Set Up Hiring Events

Set up Hiring Events for the entire organization so that users can create and manage hiring events aimed at building talent pipelines and bolstering your organization's brand image. Once you've completed the steps below, users with the necessary privileges have access to the Events tab in Hiring.

  1. Create Event Registration Flows
  2. Create Event Categories Using Lookups
  3. Enable Events on External Career Sites
  4. Assign Event Roles and Privileges
  5. Configure Event Related Notifications
  6. Run the scheduled process called ESS Job to create index definition and perform initial ingest to OSCS. This ensures that all hiring events that either already exist in the application or those that will be newly created are fully indexed for search. Specify “fa-hcm-irc-hiring-events” in the Index Name to Reingest field.
  7. Configure Event Success Metrics