Create an Interview Feedback Questionnaire Template

Interview feedback questionnaire templates are required to create interview feedback questionnaires. All questionnaires are based on templates, which promotes consistency.

Depending on the desired level of control over interview feedback questionnaires, you can create a generic, mostly blank template to give users the ability to fully control the questionnaire properties and contents when creating the questionnaire. If more control is required, you can create templates with limited configuration options available at the questionnaire level.

Before you start

It's recommended to create a template for the different types of feedback your organization collects: phone screens, recruiter interviews, hiring manager interviews, panel or hiring team interviews.

You need these privileges to create questions and questionnaires:

  • Manage Questionnaire Templates
  • Manage Questionnaires
  • Manage Questions

Here's what to do

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:
    • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
    • Functional Area: Candidate Job Applications
    • Task: Questionnaire Templates
  2. On the Questionnaire Templates page, search for any existing templates for Recruiting by selecting Recruiting in the Subscriber field and clicking Search.
  3. If you find a template that you want to use, copy the template and modify its content.
  4. If you want to create a new template, click Create.
  5. On the Create Questionnaire Template: Basic Information page, enter a name and description for the template.
  6. Add instructions for the questionnaire's users.
    These instructions appear at the top of page one of the questionnaire. You can also attach help material if desired. Instructions are not required to display the attachments.
  7. Select the option Allow changes to instructions if you want to allow the person who requested the feedback to provide additional instructions or notes to respondents.
    These will appear on the questionnaire. When creating a request for feedback the user also has the chance to add notes to respondents, which appear in the header area of the questionnaire along with the candidate and requisition details.
  8. Click Next.
  9. On the Create Questionnaire Template: Contents page, configure the following options:
    • Section Order: Select Sequential to display the sections in the order you specified. Select Random to change the section order whenever the questionnaire is accessed.
    • Allowed Response Types: This option identifies the response types that can appear in questionnaires created from the template. Only questions with the selected response types can appear in the questionnaire.
  10. Add and configure sections using the following options:
    • Allow Additional Questions: This option controls whether authorized users can add questions when creating a questionnaire from the template.
    • Question Order: This option controls the default order of questions in a section. Select Vertical for questions to appear in the specified order. Select Random for question order to change randomly when a user accesses the questionnaire.
    • Response Order: This option controls the default order of responses in a section. Select Vertical for responses to appear in the specified order. Select Random for response order to change randomly when a user accesses the questionnaire.
    • Required: Select this option if you want respondents to answer all questions in the section.
  11. Add questions from the Question Library or create new questions.
    Question properties can be modified from the template creation page. Changing the response type or making a question required or not required only applies to the template being created. If you want to modify other question properties such as the question text or responses, you can create a new version of the question or edit the existing version.
  12. Click Next to review the template properties and contents.
  13. Click Save and Close.
    The questionnaire template appears in the Questionnaire Templates page, in the selected subscriber.
  14. Set the questionnaire template to Active so it's available for selection when creating interview questionnaires.