19Widgets Configuration

Widgets Configuration

    Widgets Configuration Settings

      Widgets Configuration Settings

      The Widgets configuration section provides access to settings relating to the creation and sharing of Oracle Taleo Sourcing (Sourcing) widgets that can be embedded on other websites.


      Settings for the Widgets configuration are listed in the following table.

      Name Description
      Configuration > Widgets > Job List Widgets
      Create New Job List Widget - Button Click the button to enable creation of a new Job List widget. Enter the Title/Name, Notes, Width in pixels, Height in pixels, and hexadecimal value for the link color. Toggle whether to Include Header On or Off.
      Create New Job List Widget - Edit Click the Edit (Pencil) icon to edit the widget Title/Name, Notes, Width, Height, Link Color, or Include Header option.
      Create New Job List Widget - Copy and Paste This Code Upon Save, the code for the new or updated widget appears in the text entry area. Copy the code and paste it into the code for an external site to deploy the widget.
      Configuration > Widgets > Search Bar Widgets
      Create New Search Widget - Button Click the button to enable creation of a new Search widget. Enter the Title/Name, Notes, Placeholder Text, Button Text, Width in pixels, Height in pixels, and hexadecimal value for the button color. Toggle whether or not to include a header, or a button.
      Create New Search Widget - Edit Click the Edit (Pencil) icon to edit the widget Title/Name, Notes, Placeholder Text, Button Text, Width, Height, Button Color, Include Header option, and Include button option.
      Create New Search Widget - Copy and Paste This Code Upon Save, the code for the new or updated widget appears in the text entry area. Copy the code and paste it into the code for an external site to deploy the widget.
      Configuration > Widgets > Email Sign-Up Widget
      Create New Email Signup Widget - Button Click the button to enable creation of a new Email Signup widget. Enter the Title/Name, Notes, Button Text, Width in pixels, Height in pixels, or hexadecimal value for the Button Color. Toggle whether or not to include a header.
      Create New Email Signup Widget - Edit Click the Edit (Pencil) icon to edit the widget Title/Name, Notes, Button Text, Width, Height, Button Color, or Include Header option.
      Create New Email Signup Widget - Copy and Paste This Code Upon Save, the code for the new or updated widget appears in the text entry area. Copy the code and paste it into the code for an external site to deploy the widget.

        Widget Creation and Sharing

        The Widgets feature provides administrators the ability to embed certain Sourcing functionality (such as job searches or job alert signups) on other websites.

        The main purpose of creating and deploying Sourcing widgets on other sites is to attract users back to the host Sourcing site. The following widget templates are available:
        • Search Result (Job Listing)

        • Search Bar

        • Sign Up for Job Alerts

        Note: Widget creation only works off of the default site.

        Widget Creation

        Functionality to create and manage widgets is in the Configuration area, under Widgets. The section lists all previously created widgets; which you can edit, preview and save. You can edit the Name, Notes, Descriptive Text, Width, Height, Header, Button Text and Button Color of a widget. The settings available vary depending on the type of widget.

        Search Result (Job Listing) Widget

        To create a search result (job listing) widget:
        1. Use the Job Search to perform a search and generate a search result (list of jobs) based on category and/or location. (Job listing results can only be created from a search.)

        2. Click the Create a Widget button that appears at the top of the page.

        3. This opens the Configuration > Widgets page.

        4. Click the Edit button (Pencil icon).

        5. Check the page layout, the Job Search ID is prepopulated.

        6. Enter a Title, Notes (for internal use), and style features.

        7. Preview and save the widget information. Or you can Cancel.

        8. In preview mode the first few job search results display in the widget.

        9. Upon Save, code for the widget displays in the text field. It is read only and not editable.

        10. The widget code can be copied and pasted (embedded) into HTML code on other web pages.

        11. Search results in embedded widgets update as new jobs meeting the criteria used to create the widget become available.

        12. Users can view and interact with the job list from any web page the code is added to.

        13. When a user clicks on a job in the list, they are redirected to Sourcing to view the job description details.

        Search Bar Widget

        To create a search bar widget:
        1. Use the settings in the Configuration area, under Widgets > Search Bar Widgets.

        2. Click Create New Search Widget button.

        3. Create and style the search bar by editing the Title, internal only Notes, Description, Placeholder Text and Button Text.

        4. Set style features: Width (pixels), Height (pixels), Include Header toggle, Include Button toggle, Button Color.

        5. Preview and save the widget information. Or you can Cancel.

        6. In preview mode the first few job search results display in the widget.

        7. Upon Save, code for the widget displays in the text field. It is read only and not editable.

        8. The widget code can be copied and pasted (embedded) into HTML code on other web pages.

        9. Users can view the widget advertising your company and the job search results.

        10. Users can interact with the search bar. Upon clicking Go they are redirected to the Sourcing host site, and complete the search and view results from there.

        Note: Recommended practice is to use this type of widget on external career welcome pages or intranet sites.

        Sign Up for Job Alerts Widget

        To create a job alerts widget:
        1. Use the settings in the Configuration area, under Widgets > Email Sign Up Widgets.

        2. Click Create New Email Widget button.

        3. Create and style the widget by editing the Title, internal only Notes, Description, and Button Text.

        4. Set style features: Width (pixels), Height (pixels), Include Header toggle, Include Button toggle, Button Color.

        5. Set the Location and/or Category and/or Company information for the alert.

        6. Preview and save the widget information. Or you can Cancel.

        7. In preview mode the first few job search results display in the widget.

        8. Upon Save, code for the widget displays in the text field. It is read only and not editable.

        9. Widget code can be copied and pasted (embedded) into HTML code on other web pages.

        10. Users see the widget advertising your company and the job alerts.

        11. Users can initiate signing up for alerts, and are redirected to a Sourcing modal to register.


        Configuration settings for this feature are listed in the following table.

        Name Location
        • Job List Widgets

        • Search Bar Widgets

        • Email Alert Widgets

        Configuration > Widgets