25LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect

LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect Overview

Use LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect (RSC) to integrate LinkedIn Recruiter with Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition.

To use LinkedIn RSC, you must be using:

  • Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition, with Fluid Recruiting deployed to the recruiter population.

  • Oracle Human Capital Management (HCM) Cloud for Core HR or Talent.

Key Capabilities in LinkedIn Recruiter

In LinkedIn Recruiter, recruiters who have connected their LinkedIn seat licence to their Taleo user account can view the following information from Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition:

  • See the "In ATS Indicator" which indicates that a LinkedIn member has a candidate file in Fluid Recruiting.

  • View candidate submissions of those members and their progression within the selection workflow, across the user groups the recruiter is a member of.

  • View source tracking information of those submissions.

  • Choose an open requisition from across the user groups the recruiter is a member of, and create submissions for LinkedIn members, which will appear in Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition.

  • Use the Send InMail feature to interact with prospects. These emails also appear in Fluid Recruiting.

  • Use the Notes feature to enter comments. These notes also appear in Fluid Recruiting.

Key Capabilities in Fluid Recruiting

Here are the key capabilities for recruiters in Fluid Recruiting.

  • See which candidates are LinkedIn members. In the Submissions list, job submissions, and candidate profiles, a blue LinkedIn icon appears for candidates who were automatically matched by LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect.

  • View the LinkedIn profile of a candidate from the Submissions list, job submissions, or candidate profiles by clicking the blue LinkedIn icon. Seat holders and non-seat holders have different actions available to them. Your arrangements with LinkedIn will determine whether non-seatholders will be able to see the member's profile in the Profile Widget.

  • Users who have been granted a LinkedIn Recruiter seat license can connect that seat to their Taleo user account. After making that connection they can:

    • View LinkedIn Notes and InMails in the candidate profile History tab. These new history events have their own category for easy filtering.

    • Manually link a candidate to a LinkedIn member, where the RSC service did not find an automatic match. These candidates are displayed with a grey LinkedIn icon.

Get a Licence for LinkedIn Recruiter

Your organization must procure a license for LinkedIn Recruiter. That license will give you a set of seats that you can assign to LinkedIn member accounts for the recruiters.

For more details about license and seat procurement, contact LinkedIn.

Log a Service Request with Oracle Support

You need to log a Service Request (SR) with My Oracle Support to have the LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect service enabled.

Once Oracle Support processes the SR, you can configure and activate the service. Oracle doesn't enable the service for use by end-users.

Map Location Levels

Your location hierarchy must have the concepts of Country, State/Province, and City represented. Those three location concepts must be consistently on the same level throughout the location hierarchy. LinkedIn requires that requisition location data is sent for Country, State/Province, and City.

To ensure that you're sending LinkedIn the right location information, you need to configure them.

  1. Go to Configuration > SmartOrg > Settings.

  2. Search for these settings:

    • Location Level City

    • Location Level State

    • Location Level Country

  3. For each setting, define the level of your SmartOrg location structure on which the countries, states/provinces, and cities are configured.

  4. Click Save.

Enable Email Uniqueness

LinkedIn only allows a single member account per email address. In Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition, you can allow multiple candidates to have the same email address. This is controlled with the Email Uniqueness setting.

  1. Go to Configuration > Recruiting > Settings.

  2. Search for the Email Uniqueness setting.

  3. Set the setting to Yes.

  4. Click Save.

If there are multiple candidates with a common email (from a time prior to Email Uniqueness being activated), the candidate with the most recent modification date will be selected for inclusion in the service. The older candidates will be excluded from the service.

Connect Your Zone to LinkedIn

If you're operating the Apply with LinkedIn (AWLI) service for candidate job applications, then your zone is already connected to LinkedIn. If you're not, you need to create a connection to LinkedIn.

  1. Go to Configuration > Recruiting Administration > Integration > Recruiting Services. If Oracle Support has processed your service request, you will see the LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect service.

  2. Click LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect to open the service.

  3. If a value appears in the Client ID, Secret, and Zones fields, it means you already have a connection to LinkedIn.

  4. If the fields are empty:

    1. Click Edit.

    2. Enter your zone URL in the Zones field. Use this format: zone.taleo.net. You don't need to add internet protocols (https://) prior to the URL.

    3. Click the Connect to LinkedIn button.

Several values will be populated in the Settings table (Client ID, Client Secret, Application ID, Zones, and Application Name).

Set the Application Name

After connecting your zone to LinkedIn, several options appear on the LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect service. One of the options is the ability to manage the Application Name. This value is the name of your organization which appears in the pop-up screen hosted by LinkedIn, which is displayed when recruiters connect their accounts.

  1. Go to Configuration > Recruiting Administration > Integration > Recruiting Services.

  2. Click LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect to view the service in Edit mode.

  3. Enter a value in the Application Name field.

  4. Click Update.

Define Data Set to Synchronize

You can configure the data you want to synchronize with LinkedIn. You can synchronize a universal data set, or you can limit the data to specific populations.

Synchronize a Universal Data Set

The Synchronize a universal data set option is selected by default and it's the recommended option. The service will synchronize all the candidates, job applications, and requisitions in your zone.

When you activate Recruiter System Connect with a universal dataset, you maximize:

  • Candidates for whom you have access to the LinkedIn Profile Widget inside Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition.

  • Candidates for whom you can review the InMails and Notes from inside Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition.

  • LinkedIn members for whom you can identify whether they are in Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition, and view their job applications.

  • The requisitions for which you can create job submissions from inside LinkedIn Recruiter.

  • The requisitions automatically posted to the LinkedIn jobs site as a Limited Listing.

Synchronize a Limited Data Set

The LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect service allows you to limit the dataset which will be synchronized with LinkedIn. There may be cases where you want to exclude certain datasets from synchronizing with LinkedIn, perhaps for regulatory, privacy, or other considerations. If that's the case, select the Synchronize a limited data set option. Then select desired filters.

If you choose to synchronize a limited dataset, the Candidate Locations, Requisition Locations, User Groups, and Requisition Types filters must have a value populated to activate the LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect service.

Filter Description
Internal Candidates
  • Defines whether internal candidates and job applications created by internal candidates are included in the service.

  • This configuration is optional.

Candidate Locations
  • Candidates whose place of residence is included in the configured list of countries are synchronized with LinkedIn.

  • Configure the countries of residence to include in the service.

  • If applicable, include candidates with no place of residence populated by selecting the option Include candidates with location (place of residence) unpopulated.

Requisition Locations
  • Requisitions for which the Primary Location is configured in this filter are synchronized with LinkedIn.

  • Job submissions for which the Primary Location is configured in this filter are synchronized with LinkedIn.

  • You only need to configure a country to include all the requisitions located on any level in that country.

  • Configure the locations (typically countries) to include in the service.

User Groups
  • Requisitions which are in the User Group configured in this filter are synchronized with LinkedIn.

  • Job submissions for which the User Group is configured in this filter are synchronized with LinkedIn.

  • Recruiters who have connected to a LinkedIn Recruiter seat and who are in the User Group configured in this filter are synchronized with LinkedIn.

  • Configure the User Groups to include in the service.

Requisition Types
  • Requisitions for which the Requisition Type is configured in this filter are synchronized with LinkedIn.

  • Job submissions for which the Requisition Type is configured in this filter are synchronized with LinkedIn.

  • Configure the Requisition Types to include in the service.

    Synchronize Data Set

    1. Go to Configuration > Recruiting Administration > Integration > Recruiting Services.

    2. Click LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect to view the service in Edit mode.

    3. Go to the Data Synchronization section.

    4. Select one of these options:

      • Synchronize a universal data set

      • Synchronize a limited data set

      Activate LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect in LinkedIn

      To activate LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect at LinkedIn, you first need to request the RSC service, then you need to configure LinkedIn admin settings.

        Request the RSC Service

        • Open another browser tab or window.

        • Ensure you're signed into LinkedIn with an account that has administrator privileges on your LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect service. When you're signed into LinkedIn, a configuration window appears at the bottom of the LinkedIn RSC service page.

        1. Scroll down to the bottom of the LinkedIn RSC service page.

        2. In the Recruiter System Connect (RSC) section, click Request. A message window may be temporarily displayed while LinkedIn processes your request. No action from you is required.

        3. When the request is completed, Partner Ready is displayed.

        4. Go back to the LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect page in Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition and look at the Settings section. The Integration Context and Application ID fields are now populated with values. Take a note of the Application ID value.

          Configure LinkedIn Admin Settings

          1. Go to http://www.linkedin.com.

          2. Navigate to LinkedIn Recruiter > More > Admin Settings > ATS tab.

          3. Locate the partner service you just created.

          4. Ensure that the ATS client name on the screen is identical to the Application ID appearing in the Settings section in Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition (see above steps).

          5. Ensure that the following settings are activated. The LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect service in Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition can't be activated without these two settings enabled:

            • Contract Level access (for every seat on this contract)

            • Company Level access (for every contract in your company)

            Activate Multiple Contracts

            Multiple contracts with LinkedIn can be activated. You may have multiple contracts for arrangements of billing and managing seat assignments.

            If that's the case, the Change Contract button appears at the bottom of the LinkedIn configuration page.

            To configure multiple contracts:

            1. Click the Change Contract button.

            2. Select another contract.

            3. Click the Request button to initiate the RSC service activation at LinkedIn for that contract.

            4. Activate LinkedIn RSC for that contract. For details, see Activate LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect in LinkedIn.

            Activate LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect in Taleo

            Activate the LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect service in Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition.

            1. Go to the LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect page in Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition.

            2. Click Activate.

            3. Read the legal agreement. Ensure you're familiar with it's content and that you're authorized to act on behalf of your organization for this agreement and partner service activation.

            4. Click I Agree. A history event is added. It indicates the name of the user who agreed to the terms, the time and date it was agreed to, and the IP Address from which the agreement was conducted.

            The LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect service is now activated. The data synchronization process will start. After a few minutes, history events will be added to the service confirming that requisitions, candidates, job applications, and candidate selection workflow events will start to synchronize. When these initial setup synchronizations are complete, an additional history event will be added confirming that the synchronization is completed.

            Note: If the legacy Cross System Awareness service was enabled, it will automatically be disabled with this activation.

            Configure User Type Permissions

            You need to grant the Connect LinkedIn Account to User and the Access the LinkedIn Profile Widget user type permissions.

            1. Go to Configuration > SmartOrg > Administration > User Types.

            2. Select a user type.

            3. Click Recruiting.

            4. Click Edit next to Other.

            5. Select these permissions:

              User Type Permission Description
              Connect LinkedIn account to user

              With this permission, users who were granted a LinkedIn Recruiter seat can connect their LinkedIn account to their Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition user account. For details of what recruiters can do once this permission is granted, see Key Capabilities in Fluid Recruiting and Key Capabilities in LinkedIn Recruiter.

              When this permission isn't granted, users won't see the user interface component which allows the Connect function.

              It's recommended to only grant this permission to your audience of recruiters who are granted a LinkedIn Recruiter seat. This mitigates confusion for users who don’t have a seat, as they will not see the ability to make the connection.

              Access the LinkedIn Profile Widget

              With this permission, users can see the LinkedIn icon to link to the profile widget. Depending on your arrangements with LinkedIn, access to the Profile Widget may be available to all Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition users, or only to those with a connected seat. Inquire with LinkedIn to understand what is available to your users.

            Configure History Event Categories

            Users can view LinkedIn InMails and Notes on the History tab of the candidate general profile. These are presented in their own event category called LinkedIn Information.

            Only users who have successfully connected their LinkedIn seat to their Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition user account will see this event category.

            1. Go to Configuration > Recruiting > Administration > Settings.

            2. Search for the Default History Event Categories setting.

            3. Select the LinkedIn Information category.

            4. Click Save.

            Configure the Candidate List Column

            The LinkedIn icon which grants access to the Profile Widget must be added to the candidate list formats. When it's added, only users who have the permission to see the LinkedIn Profile Widget will see the icon in the list.

            1. Go to Configuration > Recruiting > Administration > List Formats.

            2. Click the Candidate tab.

            3. Select a list format.

            4. Add the LinkedIn Member Profile column.

            Note: The column called Linked ID was used for the legacy LinkedIn Cross System Awareness feature. If you were using the legacy feature, you need to remove that column from your list format configuration and from candidate list contexts.

            Manage Users with LinkedIn Seats

            You can view the connection that recruiters make between their LinkedIn account and their Oracle Taleo Entreprise Edtion user account in SmartOrg, under User Accounts. You can also remove the connection, if desired.

            1. Go to Configuration > SmartOrg > Administration > User Accounts.

            2. Select a user.

            3. Scroll down to the Partner Information section.

            4. You can remove the connection if desired.

            Data Consideration

            Below are points to consider regarding your data management.

            • Data Visibility by User Group: Requisitions visible on the LinkedIn Recruiter application for the One-Click Export feature are determined by the user groups to which a user belongs. Submissions visible on the LinkedIn Recruiter application in the ATS Indicator are determined by the user groups to which a user belongs.

            • Requisition Location: Requisition locations are sent to LinkedIn in the base language of the requisition. LinkedIn subsequently parses the locations, and assigns those job locations structures in LinkedIn’s location data model. The location names configured for your countries, states/provinces, and cities, should be standard globally understood location names. Peculiarities such as “Branch Office 12345” in a location title may result in poor location processing by LinkedIn.

            • Postal Code: The postal code is sent to LinkedIn. It's recommended to populate postal codes at the lowest level on the location tree. This includes levels below the City level, which are not mapped on the location mapping.

            • Requisition Number: The Requisition Number field must not be blank. Requisitions with an unpopulated requisition number will not be synchronized with LinkedIn.

            • Job Title: The value in the Job Title field must be between 1 and 200 characters in the base language of the requisition to be included in the synchronization. Requisitions with blank job titles or with more than 200 characters are excluded from the synchronization.

            • Job Description: The External Job Description field must not be blank. Requisitions with unpopulated external job descriptions are excluded from the synchronization. Also, the External Job Description field should be configured as Required for Saving or Required for Approval, and not Required for Sourcing. Requisitions with the Open status are eligible for export to LinkedIn.

            • Synchronization of Delete Action and Other Actions: When candidates or submissions are deleted, they will also be deleted from LinkedIn Recruiter. This delete action at LinkedIn doesn't impact a LinkedIn Member’s member profile they maintain themselves. Only the Taleo information which was synchronized to LinkedIn is deleted. When requisitions are deleted from Taleo, they will be sent to LinkedIn as Closed, and no longer available for use on the 1-Click Export service. If you use a limited data set, descoping parameters will invoke a delete action for requisitions and submissions. Any requisitions for the descoped parameter will be closed at LinkedIn.

            • Posted Requisitions: Requisitions posted on a Career Section of type External and display type Public, are posted on the LinkedIn jobs site as a Limited Listing. That posting will include a link to apply to the job on the Career Section. As those requisitions become unposted from the Career Section, they will be also be unposted from LinkedIn.

            • InMails and Notes: All InMails and Notes synchronized into Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition from LinkedIn Recruiter are visible to all users who have a LinkedIn Recruiter seat connected.

            • Seats: Only one Taleo account can use a LinkedIn Recruiter seat. Seat sharing is not permitted.