8Social Channels Configuration

Social Channels Configuration

    Social Channels Configuration Settings

      Social Channels Configuration Settings

      The Social Channels configuration section provides access to settings relating to site connectivity to Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Weibo.


      Settings for the Social Channels configuration are listed in the following table.

      Name Description
      Configuration > Social Channels > Facebook
      Facebook Enabled Enables the Facebook application/channel in Sourcing.
      API Key Enter the Facebook API key.
      Application ID Enter the Facebook Application ID.
      Application Secret Enter the Facebook Application Secret.
      Facebook Quickshare Enables Quickshare button to post to Facebook without being tethered.
      Description Maximum Length Enter the maximum length for the description.
      Tab App Activation Enables display of the Facebook Tab application.
      SJD - Use Facebook App Job Link Enables use in SJD (Social Jobs Distribution) of the Facebook application job link.
      Configuration > Social Channels > Twitter
      Twitter Enabled Enables the Twitter channel in Sourcing.
      Consumer API Key Enter the Twitter consumer API key.
      Consumer Secret Enter the Twitter consumer secret.
      Configuration > Social Channels > LinkedIn
      LinkedIn Enabled Enables the LinkedIn channel in Sourcing.
      Consumer API Key Enter the LinkedIn consumer API key.
      Consumer Secret Enter the LinkedIn consumer secret.
      LinkedIn API Enables the LinkedIn API.
      LinkedIn JS API Enables the Java Script API for LinkedIn.
      Configuration > Social Channels > Weibo
      Weibo Enabled Enables the Weibo channel in Sourcing. When activated, Weibo shows up as a sharing option when an employee acts to recommend a job to a friend. This Send a Status Update (Weibo) option sends and embedded link to the friend.
      API Key Enter the Weibo API key.
      Application ID Enter the Weibo application ID.
      Application Secret Enter the Weibo application secret.
      Weibo Like Share Widget Enables the Weibo Lite Share Widget.

        Facebook Integration Setup

        To take advantage of the Sourcing integration for Social Job distribution and Job Sharing capabilities, users must create and register a Facebook (FB) Developer account.

        To configure the Social Job Distribution and sharing functionality for Facebook on Sourcing you will need to login to Facebook with our developer account and create Facebook apps for both your staging and production Sourcing zones.

        • Job Sharing: Any user with a Facebook account connected to Sourcing can share jobs using the job sharing capabilities.

        • Social Job Distribution: Only users who are designated as Administrators for a Facebook page via Facebook Business Manager can use the Social Job Distribution capabilities.

        Note: It is best practice to create the Facebook app and enable the integration prior to loading any candidate information. This is recommended as Facebook will need to test the application and ensure it can reproduce the capabilities as described by the user.
          Creating a New Facebook App
          1. Go to https://developers.facebook.com/apps/

            1. Enter the Facebook user name and password for your company account. If your company does not have an account, create one.

          2. Create a new app by selecting Create New App.

          3. Select Website as the platform for your app.

          4. Enter the App Display Name using the format CUSTOMER_NAME Sourcing and select Create new Facebook App ID.

          5. Select Business as the category and select Create App ID.

          6. Scroll down until you see the "Tell us about your website" section and enter your Sourcing website url and select Next.

            An example of a possible Sourcing website url is http://yourcompany.referrals.selectminds.com/.
          7. Select Share.

          You have created a Facebook App to connect to Sourcing. It's from this app that you'll obtain the App ID and App Secret to configure in Sourcing.

          Next, you will need to select your newly created Facebook App to obtain and enter configuration parameters to integrate Facebook and Sourcing.

            Obtaining App ID and App Secret for Sourcing

            You must have already created a new Facebook app. This newly created app will be used to obtain and enter configuration information for the Facebook integration to Sourcing. This task picks up from the last step of the Creating a New Facebook App task.

            1. From the new window that displays after selecting Share select My Apps and then select the app you created in the last task from the list of apps.

            2. Select Settings from the left panel and select the Basic tab.

              1. Note down the App ID and App Secret. If the App Secret is hidden, select Show to display it.

                You may be prompted for the company Facebook password in order to obtain the App Secret. Do so, if prompted, select Submit and the App Secret will display.
            3. Still in the Basic tab, enter the App Domains, (e.g., customer.referrals.selectminds.com), the Contact Email, (e.g., yourcompanyemail@companydomain.com) and the Site url, (e.g., http://yourcompany.referrals.selectminds.com) and select Save.

            4. Select the Advanced tab and toggle Embedded Browser OAuth Login to Yes.

            5. Enter a value in the Valid OAuth redirect urls field, e.g., http://yourcompany.referrals.selectminds.com, and select Save Changes.

            App ID and App Secret obtained and configuration parameters entered enabling user to setup the Facebook App in Sourcing to test the connection.

            Users will work with their consulting partner or Oracle Support to configure a Sourcing instance to utilize and test the developer account.

              Setting Up and Testing a Facebook App in Sourcing

              Users should already have created a new Facebook app and obtained the App ID and App Secret by completing the two previous tasks titled, Creating a New Facebook App and Obtaining App ID and App Secret for Sourcing. You will need to work with your consulting partner or open a Service Request with Oracle Support to help you through the steps in this task.

              1. Work with your consulting partner or Oracle Support to configure your Sourcing instance to utilize your developer account.

                1. Provide Oracle Support the App ID and App Secret you obtained from creating your Facebook app.

              2. Once Oracle Support informs you that your Sourcing zone has been configured with your Facebook App details connect your Sourcing account to the Facebook account associated with the Facebook app you recently created.

                Next, you'll want to test this capability.

              3. Click on a job that shows up in your site.

                1. Select Recommend This Job.

              4. Select Send a status update.

                1. Enter a brief message about what you want to broadcast to your social network through the logged-in user and select Send.

                  If you receive a confirmation that states, Your job share was successfully posted on Facebook, then you have verified that this integration works.

              Job share successfully posts to Facebook.

              Users will next need to submit their Facebook app for review and approval by Facebook.

                Submitting a Facebook App for Review and Approval

                Users should already have created a Facebook app, set up this app for the Sourcing zone and tested posting an update to the Facebook profile using the Recommend Job feature. This task picks up from the last step of the Setting Up and Testing a Facebook App in Sourcing task.

                1. Log into the Facebook developer's site with Sourcing's developer account:

                  • url: http://developers.facebook.com/apps

                  • username: CustomerEmail@CustomerDomain.com

                  • password: your password

                2. Search for your app and select the App Details tab.

                  1. Enter a Short Description, e.g., Refer your friends to opportunities at our company.

                  2. Enter a Long Description, e.g., Do you know someone who would be a great asset to Company Name? Then we encourage you to refer them to our Recruitment Team! Our robust Employee Referral Program rewards you for recommending top talent to our company. We appreciate your contributions to Company Program and we look forward to growing our strong employee network together.

                  3. Complete the Explanation for Permissions field, e.g., Allows Sourcing to access your contact information to simplify the job referral and/or job application process.

                  4. Provide the url of your company's Privacy Policy, e.g., http://yourcompany.refferrals.selectminds.com/info/page3, in this example page 3 is the privacy policy.

                  5. Provide the url of your company's Terms of Service, e.g., http://yourcompany.referrals.selectminds.com/info/TOS, in this example TOS represents your terms of service.

                  6. Upload 1024x1024 logo for your app icon.

                3. Once all of the information in the above step is entered, select Save Changes.

                4. Select Status and Review and select Start a Submission.

                5. In the Select the Items you want to include in this submission modal, select manage_pages and publish_actions, then click Add 2 Items.

                6. Fill out the justification for the permission being requested.

                  1. Under publish_actions click Add Notes.

                  2. Select Other and in the space provided enter, Allows employees to share jobs on Facebook.

                  3. Under What platforms does your app use publish_actions on?, toggle the Web setting to On.

                7. In the step by step section, do the following:

                  1. Go to the app's home page, http://your company.referrals.selectminds.com and select Sign up.

                  2. Sign up with Facebook and follow the instructions.

                  3. After registration is complete, search for a job from the home page and select a job from the search results.

                  4. On the Job Details page, select Recommend Friend and choose post a status update.

                  5. Click Save.

                    After selecting Save you should be returned to the Status and Review page.
                8. In the Status and Review page, select Add Notes under manage_pages and when the modal opens select Other and enter the following: Administrators of the "Your Company" Sourcing application (HR Administrators and Recruiters) are able to link Sourcing to one or more Facebook pages that they own and/or administer. This allows recruiters to post job opportunities and other recruitment related messages to the timeline of their linked Facebook page.

                  1. Toggle the Web setting to On.

                9. In the step by step section, provide steps on how a recruiter would use the app.

                  The following are sample steps that may be used to show how recruiters would promote jobs on Facebook.
                  • Step 1: User follows the RRL of the site

                  • Step 2: User clicks on the Sign In button from the upper right corner of the page.

                  • Step 3: User enters the email ID and password and clicks on the Sign in button from the modal. (Note: You will need to create a dummy recruiter account that Facebook can use to verify the application behaves as it has been described.)

                  • Step 4: User clicks on the Promote Jobs link from the top of the Portal page.

                  • Step 5: User clicks Create button from Send Jobs to Fans and Followers Campaign section.

                  • Step 6: User clicks on the Add Facebook Page link from the page. (If users social channel is not tethered with the application.)

                  • Step 7: User enters credentials and logs in. (Note: This may fail is the app is not approved. You may need to approve the app first.)

                  • Step 8: User selects the page by clicking the Post Jobs Now link from the page card.

                  • Step 9: User selects the jobs from the job list or from the Show Only facets and clicks on Continue and Create Your Message.

                  • Step 10: User selects the Interval between job post, edits the editable text from the message and clicks on Post Now.

                  • Step 11: User clicks OK on the confirmation message.

                10. Upload images of your Sourcing site.

                11. Select Submit for Review.

                  Remember to disable any accounts you may have created for Facebook to validate functionality.

                Facebook will notify you as to whether your app was approved. Once the Facebook app has been approved, candidates and employees will be able to use the Facebook integration to share jobs to their network. Additionally, recruiters will be able to post jobs and run campaigns on their company's Facebook page.