13Source Tracking

Source Tracking

    Sources and Events

    A source is a medium or event through which a candidate has heard about a job.

    Sources may be as diverse as Internet job boards, job fairs, magazines, specialized trade publications, newspapers, professional associations, mailing lists, recruiting agencies, etc. Events are used to track down which event, banner, or campaign are attracting the most candidates to career sections. An event can be a specific advertisement in a trade magazine, a recruiting event on a university campus (job fair), or a special recruiting event at an organization.

    In the Recruiting Center, sources are displayed in the requisition Posting and Sourcing tab. When users create a requisition, only the sources that have the same Organization-Location-Job Field structure as the requisition are displayed in the Sources list. Users can modify the list of sources associated to the requisition. If event tracking was enabled, users can access the list of events related to a source. Once in the Events list, users can add, modify and delete events in the requisition.

      Source Tracking

      Source tracking allows Recruiting Center users to know how a candidate has heard about a job.

      There are three levels of source tracking:

      Level Element Description Example
      1 Source Type General source Newspaper
      2 Source Specific source Boston Globe
      3 Event Timely event for a source An add in the Boston Globe on Sunday

      Whether for budgeting purposes or to make better decisions as to where to post jobs, data on the performance of each source is crucial. Your organization needs to know, among other things, how many candidates applied through each source.

        Creating a Source

        Before creating a source, check if it is not already available in the database.

        Only user-defined sources can be created.

        The Access Source Tracking configuration user type permission is required.

        Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Sources
        1. In the Corporate Sources tab, click New...

        2. Complete the fields by following the instructions of the Source Creation tool.

          For details on the fields, see Source Properties.
        3. Click Finish.

        The source is displayed in the Corporate Sources list. It is available to candidates when they apply for a job. Agencies and agents appearing in the Corporate Sources List are created via the Agencies feature in the Recruiting Administration menu.

          Creating an Event

          The source must be created.

          The Tracking Mode setting must be set to Event.

          The Access Source Tracking configuration user type permission is required.

          Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Sources
          1. On the Corporate Sources tab, click the number in the Events column next to a source.

          2. Click New...

          3. Complete the fields.

            If using the event for an online campaign and wanting to have it automatically default in for the candidate, the ID info needs to be put into the URL.
          4. Click Done.

          The event appears in the Events list of the source. Candidates will be able to select this event in the Career Sections.

            Adding the Source Tracking Block in the Candidate File

            The user-defined file must have the inactive or draft status.

            At least one section must be created in the user-defined file.

            Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > User-defined Files
            1. Click a user-defined file of type Candidate File.

            2. Click Edit next to Section Ordering.

            3. Enter the name of the Source Tracking section in the Add a Section field.

            4. Click Create Section.

            5. Select the Source Tracking block in the Available Blocks section, and drag and drop it to the Source Tracking section you created.

            6. Click Save.

              Adding the Source Tracking Block in the Career Section Application Flow

              The Access the Career Section administration section user type permission is required.

              The application flow must be inactive.

              Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Application Flows
              1. Click an application flow.

              2. Click Edit.

              3. Enter the name of the Source Tracking section in the Add a Page field.

              4. Click Create a Page.

              5. Select the Job Sourcing Tracking in the Available Blocks section, and drag and drop it to the Source Tracking section you created.

              6. Click Save.

                Hiding the Source Tracking Block if Pre-Filled

                The Access the Career Section administration section user type permission is required.

                The application flow must be inactive.

                Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Application Flows
                1. Click an application flow.

                2. In the Page Ordering section, click the Source Tracking block.

                3. Click Edit next to Properties.

                4. Select Yes next to "Hide the "Source Tracking" block if it is pre-filled".

                5. Click Save.

                  The Source Tracking block will be hidden and candidates will not be able to override the content. 

                  Source Properties

                  Element Description Location
                  Source Type Source types are provided by Oracle. System administrators cannot add any additional source types, but they can change the Display Name of any of the source types. For a list of available source types, see Source Types. Configuration > [Recruiting] Sources
                  Origin - System

                  System-defined sources are provided by Oracle and cannot be deleted from the database. However, they can be removed by system administrators. A source that has been removed from the sources list can be added again as it remains available in the database. If a source is removed from the sources list, it no longer appears to users in the Recruiting Center, unless users can access Oracle sources directly because they have been granted the Select Taleo system sources in selector window user type permission. The use of a system-defined source can be modified by system administrators, that is if the source is used in the profiler, in a requisition, in both, or in none.

                  Configuration > [Recruiting] Sources
                  Origin - User User-defined sources are created by system administrators. A user-defined source can be permanently deleted from the sources list, provided it is not being used. If a user-defined source is in use, deleting it will only inactivate it. The properties of a user-defined source as well as the Organization-Location-Job Field structure associated to it can be modified by system administrators even if the source is in use. Configuration > [Recruiting] Sources
                  Visibility The visibility of a source can be set to internal or public. An internal source can be viewed only by Recruiting Center users. A public source can be viewed by candidates in Career Sections and by Recruiting Center users.

                  The private setting "Display Internal Source on Internal Career Sections" allows customers to decide if they want the internal visibility sources to display on internal career sections. Contact Oracle Support for details on this setting.

                  Configuration > [Recruiting] Sources
                  Use - In profiler or In requisition A source can be used in a requisition source list (in requisition) and/or in a general profile source list (in profiler). If the use of a source is not defined, then the source will not automatically default into the source list for the requisitions or the general profiles. However, via the Recruiting Center, a user can still add the source to a specific source list. The use of a source can be modified after it has been created. Configuration > [Recruiting] Sources
                  Organization-Location-Job Field classification A source can be associated to organizations, locations, and/or job fields. If a source is to be available to all requisitions, no Organization-Location-Job Field structure needs to be associated to the source. However:
                  • When creating a requisition, only the sources that have the same Organization-Location-Job Field structure as the requisition are displayed in the Sources list.

                  • When a candidate applies on a job (requisition), only the sources that have the same Organization-Location-Job Field structure as the requisition on which the candidate is applying on, are displayed in the Sources list.

                  • When candidates complete their profile without actually applying on a job, all sources that are active and set to "In Profiler" will display, no matter what the Organization-Location-Job Field structure is set for on the source. The reason for this is that the source tracking block can be placed before or after the Organization-Location-Job Field block and therefore the system is just set to not look at the Organization-Location-Job Field when defining what sources to display.

                  Configuration > [Recruiting] Sources

                    Source Tracking - Other Configuration Tasks

                      Adding a Source

                      The Add option is used to select sources that are coming from a pre-defined list already linked to a source type and visibility.

                      The Access Source Tracking configuration user type permission is required.

                      Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Sources
                      1. In the Corporate Sources tab, clear the Show Sub-folder Contents option located in the left panel.

                      2. Click Refresh.

                      3. In the Corporate Sources tab, click Add…

                      4. Select a source.

                      5. Click Done.

                      The source is displayed in the Corporate Sources list and is available in the Recruiting Center. Once the source is added, you can only modify the In Profiler and In Requisition options available in the Source Properties.

                        Removing a Source

                        Only system sources can be removed.

                        The source must not be used in a requisition or candidate profile.

                        The Access Source Tracking configuration user type permission is required.

                        Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Sources
                        1. In the Corporate Sources tab, select a source.

                        2. Click Remove.

                        The source is removed from the Corporate Sources list. Recruiting Center users can no longer use the source.

                          Deleting a Source

                          Only user-defined sources can be deleted.

                          The source must not be used in a requisition or candidate profile.

                          The Access Source Tracking configuration user type permission is required.

                          Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Sources
                          1. In the Corporate Sources tab, click on a source.

                          2. Click Delete.

                          If the deleted source was being used, it will only be deactivated. If the deleted source was not being used, then it is permanently deleted.

                            Reactivating a Source

                            The Access Source Tracking configuration user type permission is required.

                            The source must be inactive.

                            Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Sources
                            1. In the Corporate Sources tab, select an inactive source.

                            2. Select Reactivate.

                              Editing the Properties of a Source

                              The source must not be used in a requisition or candidate profile.

                              The Access Source Tracking configuration user type permission is required.

                              Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Sources
                              1. In the Corporate Source tab, click on a source.

                              2. Click Edit next to Source Properties.

                              3. Indicate where the source is used, either In Profiler or In Requisition.

                              4. Click Done.

                              5. If you selected In Requisition, you are asked if you want to add this newly added source to the list of requisitions that are Open or On Hold. If selecting No, then the source will not be added to existing requisitions, but will be added on any new requisitions where applicable.

                              The use of a source is modified, i.e. if a source is required by users when creating a requisition or by candidates when entering their profile in a career section.

                                Editing the Organization-Location-Job Field of a Source

                                The source must be a user-defined source.

                                The source must not be used in a requisition or candidate profile.

                                The Access Source Tracking configuration user type permission is required.

                                Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Sources
                                1. In the Corporate Source tab, click a source.

                                2. Click Edit next to Organization-Location-Job Field Classification.

                                3. Click Add to add Organization-Location-Job Field elements.

                                4. Click Remove or Remove All to remove Organization-Location-Job Field elements.

                                5. Click Done.

                                When a source is contextualized to an Organization, Location, or Job Field, then the source will only default into the source list of requisitions that match the OLF contextualization.

                                  Editing an Event

                                  The source must be created.

                                  The properties of an event can be modified even if the event is used in a requisition or in a general profile.

                                  The Tracking Mode setting must be set to Event.

                                  The Access Source Tracking configuration user type permission is required.

                                  Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Sources
                                  1. On the Corporate Sources tab, click the number in the Events column next to a source.

                                  2. Click an event.

                                  3. Modify the information as needed.

                                  4. Click Done.

                                    Removing an Event

                                    The source must be created.

                                    The Tracking Mode setting must be set to Event.

                                    The Access Source Tracking configuration user type permission is required.

                                    Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Sources
                                    1. On the Corporate Sources tab, click the number in the Events column next to a source.

                                    2. Select an event.

                                    3. Click the Delete icon.

                                    4. Click Yes to confirm your choice.

                                    5. Click Done.

                                    The event no longer appears in the Events list of the source. Candidates will no longer be able to select this event in the Career Sections.

                                      Source Tracking - Permissions and Settings

                                      User Type Permission Description Location
                                      Access source tracking configuration A user must have this permission to configure the Source Tracking feature. Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Administration
                                      Access Posting and Sourcing Gives Recruiting Center users access to the Posting and Sourcing tab in requisitions. Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Sourcing
                                      Select Taleo system sources in selector window Allows Recruiting Center users to select Taleo system sources for a requisition. Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration> [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Sourcing

                                      Currently, if users do not have the "Select Taleo system sources in selector window" permission, they cannot add any sources to the list for the requisition. If they have the permission, they can add all sources, zone specific and system sources.

                                      Setting Description Default Value Location

                                      Already Answered Source Tracking Question

                                      Ask applicant source only once within the same session.

                                      If set to Yes and the candidate has specified the source tracking in the session, then the candidate is not asked to specify the source a second time in the same session and the same source is used for subsequent submissions in the same session.

                                      If the browser closes or the candidate is logged off, the candidate needs to answer the source tracking question again.


                                      Configuration > [Recruiting] Settings

                                      General Profile Source Tracking

                                      At every submission, update candidate profile with new source information.

                                      If set to Yes, the candidate's General Profile source is updated with submission source after each new submission. 

                                      If set to No, each new submission source will only be at the submission level and the candidate's General Profile source will stay as it is, whether that is blank or a specific source.

                                      No Configuration > [Recruiting] Settings

                                      Tracking Mode

                                      Enables the display of events in Source Tracking.

                                      If set to Event, events can be created for each source. In the Corporate Sources list, an Event column is available.

                                      If set to Source, no events are available.

                                      Event Configuration > [Recruiting] Settings

                                      Source Tracking Questions Mandatory

                                      If set to Yes, source tracking questions are mandatory in the Career Section.

                                      No Configuration > [Recruiting] Settings

                                      Source Tracking List Presented

                                      Show the source type while capturing a source.

                                      If set to Yes, the Source Type is asked first, followed by the list of sources for the type that is selected.

                                      If set to No, only the sources are displayed.

                                      Yes Configuration > [Recruiting] Settings

                                      Display Internal Sources on Internal Career Sections

                                      When activated, the internal sources are displayed on the internal Career Sections.

                                      If set to Yes, any source that has the Internal visibility will be displayed on all Internal Career Sections.

                                      If set to No, only sources with the Public visibility will be displayed on all Career Sections.
                                      No. This is a Private setting that can only be activated by Oracle Support. Configuration > [Career Section] Settings

                                        When is the Source Filled for Candidates

                                        There are two reasons why a source would automatically default in for a candidate.

                                        • The candidate has already entered a source in a same session and the Already Answered Source Tracking Question setting is set to Yes. If the candidate logs out and logs back in again, then this would be considered a different session and therefore no matter what the setting is set to, the candidate would need to answer the source tracking question again.

                                        • The candidate is sent to the career section via a URL that has a valid source or event ID pre-populated. As long as the candidate does not navigate away from the career section, then the source will default in. (In this case, the source does not have to be part of the Requisition Source list. It just must be an active source.) 

                                        If none of the above situation is true and the Source Tracking block is part of the application flow, then the candidate will be presented with the source tracking question.

                                        Example 1: First submission in a session

                                        A new or returning candidate accesses a career section. The candidate is presented with the Source Tracking block. The configuration of these settings will affect what is presented to the candidate:

                                        • If the Source Tracking Questions Mandatory setting is set to Yes, the candidate must select a source type.

                                        • If the Source Tracking List Presented setting is set to Yes, the candidate will select the source type first, then be presented with the sources for the selected source type.

                                        • If the source or event ID was not embedded in the URL, the candidate must select the source or event.

                                        Example 2: Subsequent submission in the session

                                        The candidate applies on a second requisition during the same session.

                                          How is the Source List Content Determined

                                          The list of sources displayed in candidate files, candidate job submissions, requisition files and career sections will differ depending on how a source is configured.

                                          Recruiting Center - Requisition File

                                          Sources configured as follows are displayed in requisition files:

                                          • Status: Active.

                                          • Visibility: Internal and Public.

                                          • Use: In Requisition.

                                          • The requisition Organization-Location-Job Field matches the source Organization-Location-Job Field.

                                          If a new source is created using the above configuration, the system administrator can decide to add the newly created source to all Open and On Hold requisitions.

                                          Recruiting Center users can modify the list of sources in a requisition (via the Posting and Sourcing tab). 

                                          Recruiting Center - Create a Candidate - General Profile

                                          Sources configured as follows are displayed in candidate general profiles:

                                          • Status: Active.

                                          • Visibility: Internal and Public.

                                          • Use: In Profile.

                                          Recruiting Center - Create a Candidate - Job Submission

                                          Sources configured as follows are displayed in candidate job submissions:

                                          • Status: Active.

                                          • Visibility: Internal and Public.

                                          • Sources as configured in the Source List for the requisition or sources with the In Profile option.

                                          Recruiting Center - Edit a Candidate - General Profile

                                          Sources configured as follows are displayed in candidate general profiles:

                                          • Status: Active.

                                          • Visibility: Internal and Public.

                                          • Use: In Profile.

                                          Recruiting Center - Edit a Candidate - Job Submission

                                          Sources configured as follows are displayed in candidate job submissions:

                                          • Status: Active.

                                          • Visibility: Internal and Public.

                                          • Sources as configured in the Source List for the requisition. If there are no sources in the list, then the sources with the In Profile option are displayed.

                                          Internal Career Section - Job Submission

                                          Sources configured as follows are displayed to candidates:

                                          External Career Section - Job Submission

                                          Sources configured as follows are displayed to candidates:

                                          • Status: Active.

                                          • Visibility: Public.

                                          • Sources as configured in the Source List for the requisition.

                                          Internal Career Section - General Profile

                                          Sources configured as follows are displayed to candidates:

                                          External Career Section - General Profile

                                          Sources configured as follows are displayed to candidates:

                                          • Status: Active.

                                          • Visibility: Public.

                                          • Use: In Profile.

                                            Source Types

                                            Standard Source Types
                                            Career Fair
                                            Direct Mail
                                            Direct Sourcing
                                            Job Board
                                            Magazines and Trade Publications
                                            Mailing List
                                            News Group
                                            Our Web Site
                                            Professional Associations
                                            Social Network
                                            Taleo Performance
                                            University Recruiting