
Analytics Module

    Analytics Module

      Analytics Module

      Administrators and recruiters use the Analytics module to navigate to available analytics pages, view actions taken by users, filter data by various parameters, download raw data to Excel reports, and view reports on individual job requisition performance and job category landing pages.

      Access the module by signing into Oracle Taleo Sourcing and clicking the Analytics link on the navigation bar at the top of the home page.

      The Analytics module provides access to your site's activity from directly within the application, allowing you to view and report on actions taken by your users. Upon opening, the Analytics module displays tabs to access the following pages:
      • Activities Overview (default home for Analytics module)

      • Emails

      • Job Shares

      • Application Starts

      Analytics also provides information about site activity from these other functional areas of the application:
      • From the Job Details pages: Job Requisition Performance Statistics

      • From the Landing pages: Landing Page Statistics

        Activities Overview Page

        Use the Activities Overview page to view a dashboard for all of the activity for your Sourcing site, and evaluate the effectiveness of your referral programs and social channel marketing.

        Access the page by clicking the Analytics link on the Sourcing home page. It serves as the default home for the Analytics module. The page displays three main sections:
        • Filtering parameters

        • Summary Totals

        • Charts

        Filtering Parameters

        Campaign/Channel: Select a value to show data for; from All Activity, Referrals, Talent Community, Landing Pages, Facebook, or Twitter.

        Start Date and End Date: Click into the date fields to use a calendar selection tool to enter a date or date range to show data for.

        Summary Totals

        Displays summary total data for Population, Talent Community Population, Job Shares, Job Views and Job Apply Starts; based on the selected filtering parameters. You can access a Detailed View from the Job Shares and Job Apply Starts. For the selected filter values a snapshot of data is displayed in the Summary Totals:
        • Population: Total population size at the end of the selected period.

        • Talent Community Population: Population at the end of the selected period of people who have subscribed for Talent Community job alerts.

        • Job Shares: Users recommending jobs to one or more friends during the time period. Click the number to open the job shares Detailed View.

        • Job Views: Users' views of individual jobs during the time period. These are broken down by Employee, Referral and Other roles.

        • Job Apply Starts: Job application starts during the time period. Click the number to open the job application starts Detailed View.

        • Information Icon: Hover over the information icon for any of the data types to open a tool tip, which provides the definition of the data type.


        Display a graphical view for Job Views, Job Shares and Apply Starts. You can access a Detailed View from the Job Shares and Job Apply Starts. For the selected filter values a graphical timeline view of the data is displayed.
        • Job Shares: View the number of job shares across the time period. Hover your mouse over a specific date to view the number of job shares for that date. Click View Details to navigate to the job shares Detailed View.

        • Job Views: View the number of job views across the time period. Hover your mouse over a specific date to view the number of job views for that date. These are broken down by Employee, Referral and Other roles (beneath the chart)..

        • Job Apply Starts: View the number of job application starts across the time period. Hover your mouse over a specific date to view the number of job application starts for that date. Click View Details to navigate to the job application starts Detailed View.

          Analytics for Emails

          Use the Emails Report page to view a log, in table layout, of all job marketing emails that have been sent from your site. These include Automated Referrals Marketing, Referrals On-Demand and Talent Community emails.

          Access the Emails Report page from the Analytics Overview page, by clicking the Emails tab.

          All messages sent from your site are available, enabling you to track your email marketing campaigns' success via open and click rates. For each email sent you see the following:
          • Sent Date

          • Email Type

          • Email Subject line

          • Sender's Country

          • Number of Recipients

          • Open Rate (number opens/number of users in targeted population)

          • Click Rate (number clicks/number opens)

          • Opt Out rate (number clicks of the unsubscribe link/number opens)

          To view a particular email click View Example. An example of the email as it appeared to the recipients displays in a new window.

          Analytics for email are also available in a downloadable email report. Click the Download to Excel button to obtain an Excel (CSV) file.

            Analytics for Job Shares

            Use the Job Shares Detailed View page to view data for jobs shared via your Sourcing site. See how your campaigns are doing based on how many job shares are sent out.

            Access the page from the Analytics Overview page, by clicking Job Shares tab. You can also access this page by clicking various View Details links on the Overview page.

            The page is displayed with three main sections:
            • Filters: You can filter the data by Campaign/Channel, Start and End Date, Department, Location, Share Type, and Social Networks.

            • Timeline chart: Job shares data is displayed in a chart across the time period defined with the Start/End filters.

            • Results table: Results for job shares meeting the filtering criteria are displayed in table layout.


            The following filters are provided:
            • Campaign/Channel: Select a specific Campaign or Channel using the dropdown menu.

            • Start and End Date: Click into the date field to select a Start or End date. A calendar selector tool opens. Click the day(s) on the calendar to select a day or date range.

            • Department or Location: Use the respective dropdowns to select a particular Department and/or Location from the values for your organization's implementation.

            • Share Type: Use the dropdown menu to choose from Personal Message, Status Update, or All.

            • Social Networks: Use the checkboxes to select the social networks by which you want to filter. Options include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Other.

            Timeline Chart

            The timeline chart displays total job shares across the time period defined by the Start and End Date filters. Click on a data point for an individual date to see a count of job shares for that date.

            Results Table

            Job shares are shown in table layout,in descending chronological order by default. The table displays the following data:
            • Job (requisition information)

            • Referrer

            • Share Date

            • Share Type

            • Social Channel(s)

            • Number of Applicants

            Navigation and Related Functions

            The following navigation aids and related functions are used with the table:
            • Change pages in the table using "Page X of X".

            • Search by a specific Referrer name by typing in the Search By field.

            • Click a Job Title to open the respective job details page within Sourcing.

            • Click a Referrer name to open a Compose Email window, addressed to the email address associated with their Sourcing account.

            • Change sorting by ascending or descending order for any column by clicking the Up and Down arrows.

            • If a job share was made using a particular social network, an icon for the network displays in Social Channels (e.g. Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn).

            Report Table Results

            Click Download to Excel to obtain a report of the job share data. Report output includes the filter parameters as well as the following columns:
            • Job Title

            • Requisition Number

            • Job Department

            • Job Location

            • Referrer Name

            • Referrer Email

            • Referrer Department

            • Referrer Location

            • Share Date

            • Share Type

            • Facebook

            • LinkedIn

            • Twitter

            • Number of Applicants

              Analytics for Apply Starts

              Use the Apply Starts Detailed View page to view data for job applications started via your Sourcing site. See how your campaigns are doing based on how many job applications are started.

              Access the page from the Analytics Overview page, by clicking Apply Starts tab. You can also access this page by clicking various View Details links on the Overview page.

              The page is displayed with three main sections:
              • Filters: You can filter the data by Campaign/Channel, Start and End Date, Department and Candidate Type.

              • Timeline chart: Application starts data is displayed in a chart across the time period defined with the Start/End filters.

              • Results table: Results for application starts meeting the filtering criteria are displayed in table layout.


              The following filters are provided:
              • Campaign/Channel: Select a specific Campaign or Channel using the dropdown menu.

              • Start and End Date: Click into the date field to select a Start or End date. A calendar selector tool opens. Click the day(s) on the calendar to select a day or date range.

              • Location or Department : Use the dropdowns to select a particular Location or Department from the values for your organization's implementation.

              • Candidate Type: Use the checkboxes to choose one or more values from Employee, Alumni, Referral or Other.

              • Social Networks: Use the checkboxes to select the social networks by which you want to filter. Options include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Other.

              Timeline Chart

              The timeline chart displays total job application starts across the time period defined by the Start and End Date filters. Click on a data point for an individual date to see a count of application starts for that date.

              Results Table

              Application starts are shown in table layout,in descending chronological order by default. The table displays the following data:
              • Job (requisition information)

              • Candidate

              • Date

              • Referrer

              • Social Channel(s)

              Navigation and Related Functions

              The following navigation aids and related functions are used with the table:
              • Change pages in the table using "Page X of X".

              • Search by a specific Candidate name by typing in the left Search By field.

              • Search by a specific Referrer name by typing in the right Search By field.

              • Change sorting by ascending or descending order for any column by clicking the Up and Down arrows.

              • Click a Job Title to open the respective job details page within Sourcing.

              • Click a Candidate or Referrer name to open a Compose Email window, addressed to the email address associated with their Sourcing account.

              • If an application start was made using a particular social network, an icon for the network displays in Social Channels (e.g. Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn).

              Report Table Results

              Click Download to Excel to obtain a report of the job application starts data. Report output includes the filter parameters as well as the following columns:
              • Job Title

              • Requisition Number

              • Job Department

              • Job Location

              • Candidate Name

              • Candidate Type

              • Candidate Email

              • Date

              • Referrer Name

              • Referrer Email

              • Referrer Department

              • Referrer Location

                Analytics for Job Performance

                Use Job Performance Statistics to track job performance for each individual job on your site. You can see activity for each job over time to help you analyze how your users are finding your jobs.

                Access job performance statistics from any Job Detail page. There are two main features:
                1. Job Stats box: Displays on the right side of any Job Detail page. Shows total numbers for Views, Job Shares and Apply Starts; for that individual job.

                2. Job Performance page: In the Job Stats box, click the View Performance Over Time link to open the Job Performance page and see more detailed information about the job listing.

                Job Performance Page

                The Job Performance page shows more granular data, in the form of raw data and conversion rates, for the selected job. Sections include:
                • Summary Data

                • Job Timeline

                • Job Traffic - Top Referring URLs or Sites

                Summary Data

                Shows summary raw data and conversion rates for Views, Job Shares and Apply Starts.

                Views are broken down by type: Employee, Referrals and Unidentified.

                Job Shares include the Referral Conversion rate, which is the percentage of views from employees that resulted in job shares.

                Apply Starts includes the Apply Conversion rate, which is the percentage of views from candidates that resulted in job application starts.

                Job Timeline

                Shows the Date Range the job was posted as well as the dates videos were added or removed. This helps you track performance over time against additional marketing media.

                Data presented for each activity includes Activity name, Data Range or Date, Views, Shares, Applies, Referral % and Apply %.

                Referral % is the percentage of views from employees that resulted in job shares.

                Apply % is the percentage of views from candidates that resulted in job application starts.

                Up and down arrows indicate whether the Referral and Apply percentages are increasing or decreasing for the activity period.

                Job Traffic

                Show how users are finding your jobs. Sites and individual URLs are displayed in their respective charts with the number of hits in descending order.

                Click Download Report to save either of these charts as an Excel report. The report includes Job Title, Date, Referring Site/URL, and Number of Hits.

                  Analytics for Landing Pages

                  Administrators use Landing Page Statistics to view analytics for each landing page.

                  As administrator, access landing page statistics from any landing page. Click the Tracking button at the top of a landing page, when logged in, to open the Landing Page Performance page. Landing Page Performance displays activity for the specific landing page, in graphical and chart views.

                  Graphical View

                  In the graphical view it displays the following:
                  • Page Views: Number of views occurring directly on the landing page.

                  • Page Shares: Number of times the landing page was shared.

                  • Signups: Number of Talent Community signups stemming from the landing page.

                  • Job Views: Number of job views resulting from landing page traffic.

                  • Job Shares: Number of job shares resulting from landing page traffic.

                  • Apply Starts: Number of job application starts resulting from landing page traffic.

                  Chart View

                  Landing Page Performance also displays Landing page traffic in two chart views: Top Referring URLs and Sites. The charts provide the Referring URL/Site and number of Hits.

                  Click Download Report to save either of these charts as an Excel report. The report includes Landing Page name, Date, Job Category, Referring Site/URL, and Number of Hits.

                    Downloading Table Results to an Excel Report

                    You want to download to an Excel report the results table data from a page in Sourcing.

                    This example task assumes the use of Microsoft Windows 7 with Microsoft Office 2007 Excel and Internet Explorer 9. Steps will vary with other operating system, browser and Excel combinations.

                    [Sourcing] Administrator or recruiter login > [Home page] Analytics > [Overview] Job Shares or Apply Starts > [Detailed View page]

                    [Sourcing] Administrator or recruiter login > [from any Job Detail page] > [Job Stats] View Performance Over Time > [Job Performance page] > [Job Traffic: Top Referring URLs/Sites]

                    [Sourcing] Administrator or recruiter login > Manage Landing Pages > Select a Category/Landing Page > [Landing Page] Tracking > [Landing Page Performance] > [Landing Page Traffic: Top Referring URLs/Sites]

                    1. If available, set the filter parameters to capture desired data.

                    2. Click Download to Excel, or Download Report.

                      The system opens a download dialog showing a suggested filename.
                    3. Select Save As to download the file locally.

                    4. When prompted navigate to and select the file download destination.

                    5. Ensure the file type is Microsoft Excel Comma Separated Value (CSV).

                    6. Click Save.

                    The table results are downloaded with the specified name to the specified location as an Excel CSV file.

                    Open and view the data in the Excel report.

                      Converting a Comma Separated File in Excel

                      By default, reports are downloaded as CSV (Comma-Separated Value) files and opened in Microsoft Excel. If you open a report and it is comma-separated, then follow these instructions to convert it to general format.

                      This example task assumes the use of Microsoft Windows 7 with Microsoft Office 2007 Excel and Internet Explorer 9. Steps can vary with other operating system, browser and Excel combinations.

                      1. Navigate to the file on your local system and open it in Excel.

                      2. Navigate to the Data tab and click "Text to Columns".

                      3. In the converter wizard screen step 1, choose "Delimited" and click Next.

                      4. In the converter wizard screen step 2, select "Comma" and click Next.

                      5. In the converter wizard screen step 3, select "General" and click Finish.

                      6. Save.

                      The table results are converted to general format.

                      View the data in the Excel report.

                        Further Information - FAQ

                        Use Sourcing's FAQ module to learn more about Tracking and Analytics.

                        Access the FAQs section by clicking the FAQ link on the navigation bar of the Sourcing home page. Within the FAQ, open the Tracking and Analytics section. It includes topic items regarding the following:
                        • Receiving notifications about your jobs.

                        • Using the Analytics section to see all activity in the Sourcing system.