Adjust a Job Offer Letter

You can create consistent offer letters based on templates, and then you can personalize them for individual situations as needed.

For instance, certain kinds of hiring require unique wording or agreements, such as offers for an executive position or a hard-to-recruit job.

If you want to adjust an offer letter, the offer's state must be Draft and you need the privilege Update Candidate Job Offer Letter (IRC_UPDATE_CANDIDATE_JOB_OFFER_LETTER).

Here's how to proceed:

  1. Select a standard offer letter template.

  2. Download a standard offer letter.

  3. Make adjustments to the offer letter.

  4. Upload and use the adjusted offer letter.

Select a Standard Offer Letter Template

When you're creating or editing a job offer, in the Offer Letter section, you select a template in the Offer Letter field. There might be a choice of templates for selection depending on how many your organization has configured to meet their needs.

Download a Standard Offer Letter

As soon as you select one of the standard available offer letters, the Download button becomes visible if you have the privilege Update Candidate Job Offer Letters (IRC_UPDATE_CANDIDATE_JOB_OFFER_LETTER). Click it to download the selected offer letter template and use it as a starting point to adjust and create this candidate's offer letter. The template is an .rtf file. You can use Microsoft Word or any text editor to open it..

Make Adjustments to the Offer Letter

Your organization can choose one of two methods to adjust offer letters:

  • Offer letter with all tokens (original method)

  • Offer letter with resolved tokens

Offer letter with all tokens (original method): If your administrator didn't enable the option Download Offer Letter with Resolved Token, then you're using the original method. When you open the downloaded offer letter, you will see all of the tokens that will represent the various field values for that candidate, and all the conditional sections that may or may not end up being relevant to this candidate's situation.

You make changes starting from the letter with all its tokens. These tokens will be replaced with the current values in the offer fields about this candidate, whenever a user or approver or the candidate views the offer letter after it's drafted. Some sections of the letter won't be shown to other users or approvers or the candidate because they're conditional, that is, they're dependent on specific values that might not end up being relevant to the given candidate. Also, because there isn't anything yet entered into the Acceptance and E-signature fields, that e-signature conditional section at the bottom of the template is full of tokens that will be resolved later. They will be resolved if and when this offer gets accepted by the candidate.

You may see token codes like the letter "C" at the beginning of sentences or sections, and the letters "EC" at the end. These represent conditions, indicating that the enclosed text may or may not display to this specific candidate, depending on the values in their offer.

If you remove any tokens while you're adjusting this offer letter, the letter will no longer include the corresponding value from that candidate's offer. For instance, if the offer letter template includes the token "START_DATE", you may want to remove it and replace it by typing in the specific date when you expect the candidate to arrive for their first day of work. However, later you may need to select a new start date in the Assignment section of the Edit Offer flow. In this case, this new value won't be represented in the offer letter anymore; only the date which you typed into the text will continue to be shown. You can revise the .rtf version of that offer letter again to type in the new start date.

Any changes made to this offer letter in this candidate's offer won't affect any other candidates or any other job applications.

Offer letter with resolved tokens: Your administrator needs to enable the option Download Offer Letter with Resolved Tokens. With this method, when you open the downloaded offer letter, you won't see any tokens; they will have all been replaced with the values that were entered while creating or editing the offer. You won't see any conditional sections, because everything that isn't relevant to this candidate as of right now has been removed. Only the content that's currently appropriate for the candidate remains in the letter. You can make any changes to the candidate's offer letter from that starting point, and you can remove anything not relevant.

Using this method, the downloaded offer letter is a lot closer to what the candidate will see, so it's easier for you to make any necessary additions or subtractions. While you're adjusting an offer letter you won't see the e-signature section because this draft offer is currently not accepted. The default e-signature section will be added back to the bottom of the letter later, when the candidate accepts the offer.

Note: Regardless of which method you're using to adjust the offer letter, you must save the final version in .rtf format to upload it in the next step. Also, you don't need a BI Publisher plug-in for Microsoft Word to adjust offer letters using either method.

Upload and Use the Adjusted Offer Letter

You can now upload the new adjusted offer letter in the Create Offer or Edit Offer flow by dragging the file into the Offer Letter section or by clicking to add it as an attachment. In case more than one .rtf offer letter was mistakenly attached, the most recently-uploaded file will be used.

The adjusted .rtf file that you just uploaded will now be used only for this candidate, and won't be available for other candidates on other offers. Even though the name of the standard offer letter that was originally selected will continue to show in this section, still the adjusted file will be used in the future for generating this candidate's offer letter.

After saving the draft offer, you can preview the adjusted offer letter for this candidate, and it will include all the correct current values and all the appropriate paragraphs and sections. Use the action Preview Offer for this candidate's job application to see the offer as the candidate would see it (although your own privileges may affect whether or not you can see the values of certain fields such as salary or other compensation).