5Facebook Jobs Application

Facebook Jobs Application

    Facebook Jobs Application

      Facebook Jobs Application

      Administrators and recruiters use the Facebook Jobs Application to embed Sourcing within your Facebook fan page, allowing Facebook users to quickly search, share and apply to your jobs.

      Access the Facebook Jobs application by signing into Sourcing from the Portal page, using the Sign in with Facebook feature. As the administrator or recruiter, use the module to:
      • Install the application on your Facebook page.

      • Validate the installation.

      • Open the installed application.

      • Change the Facebook page's Jobs Application icon.

      • Configure the default filter for the installed application.

      Installing the application broadens the reach of your referral program, and allows users to share your jobs with their Facebook friends.

        Installing the Facebook Jobs Application

        You must have Sourcing Administrator or Recruiter privileges and Administrator/Owner privileges for the Facebook page you want to install the Facebook Jobs Application on.

        [Sourcing Portal page]
        1. Click Sign In, and then click the Sign in with Facebook option.

        2. Authorize the connection between Sourcing and Facebook.

          • If you are not logged into Facebook, you will be prompted to enter your Facebook login credentials.

          • If you are already logged into Facebook, you will be automatically logged into the Sourcing Home page.

        3. At the top right of the Home page, click the User Settings (Name) dropdown menu and select the Manage My Channels option.

        4. At the top right of the Manage My Social Channels page, click Install Facebook Jobs App.

        5. In the Add Page Tab window, click the Choose Facebook Pages dropdown and from the list select the desired Facebook page you want to install the jobs application on.

          The list includes the pages for the Facebook account you are logged into, for which you have Facebook administrator/owner privileges.
        6. Click Add Page Tab.

        The Facebook Jobs Application is now installed on the selected Facebook page.

        Verify the installation on the Facebook page.

          Verifying the Facebook Jobs Application Installation

          You must be logged in to Sourcing with administrator or recruiter privileges, and administrator/owner privileges for the Facebook page you want to verify the installation for.

          [Sourcing] Administrator or recruiter login > [Home Page]
          1. At the top right of the Home page, click the User Settings (Name) dropdown menu and select the Manage My Channels option.

          2. On the Manage My Social Channels page, you will see cards for all connected social networks. The card for the Facebook page on which you have installed the Facebook Jobs Application shows an "App Installed" status below the page name.

          The Facebook Jobs Application is verified as installed on the selected Facebook page.

          You can open the Facebook page, change the Jobs Application icon, and configure the default filter for the Jobs Application.

            Opening the Installed Facebook Jobs Application

            You must be logged in to Sourcing with administrator or recruiter privileges, and administrator/owner privileges for the Facebook page you want to open.

            [Sourcing] Administrator or recruiter login > [Home Page]
            1. At the top right of the Sourcing home page, click the User Settings (Name) dropdown menu and select the Manage My Channels option.

            2. On the Manage My Social Channels page, you will see cards for all connected social networks. On the card for the desired Facebook page, click View.

              The Facebook page opens.
            3. On the Facebook page, click the tile to open the application within Facebook.

              Clicking this tile is also how end-users on Facebook will open the application to see your jobs.

            The Our Jobs page opens.

            You can view the Facebook page, change the Jobs Application icon, and configure the default filter for the Jobs Application.

              Changing the Facebook Jobs Application Icon

              The Facebook Jobs Application must be installed on the desired Facebook page.

              You must be logged in with Sourcing Administrator or Recruiter privileges, and Administrator/Owner privileges for the Facebook page you want to verify the installation for.

              [Sourcing] Administrator or recruiter login > [Home page] User Settings (Name) > Manage My Channels > [Manage My Social Channels] > [Card for Facebook page] View
              1. On the Facebook page click the Edit Page dropdown and select Update Public Info.

              2. Click Apps in the left sidebar menu.

              3. Click Edit Settings for the Sourcing Jobs Application.

              4. Click Change, next to Custom Tab Image.

              5. Click Edit, on the image icon.

              6. Click Choose File.

                Note the image specifications.
              7. Navigate to the image file that you wish to upload and select it.

              8. Click Open.

              The new image appears as the Jobs Application icon.

                Configuring the Facebook Jobs Application Default Filter

                The Facebook Jobs Application must be installed on the Facebook page.

                You must be logged in to Sourcing with administrator or recruiter privileges, and administrator/owner privileges for the Facebook page you want to verify the installation for.

                [Sourcing] Administrator or recruiter login > [Home Page] User Settings (Name) > Manage My Channels > [Manage My Social Channels] > [Card for Desired Facebook page] >
                1. On the card for the desired Facebook page click Configure Facebook Jobs App.

                  The Configure Jobs App dialog opens. Leave this window open and proceed to the next step.

                2. In a different tab or browser, open the Sourcing Home page.

                3. Perform a job search using the parameters by which you want the Jobs Application to filter for jobs as a default.

                  For example, if you want the default filter to be "All Sales jobs based in New York City, USA", then enter "New York, USA" in the Location field, enter "Sales" in the Keyword/Category" field, and click Search.

                  The Job Search Results page opens.

                4. Take note of, or copy to clipboard, the end of the URL for the Job Search Results page, beginning with "/jobs/search/xxxxxxx".

                  For example, "/jobs/search/253635"
                5. Return to the Configure Jobs App dialog. (This is the dialog you left open in Step 1.)

                  1. Enter or paste the URL from the Job Search Results page into the Landing Page URL field.

                  2. Then add "/fb" to the beginning of the URL.

                  For example, enter "/fb/jobs/search/253635" into the dialog.

                6. Click Update to close the Configure Jobs App dialog.

                The default filter for the Facebook Jobs App now matches the parameters for the search page URL you entered.