Define Number of Seats Available per Interview Slots

When you create interview slots on candidate managed interview schedules, you can define the number of seats available per slot using the Number of Candidates field.

Let's say for example that you create an interview slot between 9 am and 10 am and that 5 interviewers are available during that interview slot. This means that up to 5 candidates can select that time slot when scheduling their interview. When candidates are scheduling their interview, they only see one interview slot. There's no indication that there are multiple seats. As candidates select that time slot, the number of available seats decreases until the interview slot is fully booked, at which time the interview slot is no longer available for selection by candidates. Also note that:

  • If the number of seats is filled before the candidate accesses the scheduling page, that time slot isn't displayed

  • If the number of seats is filled while the candidate is attempting to schedule that slot, the candidate will see an error message that directs them to select another available slot.

  • If candidates reschedule or cancel their interview, the number of available seats is updated.

When you create an interview slot with one seat, you can see the name of the candidate who selected that time slot in the Interviews calendar. If you create an interview slot with multiple seats, you can see the number of available seats versus booked seats for the interview slot.

If you go to the requisition's Interviews tab, in each interview slot there is now a Scheduled Candidates section, you can see the name of the candidates who will attend the interview. You can also perform actions on candidates such as canceling the interview or sending an invitation to reschedule the interview. If you click the name of the candidate, you are navigated to the candidate's job application where you can see and manage all of their interviews.