6Finding Candidate Information

Finding Candidate Information

    Candidate Search

    Candidate Search provides access to a candidate's appointments that occur up to one week in the future and up to one week in the past.

    Candidate Search Results Page

    The Candidate Search function provides two different types of searches, a quick search and a specific search. A quick search for candidate appointments can be done by selecting any one of the options for search from the drop-down menu and entering the criteria into the text field. The search options are:
    • Last Name (Default)

    • First Name

    • Full Name

    • Email Address

    • Candidate ID from the Recruiting Center

    A Specific Candidate search can be performed by selecting Specific Candidate Search from the drop-down menu and entering all of the quick search option items for search into the Specific Candidate Search window.

    Conducting either a quick Candidate Search or a Specific Candidate Search will display a list of results on the Candidate Search Results Page. The results includes appointments for that candidate dated up to one week prior of the current day and one week after the current day. Each line represents a scheduled appointment.

    Column Name Description
    First Name The candidate's first name that links to the Invitation Details page.
    Last Name The candidate's last name that links to the Invitation Details page.
    Requisition The requisition matched to the candidate.
    Calendar Name The name of the calendar that links to the Calendar page.
    Start Date Start date and time of the appointment.
    Calendar Owner The name of the owner of the calendar for that appointment.
    Status The status of the candidates arrival to the appointment. Possible values are Arrived, No Show, or blank.
    Action Clickable Quick Action Item Icons that update the Status column.

    The Invitation Details Page displays the history of events related to the candidate's selected appointment.

    Column Name Description
    Email Sent The View Email link displays if there was an associated email sent with the activity. Clicking the link opens a copy of the email sent in a new window.
    When The date and time the event occurred.
    Who The requisition matched to the candidate.
    What The action that occurred in the event.
    Appointment The date and time of an appointment if the event resulted in an appointment.


    User Type Permission Location
    • Create calendars

    • Access Scheduling Center

    Configuration > [Smart Org] Administration > User Types > Recruiting > Scheduling

      Performing a Candidate Quick Search

      1. Click Scheduling Center.

      2. Select search criteria type from inline menu.

      3. Enter the search value in the text field.

      4. Click magnifying glass icon.

        Performing a Specific Candidate Search

        1. Click Scheduling Center.

        2. Select Specific Candidate Search from inline menu.

        3. Enter the search value in desired field.

        4. Click Search.

          Access to the Candidate File in the Recruiting Center

          The Recruiting Center can be accessed from the Scheduling Center to view the Candidate File.

          When a candidate has scheduled an appointment his or her name displays on the Calendar Scheduled Appointment page for that date and time. An inline menu is available next to the name. Clicking the inline menu arrow exposes a hover window displaying:
          • Candidate ID

          • Candidate Name link

          • Candidate Email Address

          Clicking the Candidate Name link will launch the Recruiting Center or the Staffing WebTop in a new tab or window. After signing in, the user will land on the General Profile of the Candidate Profile. Recruiters and Hiring Managers who use the Scheduling Center must have appropriate permissions to the Recruiting Center or the Staffing WebTop to view the Candidate Profile. The Candidate Profile cannot be accessed through the Manager WebTop using this link.

            Accessing the Candidate File in Recruiting

            Users must have the General Security level for internal candidates (in view mode) or the General Security level for external candidates (in view mode) permission to access the candidate file in the Recruiting Center.

            Users must have access to the Recruiting Center or the Staffing WebTop.

            The Candidate Profile cannot be accessed through the Manager WebTop.

            1. Click Scheduling Center.

            2. In the Calendars page, click the inline menu next to the candidate name.

            3. Click candidate name link.

            4. Log in to the Recruiting Center.

            The Recruiting Center is launched in a new tab or window displaying the candidate file.