


      Employee Integration

      Employee Data Integration

      Your organizations' employee data by needs to be imported to Sourcing. Sourcing imports employees from Recruiting that have an account in SmartOrg, not internal candidates. Without the SmartOrg account, we do not have the Location, Organization and Job Role information needed to import the employee data accurately.
      Note: If your employees are internal candidates, the first step in getting them imported is to convert them into employees. This can be done with TCC.

      The image shows the data flow between Recruiting and Sourcing.

        Importing Employees through the API

        The Employee Feed is an OTAC integration based on an API. The Employee Feed provides employee information for Sourcing customers that have an HRIS feed into TEE without having to set up a separate user feed from HRIS to Sourcing. This integration provides the data in a familiar API with relevant fields so that it can be consumed by Sourcing. The synchronization of the import or update is configured by the Administrator in the Taleo Configuration area. At this time it is not possible to filter the employees that are imported.

        The Employee Feed calls synchronization to the OLF repository before it loads to make sure all of the available picklist values are in the database. Settings within Sourcing Configuration allow the feed to be manual or set up as a recurring feed at designated intervals. There is a trigger for a full load, and if scheduled, the feed can pull the deltas. There are several parameters to configure which include:

        Navigation: Administrator Login > Configuration > Taleo > Synchronize Employees with TEE Zone

        • Synch All Employees Now - Clicking this button will perform synchronization for all employees. Be aware that this task may take a long while to complete if there is a large volume of employees.

        • Synch Deltas Now - Clicking this button synchronizes only the employee files that have been updated during the period defined by the Delta Days Ago setting.

        • Delta Days Ago - This defines the period of time to consider for the Synch Delta Employees Now setting.

        • Run on Schedule - If this setting is enabled, the Employee Synch runs automatically at the interval defined in the Employee Synch Schedule setting.

        • Employee Synch Schedule - Defines the frequency, the day and time of day the Employee Synch is run if the Run on Schedule setting is enabled.. The frequency can be set to either daily or weekly and you can choose at what hour the synch is run. It is recommended that a time of day when little activity is expected is chosen.

        When the Employee Feed runs, Sourcing populates new employees and deactivates terminated employees. The fields that are imported from Recruiting into Sourcing are:
        • ID - TALEMPLOYEENO from TALEMPLOYEE table. Internal field not exposed in TCC. This is the identifier used by the Employee Synch.

        • Candidate ID - Internal Candidate ID for the employee.

        • Employee Number: HRIS employee ID, can be null - from the User Profile in SmartOrg.

        • First Name

        • Last Name

        • Correspondence Email - from Personal Information in SmartOrg.

        • Personal Email - from Personal Information in SmartOrg.

        • Corporate Email - from Personal Information in SmartOrg.

        • Location ID - from Employee Information in SmartOrg.

        • Organization ID - from Employee Information in SmartOrg.

        • Job Field ID - from Employee Information in SmartOrg.

        • Education Level 

        • Employee Status 

        • Job Level 

        • Job Type

        • Schedule 

        • Shift 

        • Travel

        It is recommended customers do a full re-synchronization of all employees with the Synch ALL Now button which invokes a manual resynchronization. This is so that the additional data fields which are added to the Employee Sync are brought over into Sourcing.

          Populating the Employee Department Using Job Role

          Sourcing is reliant on the Job Role concept in Recruiting to map and populate the Department in Recruiting so it is important that the Human Resources Management System (HRMS) that is integrated with Recruiting also uses the concept of Job Roles. At minimum, there needs to be the ability to define a list of Job Roles for Recruiting to create a mapping with another existing attribute in the HRMS.

          Assigning Job Roles with OTAC Performance Management Enabled

          Employee Profiles are used within Performance Management (PM) and these profiles contain Job Roles. If the PM module is enabled, a list of Job Roles is available for Administrators to manage in the SmartOrg Administration Configuration. You can then assign these Job Roles found in SmartOrg to each employee as part of their User Account in SmartOrg. Once the Job Roles are known, you can then use these roles from PM and SmartOrg to populate the employee's Job Role in their SmartOrg User Account.

          Note: You do not need to access PM to find these roles; it only needs to be enabled in your implementation for you to access the list of roles in SmartOrg. If your particular implementation does not have the PM module enabled, you can update the Job Role table using TCC.

          Navigation: Configuration > [SmartOrg] > Administration > [Job Roles] > Job Roles

          Use the path above to access the list of Job Roles that are available to assign to employees.

          The image shows the Job Role Management page.

          Now that you've verified the Job Roles table is populated in PM, you can assign these roles to each employee's SmartOrg User Account. You'll see that the Job Roles that are available to select are the same that were verified to exist in the Job Roles table in the previous step.

          Navigation: Configuration > [SmartOrg] > Administration > [Users] > User Accounts > [Select User] > [Employee Information] > Edit

          Use the path above to assign each employee a Job Role in SmartOrg.

          The image shows where in the configuration you assign job roles.

          The Relationship between Job Role and Job Fields in Recruiting and Job Categories and Departments in Sourcing

          When importing employees into Sourcing we look to the Job Role (specific job function) and Job Field (the area of expertise a Job Role resides in) values from Recruiting to determine to which Job Category and Department in Sourcing they are related. In Sourcing, Job Fields in Recruiting are represented as Job Categories in Sourcing.

          Job Roles are linked to Job Fields. For example:
          • CFO (Job Role) > Finance (Job Field)

          • Director of Accounting (Job Role) > Accounting (Job Field)

          • Payroll Specialist (Job Role) > Payroll (Job Field)

          There is typically a hierarchy of Job Categories in Sourcing that the Job Fields are contained within and we can represent that hierarchy in a tree as illustrated below:

          The image shows the hierarchy in which job fields are contained within different job categories.

          The image shows OLF Category Level represented in the Sourcing configuraiton.

          Once you've determined to which Job Field the Job Role is related, you can then look in Sourcing to see at which OLF Category Level of the tree the particular Job Field resides. If the Job Field does not reside in the level configured in Sourcing, then we look to the parent in the tree to obtain the value .It is this value that is used to populate the Department in Sourcing. The Department values are identical to the Job Category values and it is this direct and exact mapping that allows us to match employees to jobs in referral campaigns.

          For example, we import Mr. Smith with a Job Role of Payroll Specialist. The Payroll Specialist Job Role is related to the Payroll Job Field, which as you can see in the above diagram resides at OLF Category Level 3. However, you can also see that the Sourcing Category Level is configured to 1. We need to match Mr. Smith's Job Role of Payroll Specialist to the appropriate Job Field (Department) and the appropriate Category Level. Because the Sourcing Category Level is 1, but the Job Field resides at 3, we look up the hierarchy to the parent at level 1 and can determine that the proper match for the Job Field/Department is Finance.

          Note: It is considered best practice to work with levels 1 or 2. Too many categories that are too narrow make the candidate search and the organization of the Landing pages too complex and challenging to manage.

            Employee Accounts

            When employees are imported from Recruiting into Sourcing an account is automatically created, however, their status is Unregistered. Unless SSO is in place, employees will not be able to login unless their status is changed to Registered. There are two methods for registering employees:

            • The employee signs up in Sourcing.

            • A request is made to Support to run a script that changes the status to Registered. If choosing this option, note that the script will have to be run regularly to register new employees. Also, is you want to register employees without using corporate emails, running this script is the only way to activate/register their accounts; there is no other option.

            Employees Not in Recruiting

            Employees that are not imported from Recruiting can register by clicking the Sign Up button.

            The imgage shows the screen that displays after clicking the Sign Up button.

            Employees should provide a corporate email address and select I currently work for [Company Name].A corporate email address is defined as an email containing one of the corporate domains configured in Sourcing's Company URLs.

            Navigation: Configuration > Company > Company URLs > Email Domains

            The image shows where the email domains reside in Sourcing configuration.