

    Calendar Configuration


      A calendar is the graphical representation of time from which candidates can choose a date to book an appointment for an interview that will be carried out either in person or by phone.

      Only an Administrator or a user with the Create calendars and Access Scheduling Center user type permission can create a calendar.

      When creating a calendar, the user:

      • Provides a calendar name that is displayed to candidates when they are scheduling their appointment.

      • Specifies a scheduling horizon to indicate how long in advance the candidate may book an appointment on a calendar.

      • Selects a calendar owner.

      • Chooses if the calendar will be single location or multiple location.

      • Specifies if the interview will be held in person (default) or on the phone.

      • Selects locales for the calendar and enters location details.

      Once the calendar is created, the user:

      • Adds a timeslot for candidates to be able to book appointments.

      • Activates the calendar. An active calendar can be used in a requisition for candidates to book appointments.

      • Adds the calendar to a requisition in the Recruiting Center. The calendar must also be assigned to a phase of the requisition for a candidate to be able to book an appointment. When candidates are invited to schedule an appointment, in the Scheduling Center Candidate Portal, candidates click Schedule Appointment.

      Note: The Scheduling Center displays all appointments for a calendar regardless of the integration type used. Although the same calendar can be associated to both integration types on a single requisition, this is not recommended.

        Creating a Calendar

        An Administrator or a user with the Create calendars and Access Scheduling Center user type permission can create a calendar.

        1. Click Scheduling Center.

        2. In the Calendars page, click Create Calendar.

        3. In the Calendar Properties section, complete the fields.

        4. In the Calendar Location Details section, indicates if the calendar is single location or multiple location.

          1. If selecting Single Location, type the location of the appointment.

          2. If selecting Multiple Location, select the desired locations (maximum is five locations).

        5. In the Additional Locales section, select locales for the calendar and enter location details for each selected language.

        6. Complete each set of field boxes for each selected language.

        7. Choose which language will be the primary locale.

        8. Click Save.

        The new calendar appears in the Calendars page.

          Modifying a Calendar

          A user type permission and a Calendar role grant users access to this feature.

          1. Click Scheduling Center.

          2. In the Calendars page, click Modify next to a calendar.

          3. Modify fields as necessary.

          4. Click Save.

            Modifying Calendar Languages

            A user type permission and a Calendar role grant users access to this feature.

            1. Click Scheduling Center.

            2. In the Calendar page, click Modify next to a calendar.

            3. In the Additional Locales section, select the languages in which you wish to display the calendar.

            4. Complete each set of field boxes for each selected language.

            5. Click Save.

              Modifying the Scheduling Horizon

              A user type permission and a Calendar role grant users access to this feature.

              1. Click Scheduling Center.

              2. In the Calendars page, select Modify next to the desired calendar.

              3. In the Update Calendar page, select a value in the Scheduling Horizon drop-down list.

              4. Click Save.

                Navigating Between Calendars

                A user type permission and a Calendar role grant users access to this feature.

                1. Click Scheduling Center.

                2. In the Calendars page, use the navigation arrows.

                  Notification to Reschedule Appointments

                  Scheduling Center users can send email notifications to candidates to invite them to reschedule their appointment.

                  If a candidate's appointment needs to be rescheduled by a Scheduling Center user, the user can send an email notification to the candidate. The candidate can use a link in the email notification to access Scheduling Center and reschedule his or her appointment. Appointments can only be rescheduled for a day or time in the future. Past appointments cannot be rescheduled.

                  On the calendar appointment page, users will need Calendar Creator, Calendar Owner, Schedule Appointments, Manage Timeslots, or Administer privileges to have access to two reschedule options:
                  • Reschedule: The appointment is removed from the calendar schedule and other candidates may schedule during that time. The candidate who was originally scheduled for that appointment will receive a configurable email that can include a link to reschedule the appointment.

                  • Reschedule and Lock: The appointment is removed from the calendar schedule and the timeslot is locked so that no other candidates can schedule during that time. The candidate who was originally scheduled for that appointment will receive a configurable email that can include a link to reschedule the appointment.

                    Reschedule Locking Feature

                    Users can prevent candidates from rescheduling a confirmed appointment.

                    The Appointment Change (lock down) is only relative to the time of the actual appointment. If a user sets a lock down of 4 hours then candidates will be able to reschedule their appointment up until 4 hours before the start of their appointment, this is intended to prevent candidates from rescheduling their appointment right before it's about to occur. It is not relative to when their appointment is scheduled in the future. If the user activates this option for a calendar, the user will be requested to create a message that will be displayed to candidates trying to reschedule a confirmed appointment during the locked down period.

                    The Reschedule Locking feature can be set when the calendar is created or it can be edited later. The reschedule locking feature will be applied to all appointments, even for appointments booked and confirmed before the activation of the feature for a specific calendar.

                    If the candidate accesses the Scheduling Center during the appointment lock down period, the Reschedule message created by the user will be displayed and the candidate will not be allowed to reschedule.

                    A calendar permission or user type permissions grant users access to this feature.

                      Setting the Appointment Change Period

                      A user type permission and a Calendar role grant users access to this feature.

                      1. Click Scheduling Center.

                      2. In the Calendars page, click the name of a calendar.

                      3. Select the option Appointment Change (lock down). 

                      4. Click Save.

                      Candidate will not be allowed to reschedule a confirmed appointment during the period set for the calendar.

                        Limit to Reschedule Appointments

                        Allows Calendar Owners and Scheduling Center Administrators to limit the maximum number of times a candidate is allowed to reschedule an appointment.

                        If the Reschedule Limit is activated for a calendar and a candidate exceeds the limit, a message configured by the calendar creator is displayed to the candidate.

                        A calendar creator can activate and define a Reschedule Limit when creating or modifying a calendar. A Reschedule Limit is activated by checking the corresponding check box on the Create Calendar page. The creator can select a limit, from one to ten, from a drop-down list.

                        When a Reschedule Limit is activated, the Reschedule Limit Reach text field becomes available at the bottom of the Create Calendar page. This field is only visible when the Reschedule Limit is activated and is used to enter a configurable message that displays to the candidate when he or she reaches the configured limit.

                          Single Location and Multi-Location Calendar

                          Users can create calendars with one location or multiple locations.

                          If selecting Single Location, the user must type the location of the appointment.

                          If selecting Multiple Location, the user can select up to five locations. The user can search for locations by Location Type (In Person or By Phone), Location Name, or City. Once locations have been selected, they appear in the calendar. Once the calendar is saved, the user can add new locations (up to 5) but cannot remove added locations.

                          Once the calendar is created, the user must add a timeslot for candidates to be able to book appointments. The user must define timeslots for all locations. On a multi-location calendar, the user must first select the location he wants to add timeslots on (locations are displayed across the top of the calendar. A location is selected by clicking on it. A selected location appears with a green highlighted background. When the appropriate location is selected, the user clicks Add Timeslot.

                            Active Calendar

                            An active calendar can be used in a requisition for candidates to book appointments.

                            A calendar must be Active before any appointments can be entered into the calendar by a candidate. Only an Administrator, an Administer Calendars, or the owner of the calendar can change the status of a calendar.

                            An inactive calendar cannot be chosen in a requisition process. A calendar in the Inactive status will not be displayed to candidates. However, a recruiter can add or manage timeslots in an inactive calendar.

                              Activating a Calendar

                              Only an Administrator, an Administer Calendars, or a the owner of the calendar can change the status of a calendar.

                              A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

                              1. Click Scheduling Center.

                              2. In the Calendars page, click Modify next to the desired calendar.

                              3. In the Update Calendar page, select the Active Calendar check box.

                              4. Click Save.

                              The calendar can be used in a requisition for candidates to book appointments.

                                Inactivating a Calendar

                                Only an Administrator, an Administer Calendars, or a the owner of the calendar can change the status of a calendar.

                                A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

                                1. Click Scheduling Center.

                                2. In the Calendars page, click Modify next to the desired calendar.

                                3. In the Update Calendar page, clear the Active Calendar check box.

                                4. Click Save.

                                The Calendar is inactive, therefore unavailable to be used in a requisition.

                                  Calendar List Filtering and Sorting

                                  The list of calendars can be filtered to reduce the number of calendars displayed in the list and to display calendars relevant to a user. The calendar list can also be sorted alphabetically.

                                  The Quick Filters panel allows users to filter and search calendars according to the following criteria:

                                  • Status: Used to display active or inactive calendars.

                                  • ID: When a calendar is created, an ID number is given to the calendar. You must enter the exact ID number. The Calendar ID search field is case sensitive

                                  • Calendar Name: You can enter the complete calendar name or part of it. The Calendar Name search field is not case sensitive

                                  • Location: You can enter the complete location name or part of it. The Location search field is not case sensitive.

                                  • Calendar Owner: You can enter the complete calendar owner name or part of it. The Calendar Owner search field is not case sensitive.

                                  Search criteria can be used individually, or several criteria can be used together.

                                  Sorting can also be performed on the calendar list by clicking on the column header. The list is sorted alphabetically.

                                    Displaying Active or Inactive Calendars

                                    A user type permission and a Calendar role grant users access to this feature.

                                    1. Click Scheduling Center.

                                    2. In the Quick Filters panel, select Active or Inactive in the Status drop-down list.

                                    3. Click Search.

                                      Searching for Calendars

                                      A user type permission and a Calendar role grant users access to this feature.

                                      1. Click Scheduling Center.

                                      2. In the Quick Filters panel, enter the ID, calendar name, location, and/or calendar owner.

                                      3. Click Search.

                                        Multiple Calendars per Requisition

                                        Multiple calendars can be assigned to a requisition.

                                        When a user adds invitation phases in a requisition and assigns a calendar to the phase, it is possible to choose from more than one calendar. Therefore, several invitations can be sent during the requisition process each with a different calendar. Although it is not recommended, calendars can be associated to both integration types on a single requisition.

                                          Calendar Duplication

                                          Calendars can be duplicated using a button that will duplicate details and permissions into a new calendar. The name of the calendar is also copied and prefaced with the words Copy of.

                                          A Scheduling Center Administrator, or a user with Create Calendar permission, will see a Duplicate link on the calendar list page. When the Duplicate link is clicked, all the Calendar Properties, Calendar Location Details, and Additional Locales information from the original calendar is duplicated into the Update Calendar page for the new calendar. The original calendar name is also copied to the new calendar after the words, Copy of. For example, if the calendar named Interview Calendar was duplicated, the new name of the calendar would be Copy of - Interview Calendar. The user may then change the name of the calendar as appropriate.

                                          When the new calendar is saved, the user is taken to the Assign Users and Permissions to a Calendar page. The information from this page is also prefilled with the existing information from the original calendar. The user can make changes, as necessary and then has two options:
                                          • Return: returns user to the Update Calendar page.

                                          • Done: returns user to the Calendars list page.

                                            Duplicating a Calendar

                                            An Administrator or a user with the Create calendars and access Scheduling Center user type permission can create a calendar.

                                            Scheduling Center > Scheduling Center
                                            1. Click Scheduling Center.

                                            2. Click Duplicate next to a calendar..

                                            3. Edit the calendar name to a name distinctly different to the original calendar name.

                                            4. Edit field values as appropriate.

                                            5. Click Save.

                                            6. Assign users a calendar role.

                                            7. Click Done.

                                              Calendar History Tracking

                                              The Calendar History Tracking allows Scheduling Center users to track changes made to the calendar.

                                              Users with Calendar Creator, Calendar Owner, or Administer Calendar privileges can see View Audit History on the Update Calendar and the Assign Users and Permissions to a Calendar pages. When clicked, View Audit History launches the Audit History page which lists the User Name, Action, and Date of every change made to that calendar.

                                                Email History

                                                Users can view a copy of emails sent to candidates.

                                                When users are on the Scheduling Center Scheduled Appointment page, they can see a listing of scheduled appointments and the name of candidates. Candidate names are displayed as hyperlinks.

                                                Users can click a candidate name to see invitation details for that candidate. Users can also click the View Email link to see the content of the email that was sent.



                                                    A timeslot is a period of the day when candidates are able to book appointments.

                                                    A timeslot can be locked meaning that candidates are unable to book appointments in that timeslot. Existing appointments already scheduled remain unchanged. Candidates may cancel or reschedule out of them, but no one can schedule an appointment into a locked timeslot. Locked timeslots are identified by a padlock icon.

                                                    The owner of a calendar, the Administrator, or a user with a Manage Timeslots role can lock a timeslot.

                                                    Timeslots cannot be modified once they have been created. To modify a timeslot, remove the timeslot and add a new one.

                                                    Timeslot actions are not available for timeslots that occurred in the past. The check boxes used for timeslot selection are disabled on past days and the Timeslot Action menu is removed. To perform Timeslot Actions, the user must have a calendar role of Manage Timeslots or Administer Calendars.

                                                      Adding a Timeslot

                                                      A user type permission and a Calendar role grant users access to this feature.

                                                      1. Click Scheduling Center.

                                                      2. In the Calendars page, click the name of a calendar.

                                                      3. Click Add Timeslot.

                                                      4. Complete the fields as required.

                                                      5. Click Add Timeslot.

                                                      A new timeslot is added in the calendar for the chosen date.

                                                        Deleting a Timeslot

                                                        The timeslots must be free of any scheduled appointments.

                                                        A user type permission and a Calendar role grant users access to this feature.

                                                        1. Click Scheduling Center.

                                                        2. In the Calendars page, click the name of a calendar.

                                                        3. Select a timeslot.

                                                        4. In the Timeslot Actions menu, select Delete.

                                                        The timeslot is removed from the calendar and is no longer available to candidates to book appointments.

                                                          Deleting All Timeslots

                                                          The timeslots must be free of any scheduled appointments.

                                                          A user type permission and a Calendar role grant users access to this feature.

                                                          1. Click Scheduling Center.

                                                          2. In the Calendars page, click the name of a calendar.

                                                          3. In the Timeslot Actions menu, select Delete All Timeslots.

                                                          All timeslots are removed from the calendar. Timeslots will no longer be available to candidates to book appointments.

                                                            Locking a Timeslot

                                                            A user type permission and a Calendar role grant users access to this feature.

                                                            The timeslot must be created and unlocked.

                                                            1. Click Scheduling Center.

                                                            2. In the Calendars page, click the name of a calendar.

                                                            3. Select a timeslot.

                                                            4. In the Timeslot Actions menu, select Lock.

                                                            A small padlock icon is displayed beside the locked timeslot. Candidates are no longer able to book appointments for that timeslot. However, any appointments that have been previously scheduled for that timeslot will remain.

                                                              Unlocking a Timeslot

                                                              A user type permission and a Calendar role grant users access to this feature.

                                                              The timeslot must be created and locked.

                                                              1. Click Scheduling Center.

                                                              2. In the Calendars page, click the name of a calendar.

                                                              3. Select a timeslot.

                                                              4. In the Timeslot Actions menu, select Unock.

                                                              The padlock icon is no longer displayed. Candidates are able to book appointments in that timeslot.

                                                                Selecting a Timeslot Owner

                                                                The calendar must have a timeslot.

                                                                Calendar permissions apply; users must have the appropriate permission to the calendar and the ability to manage times to have access to this feature.

                                                                1. Click Scheduling Center.

                                                                2. In the Calendars page, click the name of a calendar.

                                                                3. Select the checkbox next to the desired timeslot.

                                                                4. In the Timeslot Actions menu, click Select Owner.

                                                                5. Click Select User next to the desired timeslot owner.

                                                                The name of the timeslot owner appears next to the desired appointment timeslot.

                                                                  Removing a Timeslot Owner

                                                                  The calendar must have a timeslot.

                                                                  Calendar permissions apply; users must have the appropriate permission to the calendar and the ability to manage times to have access to this feature.

                                                                  1. Click Scheduling Center.

                                                                  2. In the Calendars page, click the name of a calendar.

                                                                  3. Select the checkbox next to the desired timeslot.

                                                                  4. In the Timeslot Actions menu, click Remove Owner.

                                                                  The name of the timeslot owner no longer appears next to the desired appointment timeslot.

                                                                    Modifying a Timeslot Owner

                                                                    The calendar must have a timeslot.

                                                                    Calendar permissions apply; users must have the appropriate permission to the calendar and the ability to manage times to have access to this feature.

                                                                    1. Click Scheduling Center.

                                                                    2. Select the checkbox next to the desired timeslot.

                                                                    3. In the Timeslot Actions menu, click Select Owner.

                                                                    4. Click Select User next to the desired timeslot owner.

                                                                    The name of the timeslot owner appears next to the desired appointment timeslot.

                                                                      Selecting the Allowed Number of Appointments per Timeslot

                                                                      A user type permission and a Calendar role grant users access to this feature.

                                                                      1. Click Scheduling Center.

                                                                      2. In the Calendars page, click the name of a calendar.

                                                                      3. Select a timeslot.

                                                                      4. In the Timeslot Actions menu, select Update Appointments.

                                                                      5. Indicate the number of appointments that may be scheduled within this timeslot.

                                                                      6. Click Save.

                                                                      The selected number of appointments available for the timeslot is displayed.

                                                                        Displaying Date Information and Booked Appointments

                                                                        A user type permission and a Calendar role grant users access to this feature.

                                                                        1. Click Scheduling Center.

                                                                        2. In the Calendars page, click on a calendar.

                                                                        3. In the Quick Filters panel, click on a date in the calendar.

                                                                          Moving Between Months in a Calendar

                                                                          A user type permission and a Calendar role grant users access to this feature.

                                                                          1. Click Scheduling Center.

                                                                          2. In the Calendars page, click on a calendar.

                                                                          3. In the Quick Filters panel, click the right arrow icon to display the next month. Click the left arrow icon to display the previous month.

                                                                            Tracking Candidate Appointment Attendance

                                                                            A user type permission and a Calendar role grant users access to this feature.

                                                                            1. Click Scheduling Center.

                                                                            2. Click on the calendar name.

                                                                            3. Click on a timeslot where a candidate has booked an appointment.

                                                                            4. In the Candidate Actions menu, select Mark Arrived, Mark No Show, Clear Arrival Status accordingly. You can also use the quick action icons.

                                                                            The attendance of a candidate is marked in the calendar. The user can view if a candidate has arrived or not for an appointment.

                                                                            The attendance of the candidate is indicated in the Candidate list in the Recruiting Center, provided the Appointment Status column is configured. The appointment status is also indicated in the candidates profile.

                                                                              Locked Day

                                                                              A locked day is a day during which candidates cannot book appointments.

                                                                              When opening a calendar, the words Day is Locked are displayed in red. Also, the day is strike through in the calendar. This means that the system will not allow candidates to make appointments. Existing appointments already scheduled remain unchanged. Candidates may cancel or reschedule out of them, but no one can schedule an appointment into a locked day.

                                                                              The Owner of a calendar, an Administrator or a user with a Manage Timeslots role has the option to lock an entire day, inclusive of all the timeslots within a specific day.

                                                                                Locking a Day

                                                                                A user type permission and a Calendar role grant users access to this feature.

                                                                                1. Click Scheduling Center.

                                                                                2. In the Calendars page, select a calendar name.

                                                                                3. Click a day in the calendar.

                                                                                4. In the Timeslot Actions menu, select Lock Day.

                                                                                The words Day is Locked are displayed in red. Also, the day is strike through in the calendar. Candidates are no longer able to book appointments on that day. However, any appointments that have been scheduled on that day will remain.

                                                                                  Unlocking a Day

                                                                                  A user type permission and a Calendar role grant users access to this feature.

                                                                                  1. Click Scheduling Center.

                                                                                  2. In the Calendars page, select a calendar name.

                                                                                  3. Click a day in the calendar that is locked.

                                                                                  4. In the Timeslot Actions menu, select Unlock Day.

                                                                                  The day is no longer strike through in the calendar. Candidates are able to book appointments on that day.