3User Settings Administration

User Settings Administration

    User Settings

      User Settings

      Use the Settings area to update your user account information and personal settings, connected social channels, job alerts, privacy settings and more. Depending upon your role, you may also have access to functions such as Invite a Recruiter, Manage My Channels and Sign Out.

      To access Settings first sign into Sourcing from the Portal page. Once you are signed in the Settings link displays on the right side of the Home page header. The link has your username for a label. Click the link to display a dropdown menu with a list of available options, which can include:
      • Configuration

      • Settings

      • Invite a Recruiter

      • Manage My Channels

      • Sign Out

      Note: The settings and functions available to you depend upon your user role and your organization's implementation. Various combinations of this functionality are available to administrators, recruiters, employees, alumni and referrals. Depending on your role and Sourcing configuration, you may only see a Settings button instead of the full drop-down menu.


      Use the Settings page to view and/or update your:
      • Unique Link

      • Job Alerts

      • User Info

      • Interests

      • Password Reset

      • Social Networks

      • Email Job Alerts

      • Privacy

      The Unique Link section displays your referral link, which you can send to friends and other potential candidates via email or social network(s). You can copy the full URL and share it; or you can click Get Short Link, copy the short URL and send that to friends and candidates. (Short URLs allow otherwise long web addresses to be referred to in a Twitter tweet, for example.) If a candidate uses your link to search for a job posting and start an application via Sourcing, you will automatically be listed as the referrer.

      The User Info section displays your current user information, if any. Update your information by entering free text or using the dropdown menus in the fields provided. In the Language/Locale and Timezone fields you can select your country and timezone. Selecting a locale will allow you to view Sourcing in the language associated with that particular country. No updates to your account will be made until you click the Save User Info button.

      Use the Interests section to tailor the jobs that are sent to you by entering your Interests, Locations and Companies. Click on the fields to view and select options in a dropdown selection list. Save your changes. Based upon your selections, Sourcing will include jobs relevant to your interests each time it generates an automated email to you.

      Use Password Reset when you know your password but want to change it. To change your login credentials type in your current password, then enter and confirm a new password. Save your changes.

      Note: This is not the same as the Forgot Password function available at Sign In. If you've forgotten your password, click the Forgot Password link during the login process and enter your email address. You'll receive an email message with instructions on how to set up a new password.

      Use Social Networks to enter and update any Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn accounts that you want connected with your Sourcing user account. To connect a new social channel, click Connect next to the desired social channel icon. This opens a modal from which you can authorize the connection. Click Disconnect for any currently connected social channel to rescind authorization for the connection with Sourcing.

      Use Email Job Alerts to choose whether or not to receive email job alerts from the system. Click the checkbox to receive email job alerts and clear it to opt out. If you opt in, you can receive job alerts at the email address tied to your account or another preferred email address. Save your changes.

      Use Privacy to choose whether or not you want your account to appear in the Activity Feed and the Top Referrers section. Select the checkbox to allow publishing of your activity to the Activity Feed and Top Referrers section. Clear the checkbox to opt out. Save your changes.

      On the Settings page you can also view the Top Referrers and Activity Feed boxes.

      Invite a Recruiter

      Administrators can use this feature to open a modal from which you can invite a colleague to sign up for Sourcing. Enter an email address, click Send, and the system will generate an invitation email. Your colleague will be able to click a link in the email to register for a Sourcing account with recruiter privileges.

      Manage My Channels

      Use the Manage My Channels link to open the page of the same name. From this page you can manage your connected social channels (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Linked or Weibo).

      Sign Out

      The Sign Out feature is for a logged in user to end their session and log them out of Sourcing.

        User Information Maintenance

        Several enhancements have been made to allow Administrators to view registered users and to maintain those users.

        Administrators can use the Edit Users feature to search for users and then view or update their user profiles and settings, or delete users entirely.

        • Enter search criteria in the keyword search to search for specific users, then select Find Users.

        • Click on the name of the user in the search results to bring up the user's profile and settings.

        • Click on the Trash Can icon to delete the user. A warning message will be given to confirm deletion.

        The following role level security permissions have been implemented to be sure that only the appropriate roles are able to edit and delete users:

        • Recruiter Administrators and Partners cannot edit or delete Sourcing Administrators (SM Admin) or Oracle Consulting Services (OCS) users.

        • The OCS role cannot edit or delete the SM Admin role.

        • Recruiter Administrators and Partners cannot change any users role to an SM Admin or an OCS user.

        • OCS users cannot change any users role to an SM Admin role.