Create an Interview Feedback Questionnaire

Interview feedback questionnaires contain questions used by recruiters and hiring managers to collect feedback on candidates during candidate interviews.

Before you start

You need these privileges to create questions and questionnaires:
  • Manage Questionnaire Templates
  • Manage Questionnaires
  • Manage Questions

Here's what to do

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:
    • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
    • Functional Area: Candidate Job Applications
    • Task: Questionnaires
  2. On the Questionnaires page, select Recruiting in the Subscriber field.
  3. Select the Interview Feedback folder to see interview feedback questionnaires that are available.
  4. If you find a questionnaire that you want to use, copy the questionnaire and modify its content.
  5. If you want to create a new questionnaire, click Create.
    1. Questionnaires are based on templates to promote consistency. Enter a questionnaire template ID or name then click Search.
    2. Select the questionnaire template from the search results list.
  6. Several fields are already filled from the template, but you can modify them for the questionnaire.
  7. Enter the questionnaire name.
  8. Click Next. The page Create Questionnaire: Contents is displayed.
  9. You can configure the sections and also add new ones:
    • Question Order: This option controls the default order of questions in a section. Select Vertical for questions to appear in the specified order. Select Random for question order to change randomly when a user accesses the questionnaire.
    • Response Order: This option controls the default order of responses in a section. Select Vertical for responses to appear in the specified order. Select Random for response order to change randomly when a user accesses the questionnaire.
    • Required: Select this option if you want respondents to answer all questions in the section.
  10. You can add questions from the Question Library or create questions.
  11. Click Next to review the questionnaire properties and contents.
  12. Click Preview to see how the questionnaire is presented to respondents.
  13. Click Save and Close. The questionnaire appears on the Questionnaires page, in the selected subscriber.
  14. Set the questionnaire to Active so it's available for selection when creating interview questionnaires.