
Create an Offer

You create job offers to present the terms and conditions of a job offer.

When a candidate reaches the Offer step, you can create an offer using the Create Offer action.

The offer form is where all the information is gathered to create an offer. You specify info such as the start date, salary, pay basis, vacation, car allowance. Once you have completed the fields, you save the offer and you can then submit it for approval.

There can only be one current offer per candidate application at a time. The current offer can be modified until it is approved or extended to a candidate, after which only the start date and expiration date can be modified.

Submit an Offer for Approval

When you create an offer for a candidate, you can route the offer for approval by selecting the Submit Offer for Approval action. This action is used when at least one person must approve an offer before extending it to the candidate.

  1. Open a candidate submission.

  2. Click the Offers tab.

  3. In the More Actions menu, select Submit Offer for Approval.

  4. Select the approvers.

  5. Define the sequence of approval by assigning a sequence number using the drop-down list under the Order column.

  6. Indicate if you want to add the approvers to the list of collaborators for the requisition and the list of frequent collaborators.

  7. Click Submit for Approval.

The system assigns the task to the first approver in the sequence. The approver receives an Approve Offer task.

Approve an Offer

When you’re selected to approve an offer for a candidate:

  1. Go to the candidate submission.

  2. In the More Actions menu, select the Decide on Approval action.

  3. In the Task details panel, indicate whether you approve or reject the offer.

  4. Click Done.

Extend an Offer

Extend offers to candidates verbally, by email, using a printed letter, or using E-offer.

Once the offer for a candidate is approved, you can extend it to the candidate using the Extend Offer action. These options are available:
  • E-offer: When you use the E–offer option, you can review and edit the content of the message before sending it to the candidate. When you are satisfied with the content, you click the Extend Offer button to send the offer.

  • Email: When you use the email option, you can review and edit the content of the message before sending it to the candidate. When you are satisfied with the content, you click the Extend Offer button to send the offer.

  • Printed Letter: When you use the printed letter option, you can review and edit the content of the letter before sending it to the candidate. When you are satisfied with the content, you click the Print button to print the offer.

  • Verbally: For verbal offers, you enter the date when the offer was extended to the candidate. You then click the Mark as Extended Verbally button.


With the advanced E-Offer process, organizations who have more complex electronic offer requirements can configure advanced electronic offer workflows in Onboarding (Transitions) for use in Recruiting.

As a recruiter, you can extend offers electronically to a candidate using the advanced E-Offer process. Depending on how your administrator configured the process, candidates may receive an email notification containing a URL link that they click to access a secure career section portal where they can view offer details online. Once they signed in into the portal, candidates are brought to the Tasks tab where they can view and print the offer and offer letter attachments, if any. Candidates indicate if they accept or refuse the offer. They must complete any mandatory fields which may include an electronic signature. As soon as candidates respond to the offer, the candidate submission status changes to Offer - Accepted or Offer - Refused, depending on the candidate's response. A tracking event is added in the History tab of the candidate submission.

Depending on how your administrator configured the process, you may receive an email notification which contains the candidate's response, e-signature information, and any relevant info. You can then move the candidates to the next step in the selection process.

Note: To use e-offer, you need this user permission: Extend Offers Electronically

Send an Offer

Send offers to candidates by email or printed letter once offers have been extended.

Once an offer is extended to a candidate whether verbally, by email, or using a printed letter, you can use the Send Offer action to send the offer to the candidate. You can send the offer by email or printed letter. You can edit the content of the message or letter before sending it. This feature is mostly used when an offer is extended verbally and then mailed to the candidate.

Capture the Candidate's Response to an Offer

You can capture the response to an offer on behalf of a candidate. For example, you can capture the response if a candidate contacts you to give a response before responding to the offer online.

Use the Capture Offer Response action in the More Actions menu.

Three responses are available:

  • The candidate accepted the offer. Indicate the date when the offer was accepted and the start date of the candidate.

  • The candidate wants to negotiate the offer. Indicate the reasons.

  • The candidate refused the offer. Indicate the reasons.

Capture the Candidate's Response as Soon as the Offer is Extended

When you extend an offer verbally, you can select the option "Capture offer response (after extending)".

Possible answers to the offer are:

  • The candidate accepted the offer. If you select this option, indicate the date when the offer was accepted and the start date of the candidate.

  • The candidate wants to negotiate the offer. If you select this option, indicate the reasons.

  • The candidate refused the offer. If you select this option, indicate the reasons.