it was run.

                                The automated task appears in the Automated Tasks page.

                                The automated task will permanently delete questions, leaving no trace of their existence in the database apart from each question's database ID, question, and creation date, which are displayed on the history page of each iteration of the task (see Viewing the History of an Automated Task).

                                  Deleting Questions Criteria

                                  Criteria Description
                                  Include questions that start with: Select this criterion if you want the task to process questions that start with a particular series of characters and/or numbers, and satisfy all the other criteria you might have selected.
                                  Include questions whose "Creation Date" is older than: Select this criterion if you want the task to process questions that were created earlier than a specific period of time immediately prior to the moment the task is executed. If you select this criterion, you must also specify the time period by making a selection from the corresponding list. Suppose, for example, that you selected 6 months and that the task was executed on August 31st. The task would process questions whose "Creation Date" was March 1st or earlier, and satisfied all the other criteria you might have selected.
                                  Include questions whose "Last Modification Date" is older than: Select this criterion if you want the task to process questions that were not modified during a specific period of time immediately prior to the moment the task is executed. If you select this criterion, you must also select the time period by making a selection from the corresponding list. Suppose, for example, that you selected 6 months and that the task was executed on August 31st. The task would process questions whose "Last Modification Date" was unchanged from March 1st to August 31st, and satisfied all the other criteria you might have selected.
                                  Include questions whose "Type" is: Select this criterion if you want the task to process questions of a particular type, and satisfy all the other criteria you might have selected. If you select this criterion, you must also specify the type of question (Prescreening or Disqualification) by making a selection from the corresponding list.
                                  Include questions whose "Status" is: Select this criterion if you want the task to process questions that have a particular Status, and satisfy all the other criteria you might have selected. If you select this criterion, you must also specify the Status (Active, Inactive, or Obsolete) by making a selection from the corresponding list.

                                    Viewing the History of an Automated Task

                                    The Automated Task feature must be activated by Oracle Support.

                                    The Access Automated Tasks user type permission is required.

                                    Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Automated Tasks
                                    1. Click the task whose history you want to view.

                                    2. In the Overview section, click View History.

                                    A new page is displayed that includes "historical" information about each past and current iteration of the task: the day and time that each iteration started and ended, the length of time during which the task ran, the name of the person or the system that initiated the iteration, the iteration's current status, the number of items processed, and the number of errors.