Submit a Job Offer for Approval

When you're done drafting a job offer and are satisfied with its content, you can use the Submit action to submit the job offer for approval.

The job application is moved into the approval cycle and its status becomes Offer - Pending Approval. A banner is displayed in the job application's Details and Offer tabs so you can track how the job offer is moving through the approval process.

To ensure that the approvers' time and the candidate's time isn't wasted on over-hiring, the Submit button only appears in the Edit Offer flow if:

  • There are still openings in the job requisition, compared to the number of hired candidates as of today.

  • There are still open headcounts and vacant FTE in any position that's associated with the job offer, if position incumbent validation is enabled. This includes the number of incumbents as of the offer's start date, plus any other candidates who have an extended or accepted job offer to become incumbents by that date.

To submit a job offer for approval, you need these privileges or duty roles:

  • View Job Offer (duty role)

  • Update Job Offer (duty role)

  • Move Candidate Job Applications

If the approval is configured to be bypassed, the status will change to Offer - Approved immediately after the user has submitted the draft offer.

Copied Job Offers and Approval

New offers that are created in the Copy Job Offer action can be automatically submitted into the approval cycle after they're successfully copied, so they don't need to be individually submitted. These offers can remain in the Offer - Draft status and a user must submit each one from within the Edit Offer flow.

Regardless of how these copied offers reach the Offer - Pending Approval status, the approval cycle can run on each of them. Or if your administrator has configured it this way, these copied offers could bypass the need for approval entirely, or could follow a different approval path. Either way, these offers will reach the Offer - Approved status afterwards, just like other standard offers.