Additional Interview Slots Request from Candidates

When candidates are on a career site and access the page allowing to schedule an interview, they can click a link to request additional interview slots. The link is always available regardless if interview slots are proposed to candidates.

Before candidates submit their request, they need to provide some text explaining their request. When the request is submitted, a notification is sent to the interview schedule owner. The notification is available in Alerts Composer: Additional Interview Slots Request from Candidate (IRC_Intrv_Candidate_Request_More_Slots).

By default, the schedule owner is the recipient of the notification. However, you can change the recipient by adding the recruiter and the hiring manager of the requisition. You can also change the content and formatting of the notification. The schedule owner who receives the notification can review the comments provided by the candidate and act as needed. For instance, add more interview slots, schedule an interview manually, ask interviewers to free up their calendar.

The notification might contain the following tokens. These tokens are replaced by a value only if the interview invitation is sent for an interview schedule where the setting "Candidates schedule based on interviewers' availability" is selected. In other situations, it's not possible to determine a value for these tokens.

  • InterviewSchedulingInterviewerName
  • InterviewSchedulingInterviewMeetingDuration

When the tokens are used, the value can be different for all slots on the schedule, making it impossible to determine the value. This is why a condition is included in the notification to display these values and their labels only when the "Candidates schedule based on interviewers' availability" setting is selected on the interview schedule. This is done using the following condition:

<% if (InterviewSchedulingUseInterviewerAvailability== "Y") print("Interviewers: " + InterviewSchedulingInterviewerName); %><% if (InterviewSchedulingUseInterviewerAvailability== "Y")print("Meeting duration: " + InterviewSchedulingInterviewMeetingDuration); %>