3Promote Jobs

Promote Jobs Module

    Promote Jobs Module

      Promote Jobs

      Use the Promote Jobs module to create new and manage existing job marketing campaigns with Automated Referral Marketing (ARM), Referrals On-Demand (ROD), Social Job Distribution (SJD) and Talent Community (TC) messages.

      The Promote Jobs module is available to administrators and recruiters. Access the module by signing into Sourcing, and clicking the Promote Jobs link on the navigation bar at the top of the Home page.

      Promote Jobs allows you to actively engage your users by sending them relevant jobs, which they can in turn share with their friends and social networks. The Promote Jobs page displays all available campaign and message types you can use to share jobs with your employees, alumni and others. You can create new messages or manage existing campaigns. Available campaign and message types are:
      • Automated Referral Marketing: Send scheduled, recurring, automated messages to a population encouraging them to share jobs. Available to administrators only.

      • Referrals On-Demand: Send one-time messages to a population sharing specific jobs.

      • Social Job Distribution: Post jobs to connected Facebook fan pages, Twitter handles, and LinkedIn pages.

      • Talent Community: Send one-time messages to members of your Talent Community.

        Email Message Editor

        The Email Editor (or Composer) provides recruiters the ability to set up and edit emails for marketing campaigns, allowing them to create well-designed and engaging emails for candidates and employees.

        Administrators can turn the Email Editor on and off in the Configuration area's Messaging section, with the Use Composer setting. The default is Off. If the setting is On, when a recruiter is performing the Compose Message Step in setting up a campaign, and begins editing an email message in the Campaigns tab, a modal appears providing the option of using either the Modern or Classic version of the message template:
        • Classic - Has a heading, salutation, body text containing a list of jobs, complimentary close and identification. For each job in the list the message provides the job title (as a link to job details), location and job category.

        • Modern - Has all the same elements as Classic. In addition, more information is provided about each listed job: a video indicator, Hot and New job tags, job description introductory text, the posting date, and a View and Recommend button.

        The Email Message Editor provides recruiters features such as:
        • An improved message previewer, with the body section displaying the whole message.

        • Email sections that are empowered as blocks; which can be added, moved or deleted.

        • A standard block display that, when you hover over or tab into a block, highlights it with a border and gives it a light gray background.

        • A control panel that displays on the right side of a content block when you hover over or tab into the block. It contains buttons to move the block up or down in the message, or remove it from the message.

        • Action to move away from a block hides the control panel and restores the block to its preview state.

        • Rich-text editing capability (in an HTML editor) which opens when you click into a content block.

        • HTML editor functionality (such as font characteristics, lists, colors, spacing, alignment and more) varies depending on the block type being edited (Smart, Text or Image) .

        • Functions to import images into blocks and crop them.

        When a recruiter is working in an updated Sourcing zone, existing emails in all campaigns in the zone will continue to work:
        • All existing campaigns (created prior to upgrade to release 14B) continue to be accessible from the "Manage Campaigns" pages, load up with the final message editing/scheduling step (including all saved data), can be edited using the legacy capabilities, and function as they normally do (e.g. when choosing templates, editing text, scheduling and sending, etc.).

        • All newly-created campaigns with a messaging component (beginning with release 14B) load up the new Email Editor. Accessing these new campaigns afterwards also loads up the Email Editor.


        Configuration settings for this feature are listed in the following table.

        Name Location
        Use Composer Configuration area > Messaging > Broadcast Messaging

          New Automated Referral Marketing Campaign

          Administrators use Automated Referral Marketing (ARM) to let the system automatically request referrals for jobs in departments and locations that match with the interests of your employees, alumni, or any other group that you are targeting.

          This campaign type allows you to create messages with a schedule, so that once they are set up they will be sent out automatically, without having to trigger the message each time.

          To create a new ARM campaign, click the Create button from either of two places:
          • On the main Promote Jobs page.

          • Under the Automated Referrals tab of the Promote Jobs page.

          Creating a new ARM campaign involves two main steps:
          1. Choose recipients.

          2. Compose message and schedule.

            Choosing ARM Recipients

            Sign in with administrator access privileges.

            [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home page] Promote Jobs > [Automated Referral Marketing]
            1. Click Create to the right of Automated Referral Marketing.

            2. Choose recipients for the email notification. You can search by Name or Email; or using facets such Top Referrers, Last Contacted, Department or Location.

              Users meeting the filter parameters appear in the Recipients tab.
            3. Optional. To manually remove a user from the target population, click Remove next to their name.

              The user appears on the Removed tab. You can add them back to the population by clicking Add.
            4. Once you are satisfied with your target population, click Continue and Create Your Message.

            You are advanced to the Compose Message screen.

            Complete composing and scheduling of the message.

              Composing the ARM Message

              Sign in with administrator access privileges.

              [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home page] Promote Jobs >[Automated Referral Marketing] Create > [Choose ARM Recipients] Continue and Create Your Message > [Compose Message and Schedule]
              1. On the Compose Message screen, click Choose a Template.

              2. The names of available templates are displayed across the top of the Choose a Template window.

                1. Click any of the template names and a preview of the template is displayed in the bottom of the window.

                2. After selecting the desired template, click Select and Continue.

              3. Use the Edit screen to change the subject, headline and message body as needed.

              4. At the bottom of the Edit screen select one of the available options: Save as Draft, Preview, or Name and Schedule Campaign.

                • Save as Draft: Prompts you to name the ARM campaign. After saving you will see options to Preview, Edit Schedule, and Save and Exit.

                • Preview: Shows an image of the message in a window, as it will appear when received by a user.

                • Name and Schedule Campaign: Prompts you to name the ARM campaign and presents the Establish Schedule option.

                • Edit Schedule/Establish Schedule: Opens the Schedule your Message window where you can specify the day, time and recurrence for your ARM campaign.

              5. Click Start Your Schedule at the bottom of the window to enable the automated delivery of your campaign.

              The new Automated Referral and Marketing campaign is running.

              Click Stop to disable a running campaign, if needed.

                New Referrals On-Demand Campaign

                Administrators and recruiters use Referrals On-Demand (ROD) to request referrals for a specific set of jobs, right now. You can also save a draft to be sent later.

                This campaign type allows you to proactively market certain positions to a referrer population. Select your audience, the jobs to highlight, and send a message out to start generating referrals.

                To create a new ROD campaign, click the Create button from either of two places:
                • On the main Promote Jobs page.

                • Under the Referrals On-Demand tab of the Promote Jobs page.

                Creating a new ROD campaign involves three main steps:
                1. Choose recipients.

                2. Choose jobs.

                3. Compose message.

                  Choosing ROD Recipients

                  Sign in with either administrator or recruiter access privileges.

                  [Sourcing] Administrator or recruiter login > [Home page] Promote Jobs > [Referrals On-Demand]
                  1. Click Create to the right of Referrals On-Demand.

                  2. Choose recipients for the email notification. You can search by Name or Email; or using facets such Top Referrers, Last Contacted, Department or Location.

                    Users meeting the filter parameters appear in the Recipients tab.
                  3. Optional. To manually remove a user from the target population, click Remove next to their name.

                    The user appears on the Removed tab. You can add them back to the population by clicking Add.
                  4. Once you are satisfied with your target population, click Continue and Select Jobs.

                  You are advanced to the Choose Jobs screen.

                  Select jobs to send to targeted recipients.

                    Choosing ROD Jobs

                    Sign in with either administrator or recruiter access privileges.

                    Choose ROD message recipients.

                    [Sourcing] Administrator or recruiter login > [Home page] Promote Jobs > [Referrals On-Demand] Create > Continue and Select Jobs > [Choose Jobs]
                    1. Jobs in your organization meeting the filter parameters display in the center column.

                    2. To filter the jobs to display only those you want to include in your ROD message, use any of the following methods:

                      • Only Show: Select a checkbox to filter by:

                        • My Jobs (Starred) - Any recruiter or administrator can designate a job as "My Job". Select My Jobs here to choose them for inclusion in your message.

                        • Hot Jobs - Jobs prioritized by a recruiter or administrator. These positions appear first to all users who are searching the site or receiving Sourcing messages.

                        • New Jobs - Jobs posted within a number of days specified in the Configuration.

                        • Jobs with Video - Job announcement contains a video.

                      • Specific Search: Enter a keyword or requisition number and search.

                      • Location and Category: Use the available search facets to find the jobs you want to send in the ROD, by location or category. For example, you might select all Sales jobs in Atlanta, Georgia.

                      All matching results display in the center column.

                    3. In the center column use the checkboxes next to the job titles to select the specific jobs you want to include in the ROD message.

                    4. Click Continue and Create Your Message.

                    You are advanced to the Compose Message screen.

                    Compose and send your ROD message.

                      Composing the ROD Message

                      Sign in with either General Administrator or Recruiter access privileges.

                      Choose ROD Recipients.

                      [Sourcing] Administrator or recruiter login > [Home page] Promote Jobs > [Referrals On-Demand] Create > Continue and Create Your Message > [Compose Message]
                      1. On the Compose Message screen, click Choose a Template.

                      2. The names of available templates are displayed across the top of the Choose a Template window.

                        1. Click any of the template names and a preview of the template is displayed in the bottom of the window.

                        2. After selecting the desired template, click Select and Continue.

                      3. Use the Edit screen to change the subject, headline and message body as needed.

                      4. At the bottom of the Edit screen select one of the two available options: Save as Draft or Preview.

                        • Save as Draft: Prompts you to name the ROD campaign. After saving you will see options to Preview and Finalize, or Save and Exit.

                        • Preview and Finalize : Shows an image of the message in a window, as it will appear when received by a user. At the bottom left of the window is a checkbox for you to "CC Myself". At the bottom right is a Send to Recipients button to send the ROD message to your selected recipients.

                        • Save and Exit: Saves the ROD message, closes the Compose Message screen, and opens the Employee Referrals summary screen, which displays a list of your ROD campaigns.

                      The new Referral On-Demand message is sent to targeted recipients.

                        New Social Jobs Distribution Campaign

                        Administrators and recruiters use Social Job Distribution (SJD) to market targeted jobs to your company's Facebook fans and Twitter followers.

                        This campaign type allows you to distribute individual jobs for posting to your Facebook fans and Twitter followers now, or set up an automated campaign that posts automatically based on a schedule you set.

                        To create a new SJD campaign, click the Create button from either of two places:
                        • On the main Promote Jobs page.

                        • Under the Send Jobs to Fans and Follower tab of the Promote Jobs page.

                        Creating a new SJD campaign involves three main steps:
                        1. Choose social accounts.

                        2. Choose jobs.

                        3. Compose the SJD message, to either post now or use automated processing.

                          Choosing SJD Social Accounts

                          Sign in with either administrator or recruiter access privileges.

                          [Sourcing] Administrator or recruiter login > [Home page] Promote Jobs > Send Jobs to Fans and Followers]
                          1. Click Create to the right of Send Jobs to Fans and Followers.

                          2. The Choose Social Accounts screen displays the social channels that are currently connected to Sourcing, each displaying as a card. To connect to a new social channel, click Add Facebook Page or Add Twitter Account.

                          3. A new window opens prompting you to enter the username and password for the account you want to add to Sourcing. Enter the login credentials for the account and request authorization from the desired channel.

                            Once you have connected to the desired social channel, you will see it as a card on the Choose Social Accounts screen. The owner of the account is displayed along with the number of Sourcing campaigns using the channel. Social channels can be Private or Public:
                            • Private - Only the owner of the channel can post jobs to it.

                            • Public - Can be posted to by all administrators and recruiters.

                          4. You have two options for creating a new social jobs distribution:

                            • Post Jobs Now - Select to send a one-time posting now. This will open the Choose Jobs screen.

                            • Schedule Automated Posting - Select to schedule an automated posting. This will open the Choose Jobs screen, and later also allow you to set up the delivery schedule.

                          You are advanced to the Choose Jobs screen.

                          Complete choosing jobs for the posting.

                            Choosing SJD Jobs

                            Sign in with either administrator or recruiter access privileges.

                            Choose SJD Social Accounts.

                            [Sourcing homepage] > Promote Jobs > [Send Jobs to Fans and Followers] > Create > [Choose Jobs]
                            1. Jobs in your organization meeting the filter parameters display in the center column.

                            2. To filter the jobs to display only those you want to include in your SJD message, use any of the following methods:

                              • Only Show: Select a checkbox to filter by:

                                • My Jobs (Starred) - Any recruiter or administrator can select a job as My Job. Take ownership and receive activity alerts.

                                • Hot Jobs - Jobs prioritized by a recruiter or administrator. These positions appear first to all users who are searching the site or receiving Sourcing messages.

                                • New Jobs - Jobs posted within a number of days specified in the Configuration.

                                • Jobs with Video - Job announcement contains a video.

                              • Specific Search: Enter a keyword or requisition number and search.

                              • Location and Category: Use the available search facets to find the jobs you want to send in the SJD, by location or category. For example, you might select all Sales jobs in Atlanta, Georgia.

                              All matching results display in the center column.

                            3. In the center column use the checkboxes next to the job titles to select the specific jobs you want to include in the SJD message.

                            4. Click Continue and Create Your Message.

                            You are advanced to the Compose Message screen.

                            Compose and send your SJD message.

                              Composing the SJD Message to Post Now

                              Sign in with either administrator or recruiter access privileges.

                              Choose SJD social accounts, selecting option to post message now.

                              Choose SJD jobs.

                              [Sourcing] Administrator or recruiter login > [Home page] Promote Jobs > [Send Jobs to Fans and Followers] Create > Continue and Create Your Message > Compose Message]
                              1. On the Compose Message screen you can edit up to 30 characters of text for your SJD message.

                                A preview of the SJD message is displayed on the Compose Message screen and will show updates to the editable text in real time.
                              2. Optional. If you are sending multiple jobs, you can set the interval between consecutive posts.

                              3. When you are done editing your message you have two options to select from at the bottom of the screen:

                                • Save as Draft - Prompts you to name the SJD. After saving the system displays options for Post Now and Save and Exit. Save and Exit saves a draft of your SJD message without sending it.

                                • Post Now - Post your SJD message now.

                              The new Social Jobs Distribution message is sent to the targeted social account now.

                                Composing the SJD Message for Automated Processing

                                Sign in with either administrator or recruiter access privileges.

                                Choose SJD social account, selecting option to use automated processing

                                Choose SJD jobs.

                                [Sourcing] Administrator or recruiter login > [Home page] Promote Jobs > [Send Jobs to Fans and Followers] Create > Continue and Create Your Message > [Compose Message]
                                1. On the Compose Message screen you can edit up to 30 characters of text for your SJD message.

                                  A preview of the SJD message is displayed on the Compose Message screen and will show updates to the editable text in real time.
                                2. Optional. If you are sending multiple jobs, you can set the interval between consecutive posts.

                                3. When you are done editing your message you have two options to select from at the bottom of the screen:

                                  • Save as Draft - Prompts you to name the SJD. After saving the system displays options for Name and Schedule Campaign and Save and Exit. Save and Exit saves a draft of your SJD message without sending it.

                                  • Name and Schedule Campaign - Opens the Schedule Your Message window where you can set the frequency, date, time and duration of your Social Jobs Distribution message. Then click Start Your Schedule to begin the automated processing.

                                The new Social Jobs Distribution message is sent to the targeted social accounts on the specified schedule.

                                  New Talent Community Message

                                  Administrators and recruiters use Talent Community (TC) to see who has joined your Talent Community and to send messages promoting jobs and other content to prospective candidates.

                                  The Talent Community is the user population that has signed up to receive, based on location and interests, automated job alerts and direct TC messages. This type of campaign allows you to target job seekers, who have signed up for the Talent Community, with a campaign that highlights jobs you would like them to apply to.

                                  To create a new TC message, click the Create button from either of two places:
                                  • On the main Promote Jobs page.

                                  • Under the Talent Community tab of the Promote Jobs page.

                                  Creating a new TC message involves three main steps:
                                  1. Choose members.

                                  2. Choose jobs.

                                  3. Compose and send the TC message.

                                    Choosing TC Members

                                    Sign in with either administrator or recruiter access privileges.

                                    [Sourcing] Administrator or recruiter login > [Home page] Promote Jobs > [Search and Message Your Talent Community]
                                    1. Click Create to the right of Search and Message Your Talent Community.

                                    2. Choose Talent Community members for the email notification. You can search by Name or Email; by Department or by Location; or by Interests.

                                      Members meeting the filter parameters appear in the Recipients tab.
                                    3. Optional. To manually remove a member from the target population, click Remove next to their name.

                                      The member appears on the Removed tab. You can add them back to the population by clicking Add.
                                    4. Once you are satisfied with your target population, click Continue and Select Jobs.

                                    You are advanced to the Choose Jobs screen.

                                    Complete choosing jobs.

                                      Choosing TC Jobs

                                      Sign in with either administrator or recruiter access privileges.

                                      Choose TC message members.

                                      [Sourcing] Administrator or recruiter login > [Home page] Promote Jobs > [Search and Message Your Talent Community] Create > Continue and Select Jobs > [Choose Jobs]
                                      1. Jobs in your organization meeting the filter parameters display in the center column.

                                      2. To filter the jobs to display only those you want to include in your TC message, use any of the following methods:

                                        • Only Show: Select a checkbox to filter by:

                                          • My Jobs (Starred) - Any recruiter or administrator can designate a job as "My Job". Select My Jobs here to choose them for inclusion in your message.

                                          • Hot Jobs - Jobs prioritized by a recruiter or administrator. These positions appear first to all users who are searching the site or receiving Sourcing messages.

                                          • New Jobs - Jobs posted within a number of days specified in the Configuration.

                                          • Jobs with Video - Job announcement contains a video.

                                        • Specific Search: Enter a keyword or requisition number and search.

                                        • Location and Category: Use the available search facets to find the jobs you want to send in the TC message, by location or category. For example, you might select all Sales jobs in Atlanta, Georgia.

                                        All matching results display in the center column.

                                      3. In the center column use the checkboxes next to the job titles to select the specific jobs you want to include in the TC message.

                                      4. Click Continue and Create Your Message.

                                      You are advanced to the Compose Message screen.

                                      Compose and send your TC message.

                                        Composing the TC Message

                                        Sign in with either administrator or recruiter access privileges.

                                        Choose TC message members.

                                        Choose TC message jobs.

                                        [Sourcing] Administrator or recruiter login > [Home page] Promote Jobs > [Search and Message Your Talent Community] Create > Continue and Create Your Message > [Compose Message]
                                        1. On the Compose Message screen, click Choose a Template.

                                        2. The names of available templates are displayed across the top of the Choose a Template window.

                                          1. Click any of the template names and a preview of the template is displayed in the bottom of the window.

                                          2. After selecting the desired template, click Select and Continue.

                                        3. Use the Edit screen to change the subject, headline and message body as needed.

                                        4. At the bottom of the Edit screen select one of the two available options: Save as Draft or Preview and Finalize Message.

                                          • Save as Draft: Prompts you to name the TC message. After saving you will see options to Preview and Finalize, or Save and Exit.

                                          • Preview and Finalize Message: Shows an image of the message in a window, as it will appear when received by a user. At the bottom left of the window is a checkbox for you to "CC Myself". At the bottom right is a Send to Recipient button to send the TC message to your selected recipients.

                                          • Save and Exit: Saves the TC message, closes the Compose Message screen, and opens the Talent Community summary screen, which displays a list of your TC messages.

                                        The new Talent Community message is sent to targeted recipients.

                                          Manage Existing Campaigns

                                          Use the Manage Campaigns feature to view, edit or delete active job campaigns and messages of the following types: Automated Referral Marketing, Referrals On-Demand, Social Job Distribution and Talent Community messages.

                                          Access the Manage Campaigns feature from the Promote Jobs page using one of the two following methods:
                                          • Manage All Active Campaigns button - Click this button at the top of the Promote Jobs page to open the Active Campaigns page, in a view displaying all the active campaigns for all campaign types.

                                          • Manage link - Click this link to the right of each campaign type to open the Active Campaigns page, in a view showing all the active campaigns for just that type.

                                            Manage Campaigns Summary Information

                                            In either view, the Active Campaigns page displays the following summary information and UI elements in table layout.

                                            UI Element Description and Actions
                                            Name The name you have given to the campaign (e.g. Americas Referrals, San Jose Software Engineering, Sales Tweet). Clicking the name of a campaign opens the message editor, from which you can edit the name, text, template, schedule and status.
                                            • ARM campaigns - All active campaigns are listed.

                                            • ROD campaigns - Saved draft messages are listed.

                                            • SJD campaigns - All active campaigns are listed.

                                            • Talent Community messages - Saved draft messages are listed.

                                            Recipients The total number of selected recipients of the campaign message. Click the number to open the Recipient Filters window, showing the current parameters defining the recipient population. Click Edit Recipients in that window to make changes to the population.
                                            Channel The name of the social media account with an icon indicating whether it is in Twitter or Facebook. Click the "View On..." link to open the respective social channel in a new window.
                                            Jobs Total number of job announcements included in the campaign or message. Click the number to open the Selected Jobs window, showing the titles of the jobs currently included. Click Edit Jobs in that window to make changes.
                                            Status Potential statuses include Draft, Running and Stopped.
                                            • Draft - A draft of the campaign has been begun but is neither completed nor scheduled to be sent.

                                            • Running - The campaign is live and scheduled to be sent.

                                            • Stopped - The campaign is saved, but has been disabled in the system.

                                            Available statuses by type:
                                            • Automated Referral Marketing - Draft, Running and Stopped.

                                            • Referral On-Demand - Draft.

                                            • Social Jobs Distribution - Draft, Running and Stopped.

                                            • Talent Community message - Draft.

                                            Schedule Schedule values correspond to the displayed Status value.
                                            • Draft - Shows the date on which the campaign or message was last saved.

                                            • Running - Shows the date of the next scheduled message.

                                            • Stopped - No value is displayed.

                                            Trash icon (Delete) On the far right column is a Delete button. You will be prompted to confirm a deletion before any campaign or message is erased.

                                            The elements displayed in a Manage Active Campaigns table varies with the campaign type, as listed below.

                                            Campaign Type UI Elements Displayed
                                            Automated Referral Marketing Create, Name, Recipients, Status, Schedule and Delete.
                                            Referrals On-Demand Create, Name, Recipients, Jobs, Status, Schedule and Delete.
                                            Social Jobs Distribution Create, Name, Channel, Jobs, Status, Schedule and Delete.
                                            Talent Community messages Create, Name, Recipients, Jobs, Status, Schedule and Delete.
                                              Editing an ARM Campaign

                                              Sign in with either administrator or recruiter access privileges.

                                              The campaign or message must have been created, saved (at least as a draft), and be active in the system.

                                              [Sourcing] Administrator or recruiter login > [Home page] Promote Jobs > [Promote Your Jobs page] Manage All Active Campaigns > [Active Campaigns page]

                                              [Sourcing] Administrator or recruiter login > [Home page] Promote Jobs > [Promote Your Jobs page] Manage > [Active Campaigns page]

                                              1. Click the ARM campaign's name to open the message editor.

                                                The Compose Message and Schedule page opens.
                                              2. From the message editor you can perform several actions:

                                                • Click Rename to open the Rename Your Campaign window; from where you can view, edit, save or cancel.

                                                • Click Recipients to open the Recipient Filters window; from where you can view, edit recipients or cancel.

                                                • Click Edit (next to Template) to open the Choose a Template window; from where you can view, edit, select and continue, or cancel.

                                                • Next to the Schedule is Running/Not Running message, click Stop or Start to disable or enable the delivery of the campaign message.

                                                • Click Preview to open a rendering of the message in a separate window.

                                                • Click Edit Schedule to open the Schedule Your Message window; from where you can view, edit, start or cancel.

                                                • Click Save and Exit to save a draft of the message and exit the message editor.

                                              3. On the Active Campaigns page you can also perform these actions:

                                                • Click the number of recipients to open the Recipient Filters page; from where you can view, edit recipients, or cancel. Edit Recipients opens the Choose Recipients page.

                                                • Click the Delete button to remove the campaign from the system.

                                              The campaign is edited and changes are saved, or the campaign is deleted. The Active Campaigns and other affected pages are updated.
                                                Editing an ROD Campaign

                                                Sign in with either administrator or recruiter access privileges.

                                                The campaign or message must have been created, saved (at least as a draft), and be active in the system.

                                                [Sourcing] Administrator or recruiter login > [Home page] Promote Jobs > [Promote Your Jobs page] Manage All Active Campaigns > [Active Campaigns page]

                                                [Sourcing] Administrator or recruiter login > [Home page] Promote Jobs > [Promote Your Jobs page] Manage > [Active Campaigns page]

                                                1. Click the ROD campaign's name to open the message editor.

                                                  The Compose Message page opens.
                                                2. From the message editor you can perform several actions:

                                                  • Click Rename to open the Rename Your Campaign window; from where you can view, edit, save or cancel.

                                                  • Click Recipients to open the Recipient Filters window; from where you can view, edit recipients or cancel. Edit Recipients opens the Choose Recipients page.

                                                  • Click Jobs to open the Selected Jobs window; from where you can view, deselect jobs, save changes or cancel.

                                                  • Click Edit (next to Template) to open the Choose a Template window; from where you can view, edit, select and continue, or cancel.

                                                  • Click Preview and Finalize Message to open a rendering of the message in a separate window. From this window you can also send the message now.

                                                  • Click Save and Exit to save a draft of the message and exit the message editor.

                                                3. On the Active Campaigns page you can also perform these actions:

                                                  • Click the number of recipients to open the Recipient Filters window; from where you can view, edit recipients, or cancel. Edit Recipients opens the Choose Recipients page.

                                                  • Click Jobs to open the Selected Jobs window; from where you can view, deselect jobs, save changes or cancel.

                                                  • Click the Delete button to remove the campaign from the system.

                                                The campaign is edited and changes are saved, or the campaign is deleted. The Active Campaigns and other affected pages are updated.
                                                  Editing an SJD Campaign

                                                  Sign in with either administrator or recruiter access privileges.

                                                  The campaign or message must have been created, saved (at least as a draft), and be active in the system.

                                                  [Sourcing] Administrator or recruiter login > [Home page] Promote Jobs > [Promote Your Jobs page] Manage All Active Campaigns > [Active Campaigns page]

                                                  [Sourcing] Administrator or recruiter login > [Home page] Promote Jobs > [Promote Your Jobs page] Manage > [Active Campaigns page]

                                                  1. Click the SJD campaign's name to open the message editor.

                                                    The Compose Message and Schedule page opens.
                                                  2. From the message editor you can perform several actions:

                                                    • Click Rename to open the Rename Your Campaign window; from where you can view, edit, save or cancel.

                                                    • Click Jobs to open the Selected Jobs window; from where you can view, deselect jobs, save changes or cancel.

                                                    • Click the View on Twitter (or Facebook) link to open the social account and view the existing postings on that channel.

                                                    • You can set the interval between job posts for this campaign using the options provided on the dropdown list.

                                                    • You can edit up to 30 characters of text that will be included on the postings to the social account.

                                                    • Click Post Now to immediately post the jobs to the social account using the specified interval between jobs.

                                                    • Click Save and Exit to save a draft of the message and exit the message editor.

                                                  3. On the Active Campaigns page you can also perform these actions:

                                                    • Click Jobs to open the Selected Jobs window; from where you can view, deselect jobs, save changes or cancel.

                                                    • Click the View on Twitter (or Facebook) link to open the social account and view the existing postings on that channel.

                                                    • Click the Delete button to remove the campaign from the system.

                                                  The campaign is edited and changes are saved, or the campaign is deleted. The Active Campaigns and other affected pages are updated.
                                                    Editing a TC Message

                                                    Sign in with either administrator or recruiter access privileges.

                                                    The campaign or message must have been created, saved (at least as a draft), and be active in the system.

                                                    [Sourcing] Administrator or recruiter login > [Home page] Promote Jobs > [Promote Your Jobs page] Manage All Active Campaigns > [Active Campaigns page]

                                                    [Sourcing] Administrator or recruiter login > [Home page] Promote Jobs > [Promote Your Jobs page] Manage > [Active Campaigns page]

                                                    1. Click the TC campaign name to open the message editor.

                                                      The Compose Message and Schedule page opens.
                                                    2. From the message editor you can perform several actions:

                                                      • Click Rename to open the Rename Your Campaign window; from where you can view, edit, save or cancel.

                                                      • Click Recipients to open the Recipient Filters window; from where you can view, edit recipients or cancel.

                                                      • Click Jobs to open the Selected Jobs window; from where you can view, deselect jobs, save changes or cancel.

                                                      • Click Edit (next to Template) to open the Choose a Template window; from where you can view, edit, select and continue, or cancel.

                                                      • Click Preview and Finalize Message to open a rendering of the message in a separate window. From this window you can also send the message now.

                                                      • Click Save and Exit to save a draft of the message and exit the message editor.

                                                    3. On the Active Campaigns page you can also perform these actions:

                                                      • Click the number of recipients to open the Recipient Filters page; from where you can view, edit recipients, or cancel. Edit Recipients opens the Choose Recipients page.

                                                      • Click Jobs to open the Selected Jobs window; from where you can view, deselect jobs, save changes or cancel.

                                                      • Click the Delete button to remove the campaign from the system.

                                                    The campaign is edited and changes are saved, or the campaign is deleted. The Active Campaigns and other affected pages are updated.