4Managing Tasks in the Onboarding (Transitions) Center

Managing Tasks in the Onboarding (Transitions) Center


    Tasks are assignments that you complete as part of a process involving someone.

    The default filter "My Opened Tasks" in the Tasks section of the Onboarding (Transitions) Center enables you to view all opened tasks, assigned to you, as those tasks come into play. They continue to be displayed until they are completed or until you choose a different filter in the Refine by list. Other filters enable you to view additional tasks subject to your user type permissions. 

    An Onboarding (Transitions) process (a pre-hire, new hire or other type of process) can contain different types of tasks.

    Tasks and Actions
    Task Type How to complete the task Description Related Source
    Form Task Click the corresponding Execute link to display the form. The form might contain mandatory fields and fields that can be edited. The form can be submitted when all required fields have been filled. Submitting the form completes the task. Assignee is asked to complete a user-defined form. In the case of multiple people assigned to the same form task, as soon as one them submits the form, the task is completed automatically for all assignees. Read-only view of the task.
    Correspondence Task

    This task is completed automatically when the correspondence is sent. It is displayed in the Tasks list when users select All Tasks in the Refine by list. Users can click the task name and then click the link in the Related Source field to view the message.

    An email message is sent to one or more recipients. Link to the message template.
    Manual Task Click the Complete link. A task that does not require any support i.e. no form, PDF, correspondence, etc. It can only be completed or canceled. Instructs the assignee to perform an action outside the system, such as phoning the candidate.

    Details regarding the task are contained in the task description field.)
    PDF Task

    Clicking the PDF name opens the file and completes the task. You can save the file locally or print it.

    The system administrator assigns a PDF file, which can contain variables to personalize the text, to the assignee as a task. The assignee completes the task by opening and reading the file. List of PDF documents.

    Each task can be configured to have a standard or customized email sent to assignees when the task first obtains In Progress status. Additionally, each task can have a standard or customized email sent to the process owner upon completion of the task. For both of these actions, the Onboarding (Transitions) Center user can designate a message template different from the one that was initially designated.

    Completed tasks trigger various actions that ensure the process progresses automatically. Once tasks are completed, they cannot be undone.

    All Onboarding (Transitions) tasks whose status is In Progress have a due date by which they should be completed. The due date is based on the date on which the task was assigned (to the participant(s)) and the expected duration the administrator specified for the task.

    All tasks displayed in the Tasks list originate from running processes unless Onboarding (Transitions) Center users have the user type permission required to create their own self-assigned tasks. Self-assigned tasks are not part of any process configured by the Taleo Onboarding (Transitions) administrator but rather are created by the users themselves to remind them to take some action. After they perform the action, they indicate that their task as complete. There is no entry in the History section for this type of task.

      Task Statuses

      Provided Onboarding (Transitions) Center users have the required user type permission, they can view all the steps/tasks included in a person's process. The status of each step is also displayed.

      Step statuses are:

      • Completed - Steps that have been performed.

      • In Progress - Steps that are assigned to at least one person (regardless of whether the participants have viewed or started the task).

      • Error - Steps that had In Progress status but then encountered a problem that prevented completion (for example, communication problems with an external service provider).

      • Not Started - Steps that have never been assigned to anyone and therefore have never had In Progress status.

      As soon as a task obtains Completed status, the next task(s) in the process are typically assigned immediately to the relevant participant(s) and these tasks typically have In Progress status. 

      When a task status changes from Not Started to In Progress, it can never return to Not Started afterward.  When a task status changes from In Progress to Completed, it cannot return to In Progress or Not Started afterward with one exception. It is possible to reassign a task with In Progress status to a participant provided the Onboarding (Transitions) administrator has configured this behavior. Any incorrect or omitted information submitted on a form task cannot typically be corrected by redoing the form unless the error is so common and foreseen that a double-check has been configured into the process.

      A task can go from Error status to In Progress status if the situation that caused the error is fixed before the user clicks Retry.

        Task List

        The tasks displayed in the task list are determined by the selection in the Refine by list and your user type permissions.

        Tasks are sorted by name by default. To sort tasks by a different criterion, click the corresponding column header (except the Assigned to, Owned by, and Actions column headers).

        Task List Columns
        Column Description
        Name The name of the task. Click the name to view details of the task.
        Due Date Date by which the task must be completed.
        Candidate/Employee The name of the candidate or employee related to the task.
        Priority Displays the priority level of the task:
        • Low

        • Medium

        • High

        Status Displays the status of the task. Statuses are:
        • Completed: The task was completed with success.

        • In Progress: The task is assigned and ready to be completed.

        • Error: The task had In Progress status but then encountered a problem that prevented completion.

        Assigned to The assignees are the individuals who will complete the task.

        In the case of multiple people assigned to the same form task, as soon as one them submits the form, the task is completed automatically for all assignees.

        Owned by Owner of the process—determined by the system administrator—is the person ultimately responsible for completion of the process overall. Able to view and execute all of the tasks including those that are not assigned to them, owners can intervene when necessary to keep the process moving forward. For a self-created task that is not part of any process, the name of the user who created the task is displayed.
        Actions Actions that can be performed on a task. Actions are:
        • Execute

        This action displays the form that the individual is to fill out and submit.

        • Reassign

        This action enables the user to assign a single assignee to the task from among all SmartOrg users who have access to Taleo Onboarding (Transitions).

        You can apply filters in the Tasks section to display only tasks of a certain type. Your permissions determine which of the following filters is displayed in the Refine by list. After making a selection from the Refine by list, you click Refresh to apply the filter.

        Task List "Refine by" Filters
        Filter Description
        All Tasks Displays all tasks in the system (provided you have the Onboarding (Transitions) user type permission "View and execute all tasks assigned to anyone").
        All Opened Tasks Displays all tasks in the system that have In Progress status (provided you have the Onboarding (Transitions) user type permission "View and execute all tasks assigned to anyone").
        All Tasks with Errors Displays all tasks in the system that have Error status (provided you have the Onboarding (Transitions) user type permission "View all tasks").
        My Tasks Displays all tasks assigned to you or initiated by you.
        My Opened Tasks Displays tasks assigned to you or initiated by you and that have In Progress status. My Opened Tasks is the default filter.
        My Tasks with Errors Displays tasks assigned to you or initiated by you and that have Error status.
        Overdue Displays tasks assigned to you or initiated by you and whose due date precedes the current date.
        Due Today Displays tasks assigned to you or initiated by you and are due on the current date.
        Due in the Next Week Displays tasks assigned to you or initiated by you and are due in the next week.
        Keyword After you submit a keyword (a complete word or part of a word), the search engine searches the (task) Name, Candidate/Employee, Assigned to and Owned by fields and then updates the task list accordingly (after you click Refresh).

        Recall that the results are subject to your permissions. For example, if you had the permission to view only tasks assigned to you or initiated by you, the updated task list would contain only tasks that reflected both your keyword criteria and were assigned to your or were initiated by you.

        If the Onboarding (Transitions) administrator set the Activate Secure Login setting to Yes (Configuration > [Career Section] Settings) and users click a task list item that uses the message template (typically General Validation Request) in the OVI service used to invite candidates/employees and then click the corresponding link, the users are redirected to the OVI partner's site. If they later attempt to return to the career section and the task list by clicking the Back button in their browser, this action is unsuccessful. The users must log into the career section or portal again if they wish to go there. This is by design.

        If the Onboarding (Transitions) administrator set the setting to No or if the message template in the OVI service used for inviting people is configured to open in a new window, clicking the Back button typically returns the person to the career section and the task list.

          External Service Request Tasks and Results in the Onboarding (Transitions) Center

          The Onboarding (Transitions) Center displays details of external service request tasks passed to a partner using Oracle Validated Integration (OVI).

          An external service request is the whole "conversation" between the Taleo Oracle process and the external service provider, on behalf of a candidate or employee. Each time either side contacts the other during this whole task, it is part of the overall request. Even after the final results have been passed to the Taleo Oracle system from the service provider, the Onboarding (Transitions) Center user can still view the details of this request, and can choose to visit the partner to view every available detail. All of this is associated with the single request.

          Provided users have the corresponding user type permissions, the Onboarding (Transitions) Center provides information about external service tasks involved in Onboarding (Transitions) processes. Such tasks are displayed along with the other tasks in the Tasks section. An External Service Request section appears on the task details page of a task associated with an external service provider. That section shows details of the data exchange between Onboarding (Transitions) and the provider, including message parameters and the current status of the task as defined by the partner (who can have any number of statuses in any sequence).

          Each partner is certified based on the unique capabilities and strengths of the services it offers. Contact your Taleo Onboarding (Transitions) administrator and/or partners for more information.

          Request Fields

          Information on the task details page includes request fields and result fields. Details vary by request. Input information is also displayed and varies by task.

          Request Field Name Description
          Name Name of the external service provider.
          Service Name of the service.
          Status Any of the predefined statuses for OVI requests used by Oracle Taleo for its partners. These values originate from the Provider status sent to Oracle Taleo in the OVI exchange.
          Provider Status Value passed to Oracle Taleo from the external service involved in the OVI exchange. This value is mapped to the appropriate Oracle Taleo status.
          Request Date Date when the request to the service provider was initiated for this candidate/new hire for this process. Additional processes for the candidate/new hire will have different Request dates.
          Last Activity Date Date of the most recent communication.
          Results Expiration Date Date after which the results should not be relied upon according to the service provider. This date is calculated by the service provider if a validity period was configured for the service. The date is the date the results are received by Oracle Taleo plus the validity period. For example, if the results were received on September 15th and the validity period was 30 days, the Results Expiration Date would be October 15th.

          This date is important for any future attempts to connect to the provider on behalf of the candidate or employee to request the service. If an external service request task obtained In Progress status before the expiration date, the Oracle Taleo system would not contact the partner to resubmit the request. Instead, the existing results would used, thereby saving money for the customer. If the external service request task obtained In Progress status after the expiration date of the previous request's results, a new request would be sent.

          Reference Number (Internal) A unique identification number used by Oracle Taleo to identify a particular OVI request. Oracle Support typically uses this number in the OVI Console.
          Reference Number (External) A unique identification number used by the service providers to identify a particular OVI request.

          Parameters Used

          The Parameters Used section displays parameters configured by the Onboarding (Transitions) administrator when building the process.


          The Results section displays all the results received by Oracle Taleo from the external service provider for the request. Result fields usually include a More Details link, which opens a new browser window. Onboarding (Transitions) Center users can then visit the external service provider's Web site to view documents and additional information (such as error messages and detailed sub-statuses) about the request.

          Request Statuses

          Every external service task displays its current status. The following Oracle Taleo request statuses can be selected from the Status field:
          • Service scheduled

          • Candidate didn't answer email within set time

          • Partner didn't respond within set time

          • Declined by candidate

          • Acknowledged by provider

          • Waiting for provider response

          • Unable to process

          • Completed

          • Canceled

          • In progress

            External Service Tasks Can Be Retried Ten Times in the Onboarding (Transitions) Center

            Users can retry external service tasks up to ten times when the task's status is Error.

            External service request tasks are unable to be completed occasionally due to events outside of the control of Taleo Onboarding (Transitions). An incomplete task obtains Error status and the status of the step is Canceled. While a task is in Error status, a Retry button is displayed on the Task page for that task. The user can attempt to resolve the issue by "retrying" the task up to ten times. After the tenth attempt, the Retry button is no longer displayed on the Task page. A History entry is created for each "retry" attempt.

            Correspondence tasks with Error status can also be retried up to ten times.

              Managing Tasks

                Filtering Tasks

                1. In the Onboarding (Transitions) Center, Tasks section, click the Refine by list.

                2. Click the filter you want to apply.

                3. Click Refresh.

                The task list is updated such that only the tasks that correspond to your selection (and your user type permissions) are displayed.

                  Performing a Task

                  1. In the Onboarding (Transitions) Center, Tasks list, find the task you want to perform and click the corresponding Execute link.

                  2. Follow the on-screen instructions.

                    The steps vary depending on the type of task (correspondence, PDF file, form, etc.).

                  The task is completed and it is no longer displayed in the Tasks list.

                    Reassigning a Task

                    The person to whom you want to assign the task must be an Onboarding (Transitions) user.

                    1. In the Onboarding (Transitions) Center, Tasks list, find the task you want to reassign and click the corresponding Reassign link.

                      The Reassign a Task page is displayed.
                    2. Click Search.

                    3. In the Users list, find the person to whom you want to reassign the task and click the corresponding radio button.

                      If the user list spans a number of pages, you can use the Refine by filter to find the user more quickly.
                    4. Click Select.

                      The name of the person you selected is displayed in the Assigned to field.
                    5. Click Save.

                    The task will be displayed in the task list of the person you selected and consequently the task is no longer displayed in your task list.

                      Creating a Task for Yourself

                      1. In the Onboarding (Transitions) Center, Tasks section, click Create.

                      2. Complete the fields on the New Task page.

                        Mandatory fields are marked by an asterisk.

                      3. Click Save.

                        The information you entered is displayed on the Task page. Fields in the Notifications section might contain default values.
                      4. You can perform any or all of the following actions on the Task page:

                        • Edit the task properties that you configured.

                        • Edit notifications associated with the task.

                        • Create a reminder.

                        • Send an immediate reminder.

                      To see your new task in the task list, click the Onboarding (Transitions) breadcrumb at the top of the page to go to the Onboarding (Transitions) Center.

                        Modifying a Task

                        1. In the Onboarding (Transitions) Center, Tasks section, click the name of the task you want to modify.

                        2. You can perform any of the following actions:

                          • To modify the task properties, click Edit in the Properties section and make your changes.

                          • To modify task notifications, click Edit the Notifications section and make your changes.

                          • To modify a reminder, click View next to the reminder in the Reminders section, click Edit and make your changes.

                        Your changes are displayed on the Task page. You can click Onboarding (Transitions) in the breadcrumb trail to go to the Onboarding (Transitions) Center.

                          Viewing a Task's Related Source

                          1. In the Onboarding (Transitions) Center, Tasks section, click the name of the task you want to display.

                          2. Click Edit in the Properties section.

                            The Task page is displayed.

                          3. Click the link displayed in the Related Source field.

                          The content of the related source is displayed.

                            Notifications and Reminders

                            Notifications and reminders are sent by email to assignees and process owners inviting them to complete tasks.

                            A reminder is an email alert sent to one of the task assignees, to all of them or to the owner of the task (in an Onboarding (Transitions) process). Reminders can be configured by the Onboarding (Transitions) administrator such that they are sent before or after the task due date and contain a specific notification message.

                            Onboarding (Transitions) Center users can also configure reminders provided they have the appropriate user type permissions. The message in the email must be one of the predefined message templates in the system. An unlimited number of reminders can be sent, as frequently as one per day if desired, at any number of days before the task's due date. As well, an unlimited number of reminders can be sent, as frequently as one per day, at any number of days after the task's due date. As soon as the task's status is Complete, no more reminders are sent. Lastly, Onboarding (Transitions) Center users can send immediate reminders (chosen from predefined message templates) to all task assignees at any time.

                            A notification can be sent to task assignees and the task owner. One message template can be chosen for the assignees and it will be sent to them when the task is assigned. Another message can be selected for the process owner and it will be sent upon completion of the task. Notifications are optional and tasks can be configured by Onboarding (Transitions) administrators so that no messages are sent.

                              Sending a Notification

                              1. In the Onboarding (Transitions) Center, Tasks section, click the name of the task for which you want to send notification.

                              2. Click Edit next to Notifications.

                              3. Click Search next to the Task Assignment Correspondence (sent to assignees) field.

                                1. Click the radio button next to the message template you want to use.

                                2. Click Select.

                              4. Repeat step 3 including substeps for the Task Completion Correspondence (sent to owner) field.

                              5. Click Save.

                              Your selections are displayed in the Notifications section of the Task page. The first correspondence will be sent to all assignees of the task while the second correspondence will be sent to the process owner when the task is completed.

                                Creating a Task Reminder

                                1. In the Onboarding (Transitions) Center, Tasks section, click the name of the task that you want to create a reminder for.

                                2. Click Create next to Reminders.

                                3. In the Assignees field, click Owner or Assignees or individual assignees.

                                4. Select a triggering time.

                                5. Select a notification message.

                                6. Click Save.

                                A reminder entry is displayed in the Reminders section. On the day that corresponds to your triggering time selections, the message you specified will be sent by email to the person.

                                  Viewing a Task Reminder Details

                                  1. In the Onboarding (Transitions) Center, Tasks section, click the name of the task that has a reminder whose details you want to view.

                                  2. In the Reminders section, find the reminder and click the corresponding View link.

                                    Modifying a Task Reminder

                                    1. In the Onboarding (Transitions) Center, Tasks section, click the name of the task that has a reminder whose details you want to view.

                                    2. In the Reminders section, find the reminder and click the corresponding View link.

                                    3. Click Edit.

                                      The link is not displayed if the reminder has already been sent.
                                    4. Make your changes.

                                    5. Click Save.

                                      Your changes are displayed on the Reminder Properties page and on the Task page (Reminders section).

                                    The reminder will be sent on the date that corresponds to the selections you made.

                                      Deleting a Task Reminder

                                      1. In the Onboarding (Transitions) Center, Tasks list, click the name of the task.

                                      2. In the Reminders section, find the reminder and click the corresponding Delete button.

                                      3. Click Yes in the message box to confirm the deletion.

                                      The reminder is no longer displayed in the Reminders section of the Task page and the email will not be sent.

                                        Sending a Task Reminder Immediately

                                        1. In the Onboarding (Transitions) Center, Tasks section, click the name of the task that you want to create and send a reminder for.

                                        2. In the Reminders section, click Send Immediate Reminder.

                                          The Immediate Reminder page is displayed.
                                        3. Click Search.

                                        4. Click the radio button next to the message template you want to include in the message.

                                          If the list of message templates spans a number of pages, you can use the Refine by section to find a specific template more quickly.
                                        5. Click Select.

                                          The name of the message template you selected is displayed in the Notification Message field.
                                        6. Click Send.

                                        The message is sent to all of the people assigned to the task.