5Picklists and Facets

Picklists and Facets

    Picklists and Facets

      Picklist Editor

      Administrators can view and edit entire picklists; view, edit, add and delete picklist values; and, view and edit data feed picklist mappings.

      Edit Picklists

      Using the Edit Picklistssection, an Administrator can select from pre-existing picklists in the system using a drop-down menu, and view a list of all picklist IDs and values for a given picklist. Individual values can be edited, for example, to update or correct a typo, or completely removed from the system. A value can only be removed if it is not being used by the application. If it is being used, it must be remapped before removal and the Administrator will be asked to remap it to another existing picklist value first. A single value or multiple values in bulk, separated by line breaks, may also be added to the picklist. The entire picklist can also be downloaded to Excel, in CSV format, using the link on the top right of the list if the data is needed externally.

      Edit Data Feed Picklist Mapping

      Using the Edit Data Feed Picklist Mapping section, an Administrator can download or upload an Excel document, .xls or .xlsx file, containing a mapping of data feed values to display values. Changes can be made to the mapping by downloading the existing mapping file, editing individual one-to-one mappings as needed in Excel or another spreadsheet editor and re-uploading the file to the application.
      • The Picklist Editor is intended for use primarily during setup and should not be used for maintenance.

      • Values for job-related picklists, job_location and job_category, are populated as the Job Feed runs and should not be edited.


        Customers and partners are able to configure standard facets themselves eliminating the need to enter a Service Request.

        Employee/Referrer, Job and Talent Community facets are all managed by a Facet setting in Sourcing Configuration. Select Job and Employee facets are aligned to standard profile fields in Recruiting. These facets can be used by Job Seekers to more effectively refine their job search efforts and by Recruitment Marketers to create more focused campaigns.

        All facets in the configuration are color-coded; user-created facets are in blue, default facets are green and inactive are red. Facets are easily managed using the gear icon, up and down arrows or by dragging and dropping them into place. A maximum of ten facets will appear to end-users. The configuration tools allow Administrators to place more than ten facets in the Active Facets section, however only the first ten will display to users on the front-end.

        Job Facets for Requisition User-Defined Fields

        Job facets in Sourcing are aligned to requisition UDFs in Recruiting. You can activate up to five facets at a time for UDFs that can be used on the job search and on the following job promotion campaigns:

        • Referrals On-Demand

        • Send Jobs to Fans and Followers Search

        • Search and Message Your Talent Community

        As with all facets, UDF facets can be activated and deactived; they are displayed in blue. Facet names are multilingual and can be modified and translated using the dictionary.