Populate Job Offer's Salary from Grade Ladder

The value of a job offer's salary is populated based on the grade or grade ladder specified in the candidate's assignment.

If the job or assignment section of the job offer defines a grade or a grade ladder with or without a step, then the associated salary will get pre-filled by default in the Salary section of the job offer.
  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Progression Grade Ladders task.
  2. When you create the progression grade ladder:
    1. Set Include Salary Updates to Yes.
    2. Set Salary Calculation Method to Use grade step rate.
  3. This feature is relevant for any offers assigned to a salary basis with the salary basis type of Salary amount is determined by user.
  4. Include the Salary section in your offer flow.
  5. Include the Grade Ladder, Grade, and Step attributes in the Assignment section of your offer flow. This will require configuration using Transaction Design Studio, in HCM Experience Design Studio.
    Exception: If your grades don't have steps, then you won't need to include the Step attribute.