5Candidate Submissions

Submission List

You can access the list of all submissions by clicking the Submissions tab. You can also navigate directly to the submissions of a specific requisition by clicking the candidate count of the requisition in the requisition list.

From the submission list, you can:

  • View the list of submissions and see their progress in the selection process.

  • Navigate through the paginated submission list.

  • Open a candidate submission to view its content.

  • Filter submissions using various criteria. Once you have selected criteria, click Apply Candidate Filters to refresh the list, or click Clear All to clear the selected filters. Applied filters are shown in the top of the list. Click the x icon next to each filter to remove the filter.

  • See how many candidate submissions are currently in the various steps and statuses of the selection process.

  • Sort candidate submissions using the available columns.

  • Perform actions directly from the list. Select a candidate submission then select the action from the action toolbar. You can also use the More Actions menu displayed directly on each submission's row.

  • Perform bulk actions. Select multiple submissions then perform these actions: Change Step/Status, Send Correspondence, Add Comments.

  • Select a list format to display candidate submissions. Your administrator creates list formats that suit the needs of your organization and make them available. When you are viewing a list of submission, you can select the list format you wish to use to display submission information.

When you view a requisition, you can get to three different pre-filtered submission lists: New Candidates (candidates who are in the step New), Active Candidates, All Candidates (including rejected, declined, and hired).

When you hover over a candidate name, a pop up appears and provides candidate details such as contact phone, contact email, candidate ID.

Candidate Submission Details

A candidate submission is a record containing information provided by the candidate when applying for a job. It also contains information about the progression of the candidate submission in the candidate selection process.

When you view a candidate submission, the details of the submission are presented in the following tabs:

  • Job Submission: Contains all the details of the candidate submission organized into different sections that you can expand and collapse depending on their pertinence.

  • Attachments: Displays attachments into different sections. The first section contains the resumes attached to the submission. The second section contains attachments relevant to the submission. The third section contains offer-related attachments. And the last section contains attachments that are either relevant to other submissions or to the candidate’s general profile. You can preview and download the contents of an attachment.

  • Offers: This tab is displayed once an offer is created. It contains details about the current offer. You can display previous offers, if any, and highlight the differences between the offers. You can view the offer letter as well as files attached to the offer. The offer grid can be displayed in full screen size or normal size.

  • Referral: Contains referrals provided by candidates, employees, and agents.

  • History: Presents useful tracking details on actions performed on the submission. Click the Modify Categories button to select the event categories you want to display.

  • Interviews:

You can navigate to the requisition details from a submission by clicking the requisition name. You can also get a quick preview of the requisition details without navigating away from the current screen by clicking the preview icon next to the requisition name.

You can navigate back to the submission list using the Back to Submission List button. You are returned to the submission list and the most recent requisition you viewed is highlighted.

You can flip through the submission details for each of the submissions displayed on your list by clicking the previous and next buttons.

You can perform actions by selecting actions in the More Actions menu or in the action toolbar.

Submission Summary Card

When you view a candidate submission, a summary of the job submission is displayed on the submission card. The summary highlights important details about the submission such as candidate identification, work experience, education, prescreening results, submission status.

If a resume is attached to the submission, you can click the Resume button to view the resume. While viewing the resume, you can navigate through the resume if it contains several pages, you can flip through the other candidate submissions and see their resumes, and you have direct access to the action toolbar from where you can disposition the candidate. When you close the resume preview, you are right back to where you were previously.

Use the arrow to expand or collapse the summary card.

Search for Candidate Submissions

The submission search allows you to quickly find specific candidate submissions and candidate profiles.

The search engine searches for candidates who applied on a job or who submitted a profile. The search engine searches information in the following fields:

  • first name

  • last name

  • middle name

  • email address

  • username

  • candidate ID

When you do a submission search, you can enter partial names (either the first or last name with the * wildcard) or complete names in the field. A best practice is to enter complete names to obtain better results. You can also search with a middle initial if you know the person's full name (example: Sam P Jones). If you search for someone who's first name contains initials, enter just the initials (example: Jr. will give you the following results: Jr., j.r., or JR). If you are looking for someone who hyphenates his/her name, you don’t have to enter both names. Let's say Smith-Jones is the name you are looking for. Entering Smith, Jones, Smith space Jones or Smith-Jones, will bring back Smith-Jones.

Create a Candidate Submission

You can create a candidate submission while reviewing the list of submissions for a requisition.

  1. Open a requisition.

  2. Access the submissions for the requisition.

  3. In the More Actions menu, select Create New Candidate.

  4. Indicate for which requisition you want to create the submission, the current requisition or another requisition.

  5. Click Next. You are then taken to the creation flow.

  6. Select the form you want to use to create the candidate submission.

  7. Upload the resume of the candidate. This step is optional.

  8. A duplicate check is performed.

    • If duplicate candidates are found, you can overwrite an existing candidate profile or create a new candidate profile. You can upload a resume or enter the submission details manually.

    • If no duplicates are found or if duplicates are found but the candidate is not on the list, you can go back to the previous page and change the information used to find duplicates. Or, you can create a new candidate.

  9. Complete the fields.

Merge Candidate Submissions

Select potential duplicate candidate files and merge them into one file. When a merge occurs, the master candidate file's information is preserved and enriched with information from the other candidate files.

  1. Go to the Submissions list.

  2. Select two or more candidate files.

  3. In the More Actions menu, select the Merge Candidate Files action. By default, the system selects the most recent file as the master candidate file, unless the oldest candidate file was a referral. You can select a different master file if desired.

  4. Select the order in which the duplicate files will be merged into the master file.

  5. You can remove unwanted candidate files.

  6. Click Merge Candidates.

Candidate files are processed one at a time as per the configured sequence and only information that doesn’t already exist is copied into the master file. After the merge, the master file is kept, and the candidate files used for the merge are deleted.

Share a Candidate Submission

Share candidate profiles with other recruiters who may be interested in such a profile to fill a position.

  1. Select one or more candidate profiles (from submission list or candidate list).

  2. In the More Actions menu, select the Share Candidate action.

  3. Search for people with whom you want to share the candidate.

  4. Click Next.

  5. In the Share Candidate – Share Options window, select the sections of the candidate profile you want to share.

  6. Click Share Candidate.

The recipients receive a notification about the profile that you just shared. They can view the info you shared.

Change the Step and Status of a Candidate Submission

Use the Change Step/Status action in the candidate submission or submission list to change the step and status of a candidate submission.

You can change the step/status for one candidate submission or several candidate submissions (bulk action).

Available step and status selections are based on the requisition’s candidate selection process configuration and on your user permissions.

Revert a Candidate Submission Step and Status

You can use the Revert Latest Change of Step/Status action to go back to the previous step and status of a submission.

  1. Go to the Submissions list.

  2. Select a candidate submission file.

  3. In the More Actions menu, select the Revert Latest Change of Step/Status action.

  4. In the Revert Latest Change of Step/Status window, you can see the step and status that the submission will revert to.

  5. Enter comments.

  6. Click Revert and Close. Or click Revert and Continue if you want to revert back another step and status.

Send Correspondence to a Candidate

Use the Send Correspondence action in the candidate submission or submission list to create a message and send it to the candidate.

You can send a correspondence to one candidate or several candidates (bulk action).

You can select how the message is sent. Two options are available:

  • email

  • printed letter

You can use a message template to create a message or create the message from scratch.

Write Message From a Template

The list of templates that you can use is displayed. Use filters to find the desired template. You can see a preview of the message before selecting it. If you are granted the permission, you can edit the message and attach files.

If the template contains unresolved tokens, these tokens are listed in the Missing Information panel. You can enter values for each token and click Apply to resolve the tokens within the message. You don’t need to locate the tokens within the message.

Write Message From Scratch

You can create a message from scratch using the text editor. Before sending the message, you can see a preview of the message and make final edits if needed. You can also attach files.

Add Comments to a Candidate Submission

Use the Add Comment action in the candidate submission or submission list to add a comment to the submission.

You can add comments in one candidate submission or several candidate submissions (bulk action).

Use Attachments in a Candidate Submission

You can attach files to candidate submissions.

Access the Attachments tab of a candidate submission and click Upload Attachment. Indicate if the attachment is a resume, an offer-related file, or any other type of attachment. You can also indicate if the attachment is visible to the candidate. Once a file is attached to the submission, it appears in the corresponding section in the Attachments tab. You can then preview, edit, and delete it.

Note: To attach files, you need these user permissions:
  • Attach a file (general)

  • Attach a file (on preselected candidates)

View Tracking Details on a Candidate Submission

View all the events that occurred for a candidate submission in the History tab.

From the History tab, you can view events:

  • For the current submission

  • For all active submissions

  • For the general profile and all submissions

Submission history entries are listed with recent events at the top. For each history event, you can view the date, event name, details plus comments, and the user who performed the event.

You can select the history event categories you want to display. Click the Modify Categories button and select events you want. You can also sort events by date and by the person who performed the event.

Request Screening Services for a Candidate

You can request screening services for candidates such as background checks, tax credit eligibility, candidate assessments.

When you open a candidate submission, select the Request a Screening Service action in the More Actions menu. Screening services configured for the requisition are available for selection. Select the service you want to request.

Note: To request a screening service, you need this user permission:
  • Request services from Taleo partners

You can view results of screening services performed on candidates. When you open a candidate submission, go to the Screening Services tab. From there, you can view a summary of the results displayed in a table. Click the Show Details link to view a detailed report of the screening services performed on the candidate. If screening services were previously performed on the candidate, you can access historical results.

Note: To view screening results, you need these user permissions:
  • Access Taleo partners summary results

  • Access Taleo partners detailed results

Link Candidates to a Requisition

You can link a candidate to a requisition to create a prospect candidate profile associated with the job requisition. You can link multiple candidates at a time to more than one requisition.

  1. Go to the Submissions list.

  2. Select a candidate.

  3. In the More Actions menu, select Link to Requisition.

  4. Select a requisition then click the Link to Requisition button.

  5. You can then choose to send an email to the candidate to if you need more info about their profile. Emails are sent only for posted requisitions, to avoid inviting candidates to requisitions they can’t see on the career section.

Once the candidate is linked to the requisition, they can continue their application process.

Start a Pre-Hire Onboarding Process

You can start a pre-hire onboarding process when candidates reach a specific step and status in the candidate selection workflow.

  1. Open a candidate submission.

  2. In the More Actions menu, select the Start Pre-Hire Onboarding Process action.

  3. Select a process.

  4. Enter comments.

  5. Click Start Process.

Start a New Hire Onboarding Process

You can start a new hire onboarding process when candidates reach a specific step and status in the candidate selection workflow.

  1. Open a candidate submission.

  2. In the More Actions menu, select the Start New Hire Onboarding Process action.

  3. Select a process.

  4. Enter comments.

  5. Click Start Process.