5Scheduling Status

Scheduling Status

    Scheduling Center Candidate History Log

    The Candidate History Log is the Scheduling Center page where it is possible to view the scheduling status of a candidate.

    The Candidate History Log displays a list of the scheduling activities of a candidate.

      Viewing the Scheduling Status of a Candidate in the Candidate File

      To view the status of a candidate, the candidate must already be in a candidate selection process.

      Recruiting > Candidates
      1. Click the name of a candidate.

      2. In the job submission tab, click Edit.

      3. In the Screening section, click Details under the integration type used to manage the appointments of the candidate.

      4. In the Results section, click More Details.

      5. Click View History.

      The Activity Log of the candidate is displayed.

        Viewing the Scheduling Status of a Candidate in the Candidates List

        The Scheduling Status column in the candidate list must have been added to the list format.

        Recruiting > Candidates

        The Scheduling Status of a candidate is displayed in the Scheduling Status column of the candidates list.

          Adding a Candidate List Column to view Scheduling Statuses

          To view the scheduling status of a candidate in the candidates list, the Scheduling Status column must be added to the candidates list.

          The Scheduling Status column must have been added to a list format context by a Recruiting Administrator.

          Recruiting > Candidates
          1. In the Candidates list, click the calendar icon.

          2. In the List Format Selector page, choose from the List Format drop-down list, a list format including an Appointment Status column.

          3. Click Done.

          A column displaying the Scheduling Center scheduling status will be displayed in the candidates list.

            Viewing the Scheduling Status of a Candidate in the Tracking History

            User must be signed in to the Scheduling Center.

            A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

            A calendar role grants users access to this feature.

            1. Click Scheduling Center.

            2. Click the name of a calendar.

            3. Click the name of a scheduled candidate.

            The Activity Log of the candidate is displayed. The information under the What column is the scheduling status.

              Scheduling Center Statuses

              Status Description
              Calendar Statuses
              Location Statuses
              Invitation Statuses


              The invitation has been sent to the candidate.


              The candidate has a scheduled interview.


              The screening service or invitation has been canceled.


              Default value is 14 days after which time the candidate will not be able to schedule an interview using that invite.


              The candidate declined the invite.

              Scheduled cancel requested

              The candidate canceled the scheduled appointment.
              Archive The invitation status is updated to Archive after 180 days have passed.
              Arrival Statuses


              The candidate was marked Arrived for his/her scheduled appointment.

              No show

              The candidate was marked No show for his/her their scheduled appointment.
              Unspecified The candidate arrival status was/has not been provided for his/her scheduled appointment.
              Passport Communication Statuses



              Pending The request is waiting to be sent to Passport by the Passport scheduled job (runs in the background at a set interval of time).
              Timeslot Statuses



              Calendar Import Statuses


