
Jobs Module

    Job Search

      Home Page Job Search

      The Home page presents the Sourcing core functionality for logged-in users. It provides quick access to the open jobs for your organization through the Featured Jobs, Job Search, and Previous Job Search sections.

      The Home page has the same general layout as the Portal page. It displays for a user a subset of the available functionality based on their access role. Job Search features which may be available to users on the Home page are summarized in the table below. The exact features you see depend upon your access role and your organization's implementation.

      UI Element Description
      Featured Jobs
      Use to view summaries of featured jobs, which are those tagged by recruiters as New or Hot. You can also:
      • View job summaries.

      • Click View All New or View All Hot links to filter the list.

      • Click a job title to view the job details and description. From the job details you can apply for the job.

      • Click a job location to view a list of the jobs for that location.

      Job Search
      Use the Job Search section to search the site for more jobs, based on keyword and location:
      • For either field, you can type in the beginning few letters of a keyword or location to produce an auto-completed list of matching values. Select a value.

      • Or click on the Keyword field to view and select from a list of the top five job categories.

      • Or click on the Location field to view and select from a list of the top five job locations.

      When you click Search, the Job Search page opens and displays matching results. If no matching results are found, a message is provided. To return to the Home page click the Jobs link on the top navigation bar.

      Geolocation Job Search
      Sourcing supports geolocation, which is the identification of a location (such as a street address) using the latitude and longitude coordinates. When the Geolocation Search setting in Configuration is enabled, the system will ask your location upon loading. If you agree, the system will prepopulate the Location search box with your location. This works for both desktop and mobile devices.
      • For jobs having multiple job locations the system will display all locations in search results as long as one of the locations is relevant to the search.

      • For non-specific job locations, you can obtain job results general to a region where you are located (e.g. remotely located offices in a state or province). For example, if you are searching for jobs from Fresno, California, USA, you can get job results that are in California, USA which do not have a specific longitude and latitude.

      • If users enter a location search that is not found in the Placefinder directory, they are presented with the option to run a keyword search using their location criterion. If users select Yes, the location entered is copied to the keyword field and a keyword search is performed. All results, if any, containing that keyword are displayed. This feature enables the user to search for jobs at locations outside the usual geosearch library by converting the invalid location into a keyword search that may yield jobs.

      Keyword Search
      The Keyword search field allows for:
      • Plurals (e.g. a search for "Managers" will also get you "Manager").

      • Complex stemming (e.g. a search for "Development" will also get you "Developer").

      • Case insensitivity.

      • Punctuation parsing.

      • Filtering out common words (such as "job" for ranking).

      • ASCII character equivalents for special characters.

      • Dynamic weighting that adjusts the relative weights for keywords (e.g. words that show up in the job title or description) and jobs that have special flags (e.g. New and Hot jobs).

      Previous Job Searches

      Use the Previous Job Searches section to view a summary of your recent job searches. Click on a search title to open the Job Search page and see the results in the center section. To return to the Home page click the Jobs link on the top navigation bar.

        Job Search Page

        The Job Search page opens when users click Search on the Portal or Home page.


        The initial job search results display in the center column. Administrators and recruiters can toggle the Hot Job setting for any listed jobs. They can also manually "Star" jobs to receive notifications when activity occurs for them. By "starring" jobs they'll receive notifications when activity occurs on them. They can also filter to view only starred jobs. Automatic job starring also occurs when they send a jobs promotion campaign from their account.

        Keyword and location search remains available at the top of the page, allowing you to perform more searches. With each additional search, job results matching the search criteria refresh and display in the center column.

        Depending upon configuration, additional search facets are provided to further modify your search results:
        • Only Show - Checkboxes allow you to filter for those tagged as My Jobs (Starred Jobs), Hot Jobs, New Jobs, and Jobs with Video.

        • Search Radius - When Geolocation Search and User Control Radius Unit are enabled in Configuration, you can select a radius distance from your location to filter your results. The job search results will take the location and display all the jobs that are within the defined radius.

        • Languages - Filter for those jobs in specified languages.

        • Country - Filter for those jobs in specified countries.

        • Location - Filter for those jobs in specified locations. Allows you to search for jobs in a broader area than radius search, such as a city, state or province.

        • Job Category - Filter for those jobs in specified job categories.

        • Business (Organization) - Filter for those jobs in specified business organizations.

        Many of the same features available on the Portal or Home pages are also available on the Job Search page, such as:
        • Navigation bar

        • Settings (Name)

        • Promotional text

        • Profile section

        • Previous Job Searches

        • Activity Feed

        Additional Functions

        Depending upon your access role, additional buttons display at the top of the page.

        Recruiters, employees and alumni see these buttons:
        • Share on Facebook - Opens the Facebook login and posting modals, providing the ability to enter message text and share the posting to Facebook.

        • Share Referral Link - Opens the Referral Link modal, allowing you to copy the link for use in an email or posting to a social channel.

        Administrators see these buttons:
        • Create a Widget - Opens the Widgets configuration page, from which you can create Job List, Search Bar and Email Sign Up Widgets. For details see the Widget Creation and Sharing section of this guide.

        • Create a Landing Page - Opens the Create a Custom Landing Page modal, from which you can enter a Page Title and click Create Page. For details see the Landing Pages Administration section of this guide.

          Job Details Page

          The Job Details page opens when users click on a listed job title on the Portal, Home or Job Search page. Users can also access the job details from links in shared social channels, referral emails and campaign messages.

          The Job Details provides a detailed job description, as well as links to share the job with others or apply for the job. The functionality a user sees on this page vary depending upon their access role and the organization's implementation.

          Some of the same features available on the Portal, Home and Job Search pages are also available on the Job Details page, such as:
          • Navigation bar

          • Settings (Name)

          • Promotional text

          Job Specific Information

          Job-specific functions and information available on the Job Details page are listed in the following table:

          UI Element Description
          Enhance This Job Page Allows an administrator or recruiter to enter a URL link to associate an existing YouTube or Vimeo video with the job. Use this feature to give users a glimpse into your organizational culture, the benefits of working there, or the interesting and exciting aspects of the job. Candidates can view it when they follow your referral links and postings back to this job.
          Jobs with Video icon All jobs that include a video display a video icon in the search results, campaigns and job details, drawing increased attention to your marketing media.
          Available Languages (Globe icon) When multiple languages are used for a job requisition, a Globe icon is displayed. A user can click the link next to the icon to display the languages activated for the requisition, and select a language to view the translated version. When only one language is used for a requisition, the name of the language is displayed and there is no Globe icon. For more information see the Languages section of the Oracle Taleo Sourcing Configuration Guide.
          Job Title Displays the job title.
          Job Location Click the link to open the Job Search page and view other jobs listed for the same location. Administrators can format the location display using the Location Display setting in Jobs configuration.
          New and Hot Tags Displays the New and Hot jobs tags, if they apply to this job. Administrators can define New using the The New Job Date Range setting in Jobs configuration (in terms of the number of days after a job is uploaded during which it is considered new).
          Job Category Click the link to open the category landing page and view other jobs listed for the same category.
          Organization Name Display only.
          Date Posted / Total Views / Requisition Number Display the date the job was posted, the total number of user views of the job description, and the requisition number, respectively. Administrators can toggle these fields On/Off with the General Display setting in the Jobs configuration section.
          Promote this Job Displays a list of links for administrators and recruiters to Request Referrals (Referrals on Demand), Send to Fans and Followers (Social Jobs Distribution), and Send to Talent Community (Talent Community messages). Click a link and the page to compose the selected campaign or message opens.
          Recommend this Job / Recommend to a Friend Displays a list of links for administrators, recruiters, employees and other users to recommend the job by sending a status update or personal message through a social channel, or to copy their referral link and paste in an email or posting on a social channel.
          Upload Friend's Resume Opens a modal for employees to enter a friend's contact information, upload their resume file, and submit it for the job.
          Apply for this Job Opens the Apply modal for a candidate to enter their contact information and begin the application process.
          Job Description Displays the detailed job description.
          Internal Job Displays in the job description, if this is a job available to internal employees only. Administrators toggle this field On/Off with the Internal Only Jobs setting in Jobs configuration.
          Additional Information Displays in the job description, information about the hiring manager, internal contact and salary. Administrators toggle this section, and the fields within it, On/Off with the Internal Information settings in Jobs configuration.
          Bonus Eligibility and Amount Displays in the job description, whether the referral bonus eligibility applies to this job and the corresponding bonus amount. Administrators toggle these fields On/Off with the Bonus Eligibility and Bonus Amount settings in Jobs configuration.

          For more information see the Jobs configuration chapter of the Oracle Taleo Sourcing Configuration Guide.

            Searching for a Job

            [Sourcing Portal page]
            1. Optional. From the Featured Jobs list:

              • You can view featured jobs (New or Hot jobs) on the page and click the job title link of a job you are interested in.

              • You can also click the location link of a job and view, on the Job Search page, a list of all the open jobs in that location. Then click the job title link of a job you are interested in.

            2. Optional. From the Search section you can enter search criteria in Keyword or Location.

              1. Click in either field and select an available option, or type in a few letters of a keyword or location to see a list of matching values to select from.

              2. Then click Search.

              3. From the list of search results, on the Job Search page, locate the job you are interested in and click the job title link.

            The Job Details page opens displaying the job description and related information.

            You can apply for the job or refer it to a friend.

              Applying for a Job

              You have arrived at the Job Details page, whether from the Sourcing Portal or Home page's job search, a link in a message or social channel campaign, or a referral link.

              [Job Details page]
              1. Click Apply for Job.

                The apply flow for a job can vary depending upon configuration and your organization's implementation. Generally, the Apply for this Job modal opens.
              2. Provide the following information:

                1. Enter your Email address.

                2. Indicate whether or not you want to receive job alerts.

                3. Indicate whether or not you want Sourcing to remember you.

                4. Click Go.

                5. Optional. If the email entered if not found, you must enter your first and last name and click Go.

              3. Click Start your Application.

              Depending upon configuration settings and your organization's implementation, you will be directed to the application flow for the applicant tracking system for the selected job. For example, you might be directed to the application flow in an Oracle Taleo Enterprise Career Section.

                Job Sharing and Referrals

                  Job Sharing and Referrals

                  Users can share URLs and links to jobs through emails, on one or more of their existing social networking accounts, or by sharing a referral link through an email.

                  Note: Functionality to share jobs varies for administrators, recruiters, employees, alumni and other users. Your ability to share jobs through social channels or by referrals depends upon your access role and your organization's implementation.

                  Sharing from the Portal Page or When Not Logged In

                  You can share jobs at any time, whether logged into Sourcing or not, with the following functions:
                  • Copying from the browser the URL of a page you are on. Then pasting it into an email message to potential candidates.

                  • Clicking a Share this Job or a Copy Link button, generating a unique URL that you can copy and paste in an email message to potential candidates. If a candidate follows the link you will be given referral credit.

                  Sharing From the Home Page

                  When logged in, you can also share with and refer candidates with these additional functions:
                  • Copying your referral link from User Settings, and pasting it in an email message to potential candidates. If a candidate follows the link you will be given referral credit.

                  • Sharing URLs or referral links to the site through existing social networking accounts (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Weibo). To share a URL or link, click on a social channel icon (to the right of the User Settings/Name link). A modal will appear allowing you to log into your account and post to the social channel.

                  Sharing From the Job Details Page

                  From the Job Details page you can also share URLs and links to the site by using one of these buttons, provided based upon your user role:
                  • Promote this Job - Displays a list of links for administrator and recruiters to Request Referrals (Referrals on Demand), Send to Fans and Followers (Social Jobs Distribution), and Send to Talent Community (Talent Community messages). Click a link and the page to compose the selected campaign or message opens.

                  • Recommend this Job / Recommend to a Friend - Displays a list of links for administrators, recruiters, employees and other users to recommend the job by sending a status update or personal message through a social channel, or to copy their referral link and paste in an email or posting on a social channel.

                  • Upload Friend's Resume -Opens a modal for employees to enter a friend's contact information, upload their resume file, and submit it for the job.

                  • Apply for this Job -Opens the Apply modal for a candidate to enter their contact information and begin the application process.

                  • Enhance this Job -Allows an administrator or recruiter to enter a URL link for a video about the job, which candidates can view when they follow your referral links and postings back to this job.

                  Referral Links

                  On the Settings page, the Unique Referral Link section displays your referral link, which you can send to friends and other potential candidates via email or social network(s). Copy the full URL and share it; or click Get Short Link to copy the short URL and send that to friends and candidates. (Short URLs allow otherwise long web addresses to be referred to in a Twitter tweet, for example.) If a candidate uses your link to search for a job posting and start an application via Sourcing, you will automatically be listed as the referrer.

                  General Candidate Referral and Submission

                  As part of the Oracle Taleo Sourcing integration with Oracle Taleo Enterprise (TE), Sourcing allows for a general submission of a candidate resume (i.e. not attached to a specific job). When activated, the feature allows a logged-in employee to submit a friend’s resume. The Submit Referral button displays at the top of the Home page for front-end users who are employees. When a user clicks the Submit Referral button a popup menu provides these options:
                  • Send a Link for your Friend to Apply - Opens the Referral Link modal so you can copy your link and email it to your friend.

                  • Share this site with your Friend - Also opens the Referral Link modal so you can copy your link and email it to your friend.

                  • Submit Your Friend's Resume - Opens the Upload a Friends Resume modal so you can enter their contact information, upload their resume and submit.

                  When an employee uploads a resume in this fashion, it creates a profile for the candidate in TEE.

                  Note: For this feature to work your organization must be using both Sourcing and TE 14B or later, TE must be configured to allow general submissions, and the Allow General Candidates setting must be enabled in Sourcing's Taleo Enterprise Edition configuration section.

                  Endorsement Emails

                  When this feature is enabled, the system sends an Endorsement email to a referrer asking for information as to why they are referring a candidate. Referrer's responses to those emails are sent to recruiters based on settings in the Configuration area:
                  • Endorsements - Under the Jobs section. Toggles On/Off the sending of endorsement emails to referrers.

                  • Notify Recruiter of Endorsement -Under the Messaging section. Toggles On/Off the sending of emails notifying recruiters of an endorsement.

                  • Send to Starred Recruiters - Under the Messaging section. Toggles On/Off the routing of endorsement reply emails to recruiters who are associated with a job post based on their tagging of the job post by "starring".

                  • Send to Common Email Address - Under the Messaging section. Toggles On/Off the routing of endorsement reply emails to a common email address.

                  • Common Email Address - Text entry field to enter the common email address.

                    Widget Creation and Sharing

                      Widget Creation and Sharing

                      The Widgets feature provides administrators a means to market and share jobs through the ability to embed certain Sourcing functionality on other websites.

                      The main purpose of creating and deploying Sourcing widgets on other sites is to attract users on other websites back to the host Sourcing site. Place widgets on your organization's external career welcome pages and intranet sites, or on Sourcing pages created with the Site Builder. The following widget types, and the templates to create them, are available:
                      • Search Result (Job Listing) - Displays a search result list of jobs, based on category and/or location. Recommended practice is to use this type of widget to target candidate audiences interested in specific job categories or locations.

                      • Search Bar - Displays a search bar to encourage users to look for jobs.

                      • Sign Up for Email (Job) Alerts - Displays a button linking to an email job alerts sign up modal.

                      Note: Widgets are not site-specific meaning that they are not available for custom sites in Site Builder. Widgets can only point to the default site delivered with the system.

                      Widget Creation

                      Administrators see the Create a Widget button at the top of the Job Search page. Clicking the button opens the Widgets section of the Configuration area, which provides functionality to create and manage widgets. The section has three subsections, one for each type of widget.

                      Each subsection lists all previously created widgets of that type; which you can edit, preview and save. You can edit the Name, Notes, Descriptive Text, Width, Height, Header, Button Text and Button Color of a widget. The settings available vary depending on the type of widget.

                      Each subsection also contains the functionality to create a new widget of that type.

                      The image shows the area of the page where you can create widgets.

                      Figure: Job List Widget creation.

                        Creating a Job List Widget

                        You must be logged-in with administrator privileges.

                        [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home page]

                        1. Enter search criteria (keyword and/or location).

                        2. Click Search.

                          The Job Search page opens, displaying the search results in the center section.
                        3. Optional. Filter the search results, if desired, to display the group of jobs you want to present to your candidate audience.

                        4. Click Create a Widget.

                          The Widgets page opens, displaying fields to enter the new widget settings: Title/Name, Notes, Width, Height, Include Header and Link Color. The Job Search ID is prepopulated but is not editable.
                        5. Enter the information for the widget settings.

                          Notes are for internal use.
                        6. When done entering the widget settings, click Preview to open the widget in the Widget Preview modal. Close the modal when done reviewing.

                          In preview mode only the first few job search results display in the widget.
                        7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until done editing.

                        8. Save.

                        Code for the widget displays in the Copy the Code field. The code is read only and not editable.

                        To deploy the widget, copy the code and paste it in the source code for another website, at a point where you want the widget to appear.

                        Users can view and interact with the job list from any web page the code is added to. When a user clicks on a job in the list, they are redirected to Sourcing to view the job description details.

                          Creating a Job Search Widget

                          You must be logged-in with administrator privileges.

                          [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home page] Search > [Job Search page] Create a Widget > [Configuration] [Widgets]

                          [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home page] User Account > Configuration > Widgets > [Widgets]

                          1. Under Search Bar Widgets, click the Create New Search Widget button.

                            The Widgets page opens, displaying fields to enter the new widget settings: Title/Name, Notes, Description Text, Placeholder Text, Button Text, Width, Height, Include Header, Include Button and Button Color.
                          2. Enter the information for the widget settings.

                            Notes are for internal use.
                          3. When done entering the settings, click Preview to open the widget in the Widget Preview modal. Close the modal when done reviewing.

                          4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until done editing.

                          5. Save.

                          Code for the widget displays in the Copy the Code field. The code is read only and not editable.

                          To deploy the widget, copy the code and paste it in the source code for another website, at a point where you want the widget to appear.

                          Users can view and interact with the job search bar from any web page the code is added to. When a user clicks Go to initiate a search, they are redirected to Sourcing to execute the search.

                            Creating a Job Alert Email Signup Widget

                            You must be logged-in with administrator privileges.

                            [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home page] Search > [Job Search page] Create a Widget > [Configuration] [Widgets]

                            [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home page] User Account > Configuration > Widgets > [Widgets]

                            1. Under Email Signup Widget, click the Create New Email Widget button.

                              The Widgets page opens, displaying fields to enter the new widget settings: Title/Name, Notes, Description Text, Button Text, Width, Height, Include Header, and Button Color.
                            2. Enter the information for the widget settings.

                              Notes are for internal use.
                            3. When done entering the settings, click Preview to open the widget in the Widget Preview modal. Close the modal when done reviewing.

                            4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until done editing.

                            5. Save.

                            Code for the widget displays in the Copy the Code field. The code is read only and not editable.

                            To deploy the widget, copy the code and paste it in the source code for another website, at a point where you want the widget to appear.

                            Users can view and interact with the job alerts email signup widget from any web page the code is added to. When a user clicks the Signup button they are redirected to Sourcing's Sign Up for Job Alerts modal to register.

                              Editing an Existing Widget

                              You must be logged-in with administrator privileges.

                              The widget you want to edit must already be created.

                              [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home page] Search > [Job Search page] Create a Widget > [Configuration] [Widgets]

                              [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home page] User Account > Configuration > Widgets > [Widgets]

                              1. Locate the name of the existing widget you want to edit.

                                Each subsection lists all previously created widgets of that type (Job List, Job Search or Email Signup).
                              2. To edit the widget click the Pencil icon to the right of the name.

                                Fields activate for you to edit the various widget elements: Name, Notes, Descriptive Text, Width, Height, Header, Button Text and Button Color. The settings available vary depending on the type of widget.

                              3. Make edits as needed.

                                Notes are for internal use.
                              4. When done editing, click Preview to open the widget in the Widget Preview modal. Close the modal when done reviewing.

                              5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until done editing.

                              6. Save.

                              Code for the widget displays in the Copy the Code field. The code is read only and not editable.

                              To deploy the widget, copy the code and paste it in the source code for another website, at a point where you want the widget to appear.

                              Users can view and interact with the widget from any web page the code is added to. When a user clicks on a job or actionable button in the widget, they are redirected to Sourcing.