2User Account Administration

User Account Administration

    User Accounts

      User Accounts

      A user account is needed for administrator, recruiter and front-end users of Sourcing to log into the application through the Portal page.

      Administrator accounts are set up by Oracle. To perform configuration, branding and integration work on your organization's Sourcing zone, submit a service request to Oracle to have Administrator role privileges assigned to you.

      Recruiter accounts are set up when an administrator sends an Invitation to Recruiter email to a potential recruiter, and the recruiter follows the link in the email and completes the registration process.

      Front-end user accounts are allowed when the Site Mode is set to Referrals. They are created when a potential user (e.g. employee or alumni) clicks the Sign Up button from the Portal page and completes the registration process.

      • The Email Domains configuration setting enables a check of a user's login email address against your organization's email domains to verify whether the user is an employee.

      • The Choose Relationship configuration setting requires registrants to select their relationship to the company during the registration process.

      • If Choose Relationship is enabled, the Employee Number Validation configuration setting requires registrants to input their Employee Number when selecting an Employee relationship.

      Generally, users with accounts log into Sourcing using the Sign In button on the Portal page. Employees can also access Sourcing these ways:
      • If the Partially Log in Trusted Referrers configuration setting is enabled, employees who are trusted referrers, and are navigating in from recruiter emails, get partially logged in as likely users. This allows them to access Sourcing to refer a candidate without signing in, and still get referral credit.

      • Employees can sign in through Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn, and access Sourcing without the need for a separate login and password.


      Configuration settings affecting user accounts are listed in the following table.

      Name Location
      Invite a Recruiter [Sourcing] Administrator login > Configuration > Users > Recruiters
      Email Domains [Sourcing] Administrator login > Configuration > Company > Company URLs
      Choose Relationship [Sourcing] Administrator login > Configuration > Users > Registration
      Employee Number Validation [Sourcing] Administrator login > Configuration > Users > Registration
      Partially Log In the Likely User [Sourcing] Administrator login > Configuration > Users > Login
        Sending an Invite to Recruiter Email

        As an administrator you want to send an Invitation to Recruiter email.

        [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home Page] User Settings (Name)
        1. Select the Invite a Recruiter option.

        2. In the Invite a Recruiter modal enter the colleague's email address.

        3. Click Send, then click OK to confirm.

        The potential recruiter receives an Invitation to Recruiter email, from which they should click the link to register.

          Setting Up a Recruiter Account

          You are a potential recruiter and an administrator has sent you an Invitation to Recruiter email.

          1. Access your email system and open the Invitation to Recruiter email.

          2. Click the link in the email to open the registration modal.

          3. Complete the required registration information including a username and password.

          4. Click Send and click OK to confirm.

          Your recruiter account is created.

          During subsequent visits to the Sourcing site you can login with Recruiter privileges using the account credentials you set up.

          When you log in the recruiter version of the Home page, it displays the same information as the regular one, with two added section links: Promote Jobs, and Analytics.

            Signing Up as a User (Referral Site Mode)

            You want to sign up for Sourcing to refer jobs as an employee, alumnus or guest.

            Site mode must be set up for Referrals.

            [Sourcing Portal page]
            1. Click Sign Up at the upper right corner of the page.

              The Sign Up modal opens.
            2. Choose whether to sign up through a valid social network account, or with your email address.

              For this task we assume you are signing up with your email address.
            3. Click Sign Up with Email.

              The Submit Your Information modal opens.
            4. Enter your signup information.

              1. Enter your First and Last Name, Email address and Password (twice to confirm).

              2. Select the applicable option to indicate whether you are an employee, alumnus or other.

            5. Click Sign Up.

            You are signed up for Sourcing. The exact functionality you will see when you log in depends upon your access privileges and your organization's implementation.

              Signing Up as a User (Job Site Mode)

              You want to sign up for Sourcing to use it as a job site, and be able to review your profile and submissions.

              Site mode must be set up as Job Site.

              [Sourcing Portal page]
              1. Click Go To Profile at the right side of the page.

                The Sign Up modal opens.
              2. Use the option to sign up as a new user.

              3. Enter your signup information: First and Last Name, Email address and Password (twice to confirm).

              4. Click Sign Up.

              You are signed up for Sourcing as a job site, and can use our login credentials to enter, edit and review your profile and submissions. The exact functionality you will see when you log in depends upon your access privileges and your organization's implementation.