20Change Logs Configuration

Change Logs Configuration

    Change Logs Configuration Settings

      Change Logs

      A change log has been added to the Configuration module in Sourcing to track all changes made within it.

      Administrators maintaining a Sourcing instance have the benefit of the Change Log which tracks and displays all of the Configuration changes made within a site. The Change Log displays the following information:
      • Config Element - the element within the Configuration that was modified.

      • User Name - the login name of the user that made the change.

      • Old Value - what the value was prior to the change.

      • New Value - what the value was changed to.

      • Site - the name of the site that the change was made in.

      • Date Changed - the date and time that the change was made.

      By default, Sourcing displays only the changes made within the last hour, 20 per page. If no changes occurred within the last hour, the Change Log will be blank. Users can search for changes either by selecting the hour, day or week links, or by entering a specific date range. The Old Value and New Value display areas are limited to 20 characters. If the changes are longer than that, a View changes link displays that allows users to drill into the change details.