Explore Careers on Skills Center

If your organization has enabled artificial intelligence (AI) based career suggestions, you can view suitable career suggestions on your Skills Center. You can also search for and explore careers other than those suggested to you.

On the Career banner of your Skills Center, you can see the most relevant suggestion based on your Talent Profile data.

If there are more suggestions, you can see the More career suggestions link on the Career banner. Click this link to view your current career and other appropriate suggestions on the Explore Careers page. If you don’t see any suggestion on the banner in the Skills Center, click the banner and search for careers you’re interested in on the Explore Careers page.

Explore Careers

On the Explore Careers page, the suggestions are arranged in order of their suggestion scores and are based on AI and machine-learning algorithms.

You can also search for other careers that you’re interested in on the Explore Careers page. Use the search field to do this. You can filter the career results of your search by job family, job function, and skills.

View Career Details

Click a career card on the Explore Careers page to understand how well you qualify for that career and the resources you can use to close the gaps. For more information on the career details shown, see the Career Details topic.

When you access the career details page from the Skills Center, you can also see some career ambassador recommendations in the Resources you can use section of the career details page. These career ambassadors can help you close the gaps you've for that career.